You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 26 The angrier the other party is, the greater the chance of winning the case!

On the trial stage, the presiding judge Yang Yu looked through the documents.

Ye Fei in the dock almost went crazy after hearing Su Bai's words.

Xie Jing teamed up with her attorney Ye Fei to defraud our client. What does this mean? !

Damn it!

She is sitting in the lawyer's seat in the dock. Is she really a defendant now? !

And he was also an accomplice in fraud? !

Ye Fei raised her hand angrily: "Presiding judge, the plaintiff's lawyer is completely constructing fictitious facts. I apply to reject the evidence submitted by the plaintiff!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Yang Yu raised his head and looked at Ye Fei at the defendant's lawyer's seat:

"The application is invalid. Now is the time for the court to present evidence. The defendant's lawyers are not allowed to interfere by raising objections."

“Since this is the first time the defendant’s lawyer has raised an objection, we are just reminding him.

Next time, he will be given a second warning. If it is serious, he will be forced to leave the court hearing. The defendant's lawyer is also asked to pay attention to court discipline! "

Ye Fei realized that her mood had abnormal fluctuations.

She was obviously very calm!

Have an absolute guarantee of victory.

But now.

Obviously he was angry with Su Bai, the plaintiff's lawyer!

Ye Fei stared straight at Su Bai, her eyes filled with angry flames!

Li Xuezhen tugged at Su Bai's clothes: "Lawyer Su, that female lawyer seems to be very unhappy with us submitting evidence."

"He's staring at us now."

"This is the third lesson I teach you."

Su Bai raised his head and glanced at Ye Fei, then smiled and turned his attention to Li Xuezhen.

"Lesson Three?"

“The third lesson is to anger the other party’s lawyer during the trial with reasonable but not excessive measures. The angrier and angrier the other party’s lawyer is, the more he will fall into your logic, and the winning rate of the lawsuit will be greatly improved. "

"Oh. I understand, Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously.

Su Bai looked towards the court hearing table.

The presiding judge Yang Yu is reviewing the relevant evidence. After reviewing it, it will be the most critical time of the trial.

The most critical point of this trial is whether the fact of Xie Jing and Ye Fei's fraud can be proven.

Just bring the other person into the debate.

Then it is equivalent to winning the lawsuit.

Confirmation unsuccessful.

The other party pays for it, and there is no fuss about dividing the property.

Confirmed successfully.

If the other party pays for it, not only does it cost nothing to divide the property, but it also has to go in.

Everyone in the defendant's seat must go in!

The key point whether it can be proven or not lies in the presiding judge's determination of the crime of fraud and this lawsuit.

Su Bai already knew this.

On the judgment stand.

Yang Yu frowned slightly. After browsing all the evidence submitted by the plaintiff, Su Bai, he transferred the evidence to the defendant's seat.

"The plaintiff accused the defendant and the lawyer entrusted by the defendant to defraud the plaintiff and submitted evidence. Now the evidence has been handed over to the defendant's lawyer. The defendant's lawyer can now review it. If you have any questions, you can raise them in court."

After Ye Fei took the evidence, she was stunned for a few seconds.


Is this evidence?

Isn't this the chat history in the fan group and the content of her speeches and videos in the fan group?

This can also be used as evidence of fraud.? !


Where does the content in this fan group come from?

There are conditions for entering the fan group, and she won't just let anyone enter the fan group.

If the other party obtained it through illegal means, not only would the evidence be invalid, but she would also be able to take advantage of it!

After thinking about it, Ye Fei put away the evidence and placed it on the table:

“Presiding judge, I would like to ask, why do the plaintiff’s parties and the plaintiff’s attorney use the chat records to determine that my client and I committed fraud?

And where did this evidence information come from?

If it is illegal evidence, then the lawyer appointed by the plaintiff, Mr. Su, is unclear. If you know the law and break the law, and use illegally obtained evidence to prosecute in court, what consequences will you bear? ! "

The second half of the sentence!

It can be said to be a naked threat, but it is a legitimate threat.

Su Bai didn't take Ye Fei's question to heart at all.

"presiding judge."

“I apply to disclose the source of the submitted evidence!”


The gavel struck.

"application passed."

The eyes of everyone present at the trial were focused on Su Bai.

Su Bai turned to look at Li Xuezhen.

"Bring the phone here"

"Oh. Okay, Lawyer Su."

Su Bai took the phone from Li Xuezhen, unlocked the password, opened the group chat with Ye Fei, and said while operating:

"This is the mobile phone of our intern lawyer at Bai Jun Law Firm. She has joined your fan group chat, Lawyer Ye. Lawyer Ye, you can check your fan group chat to prove whether the source of our evidence is legal."


"The defense attorney can open the phone and determine whether the source of the evidence is legitimate."

The gavel struck.

Ye Fei turned on her phone with hesitation, and saw that her high-quality customer "Xue", whom she longed for, had liked her in the fan group.

Message: Lawyer Ye, are you surprised or surprised? !


Ye Fei almost exploded on the spot!

What do you mean, you are just disclosing the source of the evidence and you are making fun of it? !

Damn it!

If he hadn't retained his sense on the spot, Ye Fei would have wanted to fight Su Bai to the death!

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Ye Fei suppressed the anger in her heart:

"The plaintiff, lawyer Fang Su, teased me in the group chat and used false information to pass through my fan group. Isn't this illegal?"

Su Bai saw this woman being angry and unreasonable, and retorted:

"Lawyer Ye, our notice in the group chat was indeed ridiculing, but there was no verbal insult. Isn't this considered illegal?"

"False information? What is false information? Our trainee lawyer left a message in the comment area, which did not cause any financial loss to anyone or anything.

It was Lawyer Ye who insisted on dragging our intern into the fan group, and also asked for proof of property.

As for property proof, it’s a fact!

There was no illegal behavior during the entire process.

After that, there was no fraud or inducement. It was completely Lawyer Ye who took the initiative to find our trainee lawyer to chat.

Why does Lawyer Ye think that my evidence is illegal income? "

"How about we provide the chat content at that time to prove how enthusiastically you, Mr. Ye, attracted our trainee lawyer to join the fan group?

And Lawyer Ye, your enthusiastic attitude at that time? "

Su Bai looked at Ye Fei with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

At this time, Ye Fei's mentality has exploded!

What does Su Bai mean? !

Just to rub salt into people's wounds, right? !

Ye Fei took a deep breath and understood that if she continued to debate this aspect, she would lose the lawsuit!

This lawsuit cannot be lost!

Otherwise she would be doomed!

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