You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 349: 349 It's not a misunderstanding

Shen Fangqi was not relieved, and followed into the room. Jian Yun pushed Huo Qingcheng and looked at Shen Fangqi. Seeing that she didn't mean to talk to her, he ignored it.

Huo Liancheng's room was a suite, and the door was a small living room. Jian Yun took a blanket from the closet and put it on Huo Qingcheng. Just when he wanted to talk to her, he realized that Huo Qingcheng was holding her hand.

Jian Yun was a little surprised, and she was also very strange in her heart. She didn't know why Huo Qingcheng was so attached to her alone.

Huo Liancheng took his coat over and put it on Jian Yun. Seeing Huo Qingcheng holding Jian Yun's hand, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"You talk to her!" Shen Fangqi suddenly said.

Jian Yun glanced at her, spoke obediently, and chatted with Huo Qingcheng. It was not that Jian Yun listened to Shen Fangqi's words, but that she also wanted to help Huo Qingcheng. After all, she and Huo Liancheng had a blood relationship, and she was So innocent, such a young and fresh life, but imprisoned in the body.

Huo Liancheng stayed with Jian Yun and talked to Huo Qingcheng, but apart from the movement of Huo Qingcheng holding Jian Yun’s hand at the beginning, there were no surprises in the back, but she really relied on Jian Yun and kept holding. Without letting go of her hand, Jian Yun couldn't even want to leave.

Fortunately, Huo Qingcheng, who hadn't slept all night, became tired after a while. Jian Yun said that she was dry, but when she couldn't say anything, she finally fell asleep.

Huo Liancheng hugged Huo Qingcheng back to his room, Jian Yun wanted to follow, but Shen Fangqi stopped him, and Huo Liancheng stopped immediately.

Shen Fangqi saw Huo Liancheng standing still, staring at her indifferently, and couldn't help but chuckled, "Don't worry, I won't treat your daughter-in-law!"

"You go first!" Jian Yun pushed Huo Liancheng, she guessed Shen Fangqi should have something to say to her.

Huo Liancheng squinted his eyes, paused for a moment, and then continued to walk forward.

In the room, Jian Yun and Shen Fangqi were sitting opposite each other. She looked at the toes of her shoes and waited for Shen Fangqi to speak, but she didn't hear Shen Fangqi speaking for a long time. Jian Yun raised her head in confusion, and saw that Shen Fangqi had empty eyes and was in a daze .

"Mrs. Huo?" Jian Yun couldn't help but call out.

Shen Fangqi blinked, his eyes slowly focused, and finally focused on Jian Yun.

"You, are you looking for something to do with me?" Jian Yun doesn't like to be with Shen Fangqi very much. The words she said yesterday make her feel embarrassed now.

Shen Fangqi looked at Jian Yun and suddenly asked, "Do you know everything about Qingcheng?"

"What's the matter?" Jian Yun stunned for a moment, and then reacted, "Do you mean the car accident?"

"Yeah." Shen Fangqi responded for a long time.

Jian Yun waited for her to continue, but saw that Shen Fangqi was in a daze again. She couldn't take the initiative to mention it, so she could only sit with her.

"Liancheng told you, right?" Shen Fangqi spoke in silence, with a low tone, but it was difficult to conceal the sadness, "Does he hate me very much?"

Jian Yun bit her lip, not knowing how to answer, and entangled her still shook her head, "No!"

Even if there is no amount of hatred, it can't conceal the fact that Shen Fangqi and Huo Liancheng are mother and child after all. If Jian Yun admits that Huo Liancheng hates Shen Fangqi at this time, he will inevitably be suspicious of provocation.

Shen Fangqi obviously didn't believe it. Her lips curled up with an indifferent smile, "You are really kind, afraid that I will be embarrassed to say it?"

Jian Yun was silent.

Shen Fangqi continued: "However, he should hate me, even I hate myself, how can he not hate?"

Jian Yun raised her eyebrows, considered the sentence, and asked carefully: "Madam Huo, can I ask why?"

Shen Fangqi raised his eyes suddenly and looked at Jian Yun, "What and why?"

"Why, do you want to do that! Shelter, that person, hurt your own children!" Jian Yun didn't care about it. She felt incredible when she heard Huo Liancheng talk about the past last night. She had a desire to go directly Shen Fangqi asked everything about her thoughts, but she did not expect that she would come by herself today.

"Did Liancheng tell you that?" Shen Fangqi was not angry, but there was a trace of sadness to despair in his eyes.

Jian Yun asked softly, "Is there any misunderstanding between you and Liancheng?"

"Misunderstanding? I hope it's a misunderstanding, haha, but the truth is so cruel. He hates me for deleting the surveillance and sheltering Chengfeng. For so many years, he has been in a cold war with me and didn't even tell me about getting married..." Shen Fangqi suddenly became excited. .

"..." Jian Yun was startled, so what Huo Liancheng said was true?

"Do you think I am cruel? But, what can I do? They are all my sons and daughters. At the beginning, I chose Xiang Qian. Before the wedding, I betrayed Xiang Rong and left Chengfeng. For so many years, I feel uncomfortable. "Shen Fangqi suppressed it for too long, facing this strange daughter-in-law, she had an inexplicable desire to talk.

"But this cannot be a reason for you to condone one child to hurt the other two!" Jian Yun said coldly.

Her unceremoniousness also surprised Shen Fangqi. He looked up at her for a long while before nodding, and said with a wry smile: "Yes, you are right! But you weren't me. At that time, my mind was all messed up, palms and backs were all fleshy. I didn't expect Cheng Summit to do such a thing. I just subconsciously didn't want to make things big. I abandoned him when he was very young. It was because of this guilt that I did something that made me regret for life! "

In the end, Shen Fangqi had already covered her face and started crying. After so many years of depressed feelings, she finally couldn't bear it.

Jian Yun no longer knows what to say, she has no experience as a mother, and naturally cannot understand the mental state described by Shen Fangqi at this time, but she shouldn't use this method anyway!

"Duo, come here!"

In silence, Jian Yun heard the voice of Huo Liancheng coming from the door. She turned her head to look and saw that Huo Liancheng had come back for some time and was looking here with indifference.

"Liancheng!" Seeing Huo Liancheng, Shen Fangqi stood up abruptly when she saw Huo Liancheng. She looked at Huo Liancheng with panic in her eyes, with a hint of anticipation in her panic.

"Duo, let's go!" Huo Liancheng didn't look at Shen Fangqi, he just stretched out his hand to Jian Yun.

Jian Yun looked at the stranger mother and son, and she couldn't help but sighed secretly. She got up and said to Shen Fangqi: "Mrs. Huo, I'm leaving now."

Shen Fangqi's face was pale, his lips moved a few times, but he said nothing.

Huo Liancheng took Jian Yun's hand and said solemnly: "Go in and pack up, the plane will take off in an hour."

"Airplane? Where to go?"

Jian Yun and Shen Fangqi asked questions almost simultaneously.

"Back to China!" Huo Liancheng glanced at Shen Fangqi, and said coldly, without any emotion: "Mother don't have to blame herself anymore, the palms of the hands, since you can't choose, then I will help you! I will bring Qingcheng. Go back together! Next, you can take care of Big Brother wholeheartedly!"

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