You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 105 It’s not the intention to crush “The Promise”, but it’s a good intention to badmouth “Th

"First of all, answer senior brother's question, yes."

The word "hui" brought applause from the audience, but there was more discussion.

The applause was because Wang Quan did not forget his roots and cared about the motherland. Wang Quan’s classmates were the most enthusiastic.

As for the discussion, they probably don't believe his rhetoric. You are so successful in Hollywood, earning tens of millions from one movie. Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige and others probably won't make as much as you in their lifetime. Are you coming back? What a fool!

The box office data of "10 Cloverfield Lane" has made many people red-eyed, especially those who longed to go overseas but couldn't.

He knew that some people would not believe it, so Wang Quan was ready to say a few more words, "I originally thought about announcing it in a few days, but since it has come to this, let me announce it here. I have registered a film company in China, named Wangdao Pictures will be engaged in some film and television investment work next, and is also willing to accept mature scripts. If they can pass my level, I am even willing to direct them myself, but I have very strict requirements for scripts."

After hearing what he said, the applause began to overwhelm the discussion, and the company was opened. It seemed that he really planned to return to China to make movies, and it was not a perfunctory one.

"Brother, I would like to ask, is your company recruiting artists?" Li Dongxue, a boy from the 03-level acting class, stood up and asked.

Others were booing, "What, you want to go in? If you want to go in, I want to go in too."

Wang Quan gave a negative answer, "Wangdao Pictures only focuses on the production and promotion of movies, and does not engage in celebrity management business."

Let me say a few more words here, "This is what I think. When I am in the celebrity management business, when I make a movie, I must first consider the few people in my company. If things go on like this, every time I make a movie, it will be a different combination of those few people. The audience will watch too much." There must be nothing new.

"With the cancellation of the agency business, I can choose from all the actors outside. I think even if I want to use actors from Huayi or Rong Xinda, they won't let me use them."

The last sentence is domineering, and it initially reveals the strong appeal of the international leader. That is, who doesn't want to add "国际" in front of his name? Add "国际" and his worth will double!

At this time, a girl stood up and said, "Hello, Senior Brother Wang Quan, I am Bao Wenjing from the School of Continuing Education. I would like to ask when you plan to return to China to film. Do you plan to make a movie in Hollywood like Director Wu Yusen?" Big somersault, no one dares to use him and come back?"

This question is a bit sharp. Wang Quan looked carefully at the female classmates in the audience. They haven't slept with each other. Why are you targeting me like this? But she seems to be more targeted at Wu Yusen.

Han Sanping's expression was also very unhappy at this time. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? It sounds like the great director Yu Yusen is a lost dog. I am also planning to find someone to shoot the blockbuster "Red Cliff"!

He is a lost dog, so what have I become? Picking up other people’s unwanted garbage!

Wang Quan can also answer this question, "After returning to the United States this time, I will first make a literary film, and then there will be a series of commercial film plans, about five, with a total investment of more than 500 million US dollars..."

Just this sentence shocked everyone present, including Han Sanping, Xie Fei, and Zhang Huijun, and the audience was even more wowed.

500 million knives, isn’t that nearly 4 billion RMB! What was the total box office in mainland China last year? It was 2 billion RMB!

Han Sanping thought to himself that the upper limit of his investment in "Red Cliff" was 80 million U.S. dollars. This was already the only top-notch existence in Chinese movies, and 80 million dollars was planned to be made into two parts. It would be better for you to just go for 500 million U.S. dollars. Knife shoots five movies!

It really takes one person to invest in the entire Chinese-language film! Are young people so crazy now?

Although Wang Quan's words are a bit exaggerated, there is still 400 million. The investment amount will definitely increase in the "Twilight" series. It is estimated that the budget of the last two single films will not be less than 100 million.

Wang Quan continued, "Only when I complete all the work on hand and fulfill my responsibilities and obligations to Longtou Company, can I consider the next movie plan, so I can't make a commitment yet."

The audience applauded again. I don’t know why they were excited. Anyway, they were excited. The senior is so handsome!

After classmate Bao sat down, another classmate named Yuan Shanshan stood up. Wang Quan knew her and was Mimi's roommate.

"Senior, I would like to ask, what do you think of "The Promise" being crushed by "Cloverfield Lane" at the box office in North America at the same time?"

As soon as this topic came up, the whole audience became noisy again, but Wang Quan looked confused. He asked, "Is "The Promise" released in North America?"

"Pfft~" Jing Wei on the side couldn't hold it back after all. She was a professional and would not laugh easily.

