Liu Fei was a little puzzled, and glanced back uncertainly, Xu Meng? Then,

he saw another person he knew.

"Secretary Zhang, why are you here?"

Liu Fei was a little surprised, he didn't expect to see Secretary Zhang from the president's office here.

You must know that in Zhongzheng, secretly, except for Chairman Chen Yuxuan

, Zhang Yuan is the biggest! Because although Zhang Yuan is the secretary of the chairman, in fact, many decisions in the company are made by Secretary Zhang, and even the company's vice president and chief CEO are polite when they see Zhang Yuan.

Liu Fei is just a researcher in the company, and he is equivalent to the distance between the president's office and the emperor.

Zhang Yuan obviously didn't know Liu Fei, but it can be seen from the badge that Liu Fei brought that he was an employee of Zhongzheng.

"Oh, a friend of the chairman. Looking

at Zhang Yuan's gaze, isn't he just sending the takeaway brother?

Takeaway brother, Xu Meng

, the chairman's friend?

Liu Fei was very puzzled, and after greeting Zhang Yuan, he turned on the dash cam to play it back uncertainly.

What he saw, it was Xu Meng

! That face, he couldn't forget!

Just kidding, the man who had robbed him of a first-class school scholarship.

Thinking of the Rolls-Royce photos sent by Xu Meng in the morning, Liu Fei felt that tomorrow's school celebration would be wonderful!

After sending off the car, Xu Meng took a taxi back to the station from Zhongzheng Plaza.

What made Xu Meng happy was that when he returned to the site at noon to take over the shift, Xu Meng saw a brand-new Zhang Wei, who was more realistic and mature than in the past.

Sure enough, a man with a hat is more likely to grow up instantly.

Of course, Xu Hu also bragged fiercely about his acting experience at the site, especially for Xu Meng's arrangement, the scene of smashing with money

, and the brothers at the site who listened were stunned for a moment, and they all cast their admiration for Xu Meng.

Xu Meng looked at the arrival of the system gold coins constantly reminded by the system, and looked at Xu Hu with great satisfaction, and really wanted to award him a best assist award!

This feeling of passive success and pretending to be forced is really beautiful.

In the evening, Ah Wei transferred 20,000 yuan to Xu Meng through Alipay, Xu Meng originally wanted to return it, he knew that Zhang Wei spent a lot of money for Tang Lili, although the ring was returned, but now the salary has not been paid, he must be short of money.

However, as a man, Xu Meng understands Zhang Wei's self-esteem, and if he says he doesn't have to pay it back, Zhang Wei will definitely think that Xu Meng is pitying him.

So, Xu Meng decided to invite everyone to a barbecue restaurant not far from the site to eat barbecue in the evening, and everyone cheered.

Because it is not far away, many brothers who have finished delivering orders on the night shift and have no orders have come by bicycle, and everyone sits together to eat and drink.

Zhang Wei probably wanted to release the pressure in his heart, and he kept drinking, and the group ate from 7 o'clock in the evening to 12 o'clock in the night, almost eating the boss's house until there was nothing to bake, and then they said hello and dispersed.

Zhang Wei finally got drunk directly and threw up directly when he went out, and in the end, Wang Lei and Xu Hu took turns to carry him back to the site and let him spend the night at the site.

Xu Meng drank three bottles of beer, his consciousness was still 0K, and he rode back directly on the battery car, and fell asleep in bed.

The next day, when the sun was drying his buttocks, Xu Meng woke up leisurely.

Sleepy-eyed, he got up, went to the toilet, and then yawned, habitually squeezing his teeth and brushing his teeth, brushing and brushing, Xu Meng's eyes suddenly widened.

"No! Today's school anniversary, I'm going to go to an appointment.


Meng hurriedly finished brushing his teeth, washed his face, and then ran to the bedside to unplug the power cord, picked up his mobile phone and looked:

! It's 11 o'clock, drinking and making mistakes!

Open WeChat, sure enough, there are a lot of class group messages.

Xu Meng didn't bother to look at it, looking at private messages.

