You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 132 Director Wang explores flowers, how to spend the money (3, monthly ticket 1700)

Yuan Shanshan looked at Yang Mi angrily, but you are so awesome.

She was originally very happy for Senior Brother Wang Quan to win the grand prize, but why couldn't she be happy when she saw Yang Mi acting like this.

But when Yang Mi said, "I'll pay for tomorrow's three meals," Yuan Shanshan was sincerely happy for Senior Brother Wang Quan.

Zhang Xiaofei and Zhang Xuan were thinking about it, "This time Brother Wang Quan was shortlisted for the East Film Festival without hanging a banner. He has already won an award. The banner should be hung up tomorrow."

In Nortel's mind, there is still a big gap between the Eastern Film Festival and the three major European films and the Oscars. Not only did the royal power not fail, but Lule did not fail either.

Of course, if you want to fail tomorrow, both alumni should have a share.

Yang Mi estimated that Brother Quan was very busy right now, so she just sent a text message, "I am honored because of you tonight."

Wang Quan is indeed very busy. Suter has made a reservation early and is preparing to celebrate "Juno". After all, big and small awards can be won, but he didn't expect to win so many three, including the biggest award. As a result, the person who came There are too many, and the space is somewhat insufficient.

Wang Quan was tired of socializing tonight and met many people from the neon film industry. In addition to old friends Kon Satoshi and Otomo Yoko, there were also representatives from Toho, Toei, and Shochiku. Toho even brought Princess Toho Nagasawa Masami comes to socialize.

Wang Quan looked at Masami Nagasawa, who had a more beautiful figure, and shook his head regretfully, "I'm sorry Masami, I already have Yui."

Nagasawa Masami is very curious about the royal power, but even more curious, Yui Aragaki, why do you appear on such an occasion?

Naturally, Yui Aragaki and Nozomi Sasaki were also there. Wang Quan would not forget their company these days, but Yui soon got together with her old friend Masami, talking half-truths and half-false words.

Umekawa Hideo also came. At the same time, he asked Wang Quan for instructions, "The squad leader asked me to buy the copyright. Can I use your banner? This should be easier, but there is also a possibility that the price will be high."

Wang Quan nodded, "No problem, the most important thing is to get the copyright as soon as possible."

No matter how high Neon’s copyright is, how high can it be?

Suter then introduced officials from the Wanwan Film Bureau to Wang Quan, who sincerely invited Wang Quan to attend the Golden Horse Awards next month and serve as an award presenter.

The last time the Hong Kong Film Awards invited Wang Quan as a guest, it was because his scandal with Lindsay Lohan was going viral. Wang Quan was considered a hot international entertainment figure at that time.

Today's invitation to the Golden Horse Award is because Wang Quan's new film was a hit at the Eastern Film Festival, and the Eastern Film Festival is the most influential international film festival in Asia. From then on, he is considered an influential director in Asia, especially in the three East Asian countries. In this way The presence of many characters in the Golden Horse adds glory to the Golden Horse.

As for his identity as a mainlander, come on, he is like this. How can he return to the mainland in the future? He must be close to Laos and the United States. If he is to be close to Lao America, then he is close to us. Moreover, the Golden Horse Awards do not exclude mainlanders.

Wang Quan hesitated and wanted to go. He had no expectations for Wanwan's box office market, but the Golden Horse Award was still a strong brand at this stage. If the Golden Rooster failed to live up to expectations, Chinese literary and artistic films could only count on it now.

Next, Wang Quan plans to invest in movies in the mainland, not to mention the box office, but if it comes to winning awards, the Golden Horse is more reliable than the Golden Rooster.

But he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to spare the time. He had to attend the neon premiere of "Escape Room", go back to China to visit, and be the producer of "Insidious". Who knows if he could spare his time.

He talked about his difficulties, "I really hope to communicate with my colleagues in Wanwan, but I still have to discuss the itinerary with my agent during the next period, and there are still many uncertainties."

Seeing that Wang Quan had not bitten him to death, the official continued his efforts, "Can you leave a contact information with your assistant so that we can follow up? There are also many loyal fans of Director Wang on the island. Your two movies have achieved box office results on the island. They’re all pretty good.”

It's pretty good. In fact, it's only in the 20s or 30s of the year. However, the box office of local films in Bay and Bay is dismal, and this result can already beat the local films in Bay and Bay.

This time Wang Quan did not refuse and asked him to connect with Ma Ling.

Seeing Ma Ling and Su Te busy at work, Wang Quan felt that he should find a full-time assistant after he went back. In addition, he also had to persuade Boss Tao to find another one. Ma Ling's current ability was too limited to be an assistant, so he should give her more. It's a burden.

At night, Wang Quan, Sasaki and the others stayed up all night, sweating for the upcoming separation.

But Wang Quan realized the next day that he had to stay another night, but Ma Ling and Lily had to take the first step.

That night, Wang Quan took two dressed-up Sakura girls to attend the premiere ceremony prepared by Sony for "Escape Room". This time, he directly held their arms and appeared, which added a wave of exposure for them.

