You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 14 This is a heart-breaking question and answer!

Previously, Wang Wu and Xu Zhiqiang were watching the live broadcast of the trial in the legal office and were very angry. But after returning to the president's office, he couldn't help but secretly watch the live broadcast of the trial.

This live broadcast is not only a question of whether the lawsuit can be won, but also the reputation of Nandu Bank.

Nandu Bank is just a local bank.

If the reputation is damaged, the losses to the bank will be immeasurable.

After watching the entire court trial live broadcast, Wang Wu's mood can only be described as ups and downs.

No, it was just falling. It kept falling and falling until it was numb. There were no ups and downs at all.

When the verdict was announced, Wang Wu couldn't hold himself any longer and came to the legal office to question Xu Zhiqiang, the Minister of Justice.

Xu Zhiqiang felt aggrieved. Who would have thought that a rookie lawyer specializing in divorce consulting could start a criminal lawsuit so fiercely!

Killing in court!

Especially when he met such a senior presiding judge as Yu Caixia.

The final verdict was well founded and there was no way to appeal.

"President Wang, this time it was the mistake of our bank's legal department. Although we failed, we did not fail completely. The result of losing the case was just a simple apology."

"As long as we win in public opinion, our Nandu Court will still win in the end!"

Wang Wu narrowed his eyes slightly: "Public opinion, public opinion is nothing!"

"Our bank has already been ordered to apologize and still ignore public opinion. Do you think I'm stupid?!"

"How can we get public opinion if we lose the lawsuit?!"

Xu Zhiqiang looked embarrassed. He just said it casually. Of course he didn't know how to win public opinion. What he said just now was entirely to stabilize Wang Wu.

Wang Wu saw it and immediately waved his hand: "I ask you to think of a solution! If our bank's reputation and reputation are damaged because of losing this trial, you, the Minister of Justice, are ready to get out!"

"President Wang"

Xu Zhiqiang wanted to say something else, but Wang Wu didn't give him a chance and left the legal room angrily.

Xu Zhiqiang's expression was dull.


The original preparation was foolproof, but who would have thought that a marriage counseling lawyer with such a good criminal skills would come out halfway!


The scene of the trial.

After the court was closed, Yu Caixia and two other judges left the courtroom.

Since Wang Li was not declared innocent on the spot and was also suspected of unjust enrichment and transfer of stolen money, although he was on probation, he still had to go through the necessary procedures and was taken away by the judicial police.

Li Xuezhen looked at Su Bai with excitement.

"Lawyer Su, we won this lawsuit! We won!"

"Wang Li was sentenced, but he was still suspended for just a few months!

Compared with the previous twenty-year prison sentence in the first and second instances, we can say that we have won a big victory in this court case, Lawyer Su! "

Li Xuezhen stepped slightly and took off, her body trembling with excitement.

Su Bai glanced at Li Xuezhen, who looked extremely excited, and raised the corners of her mouth.

Didn't he already say that he would definitely win this lawsuit?

Yu Caixia's judgment had long been expected by him.

For an ordinary lawyer, even if it is impossible to give such a light sentence, it is impossible for the second instance to uphold the original judgment of the first instance.

But the lawyer Wang Zizhong found earlier was too bad.

During the second trial, I found a golden-mouthed lawyer who was considered awesome!

In this lawsuit, there are actually several key issues that have not been raised.

But the key point in this lawsuit is whether Wang Li was guilty of robbery. This is the most critical point.

As long as this is denied, the charges against Nandu Bank and the prosecutor will be completely lifted.

There is also the attitude of the presiding judge.

Wang Li's case is very special. Both the first and second instances were sentenced to 20 years in prison. The verdicts of the first and second instances are often taken into consideration in the final trial.

Fortunately, Caixia, the presiding judge, is a senior judge and resolutely maintains the fairness of the law.

The final result is not surprising.

"Okay, don't be so excited. Quickly sort out the materials. There are still some related matters that need to be dealt with. I'm still busy."

"Okay Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen suppressed her excitement, compiled the materials honestly, followed Su Bai, and prepared to leave the court hearing.

On the other side, Li Mo stared at Su Bai intently, with a look of despair or resentment or jealousy.

It's complicated anyway.

When passing by.

Li Xuezhen whispered.

"Lawyer Su, Lawyer Li from Nandu Bank Legal Affairs seems to be very dissatisfied with you."

Su Bai smiled slightly: "Maybe it's because you have done too much eye care. Let's just go our own way."

"Okay, Lawyer Su, this joke is quite interesting."

"Then smile more."

"Okay Lawyer Su, hehe."

Li Xuezhen followed Su Bai silently.

Li Mo was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he heard this conversation.

Let’s not talk about losing the case, but when you two pass by me, can you whisper to me?

The distance is so close and the sound is so loud, do you think I can't hear you?

There is no other way. If you lose the case, you have lost the case. No matter how angry you are at the trial, it is useless. The result of the final trial has already come out.

After Li Mo sorted out the trial materials, he followed Su Bai out of the court.

Outside the court, reporters could not wait to prepare interviews. Some even called editors on the spot to prepare headlines.

[Shocked, Wang Li’s case turned around, Nandu Bank actually...]

[The proud Nandu Bank has ushered in its own end]

[Justice was finally pronounced, and Nandu Bank ushered in a just trial]

And so on, the body is shocked, no matter how shocked it comes.

When Su Bai walked out of the court, many media swarmed in, holding cameras and microphones in front of Su Bai.

"I would like to ask Lawyer Su, what do you think of your defense in court this time? How did you come up with the idea of ​​asking the bank to prove that the bank's money belongs to the bank?"

"Lawyer Su, we understand that your law firm is just a marriage consulting firm. May I ask why you performed so well in this criminal proceeding?"

"Lawyer Su, Lawyer Su."

Isn’t this a good opportunity to advertise the law firm?

Facing reporters and media chasing after him with cameras, Su Bai simply adjusted his suit.

“Although our law firm is a marriage consulting firm, our lawyers are proficient in criminal and civil economic disputes and are involved in all kinds of legal business, so we won this case.

If you have a lawsuit, you can give priority to our Baijun Law Firm. "

Su Bai showed two white teeth, looking extremely sincere.

After the advertisement, Li Xuezhen and Li Xuezhen hurriedly left the scene.

Only Nandu Bank personnel were left at the scene.

At this time, some media seemed to have discovered the sensitivity of the new news and came to Li Mo with cameras.

“I would like to ask Lawyer Li, how do you think you were confident before the trial, but ultimately lost the case to an unknown law firm?

When you mentioned the probability of Nandu Bank winning the lawsuit, you told us not to worry about it. Is it because you feel that Nandu Bank will definitely lose?

May I ask Lawyer Li, do you have any interest relationship with the plaintiff’s lawyer? "

Li Mo:? ? ? ?

You're specializing in stabbing people's hearts, right? !

It's heart-wrenching to kill, right? !

What do you mean by that? ! Do you suspect that I am an undercover agent? !

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