You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 134: 134 I'm Sorry

Jian Yun opened the door with a spare key. As soon as she entered the house, she saw a few large suitcases in the living room, as well as several stacks of books bundled together. Jian Yun couldn't help but frowned. Could Luo Yanyan also move go?

At this moment, Jian Yun heard a voice coming from Luo Yanyan's room.

"Yanyan?" Jian Yun stepped over the boxes and walked towards Luo Yanyan's bedroom, calling out.

However, Luo Yanyan did not respond to Jian Yun. The voice in the room was a bit loud. When Jian Yun heard the voice of a strange man, Luo Yanyan seemed to be arguing with him.

"Yanyan!" Jian Yun was a little worried. She has been in the hospital these days and rarely comes back. She barely touched Luo Yanyan. What Luo Yanyan said to her when staying overnight at Boshan Resort The words were still in her ears, Jian Yun always felt that since Luo Yanyan fell in love, the whole person's emotions were not right, so she suddenly saw Luo Yanyan move, and she became nervous.

Jian Yun was about to reach out and knock on the door, but the door was opened from inside, and a man's face came into view.

The man didn’t expect that there was a man standing at the door, and he was still a big beauty. He was startled at first, then stepped back abruptly. When he saw the person clearly, his eyes lit up with a smile on his mouth. Jian Yun stretched out his hand, "You are Jian Yun, I often hear Yanyan mention you."

Jian Yun looked down, glanced at the man's hand, hesitated not to reach out to hold it.

At this time, Luo Yanyan came over from inside and saw Jian Yun, her face was a little unnatural, but she still introduced Jian Yun, "Jian Yun, he is Qin Dong, me, my fiance."

"Fiance?" Jian Yun's eyes showed surprise, Luo Yanyan and the blind man were engaged? Didn’t they know each other for about a month?

"Yes, we got engaged a week ago." Luo Yanyan said uncomfortably, she hadn't looked at Jian Yun's eyes.

Although Jian Yun was shocked, she couldn't lose her politeness, so she stretched out her hand and shook Qin Dong, then smiled and said, "Hello."

At the same time, Jian Yun is also looking at Qin Dong. First of all, the most intuitive impression is that she found that he is not tall. She is standing with him in flat shoes. He is not taller than her, so his height is at most 170. His appearance It's medium, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. His lips are a bit thick, but it's not ugly. On the contrary, it gives people a loyal and honest feeling, that is, the clothes are more casual, and the suit is matched with sneakers.

"Miss Jian is so beautiful, no wonder Yanyan has been complimenting you." Qin Dong praised you sincerely. After all, he looked back at Luo Yanyan and asked, "What else to pack?"

"It's nothing, you move the box up the truck first, and I have a few words with Jian Yun." Luo Yanyan said.

"Okay!" Qin Dong replied, smiled at Jian Yun, and walked out of the door after passing her two boxes.

"Yanyan, why didn't you say anything about your engagement? Also, you guys are too fast?" Jian Yun suffocated her stomach a long time ago, she couldn't help it anymore when she saw Qin Dong going out, and grabbed it. Luo Yanyan's arm asked.

"The time is too hasty, and it was a temporary decision. Auntie was in the hospital again and didn't notify you." Luo Yanyan helplessly met Jian Yun's eyes and spread her hands. "Hurry? Someone is too slow."

"Yanyan, what's the matter? Don't you dislike him? Why did you suddenly decide to get married? Did your parents force you?" Jian Yun was so anxious that she and Luo had lived in a bedroom since her freshman year. Yanyan has also known each other for eight or nine years, and she has already loved her sisters. She is very afraid that Luo Yanyan will make the wrong decision.

"You don't have to love each other to get married, but just find a better man to live with you." Luo Yanyan smiled bitterly, but avoided Jian Yun's last question.

But how could Jian Yun know the meaning behind Luo Yanyan's bitter smile, she was so angry that she couldn't speak, "Your parents, how can your parents be like this!"

The smile at the corner of Luo Yanyan's mouth couldn't hold up. She reached out her hand and wiped her face, trying to hide the loneliness on her face. She deliberately piled up a smile. On the contrary, she comforted Jian Yun, "Well, maybe it's not that bad, Qin Dong and I. Although he has not known each other for a long time, he treats me very well. He has been a soldier before and he is also very diligent. Doesn't it depend on getting married?"

"But, Yanyan, are you willing?" Jian Yun felt uncomfortable.

"What can I do if I'm not reconciled? I don't love anymore. My family is in this situation. Although Qin Dong's conditions are not very good, he has a public office and his parents are retired. There is no burden. The house is full. If they bought it, it would be nice if they didn't dislike me." Luo Yanyan curled her lips, but the expression on her face was indifferent.

"What nonsense are you talking about! You are so good, worthy of a better man to love you!" Jian Yun did not like to hear Luo Yanyan say this.

"Xiaojun, my brother talked with a girlfriend last year, and his stomach became bigger. The girl’s mother quarreled at the door and forced the marriage, but they didn’t have any money, so they approached me and asked me to give them 100,000 yuan as a bonus. For the banquet, I didn’t have so much money, so I refused. My brother quarreled with my mother at home every day and forced my mother to borrow money. My mother was forced by him to borrow money, so he borrowed usury, but the marriage didn’t get married. The money was lost by him. Now it’s time to pay back the loan shark. Even the capital and the profit plus 150,000. They have no money to pay back the loan shark. The house is smashed. My brother doesn’t know where to hide. , My dad's blood pressure went up and he was hospitalized. My mom cried with me every day, you say, what can I do?"

When Luo Yanyan said these words, her tone was very calm, as if she was stating something that had nothing to do with her, but Jian Yun saw desolation and despair in her eyes.

Yes, anyone who stands in such a family will be desperate, especially if there is a spoiled younger brother who only asks for money, plus her patriarchal parents, it is hard for Luo Yanyan to have no mental breakdown. Up.

"Then do you have money to pay back?" Jian Yun felt sorry for Luo Yanyan. She knew that Luo Yanyan valued family affection. It was not her fault to have such parents and relatives. She was too soft-hearted, too kind, and too simple.

"I have no money, my money has been squeezed out by them." Luo Yanyan smiled bitterly at the corner of her lips. She finally couldn't hold on anymore. There were big tears falling from the corner of her eyes, and she choked up and said: "Jian Yun, I I really want to ignore them, but I can't help myself. I can't ignore my parents. I hate myself!"

"Yanyan, in fact, you know better than anyone else in your heart. They just think they can count on you, so they do this. You must be cruel, and you can't get used to them anymore, otherwise you will be the one who will suffer in the future." Yun hugged Luo Yanyan. She had said these words more than once, and she felt so weak.

"I know, I know, I tried to ignore them a while ago, but-if the money is not repaid, the loan sharks have threatened to cut my brother's hand. My mother cries with me every day. I can't watch them die. Ah..." Luo Yanyan cried more and more severely, and then she couldn't say anything in choking.

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