Afterwards, many media were speculating, who were the two girls next to Director Wang Quan? There is still someone who knows Yui Aragaki, but Nozomi Sasaki has really found no such person.

Sony had a good idea. If Wang Quan could win an award at the East Film Festival, then the next announcement would be much easier. But I didn’t expect that Wang Quan would be so powerful. Three awards at the East Film Festival would directly make him a hot spot in Neon nowadays. A topical figure, even his previous film "10 Cloverfield Lane" has become popular again, and the audience's expectations for "Juno" are even higher.

It's a pity. If he could have an affair with an actress of Neon Lindsay Lohan's level, it would be even more explosive.

But there are already two Sakura girls around Wang Quan, so how can anyone else get in the way.

After the premiere, Wang Quan was about to leave. That night, as soon as he returned to the room, Yui Aragaki saw two boxes on the table.

Nozomi Sasaki asked, "What is this?"

King Quan, "Open it and take a look."

"Ah!" The two of them exclaimed in unison and covered their mouths with surprise beyond words.

Wang Quan asked them to exchange places, "Make no mistake, the necklace belongs to Nozomi-chan and the earrings belong to Yui-chan."

These were the two sets of jewelry they wore when they first wore dresses to attend a movie event with Wang Quan. They suited them very well, but were a bit expensive. Wang Quan was reluctant to part with them at that time.

Now that he is leaving, after thinking about it, he has never thought about holding these two girls for a long time, but the happiness he has experienced in these few days is real, and this kind of happiness is something he has never experienced before, which can be regarded as opening up for him. He was very grateful for the door to the new world, so he had to leave something for them.

Wang Quan's generous move moved the two women to tears, "Okay, okay, go to bed early. I have to catch a flight tomorrow."

Unexpectedly, the two of them said in unison, "No, no one can sleep tonight!"

King Quan, "Yo Xi~"


When Wang Quan dragged his suitcase and left the room quietly, it was just dawn and the two Sakura girls were still awake. Wang Quan left a note for them, but he wrote Chinese characters instinctively, not sure if they could understand it.

On the way to the airport, Wang Quan called Yang Mi back.

She answered almost instantly, "Are you still in Tokyo?"

"Well, I'm heading to the airport and getting ready to leave."

Yang Mi, "Go back to the United States directly?"

"No, let's go back to China first."

"Ah?" Yang Mi was delighted, "What time will you arrive? I can pick you up."

Wang Quan, "Are you going to pick me up in the Magic City?"

"Are you going to the Magic City?"

Wang Quan, "Yes, I'm visiting the crew of "The Stewardess"."

"It must be the visiting Liu Yifei!" Yang Mi bit her back teeth.

Wang Quan said, "It's really not the case. I have no distractions, no desires and no desires. I regard pink as a skeleton. I just need to deal with some musical cooperation with Liu Yifei."

Yang Mi, "Humph, you wrote such a good song for her. It's only been a few days. I went to get a haircut yesterday, and the music in the barber shop was all meowing like a cat, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow."

What's even more annoying, Wang Quan asked with a smile, "So Mimi, are you jealous?"


"Oh, that's just jealousy. Okay, I'll write one for you if I get the chance."

"Ah, really?!" Yang Mi's interest suddenly increased, and she smiled and told Wang Quan about hanging banners in the school.

"It's funny, because you won three awards in one go. You couldn't write one banner, and then you picked up another one. Only then did you write down all your achievements at the East Film Festival."

"The school is really stingy. Can't they give each award a banner? They have to stack three awards together." Wang Quan complained with a smile.

"Don't use it sparingly, maybe it won't be long before you have to use banners again, right?" Yang Mi asked tentatively.

Wang Quan did not change his low-key nature, "There are many strong Oscar contenders, and it is still unknown whether he will be nominated, so don't have too high expectations."

When the airport arrived, Wang Quan hung up the phone.

When he entered, a fair-skinned girl wearing a Tibetan necklace dragged her suitcase out of the airport, chewing yak jerky in her mouth, "Ah, we're finally here. Why haven't the people from Aihui come to pick me up yet? Call me and ask. ask."


Wang Quan just got off the plane and saw Gadot.

Uh, Gadot’s billboard~

"Escape Room" is a hit in China, but Gadot is even more popular than this movie. In addition to her performance in the movie itself, which is very popular, and her appearance and figure are even more impressive, Wahaha also played an important role. Use He has gained some money-making abilities and given a boost to Gadot, whose popularity is about to take off.

Gadot is now one of the top ten most popular European and American celebrities in mainland China. She has a large number of fans on Tieba, so Nutrition Express is also selling better.

Wang Quan bought three flavors to wear in one go.

Afterwards, he bought a recent entertainment magazine from the airport bookstore, naturally wanting to see if he could see it.

The homepage is a group photo of a group of celebrities. The group is very large, almost all of them are famous faces. It is about the charity dinner of the Yanran Angel Foundation.

This is a big event in the entertainment industry, attracting many A-list celebrities, and indeed deserves a cover story.

