You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 397: 397 You're the one with no conscience

"You are too much!" Jian Yun said angrily.

Huo Liancheng shook off Jian Yun's hand fiercely, turned and walked away again, and said coldly: "In this case, then you go!"

Jian Yun was staggered by Huo Liancheng and sat directly on the chair behind. She flattened her mouth and leaned forward, deliberately exposing her career line. She swayed and said aggrieved: "You know I have no clothes. Wear it, how do you go? Do you want to go out in this way?"

Huo Liancheng saw the deep ditch at a glance, and the bottom of his eyes suddenly turned red again, but he immediately turned his head and said angrily: "I don't care if you go out naked!"

"You said it! Don't regret it!" Jian Yun was also angry, and she couldn't tell when joking with him. Just now she was so vigorously toss her that her back was hurt.

After all, Jian Yun saw that Huo Liancheng really stood there, she immediately rushed into an angrily, and she pulled her shirt in front of him, and the luster of Xuerun suddenly appeared. Jian Yun didn’t look at Huo Liancheng and turned around. Run towards the door.

She didn't believe it. If she ran out like this, Huo Liancheng would let it go, and she didn't want to think about whose face she was losing!

Sure enough, before Jian Yun's hand touched the doorknob, he heard an angry roar behind him, "Damn it!"

Jian Yun was secretly refreshed, she knew that Huo Liancheng would not let her run out like this, but before the corner of Jian Yun's mouth had time to pull, she was caught by a strong force, and then the whole person was also suspended in the air—— He was directly carried on Huo Liancheng's shoulder.

Head down for an instant, causing Jian Yun to scream in surprise, "Hey, you let me down!"

Huo Liancheng's eyes were red, and he stretched out his hand to slap Jian Yun's buttocks, "I'm so capable, I'm addicted to it? You want to run out like this to embarrass me?"

"Ah!" Jian Yun's head was bloodshot, and her ears were buzzing. Wherever she could hear what Huo Liancheng was talking about, she only screamed instinctively: "Let me down! You beast-beast!"

"Dare to scold me!" Huo Liancheng slapped it again, and directly carried Jian Yun into the lounge, threw it on the bed, then pulled off his tie and loosened the belt.

"What do you want?" Jian Yun quickly got up and ran over to the bed.

"Come here!" Huo Liancheng grabbed Jian Yun's ankles and directly dragged her back.

"Hey, hey, I'm joking, I am teasing you, you, you, you can't be such a beast!" Jian Yun grabbed the quilt and tried to wrap herself up. She regrets it now. She should have thought of angering Huo Liancheng long ago. He must not Will give up, just admit it.

"I'm kidding? Tell me this now? It's too late!" Huo Liancheng, a hungry tiger rushing for food, slammed Jian Yun under him.

"Ahhhh, then I don't love you anymore!" Jian Yun tried to struggle, she didn't want to be forced to bow by the overlord, and now she didn't have the energy to fight him.

"Are you embarrassed to say that you love me? You are willing to abandon me if you love me?" Huo Liancheng said angrily.

"How can I abandon you? I can't wait to be with you every minute and every second, and never separate for the rest of my life. I have said it all. What I said just now is teasing you!" Jian Yun hurried to clarify, while holding it up. Keeping kissing Huo Liancheng's face, he almost wags his tail if he is beloved.

"You have no conscience, and you haven't done anything to abandon me. How can I believe you?!" Huo Liancheng's mood a little better, although he also understands that Jian Yun is joking, but it still sounds very harsh , There is always a sense of unreliability, God knows how much he is afraid that she really has that kind of thinking, he is really afraid that she will dislike him.

Everyone thinks that he was born with a golden spoon, his status, status, wealth and appearance, he should be very confident, but only he can understand how sensitive he is emotionally.

He left his parents since he was a child. Too independent is a good thing, but there are also disadvantages, that is, he is very insecure about feelings, so he will not forget her until he met Jian Yun. At first, it was because no one cared about him like that. , Especially when he had nothing to lose, and later, the deeper his feelings for her, the more he wanted to take possession of her.

She was so beautiful again, he had been locked up by her a long time ago, and he couldn't do without her for the rest of his life.

"Where did I abandon you?" Jian Yun was dissatisfied, "It's obviously that you are sorry for me more, do you want to settle the accounts?"

"Count it as a wool!" Huo Liancheng decided not to bear it anymore, bursting into a swear word, and without any prelude, took Jian Yun one bite.

"Hey!" Jian Yun was angry.

"I love you, Duoduo, I love you, don't leave me! Please!" Huo Liancheng whispered in Jian Yun's ear.

Jian Yun's body suddenly softened. The longer she and Huo Liancheng get along, the more she understands him, and the more she loves him. She knows how lonely is hidden under the glamorous appearance of others.

Fortunately, Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng have become very close. Jian Yun hooked Huo Liancheng's neck and took the initiative to send kisses while saying: "I love you too! I love you so much!"

Where did Huo Liancheng's previous anger burn.

However, at this moment, the door of the lounge was knocked, and Huo Liancheng was excited and was too lazy to make sense, but the knock on the door was persevering.

"Mr. Huo, are you resting? There is an important document here. The chairman said it is urgent, please check it." Someone outside the door spoke with a familiar voice.

Jian Yun patted Huo Liancheng and motioned him to stop. Because Jian Yun heard this voice, it seemed to be Lin Lanlan.

Where is Huo Liancheng willing to stop? Every time he meets Jian Yun, he can't stand it. He can't wait to tie her to his body every day. Even he himself feels that there is a problem with this mentality. It seems to be poisoned and addicted.

But Lin Lanlan is still knocking on the door outside. The soundproofing of the lounge is good. The outside sound can be heard inside, but the inside cannot be heard. So Lin Lanlan doesn’t know what Huo Liancheng is doing outside, she just wants to see To him.

"Md!" Huo Liancheng is very irritable. Good things are disturbed, can he not be irritable? But the dog skin plaster was still knocking on the door outside, making him and Jian Yun unable to concentrate. A few minutes later, Huo Liancheng finally couldn't stand it. He got up and put on his pants, cursed a dirty word, and was about to go out angrily.

Jian Yun followed, but she had no clothes to wear and could only be wrapped in a quilt. She also followed to the door. She was very curious. What was the purpose of Lin Lanlan's repeated visits to Huo Liancheng?

Or does Lin Lanlan want to implement Jian Dongming's proposal to seduce Huo Liancheng in person?

At that time, Lin Lanlan saw Huo Liancheng coming out of the lounge, but her expression was gloomy and terrible. There seemed to be violent storms hidden in those beautiful eyes, and her eyes were cold like blades.

"Huo, Mr. Huo..." Lin Lanlan suddenly forgot the abdomen drafts he had prepared in advance. When she saw Huo Liancheng, she felt trembling and stammered in fright.

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