Xu Hu:

"Xu Meng, have you arrived?" "Xu Meng,

where are you? "

Xu Meng, the classmates have arrived, what about you?"

"Xu Meng, you won't dare to come, don't worry, they are all classmates, who really laughs at you, come on." "

Xu Hu's WeChat calls, 3, did not answer.

Liu Weiwei:

"Xu Meng, we signed in here in the teaching building where we used to go to economics, and we are waiting for you. "

Xu Meng, haven't you arrived yet?" "Xu Meng

, are you not coming?"

Liu Weiwei, WeChat call, 2, not answered.

Xu Meng's scalp was numb, he estimated that the current Xu Hu must be laughing at himself, and by the way, he publicized himself in the group of classmates, saying that he must have low self-esteem, so he didn't dare to


Flipping down further, Xu Meng saw a very unexpected news.

It is his own university economics teacher__ Mr. Yu Haitao.

Teacher Yu Haitao: "Xu Meng, today's school anniversary, the teacher hopes that you will come back to have a look." "

Teacher. Xu

Meng felt that when he was in college, Mr. Yu Haitao took the most care of himself, and he would communicate with Mr. Yu Haitao when he had a lot of ideas about economics. Teacher Yu Haitao is also a teacher and friend to Xu Meng, teaching him knowledge in class, and they can also play ball together after class, and have dinner and skewers.

Thinking that he was framed for a job-related economic crime, Mr. Yu Haitao also contacted teachers and classmates in the law department to help him fight a lawsuit.

It's a pity that I was frustrated later, so I chose to disappear directly, cut off with the people I knew in the past, and didn't even reply to his WeChat, so I slowly stopped contacting.

Xu Meng replied to a message in the WeChat group: "I'm sorry, I got up late for drinking yesterday, and I will drive there immediately."

Then he replied to Mr. Yu Haitao: "Wait for me!"

sounds a little ambiguous, but it is more like the words of a friend's return.

Xu Meng ran to the bathroom, took a shower, and washed his hair.

Hairstyle and chicken nest, how can you do it if you don't blow it, today is the school anniversary.

Five minutes, solve the bath fight.

After blowing his hair, Xu Meng took out the suit of 50,000 yuan from the closet, today is an important scene, and the outfit must be good.

Grab your car keys, your phone, your house key, and flash your person.

When I went downstairs, I happened to meet the landlord Aunt Wang, who didn't see it at first glance, and thought that a handsome guy had moved to the corridor.

"Hey, Aunt Wang, go downstairs and throw out the garbage!"

"Uh-huh, yes, ouch, it's Xu Meng, my good girl, I'm so handsome today, Auntie almost didn't recognize it." Aunt

Wang's eyes lit up, this Xu Meng used to wear takeaway clothes, she just thought that the young man was handsome, and today he got a suit down, in popular terms, he is really handsome!"

"Xiao Xu, tell your aunt honestly, you won't go on a blind date today, right?"

Xu Meng smiled and said: "No, today's school anniversary, I will go back to school to attend the ceremony, so dress decently."

Aunt Wang smiled: "Oh, so that's the case, no wonder it's so handsome, the female classmates in this class saw it, are they still walking?"

Xu Meng laughed, Aunt Wang is a good person, she is an easy-going landlord, I remember that once my salary was paid late, and the rent was paid late, and Aunt Wang didn't urge. "I didn't tell you Aunt Wang, I'm in a hurry, so I'll leave first. "

Uh-huh, be careful on the road.

Xu Meng trotted into the underground garage, then drove his Maybach and went straight to Yenching University.

Just right, she was seen by Aunt Wang, who was also out of the community, and Aunt Wang looked at the Maybach who had passed the railing of the community car with a shocked face, and looked at Xu Meng on the Maybach, Aunt Wang suddenly thought that she had forgotten to take blood pressure medicine when she went out today.

What's the situation

? Isn't Xu Meng a takeaway brother

? Why did he drive a luxury car? The

uncle at the gate of the community looked at Xu Meng who was far away, smoked a cigarette, and said, "Alas, it's really a young man, and today I changed back to this car!"

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