You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 395: 395 Distress

"Who said you don't have a backstage, you still have me!" Jian Yun didn't get the meaning of Wu Wenjing's words. She really thought Wu Wenjing was lamenting her life experience, so she stretched out her hand righteously to take her shoulders.

"Hey, stay away from me, if you don't want to carry me back!" Wu Wenjing suddenly screamed and ran away.

Jian Yun smiled, standing at the gate of the hospital, looking at the sun in the sky, only felt that the gloomy mood that had been caused by Luo Yanyan all morning was not so bad at this time, but when she turned her head and wanted to make peace When Chen Xin said to go directly to the Ming clan, he was surprised to find that Chen Xin's eyes had been staring at Wu Wenjing, who had already run away.

"Brother Chen?" Jian Yun's heart moved. These two people, who grew up together as childhood sweethearts, are now going to rekindle their old relationships?

Chen Xin returned to his senses, seeing Jian Yun's thoughtful appearance, he immediately clarified, "Don't think about it, it's not what you think!"

Jian Yun raised her eyebrows, "Do you know what I'm thinking?"

A smile appeared on Chen Xin's masculine face, "Your women have always had different minds than men. I guess, do you think I still have ideas for Wu Wenjing?"

"Then, do you have it?" Jian Yun was suddenly looking forward to it. Chen Xin's character was very clear to her. She was a very responsible man and didn't bother. Following Huo Liancheng, the salary would definitely be considerable. If Wu Wenjing can be with He is really good together.

"No!" Chen Xin denied very politely, "If there were, I would have taken action long ago, and I still have to wait until today? In fact, I have secretly protected you for a long time, and I have long known that your relationship is good!"

Jian Yun was immediately disappointed when he heard the words, "I thought you two could develop!"

"The time has passed for too long, no matter how deep the feelings are, the feelings will fade. What's more, we were all young and immature, and we have each experienced a lot over the years." Chen Xin said thoughtfully, "I just can't touch Forget it, since I ran into it, it would be hard to ignore it. After all, I also allowed her grandma to take care of her."

Jian Yun sighed, "Then I think, if you don't mean to her, don't get too close to her, otherwise you will misunderstand something and it will not end well in the future. I don't want her to get hurt!"

"Do you think I will hurt her?" Chen Xin and Jian Yun had been talking while walking, and then turned to look at her.

"If you obviously don't like her and can't give her a future, but want to be ambiguous with her, then if she takes it seriously and you refuse, then you are hurting her?" Jian Yun said seriously.

"Well, what you said makes sense, I will—be careful!" Chen Xin twisted his eyebrows and just wanted to say that he would pay attention. Suddenly, the keen sense of training in the military for many years told him that danger is approaching. Suddenly shouted loudly, took Jian Yun in a hand, and put her in his arms, and quickly backed away.

At the same time, not far behind where Jian Yun was standing just now, a car seemed to be out of control and rammed on the road. The target seemed to be Jian Yun's direction, but within a few seconds, it rushed over and turned directly A battery car parked on the side of the road crashed into flight.

With a loud "bang", the battery car fell heavily and broke to pieces. If people were here, they would definitely be dead.

Jian Yun was frightened immediately, her small face also lost the blood color, she clutched Chen Xin's clothes tightly, with a look of uncertainty in her heart, she was scared again and again, if it wasn't for Chen Xin's quick reaction, she pulled her back, then Now she is the one who was smashed into pieces!

Is this an accident or a deliberate murder?

If it was a deliberate murder, who would be against her?

For a time, a stormy sea raged in Jian Yun's mind. She didn't even notice when Chen Xin called. In an instant, dozens of men in black suits gathered around her.

Someone drove over, and Chen Xin held Jian Yun with one hand and the earphone with the other, giving orders decisively.

Jian Yun got into the car, only to realize that Wu Wenjing was not here.

"Where is Wu Wenjing?" Jian Yun asked Chen Xin nervously.

Chen Xin was sitting next to Jian Yun. He said something into the headset, then turned to comfort Jian Yun, "Don't worry, she is in the back car, and my people are with her."

Jian Yun breathed a sigh of relief. She is still in a state of high tension. Her nerves have been tense. The car is very quiet, so quiet that she can hear her heavy breathing, "Brother Chen, what's going on? Did you come with me?"

Jian Yun still had a glimmer of hope in her heart. She only felt that what had just happened was an accident. She didn't think she had offended anyone, it was so serious that that person would blame her to death.

"It's not certain yet!" Chen Xin told the driver to drive, but he looked around and was very vigilant.

Jian Yun's brows were frowned, and there was always something in her heart, and she felt something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what it was.

Along the way, Chen Xin kept calling. When the car stopped under the Ming's Building, Jian Yun saw Huo Liancheng strode towards her before she got out of the car.

The door of the car was opened by Huo Liancheng. Jian Yun looked up at him, only to find that Huo Liancheng's face was whiter and uglier than her. The pair of black eyes, which had always been fierce and indifferent, were also full of fear, as if he was almost hit by a car. The person is not Jian Yun but him.

"What's wrong with you?" Jian Yun got out of the car and reached out to touch Huo Liancheng's face, but when he reached halfway, he was caught by Huo Liancheng. He didn't say anything, and suddenly hugged Jian Yun in his arms. .

However, Huo Liancheng immediately let go of Jian Yun and asked nervously, "Why is there a smell of blood? Are you injured?"

Jian Yun was stunned for a moment before he realized that Chen Xin had just called Huo Liancheng in the car to report the incident. She didn't want Huo Liancheng to worry, and shook her head quickly, "No, it's Yanyan's blood."

Huo Liancheng frowned slightly, took Jian Yun away, and took out his cell phone to make a call.

Chen Xin also tended to follow the two. In front of them, there were a few men in black suits. Jian Yun only learned later that Huo Liancheng appeared to be alone every time, but in fact he was protected by a bodyguard. Chen Xin was one of those who followed him for a long time, but he didn't like to be disturbed, so these people followed him in time intervals, usually not showing up, once something happened, they would show up for protection as soon as possible.

This is probably also related to the man-made car accident that Huo Liancheng encountered earlier, making him very careful about this aspect later.

Jian Yun followed Huo Liancheng to the top floor, and Huo Liancheng led her into the lounge, where there was a complete home. He put hot water in, "take a shower first."

Huo Liancheng left after speaking.

Jian Yun obediently took off the blood-stained clothes and slid into the big bathtub. She was sweating all over the morning and blood stained on her body. After drying, she was extremely sticky and very uncomfortable.

But there was something in Jian Yun's mind. She didn't soak for a while and got up after washing her clothes. Her own clothes were dirty, so she found a Huo Liancheng shirt from the cabinet and put it on.

Jian Yun loosened her hair and wanted to go out to find Huo Liancheng. As soon as she opened the door, she heard someone talking outside.

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