You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 186 Big sister, it smells so good! (1. Ask for a monthly ticket for guarantee)

Ni Ni just came out of the swimming pool. She was very worried, so she came to swim to relieve stress. Last night, she was so excited that she sent those photos to Wang Quan's email. She didn't know if the other party would contact her.

She is an art student and does not have high requirements for college entrance examination scores. It would be best if she can get into Nanyitang. If she fails, she can go to Nanguang. There is always something to learn.

But I felt that there was no future in this kind of university, so I wanted to try my best while I was young.

She ran to the Internet cafe at noon, found a corner in the face of the boys' leering eyes, and then opened her mailbox. She was pleasantly surprised to find that Wang Quan had replied to her!

So, have you been hired?


Wang Quan saw the photo that Ni Ni sent to him. There was nothing technical about it. He probably took it by himself with his mobile phone. The location was in the bathroom and it was very exposed.

Although she didn't reveal any key points, she was working hard to show off her sexiness that was inappropriate for her age. She never expected that under the cover of that ordinary school uniform, there would be such a magnificent content.

Usually in this situation, Wang Quan would choose to be thrown directly into the elimination group like Fei Hong. However, since she was still a high school student who had not really entered the society, Wang Quan also put her into the elimination group, but he said sincerely I wrote a reply and sent it.

At the end of the article, he said, "...I will delete all these photos for you, and I hope you will not spread them willfully. If you really like them, remember to protect your privacy."

Ni Ni in the Internet cafe slapped the keyboard with some embarrassment after reading it. He's crazy. If he didn't pass, he didn't pass. Why are you talking so much nonsense? It looks like you are not good at writing, right?

Then she deleted the email she sent to Wang Quan, thought about it, and deleted the photos she took on her phone, and then walked out of the Internet cafe after making sure they were correct.

However, her eyes became red as she walked, and she sat on the side of the road and sobbed softly. Growing up, her parents were busy with work, and they only cared about whether they had enough money to spend, and how they were doing in the interest classes they enrolled in. No one had ever written so many words. He carefully advised her that girls should love him, and praised her for her aura, saying that there might be no possibility of cooperation in the future.

I feel that that person is sick, and I am also sick. What's so touching about that, but I just feel like crying.

After feeling comfortable crying, Ni Ni returned to school, abandoned other distracting thoughts, and began to review seriously to prepare for the college entrance examination next month. In fact, she studied very well when she was a child, especially English, but when she grew up, she only had English, and she was partial to subjects. Seriously, this is how you become a scumbag.


Wang Quan sent a reply to Ni Ni because he was young and hoped that her life would take less detours.

Then he looked at the bedroom and heard rustling noises, so he walked in and found Yu Feihong getting dressed.

Wang Quan stopped her, "What are you doing, do you want to leave?"

"Get dressed and eat." Yu Feihong said, half dressed.

"Then there's no need to dress so tightly. Just wait." Wang Quan found a loose one-piece pajamas for her to put on.

"Whose is it?"

"My sister, please change, I can't look at her." Wang Quan directly kissed her on the mouth again.

Yu Feihong pushed, "I'll change, please don't make trouble first."

Finally, Wang Quan pinned Yu Feihong on the dining table and asked her to eat some fried eggs, bacon, and milk to replenish her body.

"Then have you made up for it?"

"I've already patched it up, do I need to check it?"

"No, no, let's look at the resume."

While she was eating, Wang Quan stuffed her clothes from last night into the washing machine, and most of them fell to the floor. He was too excited and couldn't control his strength. Fortunately, the clothes were still intact and there was no loss.

After that, I read my resume with her, and if I encountered someone who posted private photos, I would be thrown directly into the elimination group.

The two watched for a whole day, and they also exercised in the middle. Wang Quan took the initiative, and Yu Feihong made him feel the charm of a young woman for the first time. Big sister, she smells so good!

In the end, the two selected ten people to enter the promotion group.

Due to the large number of people, it is impossible to comment one by one. Wang Quan plans to post a blog post at that time, saying that those who have not received a reply are not suitable this time, but it does not mean that they will not be suitable next time.

As for the ten who were promoted, Wang Quan asked Yu Feihong to determine a location and then sent an email asking them to come to audition at the agreed time.

"Isn't it a lot easier? It saves you having to run from school to school."

Yu Feihong, "I hope I can choose the right candidate."

Looking at the time, I thought of my agreement with Tian Xia Ba Sing. I couldn't be late this time. "Sister Fei Hong, I have an appointment with a writer tonight."

"Female writer?"

Wang Quan pinched her chin and said, "Who do you think I am? Man, let's talk business. You wait at home for me to come back. Don't sneak away."

