You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 657: 657 Love

For a moment, Huo Liancheng felt like she was about to lose Jian Yun again. She is not as lively as she used to be. She is too quiet. Every time he sees her look cold and cold, his heart feels flustered. .

With a cold breath and a familiar fragrance, Huo Liancheng hugged Jian Yun in his arms. He couldn't bear to let go. The panic at that moment was replaced by a fulfilling sense of satisfaction. In his dream last night, he held her tightly like this , Kiss her...

Huo Liancheng remembered the lingering kiss in his dream, his eyes suddenly became confused, he couldn't help lowering his head, and wanted to kiss Jian Yun.

Jian Yun was originally looking at the scenery outside the window, but was suddenly hugged by Huo Liancheng who rushed in. She was also very uncomfortable, especially his breath was so aggressive, which made her feel the alarm ringing and turned her head quickly. Avoiding, but also stretched out his hand to push Huo Liancheng.

"What are you doing?!" Her voice was low, with a hint of panic.

"Duo Duo..." Huo Liancheng wanted to take this opportunity to try Jian Yun's heart. He wanted to kiss her forcibly, but when he saw Jian Yun's instantly pale face, his lips suddenly froze on her cheeks. on.

Hey, I still can't bear to force her.

Huo Liancheng sighed inwardly. Although he was reluctant, he still let go.

Jian Yun stepped back, leaving Huo Liancheng's breath range, she was a little annoyed, biting her lip and making no sound.

"Duo Duo, I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold it back." Huo Liancheng tightened his fingers and smiled bitterly.

Jian Yun didn't know what to say, so she could only be silent, but she also discovered that she didn't seem to repel Huo Liancheng's touch as before.

Perhaps it was because he knew the truth and knew that he did not betray her and was with other women, so the thorn in his heart was removed.

However, perhaps because of the misunderstanding for too long, she is not used to being with him anymore.

"You, see those on the Internet..." Huo Liancheng stared at Jian Yun, a little nervous. He didn't know how she would react when she saw those comments. He was afraid that she would be stimulated again, so he rushed over so urgently. .

"Yeah." Jian Yun replied. In order to divert her attention, she picked up the phone on the bed and clicked on it to see that Luo Yanyan and Wu Wenjing were bombarding her, but she was not interested in talking about photos with them. thing.

Even when she saw that group of photos, she felt a little embarrassed in her heart.

Yes, she loved him wholeheartedly at that time, such eyes, even now she seems to be moved, but she also understands at this time, love is like clouds in the sky, too unstable, wind One blow, it will dissipate.

Jian Yun's reaction made Huo Liancheng puzzled. She didn't seem to be affected or angry, so she didn't care that the group of photos was posted?

"Dudou, are you not angry?"

Jian Yun looked inexplicable. This time, she looked up at Huo Liancheng, "Should I be angry?"

Huo Liancheng looked at Jian Yun's big, clear eyes like black jewels, and he smiled, "It's okay if you don't get angry, I just want to explain to you that I didn't send the photos."

When the photo was not finished, something happened in the imperial capital. He was seriously injured when he rushed back to the imperial capital. Later, Jian Yun misunderstood and left. He was depressed until An Xiaoxiao sent him this group of pictures of ancient wedding dresses. There is also the video of Jian Yun dancing. He watched it day and night, relying entirely on those photos in the past to survive the deep miss for her.

So it was too late for him to cherish these photos, how could they be sent out for others to see?

Jian Yun's eyes flashed, and the smile on Huo Liancheng's lips made her a little dazed, as if she was back that day, in the garden full of plants, he played the piano and she danced. When he looked at her, her face was like this Dozing eyes and smile.

At that time, she loved his smile so much.

"Duo Duo, my heart for you is always the same! It has never changed!" Huo Liancheng saw Jian Yun staring at him suddenly, his head was suddenly hit by the electric current, and a tingling feeling came from him. I couldn't help but approached Jian Yun and whispered in her ear, "Stop punishing me, okay?"

The hot breath rushed into her ears, and Jian Yun's brain rumbling, she couldn't react, she subconsciously took a step back.

Huo Liancheng saw that Jian Yun was getting more and more cramped, his lips were red, he suddenly recovered, and he was immediately annoyed.

"I'm sorry, Duoduo, I'm so anxious!" Huo Liancheng tried to touch Jian Yun's hand, but he stretched out his hand and took it back. "Don't be afraid of me, I won't be like this anymore!"

Jian Yun squeezed her fingers. She sat on the bed, flapping her long eyelashes, showing her tension at the moment, "Give me some time, I, I haven't figured it out yet."

Hearing this, Huo Liancheng seemed to not believe his ears. He suddenly squatted down in front of Jian Yun, his eyes brightened surprisingly, "Okay, Duo Duo, I'll wait, I'll wait as long as I can!"

In fact, Huo Liancheng wanted to ask Jian Yun what she hadn't figured out, but he also knew not to be too anxious, he was willing to give her time.

He knew that his Duo would not be so cruel, and she didn't love him as she said!

It's just that Huo Liancheng hates Huo Chengfeng a bit more now. If it hadn't been for Huo Chengfeng's bad-hearted inducing Jian Yun, and then colluding with Ou Fei, designing him to frame him, he and Jian Yun would not have such a deep misunderstanding.

The most annoying thing is that Huo Chengfeng also erased the video surveillance at the time. It took him a long time to restore the data. If Jian Yun saw the video in time, she would not have misunderstood him for so long.

Several days later, the news about the group of photos of Huo Liancheng and Jian Yun was not suppressed on the Internet. Instead, the topic discussion became more and more popular, even more because the Weibo account of Huo Liancheng’s deity reposted the group of photos and videos that night. And with the word "Love of a lifetime!"

This move was almost like an atomic bomb explosion. Weibo was instantly paralyzed because of too many comments and too much popularity.

Huo Liancheng personally admitted that the woman in the photo was the love of his life. What news is more important than this?

Then all the media are following up and reporting these days, all kinds of fierce materials have been dug up, and various people who claim to know the inside story have come out to break the news. Among them, the most active ones are baby snails and I want to be quiet, and King Yeonyan.

A series of posts spread on Weibo, and they also wrote down the details of Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng from acquaintance to love to marriage, and finally to parting. Of course, it was written with half true and false, but Yan King Yan is too sensational, so these few popular science posts have moved hundreds of millions of onlookers who have paid attention to this matter, and embarrassed those who have followed the trend and cursed Jian Yun.

Suddenly, under those posts, many people lined up to apologize to Jian Yun.

But Jian Yun didn't know all of this, because she didn't go on Weibo at all. After the photo incident broke out that day, she completely turned off her phone.

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