You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 61 Acting Team Leader, New Case

Bah, bah, bah~

As soon as he entered the room, Brian heard the sound of eating.

heard movement.

Susan, who was wearing a patient gown and sitting cross-legged on the bed, her mouth stuffed like a hamster, looked at the door with a confused look on her face.

Could it be that someone from the FBI is here?

Isn't that embarrassing?

After seeing clearly that the person coming was Brian, Susan breathed a sigh of relief and started chewing again.

Brian sat on the head of the bed, poured a glass of water thoughtfully, and handed the glass over.

Finish drinking water.

Susan patted her belly with satisfaction and said, "I'm starving to death. Those FBI people are really annoying."

"Why did you shoot suddenly?"

Brian wondered.

Susan looks very cool, but she is not really brainless.

"I did it on purpose."

Susan shrugged:

"Actually, when I found out that the female victim might be from the FBI, I knew that the case could not be kept, but I promised the K9 team that I would personally execute the person who planted the bomb, so I deliberately looked for opportunities to get angry.

This is what my father taught me. "


She also slapped her mouth with her right hand in a funny way, coughed, and imitated her father's words:

"Susan, my daughter.

If you find it difficult to solve the problem through communication.

Then just flip the table.

To keep what's on the table.

Others will change their attitude. "

Brian: "Well, your father must be a man of great wisdom."

Susan nodded: "Yes, he is my idol. Except for the issue of mate selection, many other times, I will listen to my father's words. He is a kind man with great wisdom in life."

Chat for a while.

A phone call interrupted their chat.

After Susan finished answering the phone, her face, which was chatting and laughing, turned gloomy.

She exhaled a depressed breath and looked at Brian:

“The FBI people were unwilling to let go, and the other party refused to coordinate.

Because the target of this escape is a lurker that the FBI has been following for more than ten years, and his abilities are very miraculous.

In addition, the guy who killed the female field officer has also been investigated.

The murderer was an S-class wanted criminal who had been tracked by the FBI for a long time, called Scarecrow. He had obvious murderous characteristics, but he didn't expect to join the doomsday sect where the shapeshifter belonged. They should also have come for the lurker that the FBI was targeting. "

Brian was a little confused when he heard this: "What is a lurker and what is a doomsday sect?"

"Lurker is what the FBI's hunting team calls potential aberrations." Susan's eyes flashed with disgust: "In order to obtain high-quality aberration materials, they will first target those aberrations when their abilities are weak. Observe and study, let them commit crimes, and when the time is right, send people over to harvest them.”

"Allow crime?"

Brian was a little surprised, but not much.

A federation that can use the public as guinea pigs to test vaccines and other drugs will do many things that will not surprise anyone.

"Yes, let crime be allowed, because in this way, the aberrants can grow up quickly." Susan sighed: "Some people can't understand this, but they can't do anything about it, because most of the time, the right to speak is in the hands of those who are immortal. They are the ones who need all kinds of magical potions most."

By default.

Anyone who dares to openly oppose will be torn apart.

See Susan feeling down.

Brian had no choice but to change the subject: "What about the Doomsday Sect?"

Susan came back to her senses:

"This is a sect formed by aberrations.

The blood moon appeared three times.

Some of the aberrants in the early years had very high knowledge themselves, and were even high-ranking officials in the Z government.

They were well-informed and after realizing something was wrong, they lurked, and then used their influence to secretly form a sect that continuously attracted powerful aberrations.

There are actually many such organizations secretly.

But the doomsday sect is the biggest one.

Currently, almost all the S-class wanted criminals in the Federation are members. "

After listening to Susan’s popular science.

Brian touched his chin: "Then are you still involved in this case?"

Susan shook her head:

"You've been lucky enough to kill the shapeshifter.

The FBI is afraid that the scarecrow will also be snatched away by us.

And the lurker who was taken seriously by two S-class wanted criminals was probably also very unusual.

The NW organization said.

If we continue to intervene, the FBI may use some special methods.

There is no way I would involve you just to vent my anger.

I just feel a little sorry for the people in the K9 team. "

Hearing this, Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

He suspected that the FBI people paid more attention to the escaped girl mutant than the Scarecrow, the S-class wanted criminal.

Very simple.

In the death memories of female veterinarian Laura, her initial target was the middle-aged woman, not the girl.

Susan also said that the FBI only targets lurkers.

this means.

The intelligence support received by female veterinarian Laura is highly likely to be correct.

So why did Laura get it wrong?

the reason is simple.

The seemingly young female deformed person is probably in her forties or fifties in actual age!

Longevity or rejuvenation?

Brian didn't know either.

But he doubted that the FBI was so determined because it most likely discovered the feedback left by Laura, a female veterinarian.


Under this situation.

Don't say Susan wants to intervene.

It is estimated that if the NW organization knows the situation and wants to intervene, the FBI will probably be unceremonious and choose to do it directly.

"Well, the ability of the deformed is too weird. Since this case has been taken over by the FBI, we have less risk of retaliation." Brian comforted: "Team leader, we can't control the affairs of the big shots, but at least we can protect the stability of the jurisdiction."

"The problem is that the higher-ups asked me to rest in the hospital for a while and avoid the limelight."

Susan grabbed an apple and bit it: "I plan to let you be the acting team leader."


"Our office has been set up, and the necessary equipment has been replenished. The center should issue us a new case in the next two days. As the first case after our team is formalized, I hope to complete it quickly and beautifully."

Susan wiped her mouth: "At present, I know you best in the team. I will feel more at ease if you lead everyone temporarily."

Brian is thinking of leading the case.

He nodded: "Okay, I'll take care of it. Do you have anything else to say?"

"Be more ruthless!" Susan looked into Brian's eyes and said seriously:

"Under the blood moon.

Even some children may do some extreme things.

When you lead everyone to investigate the case, you must not be confused by appearances.

If you feel something is wrong, just shoot.

I would rather write two more reports than have a loss of members in the team when I come back!"

Be more ruthless.

Brian nodded with some embarrassment.

I am so ruthless.

Susan asked me to be more ruthless.

It's difficult.

Two days later.

The B6 team, after resting for nearly a month, finally resumed work.

The new office is located in the area on Hollywood Boulevard.

The place is not big.

It seems to be transformed from the warehouse area of ​​a warehousing company.

Because, two new members have joined.

Acting team leader Brian is going to pull everyone together for a meeting, get familiar with each other, and then redistribute everyone's main job responsibilities.

Everyone just sat down.

The office landline phone rang.

This phone was connected to the reporting center.

In other words.

There is a new case.

See you tomorrow at 5pm.

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