You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 614: 614 Captive Canary

There was a faint **** aura in Huo Liancheng's mouth, mixed with his unique clear breath, which made Jian Yun a momentary trance.

Time, as if going back to the past again, back to the days when they first met...

The kiss became more and more lingering, but Jian Yun frowned slightly, and stretched his bare hand down, as if to poke into Huo Liancheng's shirt.

When the cold touch came, Huo Liancheng suddenly recovered, and immediately grabbed Jian Yun's hand.

"Duo Duo?" Huo Liancheng let go of Jian Yun's lips, a panic flashed under his eyes.

"Are you injured, right?" Jian Yun fixedly looked at him, without turning around, asked directly.

At Liao's house earlier, Liao Kefan wanted to beat Huo Liancheng, but was stopped by Liao Keyi. At that time, Liao Keyi said that Huo Liancheng could not take it physically, so Jian Yun was sure that he must be hiding something from her.

"It's nothing, it's just a minor injury, I've shown it to you." Knowing that he couldn't hide it, Huo Liancheng admitted in disguise.

"Take off your shirt." Jian Yun didn't believe it at all. The last time he returned to Qinghu, she found that he was haggard and weight loss a lot, but at that time she was disturbed for a long time. He suddenly came back and was overwhelmed with surprise. It happened that he forced her to induce labor and made her hate him to death, and there was no chance to care about his body.

"Duo, I'm really fine!" Huo Liancheng felt a little guilty in his heart.

"Then why don't you take it off?" Jian Yun bit her lip and stared at him, still insisting.

Huo Liancheng was also nervous. He didn't want Jian Yun to know that he had suffered such a serious injury. After wandering on the front line of life and death for so long, he almost couldn't wake up. He was afraid that Jian Yun would be sad and sad.

The atmosphere was temporarily stagnant.

Fortunately, at this moment, Huo Liancheng's cell phone rang. As if unloading his burden, he quickly picked up the cell phone and stood up, "I'll answer the call."

Jian Yun did not object, Huo Liancheng turned around to answer the phone, so he did not see the disappointment in Jian Yun's eyes.

A few minutes later, when Huo Liancheng came back, he saw Jian Yun already asleep on the sofa. He stared at her pale sleeping face for a long time before he reached out and hugged her into the bedroom.

Settling down Jian Yun, Huo Liancheng sat by the bed and looked at her quietly. At this moment, his mood was not calm, and all the things that happened during this period of time are vivid.

He knew that because he didn't want children, she hated him to death, but he really didn't want to risk any risk of losing her. He regretted it, but didn't feel that he had done something wrong.

However, today when he learned that the Liao family had found her, he suddenly felt a deep sense of fear. He pushed everything, just want to rush over. Without him, he was afraid that she would be bullied. However, the Liao family sent someone to stop him. In the end, he was a step late, only to hear the sentence she said and it was irrelevant to marry a man and a woman.

At that time, he only felt that the anger in his heart was about to explode, disappointed, and distressed. He didn't care about other things at all. He just wanted to take her away and asked her why she gave up...

But when she calmed down, Huo Liancheng also reacted. Even if Jian Yun hated him again, she would love him more. She couldn't say such things for no reason, and demanded a break with him so resolutely.

He had called Zhang Yong just now to confirm why Jian Yun suddenly asked for a divorce so decisively, but he was furious.

It turned out that it was the Liao family who made such a shameless request. She was so proud, how could she agree to be his outside room, besides, even if she was willing, he would not agree!

He had always guarded Huo Chengfeng and Huo Family, but he didn't expect that the Liao Family, whom he trusted the most, would cut him in the back.

When Jian Yun woke up again, the sky was already dark, and the sun was still shining during the day. At this time, the evening was approaching, but the sky was gloomy, as if it was about to rain.

She opened her eyes and looked around, suddenly a little at a loss, not knowing where she was, and it took a long time for her memory to slowly return.

The room was very quiet, so quiet that Jian Yun could hear the movement of the second hand in the watch.

This is also Huo Liancheng's home, but she has never been here. At this moment, Jian Yun opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, but a strange thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

Except for the time spent in Qinghu, she really knew nothing about Huo Liancheng.

He never mentioned Huo's house to her, he only took her to Switzerland to meet his parents, but she didn't know that his parents also had a home in China.

Except for Cheng Muze, she didn't know his other friends, and she had never been brought to any of his circles by him. She was like a golden silk bird kept in his captivity, and he made her the only one in her world.

Jian Yun had never doubted that Huo Liancheng loved her, but now she was beginning to wonder how much he loved her.

Until now, he didn’t want her to understand what he was doing. Perhaps the turmoil of the big family involved too much, so she could understand if he didn’t say it, but he kept concealing it again and again, but it brought her Constant hurt and humiliation.

Even if she loves him again, she can hardly bear it anymore.

Jian Yun stretched out his hand to hold his forehead, his head swelled, and acupuncture-like pain came from time to time. Jian Yun could not help closing his eyes and once again settled his thoughts.

She checked the time, it was almost six o'clock, and there was a note on the bedside, Jian Yun picked it up and looked at it. It was Huo Liancheng's handwriting.

"Duo Duo, I go to the company, I have something to do, I leave you a meal, you get up and eat it later, I may come back later. Love you!"

Jian Yun looked at it blankly for a while, then put down the note and got up and went out.

She also ate something when she went to the hospital in the morning, and then got on the plane. Although lunch was provided, she had no appetite, and she was really hungry now.

Jian Yun has gone from morning sickness these days, but still has a bad appetite and eats less.

She warmed up the food, took a few bites at random, cleaned up the kitchen and sat on the sofa in a daze.

In fact, Jian Yun can also see that a family like the Liao family, in order to get Huo Liancheng and the Mu family to marry, came up with the idea of ​​letting her be the outer room of Huo Liancheng, it is really out of status. They must have some handle in the hands of others and are eager. cover.

As for what the inside story is, Jian Yun guesses few people know.

Moreover, the Liao family did not get the results they wanted today, so they would definitely not give up.

When Jian Yun thought of these things, she got a terrible headache. She shook her head abruptly to shake away those bad thoughts. After thinking about it, she took out the phone from her bag, hesitated for a while, and turned on the phone. .

Because when she came out of the hospital in the morning, she called Monica to cancel her leave and was ready to go back to work, but she is now in the imperial capital, and she will definitely not be able to go back tomorrow. What's more, if the matter here is not resolved, even if she goes back, She won't be able to live well, so Jian Yun decided to continue her vacation.

Jian Yun’s phone just turned on, and it really kept ringing. Various text messages and WeChat messages rang for a few minutes before stopping. Jian Yun didn’t want to read those messages, but she didn’t know what was wrong. I used WeChat and I saw a request to add a new friend at a glance.

And this person is Huo Chengfeng.

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