You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 370: 370 It's a Trap

Jian Yun was holding Huo Liancheng’s face, blinking his big eyes to be cute. Chen Xin is the brother of Ouyang Beicheng. The two are in a good relationship. If there is something shocking with Huo Liancheng, she will feel like Ouyang Beicheng Same here, this feeling is too bad.

Huo Liancheng didn't plan to do things here either, he didn't want Jian Yun to be embarrassed, but this girl has been getting less and less bottom line recently, so he really doesn't know how to punish her.

Jian Yun saw that Huo Liancheng was just staring at her and stopped moving. She hurriedly pushed him carefully, "Sit down and feel dizzy while lying down."

Huo Liancheng sat up, hooked Jian Yun with one hand, brought her to his chest, and looked down at her, "You haven't told me yet, why is your ex boyfriend looking for you?"

Jian Yun pouted and punched Huo Liancheng dissatisfiedly, "Can you mention these three words every time!"

"No!" Huo Liancheng raised an eyebrow, "Unless you never see him forever!"

"I didn't plan to see him!" Jian Yun sighed. She didn't know what Huo Liancheng was thinking about. There was no chance that she and Xu Haiyang would be together again, she didn't love him anymore!

"Go ahead." Huo Liancheng urged.

Jian Yun frowned and curled his lips. "He said he wanted me to be careful of Lin Lanlan, saying that Lin Lanlan is not as simple as it seems to be on the surface. It seems that he is a big man who has gotten on to something!"

"Oh?" Huo Liancheng squinted his eyes. "What a big shot?"

"Well, he also said that Lin Lanlan fell in love with you and wanted me to pay attention." Jian Yun said.

"Your ex-boyfriend is so good? He even reminded you of this? Shouldn't he provoke the relationship between you and me, and then wait for the forest or something to seduce me, and then take you to catch the girl, so as to use your temperament , Must be furious, and divorce me, he won't have a chance?" Huo Liancheng frowned and looked at Jian Yun, half-believing.

Jian Yun slapped Huo Liancheng's shoulder with a "slap", staring angrily, "Say, is this your own true thoughts?! Have you played enough with me, so I really hope to have such a Chance to get rid of me?"

Huo Liancheng looked at Jian Yun’s face, as if he was really angry. He confessed his mistake quickly, "Why, I can’t wait to tie you to your belt 24 hours a day, for fear that you would be taken away by a wild man and you would wake up crying in your dreams. I'm afraid you don't want me, how could I have this idea!"

Jian Yun couldn't believe it, "Why didn't I know you woke up from a dream and crying?"

Huo Liancheng smiled hippiely, "I'm not afraid that you are worried, so I quietly went to the bathroom to wash my face, and went back to sleep again?"

Jian Yun gave Huo Liancheng a white look, and planned to ignore him. He was faceless and cold. The contrast between this person and the shamelessness of the queen shouldn't be too big.

"Yeah, if you don't tell me, I have forgotten. What happened to Miss Bai? Why did she say that you forced her to go abroad?" Jian Yun asked suddenly.

"What does it matter to me?" Huo Liancheng mentioned Bai Xue, his handsome face turned gloomy, "She came to confess to me and said that she liked me, I definitely rejected her, she didn't give up, pestering me every day, it was annoying. I would advise her grandfather to let her study abroad."

"Her grandpa listens to you?" Jian Yun exclaimed, Huo Liancheng's ability to reject women is really not procrastinating.

"Why don't you listen? I applied for her to a prestigious American school, okay with her qualifications at all? Don't think that those rich children are as good as your men, and a large part of them are unlearned assholes. Anyway, after inheriting the family property, you can ask someone to manage it. The girl of Bai Xue is really naive and not bad, but she is not smart enough here." Huo Liancheng pointed to his head.

"Then what happened when she said you didn't let her return to China?" Jian Yun blinked.

"What is my business, is that her tutor is very strict, she can't complete the project, and the tutor has detained her passport, so she can't come back." Huo Liancheng said calmly.

Jian Yun was skeptical, "I read little, don't lie to me, the tutor can still detain the student's passport? Isn't it your greeting?"

"Believe it or not!" Huo Liancheng scraped Jian Yun's nose and said narcissistically: "Don't you boast about your husband for not recruiting bees and butterflies for you, which bothers you?"

Jian Yun did think that Huo Liancheng did a good job. He didn't walk too close to women. He would definitely refuse if he didn't like it. He would not give those women a chance to get close. Nor did he say he likes his wife or girlfriend like some men. In secret, he kept an affair with other women, and talked about nothing, but Jian Yun changed his mind and curled his lips, squinting at odd and even Liancheng, "You said you didn't recruit bees to attract butterflies, then how did Xia Bingbing respond? thing?"

"Xia Bingbing?" Huo Liancheng frowned, as if he couldn't remember who this person was.

"Less garlic, people claim to be pregnant with your flesh and blood!" Jian Yun pressed Huo Liancheng's chest.

"That crazy!" Huo Liancheng held Jian Yun's small fist with a helpless expression, "Didn't you explain it to you, I have nothing to do with her, she is the granddaughter of Ming's grandfather, and she will die if she likes me. Bad beaten."

"Then I think you didn't refuse, she was kind of letting her go." Jian Yun stared at Huo Liancheng, eyes shining brightly.

"Do you want to hear the truth?" Huo Liancheng raised Jian Yun's chin.

"Of course!" Jian Yun pursed his lips.

"Well, then I will tell you, I will give her a few opportunities to approach, just to see if you will react." Huo Liancheng said seriously.

Jian Yun was surprised, "What does it matter to me? Why should I react?"

Huo Liancheng Bai Jianyun glanced, "I think you didn't recognize me, just want to see if you will see me, so..."

Jian Yun shook his head and said, "So you just let Xia Bingbing make trouble for me, just to test me?"

Huo Liancheng turned his face away, not looking at Jian Yun, his handsome face was cold, and he did not speak. It seemed that he had acquiesced.

Jian Yun thought it was funny. He didn't expect that this man who was so high in her eyes and thought it was impossible to have an intersection would have such an unconfident side.

She rolled her eyes, and then asked, "The result? What did you try?"

Huo Liancheng lowered his eyes and said coldly: "Tested out a stupid girl with no conscience, who avoided me like a snake and scorpion, but ran out for a blind date by herself, and then repeatedly lied to me!

When Jian Yun heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, and he defended: "How can I lie to you!"

"Obviously waiting for a man on the street, but said to sleep at home, isn't it lying to me?" Huo Liancheng looked at Jian Yun coldly.

"I didn't wait for a man--" Jian Yun hurried to clarify, but then he was surprised: "You mean that time, that time you really saw me?"

"Otherwise? I rushed back from Switzerland to confess to you and came to you with a gift, but I was poured with a scoop of cold water from you. I can only go home and sleep." Huo Liancheng said angrily.

Jian Yun looked at Huo Liancheng's unhappy **** and couldn't help but smile.

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