You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 340: 340 I am here for you!

When Huo Liancheng was sent back to the room, the injury on his back had already been medicined, he was as strong as him, and he was too weak for pain, so he lay directly on the bed as soon as he came back.

Jian Yun stood at the window and watched the person who sent Huo Liancheng back to leave. She looked at the person on the bed. Huo Liancheng was lying on his stomach. His entire back was exposed. The scars on his back were crisscrossed and shocking.

"Are you going to just keep watching like this?" Huo Liancheng's voice was a little hoarse. He turned his head to look at Jian Yun. Under the light, his eyes were covered by sweat-damp hair, only showing dark eyes.

Jian Yun's eyelashes lifted, her bright eyes met Huo Liancheng's eyes, she just looked at him like this, her face was deep and she never said a word.

Huo Liancheng sighed, he waved to Jian Yun, "Come here!"

Jian Yun still didn't move, her cheeks bite tightly, and her big bright eyes were covered with frost.

"Angry?" Huo Liancheng's pale handsome face was stained with helplessness. He resisted the pain and sat up from the bed with his arms supported.

Jian Yun saw that it was just a simple action, but Huo Liancheng's forehead oozes fine beads of sweat, which shows how weak he is at this time. When he got out of bed, he staggered and almost fell over.

"Be careful!" Jian Yun rushed over almost subconsciously, holding on to Huo Liancheng.

However, at this moment, Jian Yun suddenly felt a strong attack, followed by a round of spinning, and President Huo Da, who was still weak just now, turned her back and overwhelmed her on the bed.

"Hey!" Jian Yun was angry, but then his mouth was blocked.

The deep kiss, warm and domineering, as usual, is also the style of Huo Liancheng.

Jian Yun originally wanted to resist. She was very angry, really angry. Huo Liancheng didn’t tell her anything, making her feel like a fool. What she saw tonight had a great impact on her. Until now She still seemed to be overwhelming.

"Duo Duo, I'm very happy!" Huo Liancheng released Jian Yun in a timely manner, and before she was angry, he whispered in her ear.

"How happy to be beaten like this? Do you like to be abused?" Jian Yun was surprised by Huo Liancheng's words, thinking that he was beaten stupid, and even ignoring him, reached out and touched his forehead, "Still having a fever? "

Huo Liancheng grabbed Jian Yun's hand, put it to his lips, and stretched his eyebrows. The good-looking eyes were no longer indifferent, but full of spring-like smiles, "I'm very happy, you are finally willing to admit me Up!"

Jian Yun was stunned when she heard the words, she looked at Huo Liancheng's eyes, and she didn't expect him to be so happy.

"Why do I think you are getting more and more stupid!" Jian Yun felt like a sigh of relief in her heart, making her feel uncomfortable, and she was not in the mood to care about his concealment anymore.

"Yeah, if I wasn't stupid, how could I have been looking for you for six years?" Huo Liancheng didn't deny it, he kissed Jian Yun, his eyes soft as water.

"Well, I'm so stupid!" Jian Yun gave Huo Liancheng a white, then opened his mouth and bit on his shoulder.

"Hiss!" Huo Liancheng frowned and gasped, "I don't think I have enough wounds?"

"I think you were beaten like that just now and you didn't say anything. I guess you don't hurt!" Jian Yun said deliberately.

"..." Huo Liancheng was helpless, he knew he couldn't get past. If she didn't explain clearly to Jian Yun tonight, she would definitely not give up.

"Nothing to say?" Sure enough, Jian Yun saw Huo Liancheng's silence, so he asked first.

"What do you want to know?" Huo Liancheng threw the question back.

"Why did your father beat you? Is it really because you got married without passing through them?" Jian Yun asked.

"Not exactly!" Huo Liancheng lay on Jian Yun, but he didn't want his weight to make her feel uncomfortable, so he still supported her with his arms, which affected her back injury, but he did not say a word and did not change. Posture, because he thought she was soft, it was very comfortable to hold her like this.

"Our family moved from Beijing to Hong Kong in the 1940s, and later went abroad, from the United States to the United Kingdom, and now settled in Switzerland. There are family branches all over the world." Huo Liancheng slowly explained, "But we This room is the eldest son of the long room, and he has always been the owner of the family. The family owner must have this ring in the inheritance." Huo Liancheng stretched out his hand and let Jian Yun look at his ring, which was the one he left to Jian Yun.

"Is this a token?" Jian Yun asked, touching the dark pattern on the ring. She was very familiar with this ring, and she touched it to sleep almost every night.

"Well, the ring used to be the key. Later, technology developed. There is a chip in the ring. The important secrets of the family are in it, and it is also the secret key to open the Huo family secret room of the Swiss bank." Huo Liancheng said in a deep voice.

"How dare you give such an important thing to someone you never knew before? You crazy man!" Jian Yun slapped her tongue, her face was green, she couldn't imagine what if she accidentally lost this ring .

"I didn't even want my life back then, what do you want the ring for?" Huo Liancheng squinted his eyes, and a cruel smile evoked at the corner of his mouth. "

"Then you..." Jian Yun frowned, wanted to ask something, but held back.

Huo Liancheng stared at Jian Yun's eyes, "What do you want to ask?"

"Don't ask!" Jian Yun originally wanted to ask him, in his heart, is the ring important or hers important? He looked for her so hard, is it because the ring is with her, but she feels this again It was really boring, it was like asking him if she fell into the water with his mother at the same time, who would he save.

"I'm here for you!" Huo Liancheng seemed to know what Jian Yun was thinking. He smiled and said in a deep voice, "There is no doubt about this!"

Jian Yun pursed the corner of her mouth and curled her eyes. Although she didn't say anything, her eyes relaxed at this moment because of his words.

"So, I'm very happy, what you said tonight!" Huo Liancheng squeezed Jian Yun's chin, changed his tone suddenly, and suddenly said severely: "But I also want to say that you are stupid tonight!"

Jian Yun raised her eyebrows.

"Do you know how heavy the whip is on your body? What if you just rush out and hurt you?" Huo Liancheng's tone was very dissatisfied.

"I didn't think so much!" Jian Yun didn't expect that this was what Huo Liancheng was talking about. She raised her hand and looked at the whiplash on her arm and the red marks on her arm.

She was just rubbed by the tail of the whip and it was already like this. I really don't know what the pain should be like so many injuries on Huo Liancheng's back.

"Does it still hurt?" Huo Liancheng grabbed Jian Yun's hand and injured her body, more painful than his own.

Jian Yun didn't want to worry Huo Liancheng, she shook her head, "I'm fine, your injury is much heavier than mine, I should ask you."

"I am a man with thick skin and thick skin. Besides, I have suffered more severe injuries before, and this little injury is nothing." Huo Liancheng smiled and said calmly.

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