"Stop thinking about it!

This is just an ordinary parallel world of science and technology!"

Brian slapped himself twice, and with the pain, he suppressed all the random thoughts in his mind.

He made some simple sandwiches.

Filled his stomach.

Brian took the boiled Chinese medicine and went to the balcony.

It was about six o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time in Los Angeles in September, the sky had not yet completely darkened.

The street lights in the community were already on.

Over at the public facilities, you can see some families playing with their children in the community.

On the road, there were also tired office workers who had just got off work, but they maintained a smile and greeted some passers-by enthusiastically.

Everyone here looks polite, neatly dressed, and smiling, as if they all put on the same style of masks, but with a sense of unnaturalness, just like ordinary people without background, trying their best to imitate the lifestyle of the upper class.

The reason is very simple.

The residents here, even if they are not tenants like Brian, are not very rich.

Real rich people don't live here.

Brian retracted his gaze and looked at the sky.

At this time, the sky was dim and hazy at the junction of dusk and night. The afterglow of the sunset had not completely disappeared, and the bright moon had not yet risen, so it looked a little gloomy.

This is a very strange feeling.

This gloom is not the kind of gloom that comes from the darkening of the sky. It is more like the sky is covered by a layer of unknown fine dust, which makes the light sparse and fragmented, and cannot penetrate the hazy gloom that falls on the ground.

If you look at it for a long time, you will feel uncomfortable.

Brian looked at the sky for a few seconds and retracted his gaze.

He frowned and drank the Chinese medicine in his hand until the hot soup surged in his stomach, emitting heat, and discharged through the pores, bringing out some hot sweat, and then he exhaled a breath of hot air with satisfaction and turned back to the living room.

Came to the computer.

Brian opened the control software of the hidden surveillance in the living room, pulled back the progress bar, dragged it to the moment when the uncle broke into the apartment, and began to analyze frame by frame.

The previous picture appeared in front of him again.

Uncle Billy walked straight towards him before entering the house, and he was not surprised at all that he was at home.

This means that the other party has always been in control of his movements.

This is actually what Brian has always been puzzled about.

Because he was almost buried alive after he resigned, it means that the family has additional spies in the Forensic Bureau.

Even if he did not join the so-called "crime experiment team", Uncle Billy was also able to insert other people to join.

He is not needed at all!

The excuse of giving him the so-called verification password before is logically untenable!

The key is before Brian attempted to resign.

Uncle Billy has always been very friendly to Brian, and he values ​​and cares about him very much.

But after that time, Uncle Billy's attitude has changed slightly.

For example, after Brian's adoptive parents became seriously ill, he asked the family for help, but was directly rejected by Uncle Billy. In the end, he only got help from a cousin who had a good relationship with him, and lent him some money to tide him over the difficulties.

It is estimated that at that time.

Uncle Billy thought of using money to add a layer of shackles to Brian to prevent him from running away privately.

The reaction to the key being buried alive was too strange.

His attitude towards the family before was clear at a glance. If there was something, just say it directly. As a result, threatening to bury alive was not normal at all, as if he did it on purpose.

So, what was the purpose of the uncle?

As the progress in the surveillance screen passed, it was soon time for Uncle Billy to leave.

Brian lowered the playback speed to the lowest and cheered up.

Only the screen.

The uncle stood up and was about to leave, but he seemed to think of something, turned back inadvertently, and suggested that Brian watch the blood moon phenomenon that occurs once every thirty years at night.

Brian watched it once and didn't feel anything wrong.

The screen progress continued.

When Brian casually mentioned the part-time job and replied perfunctorily.

In the screen, Uncle Billy was obviously different.

Brian held his breath and stared at the changes in his uncle: Uncle Billy seemed to be stimulated by his words. His body, which was as strong as a wild bear, suddenly expanded by three points, and then returned to normal when the other party turned his head!

"What the hell?"

If it weren't for the clear surveillance video, Brian almost thought he had hallucinations again.

He subconsciously thought of the uncle's inhuman eyes before.

It's not an illusion!

This is not an illusion!

With his understanding of the human body, Brian was extremely sure that it was definitely not a change that a normal human could make!

He felt that his worldview was a little messed up.

More than ten pounds of explosives he prepared.

Can you really deal with such an uncle?

In addition, the purpose of the uncle's visit this time seemed not to be the so-called three-year agreement and secret, but to let him enjoy the moon? ? ?

"My head is so swollen!"

Brian scratched his head and felt a little itchy.

Without knowing the key information, I really can't think of anything.

Brian quickly washed his face, and after calming down, he began his own analysis:

According to what his uncle said.

He let himself enter the Forensic Bureau in order to let himself enter the "Crime Experiment Team" to verify the truth of the secret that would give the Kamo family a chance to become great again.

But according to the frame-by-frame analysis of the surveillance.

This uncle who is not like a normal human being seems to care more about today's blood moon phenomenon.

To be precise.

Is he more concerned about being able to watch the moon on time?

For this reason, he came to my house specially to remind and threaten me by taking advantage of the three-year agreement?

Although Brian felt that his speculation was outrageous.

But remove all the impossibilities.

There is only one truth!

That is, in the uncle's subconscious, watching the moon by himself = the so-called secret = the right way to make the Kamo family great again.

If, this is the truth.

New doubts emerged in Brian's mind: What secrets are hidden in this blood moon phenomenon that occurs once every thirty years?

Brian is ready to stop working part-time today.

He wants to watch the moon!

Eleven o'clock in the evening.

Brian yawned and sat on the balcony, looking at the dim sky above his head with his eyes hazy. Under the light pollution, there were only a few small stars dotted above his head, and a silver moon floated in the sky, without any blood color.

It was almost twelve o'clock.

He was a little doubtful whether the so-called blood moon phenomenon would appear today.

Before this, he had searched online for records of the blood moon phenomenon, which was completely different from the blood moon in his previous life, but he did not find anything unusual. On the contrary, there were many evil cults in the folk who used the blood moon phenomenon to promote the doomsday theory and created many bloody cases, which were notorious.

While thinking wildly.

The noise and exclamation of neighbors came from a distance: "The moon turned red! God, it's so shocking!"

A layer of light blood quickly covered the originally scattered silver-gray, making the surrounding environment full of evil and oppression, as if Satan had come to the world, and it was like a vision of hell, spanning the sky and scattering tentacles like iron chains to the world.

Almost at the same time.

Brian's body covered by the blood moonlight froze.

He seemed to have lost consciousness, raised his head with a dull expression, looked at the top of his head, motionless, as if he wanted to imprint the strange blood-red moon in the deepest part of his eyes

The blood moon has really arrived!

After I finish revising the manuscripts in the next two days, I will try to update at a fixed time.

Good night, brothers.

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