Lili blushed and helplessly let Wang Erhe's hand move.

"Wang ...... Anyway, our stock has risen sharply!

" What?

Wang Erhe squeezed hard in surprise, and Lili screamed in pain.

"Lili, turn on my computer.

"Okay, Mr. Wang.

So, Lili turned on the computer, Wang Erhe looked at his company's stock, Wang Di real estate, has risen to 500



At half past ten in the morning, the Wang Group held an emergency meeting about the rise in stock prices.

"Mr. Wang, the CBRC has sent an inquiry letter and email, let us reply to this.

Wang Erhe said unhurriedly: "Let the public relations department reply normally."

"Okay, Mr. Wang.

Wang Erhe continued to look at the computer and asked: "Has the financial department figured out why it suddenly rose so much!"

After speaking, the director of the financial department stood up and said: "I have sent someone to figure it out, someone is looking at the plate." "

Eat a plate?" Wang Erhe wondered.

"Yes. With that

, the treasurer stepped onto the stage, opened the main screen of the meeting, and showed everyone the data chart of the stock.

"Colleagues can see that the buying volume column has been in a state of volume, which means that there have been people gradually buying, here, the volume of selling columns has been stable in a range, which means that there are constantly people selling, and people are constantly taking over.

"As a result, buying orders are gradually being bought, and selling orders are constantly being taken over, resulting in a rapid rise in our stock price!" After

the treasurer finished speaking, the following board members discussed a lot, and some of them privately wanted to take advantage of this wave to directly untie their positions and achieve financial freedom.

Wang Erhe held the pen and kept knocking on the table, this company is his, he can't run much even if he runs, the original shares can't be solved, besides, he still has a lot of loans that are mortgaged by shares, and they can't be sold at all.

"Mr. Wang, our stock price has triggered

the price limit!" someone shouted at the meeting, Wang Erhe immediately looked at the computer, and it was still really, the first price limit had been triggered, and the market was suspended for ten minutes.

Stock Lobby.

The middle-aged uncle, who had just finished buying stocks, vigorously told the people around him how much he had sold and how much he had lost!

Since he had a lot of shares, many people felt sorry for him after hearing this.

"Oh, you still regret it here, this obvious bull stock, you haven't kept up, I don't sell it at 480, you see, I'm buying it again at 499!" "499 buying, this is too high!" The

person who bought it smiled: "What are you afraid of, I'm afraid you'll lose, this stock must have big capital doing it, and if you don't go up at this time, it's

too late." The

middle-aged uncle who complained was also a little moved, after all, he had been itching for a long time, but no one had come to join him, so he complained until now.

"Oh my God, it's up and down

!" "Haha, I earned it, I earned it!" The

man who bought 499 raised the purchase note in his hand and screamed happily in the hall, the middle-aged uncle couldn't wait, he was going too.

In Liu Weiwei's live broadcast room, fans were stunned.

What's the situation, didn't Grandpa Lu say smashing the plate, why did Wang Di Real Estate run up vigorously, what is the situation.

"I'll go, didn't I say smashing the market, why did people's stock prices rise vigorously. "

Hey, have you bought it?"

"I'm grass, isn't it, Grandpa Lu is smashing the market live, and you're ready to buy it."

"I see a lot of people buying online, and I want to make a lot of money.

"Don't say it, I'm done and I've come back, and I've earned a few thousand yuan, thank you grandpa.

"Really, fake.

Watching the live broadcast room from watching the smashing to discussing the purchase, Xu Meng smiled.

After a ten-minute pause, the four brothers squeezed their hands and moved their shoulders.

"Boss, I'm so tired!" Sun Guixiang stood up and soothed his body.

Yang Tian smiled and said: "You are tired of the second brother, and I have never stopped seeing the second brother's hands."

Peng Hai took a sip of water and said with a smile: "Don't say it, I don't even want to move my hands now."

Xu Meng ran to the kitchen refrigerator and took four bottles of Pepsi Cola and two bottles of juice.

The juice was given to Liu Weiwei and Dong Xue, and the four brothers drank Coke.

"Come, brothers, review it. As

he spoke, everyone opened a bottle of Coke and took a sip, ah, the first sip was worth two dollars and five.

"Second child!"

Peng Hai: "Buy 32 billion, hold 22% of the shares" Yang Tian: "Buy 25 billion, hold 15% of the shares" Sun Guixiang: "Buy 30 billion, hold 20

% of the shares" Xu Meng totaled nearly 87 billion, holding nearly 57% of the



There is no way, because of their price hike, the current stock price has risen.

"When the market opens, draw a long white candlestick for them.

Sun Guixiang exclaimed

: "No, boss, still buy it!" Yang Tian frowned and said: "A big yang is raised, we may all our net worth pressed up, and when the time comes, we will set off again to increase the limit, the CBRC will seal the market, and investigate the Wang Group, if it is because of any stain, the stock price jumps, and our money will all drift!"

Xu Meng looked at Liu Weiwei in front of him and smiled: "Chong Guan is angry and red-faced, buy it!"

The three brothers gave Xu Meng a thumbs up gesture.

Ten minutes later, the four continued to buy.

As soon as the market opened, everyone thought that they would go down a little first, and then attack upward, because the decline lured short, which is a regular operation of capital, but to Wang Erhe's surprise, people continue to buy directly!


Wang Di Real Estate is about to break the market value of 200 billion.

"Mr. Wang!" The

person in charge of the finance department ran over, took the latest printed stock market transaction flow, and put it in front of Wang Erhe.

"Mr. Wang, this is the flow of funds in the trading account, we found out, it is these three accounts that have been eating our stocks. Wang

Erhe took it over and took a look, these three accounts have accelerated to eat half of the group's shares, and the transaction is close to 90 billion!!

what is the situation!

Is this an international tour capital, staring at his own stock?

No, according to reason, the trader has not done this, and he has been buying and buying, which is too tyrant. Wang Shoufu was very confused.

Just when Wang Erhe was confused, Xu Meng's side, there were 10 billion left on the books.

Looking at the shareholdings, nearly 70% of the shares of Wang Di Real Estate are in their hands, that is to say, Xu Meng is now the largest shareholder of Wang's Real Estate, and he can influence the decision-making of the board of directors.

In addition to not having Wang Erhe's original shares, he can now be said to be in Wang Di Real Estate, under one person, above ten thousand people.


Peng Hai's phone rang.


Sun Guixiang's mobile phone also rang.


Yang Tian's phone also rang.

Xu Meng smiled slightly, yes, the means of checking the news are fast enough.

The three of them looked at Xu Meng, and Xu Meng nodded.

Then the three answered, and sure enough, as Xu Meng expected, it was a call from the Wang Group, and they wanted to invite them to come to the company to discuss development issues together, and ask the other party not to continue to buy the company's shares, after all, you are also for investment, and if you buy again, the company's shares may collapse, as for the power to be claimed, we can decide through the shareholders' meeting.

Among them, Peng Hai, who holds the largest number of shares, was personally called by Wang Erhe.

"This, Mr. Peng, thank you for your trust in our company, this optimism is also limited, and if you buy it down, you will buy my entire company, and you will also consider the benefits!"

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