You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 347: 347 You love the new and dislike the old so soon?

At night, Jian Yun applied ointment to Huo Liancheng. The area on his back was too large to lie down, so he could only sleep on his stomach.

Jian Yun lay down beside him and urged Huo Liancheng to go to bed. Finally, he could take a few days to rest. He didn't need to hold a video conference until late at night. He was injured again. She wanted him to go to bed earlier. But how could Huo Liancheng sleep? Although he was lying on his stomach, he stretched out his long arms and took Jian Yun into his arms. The fragrance of Jian Yun's body pierced into his heart. Huo Liancheng couldn't help it anymore, his eyes flashed. The hands are also irregular.

"No! Wait until you get better!" Jian Yun was frightened. Huo Liancheng is like a woman who hasn't seen a woman in 800 years. He doesn't have any self-control in that matter. If she allows him to act like this again , His body will be hollowed out sooner or later.

In the end, after Jian Yun's stern refusal, Huo Liancheng forcibly held back and did not go further.

The two got in touch for a while, and Jian Yun suddenly remembered that her mobile phone hadn't been turned on for two days. Since Huo Liancheng disclosed on Weibo that they had gotten married, her mobile phone was about to be blown up, except for a few good relationships. , The others were all close to the relationship, and even came to borrow money. Jian Yun couldn't handle it, so she simply turned off the phone.

When I arrived in Switzerland yesterday, Jian Yun still used Huo Liancheng's cell phone to call Ouyang Fei to report that he was safe.

Jian Yun thought for a while, still didn't turn on the phone, but logged into her WeChat with Huo Liancheng, and chatted with Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan, and also learned that the news about her and Huo Liancheng's marriage has been fermented on the Internet. It's a new height, but with the intervention of Huo Liancheng's people, no one scolded her this time, but the blessing and envy of the water, boasting that she was the winner in life.

As for Lin Fen and Li Fang's jumping clowns, they have been drowned in saliva, especially Lin Fen. Her so-called backstage godfather also let her go, and has separated from her, and has now been blocked by the entertainment industry.

Jian Yun did not sympathize with Lin Fen, but sighed that the fate of offending Huo Liancheng was really miserable!

"What are you looking at?" Huo Liancheng couldn't sleep because of the painful wound on his back. Seeing Jian Yun frowning and sighing at the phone, he couldn't help but raise his body with his arms and asked.

"That Lin Fen was banned by the entertainment industry. All the film and television companies have cleared their relationship and said they will not find her for filming again." Jian Yun quit WeChat and squinted at Huo Liancheng, "Is it too much?"

"It wasn't me, what did I do?" Huo Liancheng shrugged.

"It's not you?" Jian Yun didn't believe it, "Why are you in a hurry..."

Jian Yun stopped here when she said that she also thought that as Huo Liancheng, there is really no need to have trouble with a young artist of the 18th line, but this does not mean that the people from the film and television companies will deliberately do this to make Huo Liancheng unhappy. , So he doesn’t have to say nothing, he just needs the marriage certificate, and those who want to cheat him will naturally not deliberately get into trouble.

It seems that this time, Lin Fen will never turn back.

"Okay, take care of what those people are doing!" Huo Liancheng pointed to his back, "It hurts!"

"I'll help you with medicine!" Jian Yun quickly put down the phone and reached out to get the ointment. This is the ointment prepared by the Yin family. It is cool and swelling. The whiplash on her arm won't hurt after applying it twice, but Huo Liancheng The injury on his back was too deep and too serious, so that the effect of his use was not significant.

"What you have to do is not to give me medicine!" Huo Liancheng took Jian Yun's hand and kept her from moving, his eyes were staring at her, his eyes shining brightly.

"Then what am I going to do?" Jian Yun curled his lips, "Don't tell me what you want again!"

"It's useless to think about it, you don't cooperate!" Huo Liancheng looked sad.

Jian Yun laughed, grabbing Huo Liancheng's nose, and asked him: "I'm very curious, how did you want to be so strong in the past?"

"Want to know?" Huo Liancheng pointed to his lips with an arrogant expression, "Kiss me, kiss me, I will tell you if I am happy!"

Jian Yun pursed her lips, and didn't refuse this time, she just put her arms around Huo Liancheng's neck and kissed him actively.

The kiss was entangled for a long time, and when it stopped, both of them were panting. Jian Yun's small face was flushed, and her big eyes were watery, so shy that Huo Liancheng wanted to swallow her.

"Can you not be so hard next time! Your tongue will break!" Although she was complaining, Jian Yun's voice was soft, more like acting like a baby.

"Who called you so delicious!" Huo Liancheng stroked Jian Yun's face, "and I still have an incredible feeling."

"What's unbelievable?" Jian Yun asked curiously, playing with Huo Liancheng's fingers.

"I can't believe that you will really fall in love with me!" Huo Liancheng said solemnly.

Jian Yun blinked, wondering if she had a hallucination, "Is there anything wrong, you are a famous diamond bachelor in the world, you are so unconfident?"

"Yes, I am actually very inferior!" Huo Liancheng said sadly.

"Come on!" Jian Yun gave Huo Liancheng a white look, and couldn't help but wrinkled his nose and said with a smile: "Don't want to fool me with rhetoric, no, no!"

Huo Liancheng's tricks were dismantled, and he was not angry, but kissed Jian Yun with a smile on his face, "Just once!"

"No!" Jian Yun vetoed it. Seeing that Huo Liancheng was disappointed, she had to comfort him again: "Don't worry about that all day long, I will be under a lot of pressure!"

"You can just lie down and enjoy, what pressure is there!" Huo Liancheng puzzled.

"Hey!" Jian Yun's neck became hot when he heard the words, and slapped Huo Liancheng on the shoulder, "Do you want me to be a wooden person?"

"Forget it!" Huo Liancheng thought for a while and shook his head quickly, "I might as well make an inflatable doll."

Jian Yun's eyes lit up when she heard this, "This is a good idea!"

"Not bad for your size!" Huo Liancheng was unhappy, "Are you starting to bore me?"

"Yes!" Jian Yun nodded deliberately.

Huo Liancheng didn't expect Jian Yun to actually admit that his handsome face suddenly changed color, "You like the new and hate the old so soon, want to abandon me?"

"Yeah, now there are endless small fresh meats, I always look at your face, always have to change the taste!" Jian Yun squinted his eyes and said with a smile.

"Dare you!" Huo Liancheng sneered down.

"Do you want to try?" Jian Yun was not afraid of death's provocation.

"You said it!" Huo Liancheng grinned. Before Jian Yun could react, he grabbed her hands and then bullied herself up.

"Hey hey hey, what did I say? I'm really going to get angry if I don't take you like this-uh..."

Jian Yun's voice became weaker and weaker, and finally turned into a low gasp.

I can't resist physically, but I'm already scolding my mother in my heart. Is she a trick? This guy said that deliberately, waiting for this moment, right?

When everything was over, Jian Yun eased his anger, and looked at President Huo Da, who was proud to eat and drink, and lost his temper.

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