Yuan Shanshan affirmed, "Yes, and during the same period as "10 Cloverfield Lane", the current cumulative box office is less than US$700,000."

This news was reported by someone in the Mainland. No one in the United States cared about the situation of this movie, so much so that Wang Quan didn’t even know that the movie was actually released in the United States!

This Liu Ye, you didn’t share your movie with him after it was released. Are you embarrassed?

If the cumulative total is 700,000, then it may only be in the tens of thousands on the first day. It will definitely not be in the top 20 of the list. When Wang Quan is watching Box Office Mojo, it is impossible to specifically pull it down to find a Wuji.

Director Chen is probably going to scold his mother. It is also a Chinese epic blockbuster. How come "Hero" has tens of millions, while he only has hundreds of thousands!

Wang Quan calmed down and answered the question, "Crushing is out of the question. I think the scale of the release of "The Promise" and the distribution company are incomparable to Paramount..."

He checked in the film and television library. It was released by Warner Independent Pictures (not Warner Bros.) and opened for more than 600 shows. Because the per-game average was terrible, the scale was later reduced until it ended dismally.

Wang Quan continued, "Nowadays, foreign interest in Chinese-language costume action blockbusters is gradually decreasing. "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was the peak. After that, "Heroes" also received good box office, but when it comes to "House of Flying Daggers" It’s not very high anymore. There are also big-name stars among them. In North America, Li Lianjie is more popular than Andy Lau + Kim Sung-wu, and Zhang Ziyi is more influential than Zhang Bozhi, so it’s okay for "The Promise" to have such a box office I understand, firstly, Chinese costume blockbusters are declining, and secondly, star appeal is not enough."

As for the third one, Shenshen Naotao couldn't understand it. Wang Quan still knows how to behave, so he definitely can't say that.

Yuan Shanshan sat down and stood up with determination.

He Bin from the management department sat next to Bai Xue from the directing department. The two had been together since their freshman year, and He Bin was Wang Quan's high school classmate.

The guy smiled playfully and said, "It is rumored that the North American rights of "The Night Banquet" have been sold to Harvey's Weinstein Pictures and are also preparing to be released in North America. So, is Director Wang not optimistic about the North American results of "The Night Banquet"?"

You kid, you dug a hole for me on purpose, right?

Wang Quan searched for "The Night Banquet" and found that it had never been released in North America.

At this time, his girlfriend Bai Xue also stood up and spoke, "Director Wang just said that Zhang Ziyi still has some box office appeal, so it should be better than "The Promise"."

You two, what do you want me to say, strong or not.

Wang Quan organized his language, "I think the producers of "The Night Banquet" should still confirm whether the film can be released in North America, whether there are any clauses in the contract about whether it must be released, and what the scale is. Companies like the United States will be small-scale after buying foreign films. Test screenings are conducted to investigate word-of-mouth and potential. If a film is deemed to have no potential, it will be shelved and ignored, or it may be sold directly through DVD channels.”

After all, it will cost money to promote and distribute the film if it is released, and it may not be cheap.

"No way, wouldn't the money be wasted if it wasn't released?" A boy expressed his opinion.

Wang Quan said, "Usually, the regional distribution rights for this kind of film only cost more than ten or two hundred thousand dollars, or even as low as tens of thousands of dollars. This small amount of money is nothing to these big companies."

"Ah, it's so low!" Many people find it incredible that our movies are so cheap.

Otherwise, how high do you think it can be? "Hero" sold the full North American copyright, not the distribution rights, so the North American box office has nothing to do with the new picture.

Wang Quan said this to kindly remind Hua Yi that Harvey is not a kind person, he is just a businessman, and he will not be so kind as to help you spend a lot of effort on distribution.

Wang Quan is afraid that someone will ask him later how to go global and enter overseas markets for Chinese-language films.

Fortunately, the person who stood up this time was a little girl, "Director Wang, I am Zhang Jianing from the Department of Acting in Chinese Opera. I would like to ask..."

The audience burst into laughter. Unexpectedly, Director Wang’s charm even impressed the female classmates in the drama.

This girl is new to Wang Quan, she is probably a freshman in level 05. Her question is, "Director Wang, do you have a girlfriend now?"

Wang Quan said confidently, "Yes, my girlfriend is the movie, and we will never break up."

This answer was a bit cunning, but the little girl was very satisfied and even moved. The other students also appreciated his answer. These are the words of a person who truly loves movies!

Teacher Xie's old face was slightly red, how could this boy have the nerve to say it.

