Xiao Yuhan smiled: "I'm sorry, I'm going up."

Lu Chao was a little unhappy, the university chased her for three years, and she was rejected many times, but once she saw her father driving a luxury car to pick her up, Lu Chao thought that Xiao Yuhan didn't look down on him, and his family background was really not very good.

But now, after graduating, he entered a start-up company to do sales, the company has developed very well in a few years, has been listed, he has also become a manager in charge, counting the options given by the company, there are more than one million family properties, and his hometown has been demolished, divided into four suites, he is now a proper net worth of 10 million.

It happened that the company met Xiao Yuhan because of business, and Lu Chao's heart surged with the desire to pursue it, and he felt that he was also qualified to chase it.

"Yuhan, you know my heart for you, it hasn't changed since college, can't we try it?"

Xiao Yuhan smiled bitterly: "That Lu Chao, thank you for your love, I understand it, but what I mean is very clear from the university, please don't block the elevator, I'm going up." Lu

Chao was a little angry and sad, I am so infatuated, why are you not tempted at all, is there anyone else in your heart?

Coming up from the underground parking lot and getting out of the elevator, Xiao Yuhan exhaled a breath of turbidity, in the face of Lu Chao's pursuit, she was not enjoying it, she was really distressed, after all, she didn't like the feeling of being licked.

On the second floor, seeing his mother beckoning, Xiao Yuhan walked to the table and sat down.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for the delay on the way.

Xiao Yuhan apologized to Xu Meng. Li Yanxia said angrily: "You kid, I told you about the place to eat, and you were late, which made me and Xiao Xu wait."

Xu Meng smiled and said: "It's okay aunt, when you eat, boys have to wait for girls, after all, good girls have to wait for a long time!" "

Oh! yes, you kid is really good at talking."

Li Yanxia laughed eating, this little Xu is really good at talking, her daughter didn't come before, she chatted with Xu Meng very happily, she found that Xu Meng is very good at regulating the atmosphere


And by browsing his circle of friends, she found that he still graduated from Yenching University, she was a little puzzled, and asked, after getting Xu Meng's affirmation, she was even more surprised, she was worried that her daughter and he did not have a common language, but now it just happens, a Yenching University, a Qinghua University, just right.

Such a person can never be just a food delivery person.

"By the way, daughter, Xiao Xu still graduated from Yenching University, next door to your university, do you say there is fate!" Xiao

Yuhan looked at Xu Meng in surprise, it's really fake, Yan University graduated and went to deliver takeaways, this is too bad, is it because he has an idea.

And today's Xu Meng is wearing a suit, which looks particularly handsome, Xiao Yuhan just sat down, and almost didn't recognize it.

"Graduated from Yenching University and went to deliver food?" Xu

Meng smiled and said: "A high degree only gives me the right to choose more, it doesn't mean that I have to choose how to choose."

Xu Meng pretended to say a very literary sentence in a deep voice, he can't say that because he was framed for a crime on duty, he didn't have anything to eat to deliver takeaways, so he didn't have to force it.

You see, after Xu Meng finished speaking, Xiao Yuhan immediately looked at Xu Meng meaningfully, his eyes were full of curiosity, what kind of state of mind made this man who graduated from Yan University go to deliver takeaways.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xu Meng for pretending to be successful, and the reward system is 1 gold point. "

You see, how successful the identity is shaped, as soon as the mystery comes, the system gold coins will arrive.

Xiao Yuhan said with a smile: "I admire, many people can't let go of what they like because of the burden of high education."

Li Yanxia was a little happy in her heart, Yan University's graduation is different, you see, she reached a consensus with her daughter at the beginning, that's right, with interest, the two of them have the possibility to chat.

Think about the blind date for my daughter before, and ran away without saying a few words.

"That, not only said, let's order, waiter!"

"That, Xiao Xu, do you have any taboos?"

Xu Meng smiled and said: "No, the guest is as good as the host, I can feed myself, anything."

Li Yanxia said with a smile: "This kid is easy-going, Auntie invites you to dinner, and you must order what you like to eat."

Xiao Yuhan looked at her mother in some surprise, no, what her mother said is a bit right, I don't want it to be a grateful meal, but it is a bit similar to the previous blind date.

In restaurants, ordering the best dishes can often solve many taste problems.

Aunt Li Yanxia knows this truth very well, after all, when she was young, she was also an old man in the workplace, and she still had some research on the science of ordering.

"Then Auntie will order her signature dish!" Xu

Meng smiled and nodded.

Because he just found out that it was his own company, Xu Meng also took a look at the characteristics of the Falling Star Restaurant, and found that the reason why this restaurant is standing tall and popular all over the country is:

it is very integrated into the local area

! Wherever it is opened, it will make the special dishes of the place!

is in Yanjing, so the dishes are all famous dishes in the Beijing cuisine.

"That, Xiao Xu, do you drink?" Xu

Meng hesitated, because he drank a little too much last night, and he was still a little dizzy today.

"Well, I'm not very good at drinking, and I can only drink a little bit of white beer.

Li Yanxia heard the sound and said with a smile: "It's okay, Auntie just order a bottle of red wine, let's mean it, do you think it's okay?"

Xu Meng smiled: "Of course you can, my favorite is red wine." "

This kid is really good at talking.

Xiao Yuhan glanced at Xu Meng meaningfully, this guy, why is he talking to my mother everywhere.

After ordering the food and wine, the waiter took the menu and left.

There was still a while before the food was served, Li Yanxia prompted Xu Meng and Xiao Yuhan to chat, always creating topics, asking Xu Meng and Xiao Yuhan to talk about some things, and after a few minutes, Xiao Yuhan found that this Xu Meng's Yan University calendar was really not covered, and he often had deep insights into the understanding of some things.

Subsequently, Li Yanxia talked about Xu Meng's relationship problems, and when she heard Xu Meng say that she was single again, Li Yanxia said with a smile: "My family Hanhan is also single, and I have been looking for a partner for her, hey, Xiao Xu, what do you think of my family Hanhan?" Xu Meng's

eyes widened.

What's the situation, eat well, how did you suddenly change into a blind date.

By the way, my aunt seems to have been creating a conversation about me and her daughter. Listening to what the aunt said, Xu Meng took a closer look at Xiao Yuhan, the headlights were normal, the model was normal, it was estimated to be a new car, and she had a good face, she was indeed a good girl.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Didn't you say that you came to dinner to thank people? Xiao

Yuhan was a little depressed, and was really told by his best friend, his mother Zhang Luo went on a blind date with this takeaway brother Xu Meng today, how I couldn't get married, and arranged for me to go on a blind date every day!

Li Yanxia looked at the time, so she said in the name of going to the toilet: "That little Xu, Auntie go to the bathroom, you continue to talk." "

It means that the next step is to create a world for two of you.

After Li Yanxia left, Xu Meng was just about to find a topic to relieve the embarrassment, Xiao Yuhan said coldly: "Do you have a room?"

Xu Meng:

Why did ??? suddenly ask this, she really thought this was a blind date!

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