You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 6 Gold Finger Daddy, you are finally here! (Thanks to the leader of the Night of Glory book

Under severe mood swings.

In Brian's crazy eyes, the afterimage of a blood moon disappeared in an instant.

next moment.

Everything in sight disappeared.

Brian had nothing in his hands and looked around blankly.

The cold hands are gone.

The cold feeling on his body also disappeared.

The detonator in my hand is also missing.

Two unrecognizable female corpses lay obediently in body bags with their hands inside, showing no trace of movement at all.

Everything just now seemed to be an illusion.

Brian felt his body weakening due to severe emotional fluctuations. For a moment, he couldn't distinguish between reality and illusion.

He pulled open his clothes and looked at the detonator that was still in the strip pocket. He couldn't help but touch his face, which still maintained a crazy smile, and murmured with some uncertainty: "Did I just have another illness?"

But here there are only two female corpses who died tragically.

No one could tell him the answer.

Take a break.

Brian first glanced at the small room where his colleague Thom was. Seeing that he didn't hear any movement, he came over to check. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, got up, returned to the camera, and called up the scene just now.

In the picture: Brian is seen opening the body bag, and after looking at it twice, he seems to be hysterical and motionless.

There are no body grabbers.

He didn’t make any moves at all!

Brian's face looked a little ugly.

It seemed that I had really fallen ill just now.

He couldn't help but sigh.

The threat from my uncle, the heavy burden from my adoptive parents, my body approaching its limit, and my increasingly serious mental state.

So many BUFFs are superimposed.

Brian didn't know how long he could resist.

But before sending away his adoptive parents and getting rid of the tribesmen who threatened him by burying him alive that day.

He cannot fall under any circumstances!

Brian clenched his fist, forced down the depressed emotions in his heart, quickly took out the memory card from the camera, physically destroyed it, hid it on his body, and then calmly replaced the camera with a new memory card.

Fortunately, this thing has not been archived yet.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain my mental abnormality.

Finish all this.

Brian turned on the camera and looked at the two bodies lying on the morgue again.

This look.

Brian's pupils narrowed.

"There is a small red ball hanging on both corpses?"

Brian squeezed his thigh.

It hurts.

He looked at the camera again, only to find that there were no shadows of the two red balls in the footage!

This time it's not an illusion!

Could it be

Memories that had been dormant for decades awakened from the depths of my mind.

When Brian thought about that possibility, his body couldn't help but tremble with excitement!



After taking a few deep breaths, suppressing the excitement in his heart, he pretended not to see the ball. He just followed the normal work process, took out the camera, and took pictures of the two female corpses. Then he took out the form and asked Thom Store and register the things you bring back.

Finish all this.

Brian stepped forward, preparing to zip up the body bag again and wait for the forensic arrangements tomorrow.

After getting closer.

Only then did Brian take a serious look at the two red balls.

Two small balls, about the same size.

The ball above the corpse on the left is much darker than the ball above the corpse on the right.

In addition, there is constant red smoke escaping from the two small balls, but the speed of this escape is very slow, and you can only see it clearly when you get closer.

Brian withdrew his gaze and zipped up the body bag normally while being filmed by the camera. Then he took out the special memory card from the camera and recorded the card number on a computer nearby. He also sealed all the things he brought back. Archive.

After all this is done.

Brian immediately returned to the two bodies.

For safety reasons.

He took a deep breath and stretched out his plastic-gloved hand to the lighter red ball on the right.

The moment Brian's finger touched the ball.

The motionless red ball silently turned into countless tiny points of light, all pouring into his eyes.

A sudden realization came to Brian's mind: by fulfilling the corpse's last wish, he would receive a gift from the corpse.

Except for this realization.

Brian also had a strange obsession in his heart: kill Andres, that bastard of a bitch! ! !




Even in Brian's current state of mind, he was still so excited that he almost couldn't help but howl!


It’s really a golden finger!

Daddy Goldfinger, you finally came to see me!

Do you know how I got here in the past twenty-three years?

At this moment.

Brian, who had always been strong, felt like tears were about to flow out.

In his previous life, he was a social-terrorist waste waiting to die, relying on the inheritance left by his parents.

Since rebirth.

The first eight years were fine.

Although my parents didn't have much money in this life, they treated me very well.

After entering the children's home at the back.

Lots of experiences.

Brian didn't even want to remember it.

Probably at that time.

He was already sick inside.

When I grow up.

To thank the family for their help.

He gave up his life plan of becoming a dentist, endured the discomfort, and stayed at the Forensic Bureau.

But they suffered blows one after another.

The only two pillars of family ties.

A betrayal, a fall

But all this.

It's all over!

Because Daddy Goldfinger is here! ! !

Thinking of the plots of those novels I read in my previous life.

Brian was really happy.

A weak and overdrawn body.

Distorted mental state.

These are all saved!

Brian felt that his life was full of hope again!

Be excited for a while.

Brian suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind and returned his mind to the obsession with the dead he had just acquired.

"Kill Andres the son of a bitch!"

"Who is Andres?"

Brian glanced at the corpse in front of him before reacting.

Since killing Andres was the deceased's obsession.

Then the other party must know this guy named Andres!

Colleague Tom, when he came back, he must have collected information on the deceased according to work requirements.

Just ask him directly for it later.

Take back your thoughts.

Brian focused his attention on the ball on the left.

This little ball is really too bright.

"Could it be that the bright color of the ball represents the size of the deceased's obsession?"

With this guess in mind.

Brian repeated what he had done before.

The rubber gloves had no effect on Brian's ability to absorb the ball.

Same as before.

At the moment of finger touch.

The bright red ball turned into countless light spots and poured into Brian's mind.

This time, the first realization was missing.

Only an extremely strong obsession emerged in Brian's mind: to protect Ellie, he must ensure that Ellie survives safely!


Brian shrugged.

Another unfamiliar name.

"I hope Thom can give me the answer."

After Brian pushed the two morgue trucks into the freezer, he changed his gloves and walked towards his colleague Thom who was still busy in the small single room.

Thanks to the book friend "The Glory of the Night" for the reward of 100,000 book coins, and thanks to the ally of the new nightclub book.

Nightclubs are extremely fond of the book "The Detective". Anyway, when I counted the rewards, I was dumbfounded.


Thank you for giving rewards to old books. When the time comes, I will issue a single chapter to thank you.

Thank you to the book friend "Gujiu Waiting for You to Return" for the 10,000 book coins reward, and thank you to Gujiu for your love!

Thanks to the book friend ‘80 Fishing Guy’ for the five thousand book coins reward, thank you for your love!

Thanks to the book friend ‘Meng Wanyan’ for the two thousand book coins, thank you for your love!

Includes review book friends.

All old faces.

Thank you for your persistence!

The dog thief will try his best to write a good story!

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