So, the female anchor got up and left.

Xu Meng hurriedly took out a video camera, "Little fairy, go and see what is going on with her."


As soon as she entered the toilet, the female anchor closed the door.

The little fairy sneaks the camera in.

The female anchor really didn't go to the toilet, but stretched out her index finger and directly picked her throat.


three servings of bibimbap that she had just eaten were all spit out by her.

It can be seen that the female anchor is very uncomfortable, flushes the water, and slows down for a while before standing up.

When she came out, she wiped the dirt from the corners of her mouth in front of the mirror.

When she was touching up her makeup, An Xiaoxian passed by her casually.

Returning to her seat, An Xiaoxian said, "Sure enough, I went to induce vomiting."

Xu Meng's face was serious, "Overeating in front of the camera, vomiting off camera! This is not only a harm to his body, but also a deception to the audience, and a great

waste of food!" Yang Lei said: "There are many places in the world that are famine every year, these guys, just waste food!" An

Xiaoxian also said depressedly: "Our country is developing better and better now, and the era of not having enough food and clothing has passed, so people's hearts have changed." Zhao Xiaotian was indignant, "These people are just full of food! Brother Meng, do we want to teach them a lesson?"

Although this kind of behavior is not a vicious scumbag, it is still necessary to punish it.

Xu Meng got up and said, "I'll talk to them first." At

this time, the female anchor had just returned.

The male anchor solved a bibimbap.

Xu Meng went up and patted the two of them on the shoulder, "Hey handsome guys and beauties

, can you eat like this?" "Yes, we are a super big stomach group! If you like us, you can go to our live broadcast room to follow us."

After the female anchor finished speaking, she continued to say to the screen: "Hey cuties, I'm back, let's continue to work! The male anchor responded: "There are six copies in total, and there are still twenty-four copies waiting for us." "

Come on! "Come on!" Xu

Meng said: "That, handsome guy and beauty, you wait first." "


?" "You're also a fan of us, right? Do you need me to sign your name?"

Xu Meng waved his hand, "No, I want you to see what's on the wall behind you." "


the two of them looked back, and there was a poster on the wall, with the slogan on it, which read, "Saving is glorious, waste is shameful".

This poster is really ironic as the background of their big stomach.

The male and female anchors looked at each other awkwardly.

The male anchor said angrily: "We're live broadcasting, can you stand on the side

?" Xu Meng said: "Do you know how many people in the world can't eat because of famine every year? How many children are stunted because of famine, and they are so thin that they are only skinny and bones?"

Xu Meng asked himself: "It's 560 million people." "

You're like this, what's the matter with waiting for us to finish the live broadcast?" said the female anchor.

Xu Meng said: "It's because of your live broadcast that I came to say it, I want more people to know about waste, shame!" "

Crash value from Arm Changfan, +100" "Crash value from Cao Ping, +100

" The male anchor Arm Changfan

stood up, "Boy, you want to cause trouble, right? These are all bought by me with money, I can buy as many copies as I like! Can you manage it?"

The female anchor Cao Ping also stood up, " That's right! We spend money to buy it, and we can waste it as much as we want! What is your business?" At

present, 35 percent of the grain produced by our country every year is wasted, and the value of grain wasted on the dining table every year is as high as 200 billion yuan!

The food that is thrown away is equivalent to the annual food rations of more than 200 million people.

Xu Meng felt heartbroken.

For these two bastard things, Xu Meng didn't say anything more.

"Okay, you go on, I won't bother you.

"Get out of here!" the

female anchor scolded, and said to the camera again: "I'm sorry, little cuties, there was a little episode, let's continue."

As he spoke, the two anchors also adjusted a direction.

Otherwise, as a big stomach king eating and broadcasting, with the eight big characters of "saving glory, waste shameful" as the background, it is indeed ironic enough.

Xu Meng came back like this.

Everyone was very upset.

Xu Meng smiled slightly, "People are doing it, the sky is watching, these two guys have their own harvest!"

Just after these two big stomachs ate two bites, suddenly both of them felt wrong.


woo wow ~

In the next second, both of them vomited.

Arm Changfan vomited the most, and just a few servings of bibimbap came out.

And Cao Ping vomited all the things in her stomach because she had just induced vomiting.

Only retching.

"What's going on?" Zhao Xiaotian and the others were suddenly startled.

These two guys just vomited like this

, but, inexplicably, they felt that they could see ......

Xu Meng smiled secretly, "Today's system reward 丨 vomit sticker] just came in handy.

"Crash value from Arm Changfan, +834" "Crash value from Cao Ping, +949

" "Crash value from Arm Changfan, +1266"

"Crash value from ......

The collapse values of the two people emerge endlessly, one wave higher than the other.

Their live broadcast room also collapsed.

"Finally saw the two of them

vomit!" "What's the matter?

I vomited after eating so much?" "What's the big stomach

?" "Huh, why doesn't this female anchor have anything to vomit, has she already induced vomiting?"

Xu Meng stepped forward faintly, picked up the mobile phone they were broadcasting live on, and stepped forward.

"Hi handsome guys and beauties, I interviewed you, may I ask you...... Is it cool?

" Xu Meng pointed the camera at the vomit again, "Grandpa Yuan let us eat enough, didn't let us spoil the food!" "The collapse value from Arm Changfan

, +1555" "The collapse value from Cao Ping, +1555"

The two anchors vomited inexplicably, and now they almost vomited their stomachs.

They have been avoiding the camera.

But everything about them has been clearly seen by the audience.

"Tut-tut, you two can have a snack, don't do this kind of stupid thing in the future!" Xu

Meng was still angry, and said to the onlookers in the live broadcast room: "Take down the sand sculpture netizens! This kind of anchor is not worthy of your pursuit! Don't support this kind of person anymore, you will only fuel these so-called big stomachs and waste of food." "

Take a closer look, these two big stomachs actually have 27,000 fans.

"Crash value from Arm Changfan, +1555" "Crash value from Cao Ping, +1555"


two big stomachs vomited breathlessly.


The waiter hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Do you want to call an ambulance for you [vomiting sticker] Although it only lasted for an hour, the associated reactions such as acid reflux and gastric reflux caused by it did not recover so quickly, and it must be sent to the hospital for a good look."

Moreover, these big stomachs, long-term overeating, irregular work and rest, coupled with vomiting, have led to problems such as esophageal damage.

After this inspection, you will see more or less the problem.

Maybe these two big stomachs will know how to take care of their bodies more.

To some extent, Xu Meng cheated them, but he also helped them.

I hope they don't do this kind of stupid live streaming in the future.

Back home, Xu Meng began to think about how to promote the "Reunion Plan" app.

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