You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 368: 368 You love him very much?

"Clouds." When Xu Haiyang stood in front of Jian Yun, he squeezed his hands hanging beside him tightly, staring deeply at Jian Yun's blushing face, Qingjun's face was sad that could not be concealed.

"Huh?" Jian Yun didn't know what Xu Haiyang was doing at this time, so he looked up at him and asked with his eyes.

Huo Liancheng was obviously very upset. He pulled Jian Jun behind him and blocked Xu Haiyang's eyes with his tall body, "Professor Xu is looking for my wife?"

When Xu Haiyang heard the words Mrs. Huo, his eyebrows jumped sharply. He then calmed his mind and smiled gently, "There is indeed something wrong, Mr. Huo, can I talk to Mrs. Huo alone for a while?"

Huo Liancheng was even more dissatisfied, "Do you invite my wife to chat alone in front of me?"

"Liancheng, you go over there and wait for me." Jian Yun pulled off Huo Liancheng's sleeve. She knew Xu Haiyang very well. He had always wanted face, if it weren't for real business, he would definitely not come to her at this time.

Huo Liancheng frowned, turned his head to look at Jian Yun, his eyes were cold, showing his displeasure at this time.

"Okay, I'll ask him what's the matter and come right away." Jian Yun stood on tiptoe, kissed Huo Liancheng on the face, blinked, and smiled sweetly at him.

Huo Liancheng reluctantly let go, "Three minutes!"

Before he left, he gave Xu Haiyang a cold look. Although the progress of his relationship with Jian Jun was based on Xu Haiyang’s unintentional “assistance” of drugging, he knew exactly what Xu Haiyang made. He absolutely Will not give another chance to let Xu Haiyang approach Jian Yun.

Jian Yun walked to the corner and turned her head to see that Huo Liancheng was still staring at her. She couldn't help being funny. Although Weibo did not criticize her recently, many people began to slander her relationship with Huo Liancheng. Some said she was gray. The girl must have played some tricks when marrying a wealthy family. Some said she shamelessly crawled on Huo Liancheng’s bed, secretly became pregnant and forced the palace, and said that she lowered her head on Huo Liancheng, so that handsome Huo Da will be totally committed to her. Not to marry.

Countless speculations have been fermented on the Internet. Jian Yun is too lazy to pay attention to it now, and she doesn’t read it. It only adds to her annoyance. Sometimes Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan will tell her something, and she is just a joke. Listened.

Life is her own, no matter what other people say, as long as she feels happy and peaceful.

Jian Yun withdrew her eyes from Huo Liancheng, she turned to look at Xu Haiyang, and asked quietly, "What's the matter?"

Xu Haiyang smiled bitterly, "I can't talk to you if I'm fine?"

Jian Yun looked at Xu Haiyang deeply and sighed softly, "What else can we say?"

Xu Haiyang was silent, his face was ugly, but his eyes were always reluctant to leave Jian Yun's face.

He was hesitating, hesitating whether to remind Jian Yun, remind her to pay attention to Lin Lanlan, based on his understanding of Lin Lanlan, once this woman decides what she wants to do, she has always vowed to never stop without achieving her goal, and she can do it for This purpose does not hesitate to use all means. She is so hypocritical and good at disguising. She always pretends to look like a pitiful woman. A man has never resisted such a woman. This is the reason why Lin Lanlan can get into the upper class. one.

However, Xu Haiyang felt that if Lin Lanlan really succeeded, he could destroy the relationship between Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng. With Jian Yun’s temperament, he would definitely not tolerate Huo Liancheng’s derailment. In that case, he would not There is a chance?

Jian Yun saw Xu Haiyang not making a sound for a long time, just staring at her with that kind of numbing eyes. She had already noticed that Huo Liancheng, who had been paying attention here, had a gloomy face and was about to run away, so she quickly said: "If If it's okay, I'm leaving."

"Yun Duo, do you love him very much?" When Xu Haiyang saw Jian Yun lifted the skirt, he quickly took Jian Yun's arm and asked softly.

Jian Yun shook off his hand subconsciously, looked back at Xu Haiyang, and said sternly: "What are you asking for?"

Xu Haiyang smiled bitterly, "I just want to know how deep your relationship is, don't you just know him for a few months? Do you know him?"

An inexplicable anger surged in Jian Yun's heart. She took a step back and sneered: "What happened to knowing for a few months? Some people have known each other for so many years. Didn't you just say that you change your heart?"

Hearing this, Xu Haiyang couldn't help but clenched his hands on his side, his face turned pale, and the corners of his lips pressed tightly. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to speak.

Yes, he and Jian Jun’s childhood sweethearts have known each other for six years, and they have been in love for two years, but they still did something to apologize to her. What qualifications does he have to blame Jian Yun here?

"Xu Haiyang, don't you think you are ridiculous? Back then, you just left, and there was no news for six years. Why do you think I must wait for you where you are? Where do you feel such superiority come from? Why do you think that as long as you look back, I must accept you?" Jian Yun was really furious. She waited for six years and was sad for six years. Xu Haiyang has no information at all. Now the Internet is so developed. If he wants to find She, there are many ways, but the result?

Now that she has found her own happiness, Xu Haiyang has come to the door time and time again. What is his purpose? Not happy to see her finding a better man? So you want to prove his place in her heart?

It's ridiculous!

Although being with Huo Liancheng, Jian Yun himself felt like a dream, but life was never a stagnant water. There are causes and effects. As long as she is happy, why should she be questioned?

"I..." Xu Haiyang was dumbly questioned by Jian Yun's words. His face was completely **** and white, and his eyes were full of pain, but he couldn't think of any excuses.

Yes, Jian Yun is right. What qualifications does he have? He admits that he really still loves Jian Yun, but for the past six years, he deceived himself and others, thinking that if he didn't think about it, he would forget Jian Yun.

But this time when he came back, he saw that she had such good luck and was pursued by such a good man. He admitted that he was jealous and went crazy with jealousy.

"Xu Haiyang, enough! If you still have a hint of guilt about what happened back then, please don't bother me!" Jian Yun turned her head, unwilling to see Xu Haiyang again, that is the best thing in her youthful memory Recalling that even though she was wounded all over her body, but now with the passage of time, she no longer wants to think about it.

After saying this, Jian Yun turned and left. Although Xu Haiyang’s words made her feel bad, she also understood one thing. In her heart, there really is no longer any Xu Haiyang position. At this moment, she All the thoughts and readings were all that domineering man Huo Liancheng.

"Clouds, be careful of Lin Lanlan." Xu Haiyang's voice floated gently from behind Jian Yun, with a deep loneliness.

Jian Yun stopped, frowning, she turned back and asked Xu Haiyang, "What do you mean?"

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