Yu Feihong, "I have a family in Beijing."

King Quan, "This was once your home."

Yu Feihong asked a pointed question, "What about the future?"

After asking, she regretted it and pushed Wang Quan, "Okay, you go, I will wait for you."

As soon as Wang Quan left, Yu Feihong began to send emails to the members of the promotion group.


"Oh, can you do that, you noob!"

In an Internet cafe, a beautiful girl held a lollipop in her mouth and was skillfully controlling the keyboard and mouse, beating her opponents around in World of Warcraft. The netizens who were watching all said, "The president is awesome!" "The president is awesome!" That's amazing!" "President, I love you!" "President, I want to give you a monkey!"

After playing this game, Wan Qian took off her headset, feeling a little bored. She was a level 00 drama student, one year ahead of the famous Hu Ge, Yuan Hong, and Han Ha. She was quite active in the field of drama while in school. After graduation, I achieved good results, but the workload was too little, so I started playing games and started a World of Warcraft guild, which now has tens of thousands of people.

In addition, she also started to develop into the music circle, releasing singles and albums, but her results were not as good as Yang Mi's "Fairy Tale Town".

But she still hopes to act, and she doesn't know if she can get that acting opportunity.

She opened her mailbox and refreshed it, eh! There is a reply!

The email asked her to go to the capital for an audition this Saturday. Wan Qian happily slapped the table, hehe, Wan Ye, I’ve become it!

In addition, her junior sister Jiang Shuying also got the opportunity to audition.

When Wang Quan came back from drinking tea outside, Yu Feihong and Anna were chatting at home.

When Wang Quan was away, Anna went downstairs to look for him, and then saw Yu Feihong wearing thin pajamas, so the two started chatting.

Yu Feihong knew that Wang Quan had recruited such a beautiful assistant, but this was the first time he saw her.

Wang Quan came back, and Anna asked Wang Quan if he wanted her to accompany him at night. Fortunately, Yu Feihong didn't hear this. Wang Quan quickly gave her a wink, so she went upstairs obediently. She wouldn't be able to watch it for free next.

Yu Feihong stayed with her obediently until the end, because she knew that this might be their last night, and she would go back to her home tomorrow no matter what.

"How old were you when I went to college?" Yu Feihong leaned into Wang Quan's arms and asked, "89 years."

Wang Quan, "Four years old, probably still in kindergarten."

Yu Feihong smiled, "It's really a shame, I didn't have you when I got my period for the first time."

Wang Quan, "Don't act like a senior in this kind of thing. Once you take off your clothes, everyone is equal."

“I just feel that it’s great to be young.”

"I think you were not as good as you are now when you were young."

Yu Feihong, "Okay, you said I looked old-fashioned when I was young, right?"

"Oh, can't you tell the truth?"

"Just wait for me!"

Wang Quan thought she was going to punish herself, but she dug out a photo of herself when she was eighteen from her phone. It turned out that Sister Fei Hong was also younger.

It was almost dawn when the two of them went to bed. Wang Quan also realized that Sister Fei Hong was particularly active today, so when he woke up at noon and found that Sister Fei Hong had left, he was not surprised. He probably didn't know what to do with such a relationship. How to say goodbye.

But when he came to the living room, he found that Yu Feihong had prepared breakfast for him and left a note: Insufficient materials and limited skills.

She was probably the only one who could do this kind of thing. Young people like Liu Yifei and Yang Mi would definitely not consider him making breakfast.

My sister is still thoughtful.

Yu Feihong is going to be busy with his casting project, and Wang Quan is also going to confirm the director of "The Lost Orphan".

The script was finally finished. After almost a month of writing, Wang Quan drove to China Film Group and asked Han Sanping to help him make an appointment with the target candidate.

At this time, Han Sanping was watching the news about the opening of the Cannes Film Festival. The mess of "Red Cliff" was finally smoothed out, and he could relax for a moment.

Usually he doesn't pay much attention to the film festival. Awards are useless and box office is real. However, this year, the five major Chinese actresses Zhang Manyu, Gong Li, Yang Ziqiong, Zhang Ziyi, and Shu Qi all appeared at the opening ceremony, which still caused a stir in the country. There are many media reports, but unfortunately, there is not a single Chinese film in the main competition this year.

While he was watching, Wang Quan knocked on the door and came in.

"Mr. Han, Director Huang is not here yet?"

"It's Director Wang, you're here early, sit down," Old Han smiled and closed the web page, "Can I read the script first?"


Wang Quan plans to cooperate with China Film for this movie, of course, provided that China Film thinks it will be profitable.

While he was watching, another person involved in the meeting, Huang Jianxin, also arrived.

