You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 357: 357 I'm Sorry

"It was originally!" Jian Yun said in disgust.

Huo Liancheng was very hurt, "Duo Duo, how do I feel that you don't love me anymore!"

"Have I ever loved you?" Jian Yun raised her eyebrows and sneered deliberately, "Don't be so affectionate here! I just love you and don't love you!"

"Do you dare to say it again!" Huo Liancheng gritted his teeth angrily on the phone, wishing to pinch Jian Yun to death, his status is not as high as a dog? Unreasonable!

"I don't love--" Jian Yun was triumphant. She felt that she must have been too gentle with Huo Liancheng recently. This product has become less and less limited. It is far from the cold look when she first met him. Too good to him.

However, before Jian Yun had time to say the word you, she suddenly realized that her eyes were dark, a pair of powerful arms suddenly encircled her, and pulled her into the bushes beside her, her mouth was also caught. Blocked severely.

Unprepared by the kiss, Jian Yun was so scared that her heart almost stopped beating, but after the reaction, the familiar breath pouring from her nose made her ecstatic, her eyes widened, and she stared greedily at the handsome face in front of her.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Jianjun excitedly embraced Huo Liancheng's neck, chewing enthusiastically.

"Hiss!" Huo Liancheng was in pain, loosened Jian Yun's lips, with a helpless expression, "Are you Xiao Wangwang? Still biting?"

Jian Yun's eyes were gleaming, still chewing on Huo Liancheng's face, so excited, "Why did you come back? Wasn't you still in the United States when you called last night?"

"I'm not worried about you, don't you worry, you actually said that you don't love me!" Huo Liancheng was full of grievances, holding Jian Yun's face and pulling on both sides, "I also said that I can't compare to a dog!"

Jian Yun's smiling eyes narrowed, her eyelashes curled, she grasped Huo Liancheng's hand, tilted her head and rubbed his palm, her voice was so sweet and greasy, "I love you the most! "

Huo Liancheng knocked on Jian Yun's forehead, "Is this what I mean?"

"Of course!" Jian Yun hooked Huo Liancheng's neck, slammed his lips, and said with a smile: "Can't you feel my sincere heart?"

"Touch it to know!" Huo Liancheng stretched out Lushan's claws.

Jian Yun screamed and knocked out Huo Liancheng's hand with a "pop", his shameful face was flushed, and he couldn't help but spit out, "Don't look anywhere here!"

He couldn't put it down with the soft touch. Huo Liancheng put his arms around Jian Yun, touched her pink lips, squinted and smiled, and covered his hands again, "My own garden! Where else can it be?"

"You will be seen!" Jian Yun's eyes were as silky as silk, and she exhaled as blue.

"No one will see it!" Huo Liancheng kissed Jian Yun softly, and whispered in her ear: "It doesn't matter if you see it, I dug their eyes!"

This kiss was long and warm again, and even the heat of the sun in the sky was compared.

After finishing the kiss, Jian Yun leaned against Huo Liancheng's chest, incomparably attached.

Huo Liancheng patted Jian Yun on the back and asked her, "Take me to see Qingcheng?"

Jian Yun looked up at him, "Okay!"

The two turned out from the bushes, fingers interlocked, and walked towards the pavilion over there.

In the pavilion, Huo Qingcheng was still sitting there with empty eyes, Helena was with her, was picking up the thermos cup, and asked Huo Qingcheng to drink with a straw.

"Mr. Huo." Seeing Huo Liancheng appear, Helena was stunned for a while, and then responded quickly and bowed her head in salute.

"Go down." Huo Liancheng had never looked good when facing outsiders.

Helena did not dare to have any objections, so she responded and hurried out of the pavilion.

Just before turning around the bushes, she looked back, her eyes complicated.

Huo Liancheng squatted in front of Huo Qingcheng and looked at her. For Jian Yun's words last night, he was still unbelievable despite the surprise, so looking at Huo Qingcheng at this time, his expression was a little cautious.

Knowing that there was a bug in the wheelchair, Huo Liancheng didn't want to startle the snake, so he didn't speak, but just stared at Huo Qingcheng, but Huo Qingcheng always ignored him. He kept his eyelids down, expressionless, and the same empty face before. Stupid appearance.

Huo Liancheng waited for a long time and didn't see Huo Qingcheng's reaction. The flame in his eyes was like being poured by a basin of cold water, and his heart was half cold. He didn't even have the courage to turn his head to ask Jian Yun.

Huo Liancheng felt that he must have had a dream last night, and Huo Qingcheng's sober words that Jian Yun said should have been heard in the dream.

Jian Yun also noticed Huo Liancheng's transition from excitement to malaise. She couldn't help but pursed the corner of her mouth, grabbed his big hand and scratched. Huo Liancheng looked up at her and saw Jian Yun winking at him and asked him to see Huo Qingcheng.

Huo Liancheng suddenly noticed something was wrong. He turned his head abruptly and saw that Huo Qingcheng, who was still lowering his head and lifeless, was raising his eyebrows and smiling at him at this time, and the black eyes that were as bright as stars were full of surpluses. Smile.

"Qingcheng..." Huo Liancheng only felt that there was a buzzing in his head as if something had exploded. He stared at Huo Qingcheng, his lips murmured, and he was completely speechless.

"Brother." Huo Qingcheng originally wanted to amuse Huo Liancheng, but when she saw Huo Liancheng's appearance, she felt soft, there was no other thought.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jian Yun was afraid that the brother and sister would be unable to control what they said. She hurriedly gesticulated with silent gestures. Now Jian Yun is now in the shadow of a bow and snake, she always feels that Huo Chengfeng's people are watching everywhere, especially in the wheelchair What about the bug.

Huo Qingcheng looked at Jian Yun, but Huo Liancheng quickly lowered his head, turned around, as if to wipe his face, and then turned to the back of Huo Qingcheng's wheelchair to take a closer look.

Huo Qingcheng turned his head, Jian Yun also looked over, and saw that Huo Liancheng had touched the wheelchair with his big hands, as if he was checking it. After less than a minute, he stopped, and then there was a button-sized black object in his hand. Obviously It's a bug.

Before Jian Yun had time to marvel that Huo Liancheng had this hand, he saw Huo Liancheng coldly, and with a wave of his hand, he threw the bug into the pond behind him.

"You can find this!" Jian Yun looked dumbfounded.

"Sister, you may not know, my brother has served in the army before, or is a special soldier!" Huo Qingcheng sneered, "This level of it is a small case for him!"

It was the first time Jian Yun heard Huo Qingcheng say such a long sentence. She was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

Huo Liancheng looked at Huo Qingcheng with an expression that was indescribably complicated.

"Hey, why is this expression?" Jian Yun looked at Huo Liancheng, then at Huo Qingcheng, and suddenly patted his forehead, "Oh, at this time, I'd better step back and talk!"

With that, Jian Yun winked at Huo Qingcheng, smiled, and turned away thoughtfully.

She knew that Huo Liancheng was a man with introverted emotions. Huo Qingcheng is his dear sister. The only sister who returned after suffering such a great pain, he must have a lot to say to Huo Qingcheng. She is here. It must be inconvenient.

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