You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 355: 355 Tough Girl

Jian Yun opened the door and saw Huo Qingcheng's nanny Helena. This woman was Swiss and had been taking care of her since Huo Qingcheng's accident. But Huo Qingcheng told Jian Yun last night that Helena was one of Huo Chengfeng's eyeliners placed beside her.

Huo Qingcheng said that there are other eyeliners, but her range of motion is too narrow, and she usually contacts Helena, so she is not sure.

Jian Yun's heart was throbbing, and she felt even more distressed for Huo Qingcheng. She suffered such bad luck at such a young age, and finally became sober, but there was no one to believe around. How trembling she should live every day.

"Ma'am, I'm here to pick up the young lady." Helena originally spoke English to Jian Yun, but she was not fluent in English. Seeing that Jian Yun can speak French, she now speaks French when communicating with Jian Yun.

"Miss hasn't woken up yet, come back later." Jian Yun felt frustrated when she saw Helena, but she couldn't show it on her face, she just made her usual polite appearance.

Helena looked at her watch, frowned and nodded, "All right."

Jian Yun was about to close the door, but Helena supported the door with her hand and said with a smile: "Madam, can I go in and wait for the lady?"

Jian Yun felt a bit angry when he heard this. Helena woke Huo Qingcheng early in the morning and pushed her to the garden. At first Jian Yun felt that the nanny was very dedicated, but now thinking about it, he found that Helena is clearly A wicked servant, Huo Qingcheng is a puppet doll in her hands, she can manipulate it whatever she wants.

"This is my room, it's inappropriate for you to come in!" Jian Yun suppressed the anger in his heart, still smiling. Before Huo Liancheng came back, she didn't want to tear her face with Helena, and she didn't want to startle the snake.

The expression on Helena’s face was a bit awkward, but she didn’t insist anymore. She made a cautious expression and respectfully said: “I’m sorry, madam, I’ve passed over. I’m just worried that the lady has been taking care of me all the time. Suddenly she won’t see me. ."

"It doesn't matter, I am here, if she wakes up, I will call you!" Jian Yun smiled strangely.

"Okay, madam!" Helena turned and left.

Jian Yun closed the door and saw sunlight coming in through the curtain gap, just falling on Huo Qingcheng’s face on the bed. She walked over, picked up the remote control to close the curtains, turned her head, but found that Huo Qingcheng was watching with open eyes she was.

Huo Qingcheng’s eyes are typical apricot-core eyes, especially beautiful. Her eyes are pitch-black, with a hint of blue on the whites, like baby eyes. Especially when looking at people, there is always an innocent temperament, which makes people feel heartbroken. melted.

The corners of Jian Yun's mouth rose. She did not speak, but lay down, lying face to face with Huo Qingcheng in the same posture as last night. Huo Qingcheng reached out and quietly wrote two words in the palm of her hand, "Thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Jian Yun was surprised.

"I hate Helena." Huo Qingcheng wrote slowly, "She knew it when I first woke up, but she and his master didn't want me to wake up and kept giving me medicine. Later, it was estimated that I didn't get better. Stop, but still often put sleeping pills in my water glass."

Jian Yun's hand tightened, and anger suddenly surged in her heart.

"Sister, I have endured for a long time, just wait for the opportunity, this time my brother brings you back, I am really happy." Huo Qingcheng looked at Jian Yun, thank you for this line of words quickly, appease Jian Yun, at this moment, her big eyes Shining light.

"Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad person?" Jian Yun was very curious. Huo Qingcheng reacted to her when she first saw Huo Qingcheng that day. At the time, she thought she really had such a charm to wake a vegetative person. Happy for a long time.

"The person my brother likes is not a bad person!" Huo Qingcheng smiled.

"So confident?" Jian Yun also smiled, and replied: "That's really to thank you for loving me so much!"

"By the way, elder sister, don't show any strangeness for the time being. Helena will do whatever she wants. Huo Chengfeng has been cultivating his own power. My brother is bright and he is dark. I am afraid that my brother will suffer." Huo Qingcheng worried.

"You too underestimated your brother!" Jian Yun snapped Huo Qingcheng's forehead. She really took it. The two brothers and sisters were really a mother. They were so deliberate. Even if Huo Qingcheng became like this, Can still be so forbearing, but also not complaining about others, carefully planning for each step in the future.

Jian Yun heard from Huo Liancheng before that Huo Qingcheng was very smart. She was admitted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the age of sixteen. She studied space physics, and her future dream is to enter NASA, and she also designs jewelry by herself at a young age. Has its own jewelry brand.

If she hadn't had an accident at the time, then her current achievements would be no less than her brother!

However, all of Huo Qingcheng’s dreams were wiped out in the man-made car accident. Now she is like a walking corpse. Although her sanity has recovered, she dare not go for rehabilitation training because she is afraid that Huo Chengfeng will be a demon again. The body is still so weak.

When Jian Yun thought of this, her nose became sore again, and she squeezed Huo Qingcheng's hand in distress. Huo Qingcheng's thoughts are very careful. She knew that this sister-in-law was distressed by Jian Yun's eyes. She didn't speak, but smiled, and said with her mouth: "Sister, don't have to sympathize with me, I'm fine, the current suffering But it’s the generals of heaven! I believe that I will get better soon and be able to walk under the blue sky with you and my brother!"

"Yeah." Jian Yun nodded slightly. She knew that someone must have been tapping here now. Looking at the time, it was almost eight o'clock. She also asked Huo Qingcheng with her lips, "Arise?"

Huo Qingcheng nodded.

Jian Yun sat up, stretched her waist deliberately, and let out a comfortable sigh, "Qingcheng, the weather is very good today. I will push you to the garden later."

After saying this, Jian Yun waited. Sure enough, before she could count to ten, the door was knocked. Helena asked outside: "Mrs., did the young lady get up?"

Jian Yun exchanged glances with Huo Qingcheng, and both eyes flashed coldly. It seemed that Helena was really monitoring Huo Qingcheng all the time.

She curled the corners of her lips, and then said: "Well, wake up, the door is unlocked, you can come in."

Helena opened the door, her attitude was still respectful, and her look was stale and respectful, and she seemed to be a serious and responsible person, but after knowing her details, Jian Yun hated her in her heart, especially Yi Thinking that she kept giving her sedative drugs in order to control Huo Qingcheng, Jian Yun really wanted to put those drugs into Helena and Huo Chengfeng's mouth.

Helena hugged Huo Qingcheng and put her in a wheelchair. The wheelchair was specially made, and Huo Qingcheng could sit very comfortably. The moment Helena came in, Huo Qingcheng's eyelids were drooped, and the brilliance in her eyes was reduced and changed. Hollow.

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