No one will remember the runner-up ... The spotlight is always on the champion's head!

There's no shortage of talented people in esports

For so many years in the e-sports industry, there have naturally been a lot of talents, but only a few people have really risen.


Because the spotlights are all over the champions' heads!

No one will remember what you did before you won the championship...

The world will only remember your achievements, they will only talk about championship trophies...

Before the finals, all the results, all the operations, that was a sham ....

If you can play the highlight in the final of the World Championship, then you can truly conquer all esports fans!

In the case of the rise of all SKT staff, Jiang Yun stood up and responded, and he had already conquered everyone!



Let's take a stop on the side....

There may also be people who say: Eh, I was also the runner-up that year, and I also played in the finals of the World Championship, why did I stand on the sidelines?

If you've watched the S3 finals, you probably wouldn't have asked such a question...

The finals of that year should have been the beginning of the nightmare for many LPL fans...

The whole process was pressed and beaten by SKT, and there was no sign of counterattack...

The huge difference in strength made Uzi not only not have a closed expression on his face after the fight, but with a smile...

That's right!

That pressure boy, that red and warm fat, the mentality back then was still very good...

He thought that was just the beginning, and that it would definitely get better and better in the future

Who knows... That was the closest he came to winning the title in his career...

But even the most recent one, he was 108,000 miles away from the championship!

single-handedly killed the royal family at that time 3-0, how can there be a wonderful picture of G2 and SKT playing back and forth now?

"I realized... Uzi is really not as good as my salted fish brother.!"

"Me too... At the time, we all blamed Salted Fish... The roles of this thigh and thigh pendant are completely reversed!"

"People who are so strong can't bring the group of waste of RNG, do you think RNG is a group of Adou who can't be supported?"

"If it weren't for Adou, who couldn't be helped, he wouldn't have been eliminated in the group stage...."

"Hahahaha... It reminds me of a scene in the Three Kingdoms.."

"Liu Bei: Kong Ming, do you think this son Adou can become a weapon? If not, you can abolish it and stand on your own. "

"Kong Ming: Lord, how can this be done?

"Classic! If Zhuge Liang had half the intelligence of Brother Salted Fish, the Han family would have been revived long ago."

"I don't know if the revival of the Han family is revived or not... Zhuge Liang may have become the king a long time ago..."

"Listening to your words is better than a seat... You used the Water Margin as an example to make me suddenly understand a truth, the protagonist of the Red Chamber is actually Sun Wukong!"

“.... You know the four great classics, and you have avoided all the important information."

"Let's be honest... In the current situation, Brother Salted Fish is really like Kong Ming who has suddenly woken up, and he is about to reach the top!" (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Not necessarily... Although he has become G2's thigh, it is not certain whether others will become Adou..."

"Indeed... It's hard to say, the difference in strength between the others is too big..."

Jiang Yun's sudden wave of mid-lane support did save G2's originally somewhat collapsed situation...

Even so, the disadvantages of the G2 have only been alleviated, not cured...

Especially the lower road...

The development of EZ is a bit too good, if you can't limit EZ, then in the mid-term team battle, G2 still can't solve this big problem...

Therefore, after a wave of support, Jiang Yun was still not willing to use his TP, but walked to the line, and lost some soldiers...

"Everybody pay attention to one detail... This Boyaso still hasn't chosen to hand over TP, guess why?"

"Yes, it's to protect your own way!"

"If he is a little more alone and greedy, he can completely hand over TP and continue to return to the upper road to suppress and limit the development of this sword concubine. With Yasuo's current equipment and level, he can completely suppress Jian Ji on the road, and it is even possible to make a single kill. But he didn't... Because he wants to protect his own lower road, as long as his TP keeps pinching, the opponent's jungler has to worry about whether he will be suddenly supported by Fat Yasuo on the last day when he catches it!"

"It's called a team!"

Ever since Brother Leg was beaten by Jiang Yun and shut up, his mentality has completely changed...

From hating him at the beginning, to fearing him later, to understanding him later, until now... Want to be him!

Every time Brother Leg watches Jiang Yun's game, he can't help but substitute his perspective into Jiang Yun's body...

Then go to the in-depth analysis of the meaning behind every action of Jiang Yun...

At first, there are some things he will not understand...

I've seen a lot.. He could clearly know Jiang Yun's mental activities!

"Team? Is this a team player?"

"Funny, right? He can be a team? You don't know how solo he plays when he gets the offensive top laner?"

"Referring to his weapons and sword sister, you mentioned his team to me? a typical lone wolf, you told me that he was a team player?

This kind of black is a pure sunspot...

After watching a few games, I came to show off my understanding of the game...

They remember the lone wolf game clearly, and they didn't say a word when they were in the team. Pull.

Fortunately, Brother Leg is still more pertinent, and he explained to the audience in the live broadcast room what it means to be on the list...

"In fact, the ideal state of a good top order is to have a clear understanding of the heroes you get."

"For example, the lineup of G2, even if Yasuo is smooth, his teammates will collapse and he can't play..."

"Weapons and swordsmen can rely on their own single belts to contain frontal team battles, Yasuo can't...."

"The effect of weapons and sword girls is not so good, Yasuo takes on a very key output position in this lineup of G2... He has to think about the team, so pinching TP is actually the right choice."

"Maybe you think I'm washing him, but I believe it won't be long before you can feel how quintessential this TP is...".

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