Wang Quan felt that he had finished asking questions, so he winked at Jing Wei, and this session ended, and so did today's activities.

The students exited in an orderly manner, and Wang Quan, under the leadership of his teacher, met with the leaders of China Film and Guidance Association. From now on, Wang Quan can be considered an organized person.

The meeting with Han Sanping was just the two of them, and no one knew what they said. Half an hour later, both of them went back to their homes with satisfaction.

Wang Quan went back to his mother's house today and left early the next morning. Mei Yanqiu had long had objections to the fact that his son only went to Wang Qiankun's house every time he returned home.

On this night, Wang Quan's speech at Nortel had begun to spread rapidly. Not only did the students present spread the word through text on the school BBS and major forums, but the media also took photos and videos last night.

So early the next morning, Chen Kaige saw the news headline "New director Wang Quan crushes "The Promise" at the box office", and his face became very ugly, which made the six-year-old Arthur tremble with fear.

Feng Xiaogang didn't know about it until he arrived in Huayi. He was furious and said, "How can this guy be like me? Isn't he immoral? He cursed me for not being able to show my movie before it was released!"

"That's right, didn't I just make an English film and really consider myself a Hollywood director." Wang Zhonglei echoed.

Chen Guofu on the side asked, "How much does his English film earn at the box office in the Mainland?"

Wang Zhonglei, "In less than a week, it was already 10 million."

Chen Guofu nodded, "That's quite impressive. There's no obvious disadvantage. You can eat both ends at a low cost. Not everyone can do that."

Feng Xiaogang doesn't like hearing this anymore. I'm just venting my temper. Just follow me and scold him. Why don't you praise him? It seems like you quite admire him!

Chen Guofu ignored it. Today was not about talking about royal power. He opened the folder and said, "Next, let's discuss the starring candidates for "Assembly Number". Do you two have any suggestions?"


When Wang Quan woke up, she had landed in Los Angeles, and Gadot drove to pick her up.

Without Wang Quan, Mazda is her ride. Gadot is quite good at driving, better than Wang Quan. She plans to buy a car when she has more money.

Wang Quan said, "How about I lend it to you?"

Gadot instinctively asked, "How many points is the interest?"

Poor child, what has her original family brought to her!

Wang Quan is going to give Gadot some love. Don’t ask about the interest rate, I’ll give you hundreds of millions for free first!

The next day, Wang Quan returned to Longtou in high spirits, and the day for the launch of "Juno" was approaching.

Before starting, King Quan made fine-tuning of "Escape Room" based on audience opinions, mainly in terms of music.

Then she began to sort out everything that needed to be prepared for the launch of "Juno". This time Ma Ling played an important role, not only as one of the screenwriters, but also as an executive producer. She had to follow the crew all the time.

If it weren't for her old-fashioned appearance, Wang Quan would have wanted her to play a guest role as a high school student.

However, the cast of "Juno" is already very luxurious, and Dorothy showed her strong network energy this time.

Compared with the original version, only one actor has been retained, and that is J.K. Simmons, who plays Juno's father. He has a famous emoticon. Oh, by the way, he is the newspaper owner in "Spider-Man" .

Not surprisingly, no matter which version of Spider-Man needs this character in the future, they will look for him.

Simmons worked on Broadway when he was young. He is a stage actor and his acting skills are quite good. Wang Quan has watched his "Breaking Drummer" in the film and television library. Although he won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, Wang Quan felt that nominating a male lead was not enough. point.

At first, Dorothy thought he didn't have enough status and was a bit less famous, so she wanted Mel Gibson to play the role. King Quan was actually interested at the time. If the price was right, then of course it would be the best.

However, he checked Mel Gibson in the film and television library, and then decisively rejected Dorothy's proposal. You can throw it away, I don't want his scenes to be reshot.

As for Juno's stepmother, she has a bigger background, Oscar-winning actress Jodie Foster, the heroine of "Silence of the Lambs".

Although she has not officially come out, her orientation is no longer a secret in the industry. Wang Quan believes that they must have a secret organization, so it is not surprising that Dorothy can invite her to star in a friendly role.

There is also a friendly appearance as the adoptive mother of Juno's child. In the original version, this role was Cassie's sister-in-law and Ben's wife Jennifer Garner.

However, Dorothy found the heroine of "King Kong", the beautiful Naomi Watts, to star in a friendly role, and the price was embarrassingly low.

Any fool knows how to choose.

And the first scene of "Juno" is Naomi Watts's scene~

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