You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 323: The Four Beauties of the Immortal Sword, the Immortal Poetry of the Tang Dynasty. North

Wang Quan could feel that even President Han of China Film and Television could not keep calm when hearing such box office figures. This was all... at least a large part of it was his own credit!

Those old diehards who were still worried that $30 million would go down the drain always said that my idea of ​​making blockbusters was wrong. Now they know who China Film Group relies on! Wa hahaha!


When the movie box office bar was first established, there were very few people. It wasn’t until two months ago that “Twilight Saga 3” was so popular that it was expected to break the box office record of “Titanic” that had been held for ten years in mainland film history, and a large number of people flooded into the bar. The popularity of Newcomer suddenly increased and it became a very important post in the entertainment category. It was also a channel for many people to learn about the box office.

This bar is keen on discussing the box office of movies, especially mainland box office data and topics. Whenever a popular box office blockbuster is released, the bar will become extremely lively. Basically, there are dozens of posts per minute, and each post can have dozens of posts. Reply, if it is a technical post, it can easily reach hundreds of pages.

The biggest hot topic a while ago is "Transformers 2". The box office momentum is even stronger than that of "Twilight 3". The box office during the same period was basically slightly higher. It was released nearly a month later, but the box office is basically the same as "Twilight". "Light 3" is a strong contender for the new mainland film history record.

This makes the fans of King Quan extremely happy. Although most of the bar friends here came because of "Twilight 3" and Wang Quan has a very high number of fans, the combination of him and Liu Yifei has made him gain a lot of fans.

Even though Gadot's photo session with Liu Yifei later made her feel better, those who really like Gadot and Liu Yifei still can't tolerate this dog man ruining their goddess!

So they were very happy to see "Transformers 2" box office so strong. Until "Inception" came out, those who were jumping excitedly before could hardly watch it anymore.

These people can still resist on the first day. What does it mean to exceed 100 million on the first day, and the midnight show counts? So shameless.

The next day, what? Saturday was just a little higher than Friday. If Friday includes the midnight show, Saturday would still be lower. That’s not good.

As a result, on the third day, the single-day box office officially exceeded 100 million. For the first time, the mainland film market entered the era of single-film box office reaching 100 million!

Senior netizen "Screen China" said: Who would have thought that in the past two years, the total box office exceeded 100 million, which was a huge joy, but now director Quan has directly raised the single-day box office to 100 million. How magnificent! I hope domestic film directors can work hard. They can’t rely on Quan’s new Chinese-language film to break a record next time, right?

Kakamao: That means Director Quan has this ability to convince me to pay for the ticket.

Yue Fenglong: To be honest, when "The Twilight Saga" first came out, I didn't like Director Wang. He was filming some Mary Sue and Jack Su stuff. It was something for little girls. I didn't expect that this series would become more and more popular. It’s good to watch, and the third part also has Cthulhu elements, which is commercial enough, but the gameplay is very advanced, so I didn’t rush into “Inception”. Sure enough, it’s a masterpiece!

Longhushan Celestial Master: Go, go, go, I’ve watched it three times and I can’t stop at all, it’s like a spinning top!

Breeze on the Yangtze River: I really envy you. I am dizzy with 3D and can only watch the 2D version, but it is also very amazing. I give it five stars on Douban! This is my first time!

Smoking Snow Bird: My best movie of the past decade, the last time it was so amazing was Nolan's "The Dark Knight".

Han Yan Mu Yu Zui Nian Hua: Since everyone likes our director Quan’s "Inception" so much, how much box office do you think this movie will have in the end?

The famous Lao Wang: Are you talking about the world or the country?

The cold smoke, dusk rain and drunken years: just inland.

Ansj: Didn’t King Qiankun say, one billion, even one hundred million less will not work!

Feng Bo Wuhen: I also think that one billion should be achieved.

Guest in the Red Dust and Rain: I think it would be good to double the current record if there are eight or nine billion. It’s not that I look down on Director Quan. Director Quan did make a groundbreaking movie, but now domestic audiences are willing to go to cinemas and spend money. That's it. The strong rush at the beginning shows that the movie is too concentrated, and it will definitely fade away later.

The black-hearted maggot: Eighty-nine billion? On the contrary, I feel that one billion is unstoppable, so I bet 1.2 billion! Three times the existing box office record!

Dong Siyi: 1.2 billion. You really don’t regard RMB as money. Where can you find 40 million moviegoers in China who are willing to pay? What a fuss!

note book: Nonono, you can’t use 40 million, but 20 million would be much worse. The ticket price of “Inception” is high! The ticket I saw cost more than 100 yuan, which is more than the usual three tickets!

Tintin laughs at the spring breeze: I envy people in big cities who can watch IMAX!

note book: I am from a village in Hebei Province. I made a trip to the capital in order to see the best screen. The food, accommodation and transportation totaled more than 1,000 yuan.