On the day Angelina Jolie gave birth, the domestic music queen Wang Fei also gave birth to a child for her husband Li Yapeng, but the child was born with a defect. Wang Fei established the Yanran Angel Fund because of her daughter Li Yan's problem, hoping to save it. Other children with cleft lip and palate.

Open the catalog page, oh, I found it.

"The Biggest Winner at the East Film Festival!" The secret of the 21-year-old genius director is revealed! 》

This title, Wang Quan, the person involved, couldn't wait to click on it. It turned out that it was just old news, and then coupled with the results of this East Film Festival, it became a brand new hit article.

Can't we dig deeper into the heart of the character Wang Quan?

Another breaking news in this magazine is the speculation that Liu Yifei will take "Learning to Meow" to the Spring Festival Gala, which is said to have both nose and eyes.

Wang Quan went directly to the set and prepared to chat in person.

After arriving at the place, everyone on the crew actually knew him.

"Director Wang, are you here to visit the class?"

Wang Quan asked, "Whose movie are you filming?"

"Is it a scene between Teacher Lei Jiayin and Teacher Shen Tong?"

Wang Quan asked, "There is no drama about Liu Yifei?"

The other party replied, "Director Tian is leading Team B to film Teacher Liu's airplane scene."

So Wang Quan got another address, which read: Hongqiao International Airport XXX.

Damn, that’s where I came from!

Wang Quan said simply, "Give me the hotel address. I'll go back and wait for them. Remember to keep it secret and don't tell it."

As for the visiting team, if these two grown men have anything to discover, I’m here to explore them!

Wang Quan went back to the hotel and got a room. After a good sleep, at night, he sent a message to ask Liu Yifei, "Have you finished work?"

"We're done, we've gone back to the hotel."

King Quan: Yes.

He knew Liu Yifei's hotel room number, so he went directly to find her, and even brought an unused bottle of Nutritional Express to her.

When I pressed the doorbell, it was a strange girl's voice, "Who is it?"

"Sending something warm."

The door opened, revealing a crack, "Why are you so warm? You...ah! Director Wang!"

Wang Quan looked at this small round face and said, "Zhao Liying, right?"

"Director Wang, do you still remember me?"

"I've seen your information."

"That's not it. You forgot, you bought underwear in our store, the time you came here with Yang Mi..." Zhao Liying let the person in and tried her best to help him remember.

"Oh oh oh~" Wang Quan remembered that word and the clerk was unfamiliar with it.

Zhao Liying said seriously, "Don't worry, I didn't tell Sister Yi Fei about you and Teacher Yang Mi, so I kept it a secret for you."

Wang Quan, "What are you hiding? There's nothing wrong with Mimi and I. Our relationship is very special. What's the point of buying underwear together? I even helped her change diapers."


A three-year-old child changing diapers for a one-and-a-half-year-old child is very young and promising.

"By the way, where is Liu Yifei?"

"She's in Auntie's room, No. 2001."

"Okay, I'll go find them and talk to you later."

Soon, Wang Quan knocked on Liu Xiaoli's door.

"Xiao Wang, why are you here? Aren't you in Tokyo? Oh no, shouldn't you go back to the United States?" Liu Xiaoli was pleasantly surprised.

Wang Quan smiled and said, "Auntie, I came to visit the cast, but ended up going to the filming location. There were only two male actors, and then I went back to the hotel."

Liu Yifei feels very uncomfortable now and is holding it back.

She really wanted to give Wang Quan a warm hug to celebrate his triumphant return from Tokyo, but her mother was here, so she could only hold back, almost suffering from internal injuries.

"No wonder you asked me if I had returned to the hotel. It turns out you wanted to create a surprise." Liu Yifei pursed her lips in secret amusement.

Just seeing Wang Quan put Nutrition Express on the table, and seeing the image of Gal Gadot on the drink bottle, Liu Yifei's mood had some slight ups and downs, but they were still very sweet.

Fortunately, my mother was in control of the situation, "Just now we were talking about you, Xiao Wang."

"Oh, what are you talking about me?"

Liu Xiaoli said, "It's like this. We have authorized the songs you wrote for Sissi to the three major operators to let them create ring tones. Sissi said that you and she will each have half of the copyright of these songs. When the time comes, you will still have half of the copyright. I want to give you some money."

Wang Quan waved his hand, but he didn't care about this small amount of money. "Auntie, if you don't mind the trouble, just help me donate my share to charity."

Liu Xiaoli asked, "Why?"

Wang Quan said, "I have made a lot of money recently, and it's time to give back to the society." Reading the Yanran Angel Fund in a magazine also touched him.

Although Liu Xiaoli felt that he was sick, she thought that compared with the money he earned from making movies, a few songs were really nothing, so she donated it.

Liu Yifei was fiddling with the Nutrition Express, turning it in one direction and turning Gadot away. When she heard Wang Quan say this, her chest puffed up, "Why should charity allow you to focus on beauty alone? I want to donate too, mom." Mi, please donate my share too!"

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