You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 331: 331 What did he post?

"Hate!" Jian Yun screamed, and subconsciously grasped Huo Liancheng's shoulder. Her body was not ready yet. Huo Liancheng's sudden entry made her painful little face wrinkled.

And Jian Yun’s original intention was that as long as she said the three words I love you, and then she could persuade Huo Liancheng not to rush to engage in **** activities in such a shameful occasion, who knows that he seems to be caught Encourage the general, and stop playing the prelude, just pick up the gun!

Huo Liancheng was indeed too excited. After waiting for so many years, he finally heard these three words from Jian Yun's mouth. Now he can't wait to rub her into his body. He never knew that the person he loved said he loved you too. It's so throbbing.

"I'm sorry." Huo Liancheng resisted the huge desire and desperately kissed Jian Yun, passionately.

Jian Yun gradually adapted to the intrusion of Huoliancheng. She knew that she could not refuse, so she accepted it. Anyway, it was a novel experience, and the car was so big and it was driving, and people outside did not know what was happening inside. What happened.

Jian Yun was so involved that she didn't even notice the phone in her bag was vibrating.

When the passion subsided, Jian Yun took a long time to relax, tidy up his clothes, picked up the phone to check the time, only to find that there were several missed calls on the phone, including Bai Yanran, Ouyang Beicheng, and Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan.

So many people are looking for her?

Jian Yun couldn't help but raised her eyebrows, and answered Bai Yanran's call.

He picked it up quickly, and shook his head and covered his face. "What are you doing, Jian Yun, why is the phone so hard to make?"

Jian Yun turned his head and glanced at Huo Liancheng who was replying to Huo Liancheng with his mobile phone, and said with a blushing face: "I was driving, I didn't hear, what's the matter? What's the matter in such a hurry?"

"Hurry up and see Weibo. Someone has exploded your photos and recordings, saying that you are arrogant and bullying. Now Weibo has collapsed." Bai Yanran said anxiously. Since she got on well with Ouyang Beicheng, she will Jian Yun regarded her family as her family, and now she sees her family being framed, why is she not worried?

Jian Yun was stunned for a moment, but didn't react for a while, "Who am I bullying?"

"You'll know when you check it out on Weibo!" Bai Yanran couldn't make it clear on the phone, and let Jian Yun watch it by herself.

As soon as the call with Bai Yanran was hung up, Wu Wenjing's call came in, "Jian Yun, why are you still stunned? You are scolded on Weibo, saying that you are the third person, you are a facelift, and arrogant. Humiliating Lin Fen, who the **** is Lin Fen? When is there such a big star in the entertainment industry, why don't I know!"

"Let's talk about it later, I'll go to Weibo!" Jian Yun's heart jumped, she probably guessed something, but whether it was Wu Wenjing or Bai Yanran, it was unclear, so she should check it out by herself.

However, when Jian Yun went on Weibo, she was shocked by the overwhelming comments that scolded her, and then she found the Weibo posted by countless people and Lin Fen crying.

And now various versions have been derived, saying that Jian Yun hit Lin Fen, and made Lin Fen kneel down and slap Lin Fen in the face.

Someone also posted pictures of Jian Yun and the old man getting off a luxury car. It was a truism that she was wrapped up by someone and changed hands many times. It was a bus!

"Fuck!" No matter how strong Jianjun's mental quality is, Rao was shocked by Lin Fen's shamelessness and the inverted Weibo, which is inverted.

"What?" Huo Liancheng just finished sending the email and answered Cheng Muze's phone. Just as he hung up, Jian Yun's face was indignant, and he lay down several times. He stretched out his hand and tapped Jian Yun's forehead with his long fingers. Chong Du said: "Who messed with you again?"

Jian Yun pouted and huffed and threw the phone to Huo Liancheng, "See it for yourself!"

When Huo Liancheng took the phone, his sword eyebrows frowned. What he saw was the picture of the big V and the recorded Weibo that had been forwarded hundreds of thousands. The more he looked at his eyes, the colder his eyes became. Only then did Cheng Muze tell him the same. In this matter, it was said that someone was spreading rumors on the Internet, but I did not expect it to have evolved to this level.

"I'm so angry!" Jian Yun gasped. It seems that she still can't engage in intimate activities outside the bed. It's only a while. Her reputation is so stinky. Will she be greeted by rotten eggs when she goes out tomorrow? what!

Huo Liancheng watched for a while, then suddenly put Jian Yun's phone aside, and then picked up his own phone. Jian Yun was angry and didn't want to look at the words scolding her, so he simply turned off the phone and didn't pay attention. What was Huoliancheng doing? When Huoliancheng put away his mobile phone, the car stopped downstairs.

That night, after returning home, Jian Yun was thrown down by Huo Liancheng. She fought until the early morning, and fell asleep when she was tired. She had no time to follow the mobile phone and Weibo news at all, so that she didn’t know the time of the night, not only the whole Weibo has turned upside down, and the national and even foreign media are all crazy.

And all this is because Huo Liancheng posted a Weibo.

When Jian Yun woke up, it was past eight o’clock. Huo Liancheng went to the company. He did not wake her up when he left. Jian Yun lay lazily on the bed. When she remembered what happened last night, she wanted to check Weibo now. When she was arranging her, she discovered that the phone was still turned off. She curled her lips, turned it on, and took the opportunity to go to the bathroom to wash.

However, as soon as Jian Yun sat down on the toilet, she heard the ringing of the phone ringing. She was half convenient. It was not good to go now, so she planned to wait for the call back. Who knew that the ringing had just ceased and it rang again immediately. same.

When Jian Yun came back, she picked up her mobile phone and saw that Wu Wenjing was calling, and quickly picked up, "Why? What's so urgent?"

Seeing that Jian Yun finally answered the phone, Wu Wenjing suddenly became angry, "Fuck, I said eldest sister, at this critical moment, you turned off your phone all night, do you know what I was so anxious for last night? Yanyan, I didn't sleep, we kept calling you and shutting down..."

"Isn't it normal to turn off the phone while sleeping?" Jian Yun was inexplicable. Wu Wenjing's voice was too loud and her ears hurt. She took the phone away.

"Sleep? Are you still in the mood to sleep? You have nothing to explain to us?" Wu Wenjing shouted.

"Explanation?" Jian Yun was confused. She suddenly remembered something more important, so she said: "Wu Dazhuang, how can I not understand what you said? By the way, what happened to the Weibo incident last night? I don’t even want to go to Weibo. I was scolded so badly for the first time in my life. I don’t want to live anymore. If it weren’t for my strong psychological quality, you would not see me today!"

"I can't see your ball!" Wu Wenjing sighed up to the sky, beating the table and roaring: "Jian Yun, I mean you are staying, or are you cute? Your handsome Huo Dawei posted a Weibo last night. Don’t you know?"

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