Bai Lanxin: Damn it, there is so much money upstairs!

What you wear is king: In addition to the high ticket price, the multi-swipe rate of Inception is also high. I contributed three tickets by myself. Is there anyone with more tickets than me?

Tiantian Huanyan: I also have three.

Who else is disobedient: the two people dare not say a word.

Cut the radish into thin slices: Four brushes, I have to slow down, I will go to Shanghai on a business trip in a few days to brush up on IMAX!

Demon Realm: NB!

Emperor Frederica: I contributed 10 tickets and watched it with five different girls. Three of them got rooms. Thanks to Director Quan, it is only his movie that I can watch five times without vomiting!

Xun Wukong: Please accept my knees upstairs! Pity me for being single!

The netizen just now "Han Yan Mu Yu Zui Nian Hua" is actually a staff member of Qiankun Culture. He is not only in this bar, but also in the movie bar and the North American Box Office Bar. He is just for work, monitoring and guiding the Internet about "Inception" public opinion and report to superiors.

Wang Qiankun was in the office with his legs crossed, smoking a cigar, and looking down at the world. Three hundred million, three hundred million. Only my son's movie can have such explosive power!

However, after receiving the box office forecast of "Inception" from the network department below, it was generally believed that it was only 890 million. How could they look down on us, father and son, so much?

They not only underestimated the Wang family and his son, but also underestimated the influence of Internet communication. In 2009, the number of Internet users in China exceeded 300 million! Even Taobao has 150 million registered users, of which at least 100 million have spending power.

Your movies can't attract more audiences because your movies only have that small audience, but "Inception" has broken through the circle, and its audience is no longer just movie lovers!

The news that "Inception" had a box office of 300 million in three days spread to every corner of the country at the fastest speed, especially with the great efforts made in Internet marketing. As long as you go online, you can't avoid "Inception" at all.

Those who originally had no desire to consume, but had the ability to spend, broke their stereotypes about movies and went to the cinema to watch them first.

Those college students who have the urge to consume but lack the spending power have not been the main force in movie consumption before. However, after the appearance of "Inception", many college students began to look forward to the first theatrical movie in their lives.

Xia Yijiao is such a college student who was born in a rural area. This summer she chose to stay in Tieling, a big city, to work. She just hopes that after the summer vacation, she can save enough money to watch "Inception" that her classmates are discussing on QQ.

I don’t know if movie tickets are expensive. I heard they are not too expensive, but you have to buy super expensive popcorn to watch a movie. I heard from the girls in the dormitory that they also need to book a room, so that one should be more expensive.

She didn’t know if she could save enough money, but God favored her so much, “I won, I won!”

I went online today and reposted Yang Mi’s Weibo post on Weibo, and then I won a movie ticket for “Inception”. With the code, you can watch the movie in the following theaters!

Yang Mi specially organized a forwarding invoice campaign to support the box office of "Inception", so that she didn't go to the premiere and people thought she had broken up with Brother Quan.

Outsiders: We didn’t realize you weren’t going at all!

Yang Mi received 100 votes and was retweeted over 10,000 times in just a few seconds. Although the Queen of Weibo is very powerful, another reason is the popularity of "Legend of Sword and Fairy 3", which made Yang Mi even more popular. One floor.

After "Time 1997", Damimi once again ushered in another masterpiece and representative role of hers.

This drama has been aired for a week. Even though "Inception" seems to be the only one online at this time, in the drama circle, "Sword and Sword 3" is also very popular. Although it has not finished airing, it is already considered to be the biggest hit of the year. payment.

Tangren felt that they had made the right bet in choosing Yang Mi as the female lead. Hu Ge, whose popularity had declined, was back to the top, and Liu Shishi was also completely popular, which could be of great use.

Yang Mi has a huge number of fans, and she also has a good chemistry with Tang Yan and Liu Shishi in the drama. The three of them showed off their friendship with each other on their scarves. As for Liu Yifei, her old best friend, she was ignored by Yang Mi.

These three people are nicknamed the Three Beauties of Immortal Sword by fans, and some people also added Liu Yifei from the first movie, known as: The Four Beauties of Immortal Sword.

An Yixuan said: Well, people don’t care anymore~

Fans of Liu Yifei also said: Don’t force yourself on her!

They didn't just look down on Liu Shishi and Tang Yan, they also looked down on Yang Mi as equals. After all, the immortal was now Mrs. Wang, and her performance in movies was also very good. She was completely at the level of a fourth-dan double-ice person.

But the Tang Dynasty and Chengtian didn't let go when they got along. The Four Beauties of Immortal Sword and the Poetry Fairy of the Tang Dynasty distributed the manuscripts for free. Basically, these two companies distributed them for the purpose of promoting their own artists.