He is Wang Quan's number one choice for director.

Han Sanping introduced the two of them, "You guys chat first, and I'll take a look at Director Wang's script first."

Huang Jianxin looked at the script with eager eyes. He heard that Wang Quan had written a script and wanted to invite him to direct it. Huang was very happy. This is an internationally renowned director who has been certified by an Oscar.

After entering the 21st century, the number of Huang Jianxin's directorial works has dropped sharply. It can be said that there are only two films, "Who Says I Don't Care" by Feng Gong and Li Xiaomeng, and "Please Praise Me" by Fan Wei and Wang Zhiwen.

Now he is mainly working as a producer, including "Big Shot", "Zhou Yu's Train" and "With You" as well as "Mo Gong" and "Tou Mingzhuan".

He can cooperate with both famous mainland directors and Hong Kong and Taiwan directors. Even foreign teams trust him. He is responsible for the mainland production of "Kill Bill" and "The Mummy 3".

Although he is not a member of Nortel's Grade 78 class, he is about the same age as Chen Kaige and others. He belongs to the fifth generation and is senior enough. He was the first to enter the West Film Studio and is considered a disciple of Wu Tianming. Moreover, he is the director of the current Directors Association. The president of the association can suppress people.

But looking at his works, there is a huge difference between him and the fifth generation. The film materials of the fifth generation directors are usually rural, humming, or historical themes, but Huang Jianxin is one of the few directors who targets urban people.

Wang Quan came up to say hello and said that he had read Director Huang's works, ""Back to Back Face to Face" is one of my favorite works. I review it almost every year. It is simply a microcosm of China's official culture for thousands of years. "

"Back to Back Face to Face" is one of his urban trilogy, the other two being "Stand Up Straight, Don't Lie Down" and "Stop on Red Light, Go on Green Light".

He also has the pioneer trilogy "The Black Cannon Incident", "Dislocation" and "Reincarnation". Among them, "The Black Cannon Incident" is a very excellent political satire film and is also his debut film.

Huang Jianxin said modestly, "Haha, they are all old Huang Li."

There are also new almanacs, such as "The Great Cause of the Founding of the People's Republic of China" and "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party", but the new ones are a bit ahead of their time.

Wang Quan added, "Director Huang, your movies are basically based on realistic themes and focus on people's livelihood, so when I came up with this idea, the first thing I thought of was you."

"Actually, you can direct it yourself. Domestic audiences are eagerly looking forward to your work." He thought that it would be good to be a producer for Wang Quan, and he was already comfortable with this job.

"It's too late. All the contracts for the next movies have been signed, and I believe that Director Huang's skill in realistic themes must be much better than mine. This story is the most suitable for you to film."

Huang Jianxin did not expect that Wang Quan would be so fond of telling the truth at such a young age, which was completely different from those born in the 1980s he knew who liked to talk nonsense.

Han Sanping, who was reading the script, asked, "Xiao Wang, have you convinced Liu Dehua?"

"Yes, he has read the script and he said it's no problem. If Director Huang has no problem, I'll let him sign the contract."

Han Sanping only saw half of it, but he also saw a lot of clues.

Wang Quan created this movie with the rhythm of writing a commercial film. It is not boring. There are even many laugh points in the front. Although there are laugh points, it is always shrouded in an atmosphere of sadness and worry, and the details of the script There are so many details. When people see the script, they will have a picture, and it will be much easier to shoot.

Brilliant, really brilliant.

He also read a lot of scripts at China Film and Television, but he couldn't see this kind of skill among mainland screenwriters.

He handed the script to Huang Jianxin, "If you are anxious, you can read it first. I will read it after you finish it."

Wang Quan, "How about I go first? I still have to write my graduation thesis."

There won't be any results between the two big guys for a while, and they probably have some whispers, so Wang Quan doesn't want to stay here, it's too restrictive.

Han Sanping and Huang Jianxin laughed and let Wang Quan leave.

Wang Quan hurried back to write his graduation thesis. The direction of his thesis was the inevitable trend of film typing.

Two hours after Wang Quan left, Huang Jianxin finally finished watching it. He said excitedly, "Shoot, I must be the director of this movie!"

Han Sanping took it and said, "Oh, I finally came across a script that makes your heart beat."

Huang Jianxin, "The script is definitely good, and the subject matter also makes me excited, but it is not just a matter of the script and the subject matter."

"What's the problem?"

Huang Jianxin pulled out a note from the end, "This guy said that the position of content director of Wangdao Pictures is vacant. This movie is his test question for me!"

(Yu Feihong’s character card has been released, please remember to vote carefully and monthly~)

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