Ren Xiaojuan Xu sent 40,000 yuan, after all, he was the leader, and he wanted to give face to others.

Ren Xiaojuan looked at the thick 40,000 yuan, looked at the new boss Xu Meng, and her heart blossomed, obediently, this boss is not only young and handsome, but also very generous, and he has made so much money at once.

"Oops, thank you so much to the boss, I sent so much money, and I broke the bank.

Xu Meng waved his hand and said: "It's all trivial, as long as everyone is happy and works hard, there will be a lot of rewards in the future!" The

aunts were shocked, they only worked more than 10,000 a month, so many people, four or five hundred thousand, in the eyes of the boss, are all small money.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xu Meng for pretending to succeed and rewarding 3 system gold

coins" "Ding! Congratulations"

Listening to the continuous sound of the system, Xu Meng smiled, look, less than 500,000, he earned 63 system gold coins, which is worth it.

The aunts received their reward and then withdrew.

Xu Meng returned to the living room to sit down, and then thought about going to watch a movie, so he walked to the movie room, and found a disc to see, which was also a Shenhao movie, and when he saw where the protagonist bought a house, Xu Meng suddenly thought, yes, he still has ten school district houses!

Grandma's, how did he forget this.

Xu Meng clicked into the system and found the reward information of the ten school district houses, which said that the development company

: Huaxia Lantian Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., contact number: XXX XXXXXXXXc, Xu Meng paused the movie, took out his mobile phone to dial the number, and it was a girl who answered:

"Hello, this is Huaxia Lantian Real Estate Co., Ltd., how can I help you?"

Oh, hello, I'm Xu Meng, I have ten school district houses in your company, and I'll go over in the afternoon to hand them over. "

Uh...... , Mr. Xu Meng, you have ten sets of school district houses, right?" Xu Meng

smiled proudly: "It's not ten, it's ten! Isn't it scary. "

Huh. On

the other end of the phone, Xu Meng heard a disdainful laugh, and then said to the other side

: "Mr. Xu Meng, have you covered the quilt?" Xu Meng frowned: "What do you mean?"

What do I mean, Mr. Xu Meng still doesn't understand, the quilt is covered, otherwise in broad daylight, daydreaming will be easy to catch a cold, stupid!"

With a snap, Xiao Chuchu hung up the phone.

It's really weird, originally she thought she had heard it wrong, it was ten sets of school district houses, but the person on the phone actually said that it was ten, and told herself not to be scared!


Good girlfriend Qian Yuan came over with two cups of milk tea, she and Xiao Chuchu are college classmates, born in a prestigious school, as soon as they graduated, together with Xiao Chuchu, they entered Blue Sky Real Estate through school recruitment, responsible for buying and selling luxury real estate divisions, and worked for two years, because of their sweet appearance, intelligence, and good performance, both of them were promoted to managers.

"I just had a neurotic who called and said that he had ten school district houses in our company and wanted to come over in the afternoon to hand them over.

Qian Yuan handed Xiao Chuchu a cup of milk tea, and said in disbelief: "Crazy him, what is the concept of ten school district houses, according to the scale of our school district housing, a twenty-storey building, one floor with two ladders and four households, according to 150,000 per square meter, the cheapest one is more than 10 billion, 10 buildings, that is more than 10 billion!"

Qian Yuan shook his head and said, "How can you receive such an unreliable call."

Xiao Chuchu took a sip of milk tea and said: "Who knows, I originally expected the front hall phone of the luxury housing division to give me good luck, but now it seems that I am the one who answers the phone." "

They have a rule in the Blue Sky Mansion Department that all sales managers must be on duty in the front office for a few days, and the intention is to understand the front line, and it is Xiao Chuchu's turn to be on duty today. Qian Yuan said with a smile: "I can't say that, a few days ago, Xiaoyu didn't just receive a customer from the front hall."

Xiao Chuchu shook his head and said: "Forget it, I don't have that kind of luck, you see, it's afternoon, just this phone call, I'm still a fool!"

Qian Yuan smiled: "Okay, you will be liberated tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow will be my bad luck."

"Xiao Chuchu, Qian Yuan. A

middle-aged man hurriedly walked over.

"Minister. "

Minister. "

The minister is the general manager of the luxury business department, Bao Fei, and he has just received a call, so he hurriedly gave a notice.

"Hurry up and notify your subordinates, delete all the information on the sale and purchase of houses in the school district in the Blue Sky Royal Garden in Dongcheng District, and notify the corresponding intermediary platform to remove

all of them from the shelves! Be quick! Customers who have bought and sold will be refunded in full, no matter how much liquidated damages are paid, and all will be paid!"

"Ah? Minister, why? Didn't you just finish the meeting at the end of last month and say that this month is the main promotion of this project?"

Xiao Chuchu asked suspiciously, why has it only

been a week, and all of them have been taken off the shelves, is there a problem with the quality of the house? Qian Yuan is also puzzled, what is going on, you know, the real estate of the Royal Garden, but the key school district house, Yanjing has just been divided into the school district, you can go to the experimental attached primary school, the experimental junior high school, although one square meter is 290,000, but it is not easy to sell, his team members have sold seven or eight sets, and now they not only have to be taken off the shelves

, but also refunded, so their own commission?

"Well, I just got noticed, too.

Bao Fei's face was depressed, he also knew that this plate was easy to sell, but now, it was not his responsibility.

"A mysterious local tyrant came and bought all ten school district houses in the entire community in one go.

Looking at the two most proud sisters under his command, the security guard said with a smile: "Do you dare to believe it? I was stupid when I heard the boss inform me of the news,

and I was stupid, and I asked whether it was ten sets or ten buildings, and I was scolded by the boss."

Xiao Chuchu and Qian Yuanren were stupid, because the two of them remembered the phone call they had just discussed.

Bao An Fei looked at the two people with panicked expressions, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Chuchu said scaredly: "Manager, someone just called and said that he has ten school district houses with us and wants to hand them over in the afternoon."

Security Fei was stunned and asked, "What do you say?"

Xiao Chuchu: "I scolded him for being stupid and told him to cover the quilt, otherwise he would catch a cold from daydreaming." "

Ding Dong!

A message came from the security flight's mobile phone, which was sent by the boss.

Looking at the news, the security guard asked in a panic, "Did he tell you what his surname is?"

Xiao Chuchu nodded in fear.

Baoan Fei cried: "Don't you tell me, that idiot's surname is Xu?"

No, it should be said that it was the darkest day of his twenty-year career.

When Xiao Chuchu told Bao Fei, that idiot, oh no, that man's name was Xu Meng.

Bao An Fei felt that Xiao Chuchu's blue sky career was hanging, and he was gone.

He tried to call back, but unfortunately, no one answered, and after three calls, no one answered.

He thought that the buyer, Xu Meng, was angry, but in fact, Xu Meng was swimming in the pool and did not look at his phone at all.

Xiao Chuchu looked at the security guard who was about to drip water with a cold face and said, "Minister, maybe it may be the same name."

Qian Yuan was silent directly beside her, she had been in the company for more than two years, and it was the first time she had seen Baoan Fei so silent.

"I hope so.

Baoan Fei wrote down Xu Meng's mobile phone number, and then instructed Xiao Chuchu: "Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, you two will stay here for me today, keep watch until 12 o'clock at night, wait for me to come back at nine o'clock in the evening, I will try to make a phone call again, I will go to the headquarters to find the boss now, verify some news, do you understand!".

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