Although Yang Mi has a good relationship with Liu Shishi and Tang Yan, she doesn't like being rubbed like this. Of course, she treats things rather than people, but she is still good to Tangtang Shishi.

As for Liu Yifei, she does not have a serious team in China. She is also relatively Buddhist and does not pay attention to this statement at all. In two days, "Fireworks on Earth" will be officially launched. The director, screenwriter, main actors, and staff They have all gathered in Wuyuan, and everyone has started reading the script, preparing to get to know each other before starting work.

This slow pace of work is very close to the core of the script. Liu Yifei also likes it very much. She lives a fulfilling life every day and almost forgets about the royal power.

But Wang Quan did not forget his girlfriend. He did not forget to talk to his girlfriend when he was far away in Seoul, and asked Sissi to take pictures of the local scenery, food or interesting things for him every day.

"Then you have to take pictures for me too~" Liu Yifei acted coquettishly.

"Oh, what do you want to see? There aren't many beautiful places in Seoul."

"Take pictures of beauties~" Liu Yifei thought for a while, "If you meet a girl you think is beautiful, how about letting me admire her."

Wang Quan, "What kind of weird request is this~"

Liu Yifei was embarrassed, "Isn't it strange? Then forget it."

"That's okay, after all, everyone has a love for beauty~"

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean. I just want to see what kind of beauties my boyfriend usually comes into contact with."

Then the next day Liu Yifei received a photo, and Wang Quan told him that the girl's name was Han Xiaozhou, and she became famous in Kimchi Country for her remake of Yang Mi's "Brilliant Legacy".

"Well, you are a girl with a sweet smile. How did you meet her?" Liu Yifei asked.

"She plays the heroine in the new film "Happy Family" produced by New Company of Kimchi Country that I invested in. I went to check out the cast," Wang Quan smiled, "But don't think too much, we are innocent."

Liu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief, "I didn't doubt you at all. The most important thing in a relationship is trust. I believe that no matter what you do, you have your own reasons. After all, you have to maintain interpersonal relationships."

Wang Quan was so moved that he wanted to cry. In his girlfriend's mind, he actually needed his body to maintain relationships. How could he be so popular?

Later, Wang Quan told her that he was going back to work in Los Angeles and that he was needed for the work there.

"Well, by the way, how is the box office in North America?" Liu Yifei asked.

Wang Quan said, "Well, it's not bad, it's very stable."

Well, it can only be said to be stable.

The box office on the first Friday was 26 million, the next Saturday was 26 million, and the Sunday was 26 million. The first weekend box office was as high as 78 million US dollars!

What is the concept of this result? The box office of "Twilight Saga 3" on the first day was 71 million US dollars!

Because the North American box office data is not very good, and the mainland box office is really explosive, so what you see in the domestic media are basically the domestic box office data of "Inception", and some will also include the Japanese box office data. South Korea, because the box office performance of these two movies is also very good, but miraculously there is almost no data from North America.

You must know that in the past, King of Thrones movies basically hit the North American box office first, especially Twilight 2 and 3, which were very popular in North America. Breaking all kinds of film history records is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

As for "Inception", it was not until Tuesday that the North American opening weekend box office results were leaked for the first time, with 78 million, the single-week box office champion!

Ordinary people think it's very good, and it's Zhou Guan again. However, people with a little more expertise will question, "Oh, isn't this movie very popular in North America? Is it just like this?"

Because the North American opening weekend box office of "The Twilight Saga" was 172 million! It was nearly 100 million less!

So in terms of movie tickets and box office, the King Quan gangsters have made a comeback and actively released the North American box office of "Inception". With a scale of 3,400 theaters, it only took 26 million on the first day. That's King Quan. This box office can be said to be quite good for other directors, but for Royal power, that is a rush to the streets, a Waterloo!

For a time, there was a lot of news that Hollywood no longer loved King Quan. Some people said that King Quan wanted to return to China to develop, probably because he thought "Inception" was not popular in North America. It felt like Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, even foreigners could not understand it.

However, the poor box office performance in North America does not affect the country. "Inception" is still making great progress and will soon reach 400 million. However, an interesting scene happened at this time~

In the movie box office bar, everyone is waiting for yesterday’s box office data, and finally it’s here.

"Transformers 2" had a box office of 1.2 million yesterday, with a cumulative box office of 406 million, surpassing the previous mainland box office record of 405 million held by "The Twilight Saga"!

Then another day passed, "Inception" had a box office of 46 million yesterday, and the cumulative box office was 440 million!

"Transformers 2" lasted for a day and became the box office record holder for the shortest film history in Mainland China!

(The following paragraph is newly added, and will also be included in the following chapter, because some people have not read it~)

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