But just that little girl is really powerful, this is still to be sure, just these two silly women, are so funny, the deity is just not willing to cheat.

"Oh, when is my little nephew coming out, when I bring my mother and my aunt to eat chicken." Qing Yu彤 touched her sister's belly and smiled.

Qingya reveals a beautiful smile: "If the little guy is just obedient to the little girl, don't be like his dad."

"What to say, this should be like me." Ye Hua Shen said.

Qingya Jiao snorted: "I will not care about you if you look at your poorness."

At this time, the takeaway was also sent over. Ye Hua ate a spicy chicken leg and went downstairs. The sisters laughed and said nothing. After all, they were hit by a little girl under 3 years old. It was really hurt.

Going to the bar below, Ye Hua adjusted his favorite wine, then ordered a cigarette, took a sip and took another sip of wine. This is life, and the bad things are gone.

Take the wine and the smoke, Ye Hua is sitting in the deck, slowly falling into meditation, invincible is really empty...

Even if you win, you can't make your heart feel happy. In the past, there were still quite equal opponents, even more powerful than yourself. How excited the battle is, but now...

I really miss my former opponents, and those groups have destroyed their own supremes. I don’t know if they are doing well. If they are too good, then find a time to make them not so good. The deity is a little girl. Strike, the temperament of the deity has to be scattered on you, you have to blame it and blame it.

Thinking about Ye Hua, I fell asleep, and I don’t know how long it took, and the call sounded in my ear.

"Respected? Respect?"

Ye Hua frowned and found that Wei often stood beside him. He sat up with a sigh of relief and ordered a cigarette. He looked at the time: "How come at five o'clock?"

"Respected, the subordinates just finished meeting with Xiao Tang, and they are not going to go back." Wei Chang bowed and stood beside him respectfully.

Ye Hua stood up and picked up the cigarette case on the table: "Is it over?"

"Oh, I feel that this matter should be done cautiously."

Ye Hua nodded and said faintly: "Yes, I know what I want."

"Xie Zun praised." Wei Chang smiled, how honorable it is to be praised, Xiao Tang is really his lucky star.

With a cigarette, Ye Hua is going upstairs, just just stepping up the stairs, seems to think of something, shouting: "Wei Chang, come over, ask you something."

Wei Chang ran over: "Respect, what is the matter to explain?"

Ye Hua leaned on the guardrail of the stairs and frowned and asked: "Remember the woman three years ago?"

"Three years ago?" Wei Chang muttered.

"How did you suddenly ask about this time?" Wei Chang asked curiously.

Ye Hua spit out a cigarette: "Nothing, just suddenly remembered."

"Respecting this is to miss the old man, the humanity is getting higher and higher, and the subordinate is happy."

After a pause, Wei Chang continued: "The wife is much luckier than the first woman."

Ye Hualai was interested, just sit aside and listen to the analysis.

“Talk about how lucky she is, lady?”

"I don't dare to evaluate my wife at will."

Ye Hua’s eyes are horizontal and cold: “Let’s say it! You are already evaluating her!”

Wei Chang was scared to kneel down directly, blaming himself for this mouth, nothing to say about what the lady did.

"It’s damn."

"If you don't say me, let the cracked bones kill your little Tang!" Ye Hua said faintly, in fact, he wanted to see what Wei Chang reacted.

Sure enough, Wei was anxious, but he soon hid.

"This is what you say."

Ye Hua slowly closed his eyes and waited for Wei Chang’s remarks.

"The first woman who respects the monk is still fresh in her memory. After all, it is the first human woman who has touched it. The appearance is excellent, and only the lady's beauty can compete with her. However, she can get the favor of the respect, and she is also a blessing."

"Speaking about the key, how lucky the lady is." Ye Hua said lightly.

Wei Chang swallowed his throat: "Is it possible to respect the difference between the three years ago and now?"

Ye Hua does not speak.

"The humanity that was respected three years ago is still very unstable and moody, and now the respect can control these emotions."

"Mrs. waited for three days, and when they stood up, they went downstairs to see each other. It is obvious that there is a compassionate heart now, but the woman is not as lucky as her wife. Two months later she came to Qing, waited. For the first half of the month, I have not seen it on the top."

Ye Hua slowly opened his eyes: "She has been waiting for the deity for half a month? You seem to have never told me."

"As it is said, the respect of the time was very unstable, and the subordinates had not yet opened.

Ye Huajun extinguished the cigarette: "There is still such a thing."

Wei Chang now learns to observe the words and think about it, just like now.

"Do you want to let the genus look for her?" Wei Chang tempted to ask ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ye Hua slowly went upstairs and said calmly: "No, one has already let the deity break his heart."

Wei Chang smiled: "Mrs., after all, is a human being. Of course, words and deeds are different from respect."

"Go ahead."


For the first woman, Ye Hua suddenly thought of it today. It is a memory of the old man. There is no other idea. Just like Ye Hua said, the same woman will only touch once. Qingya is only an accident this time, because she is pregnant. Your own blood, or there will be no following.

Ye Hua walked up the second floor and had forgotten the first woman's business. The passengers in life would miss it a little.

When I opened the door, I saw that Qingya and Qingyu were sitting in front of the computer, and the atmosphere was tense. I don’t know if I am pulling off the power now. Will they come to find themselves?

Forget it, is the deity so boring? The only thing that can be used to pull power is that the stupid woman of Qingya can do it.

But the woman who is the deity is not fascinated by herself, but likes to play games!

I just started working, and now I am turning into a game, and who is learning the stink.

"Sister, you see me and my sister, I got to the top ten, I want to eat chicken right away." Qing Yuqi began to get excited, I saw these two women lying in the haystack, the focus is that they are still nervous expression.

Ye Hua sighed: "It’s almost finished after playing this, go out to eat."

"Hey··· Ye Hua, don’t talk, it’s good! It will be heard by others.” Qingya whispered.

What Ye Hua can say, rested directly on the bed of a small donkey, and today he was not hit by the little A.

Just lying down, Ye Hua heard the complaints of two women, no need to think about it, it must have been killed.

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