You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 427 Royal power is in two boats

Deng Chao and Sun Li got married, and many friends from the circle came. Tong Dawei and Li Chen set their sights on him as soon as they came in from Wang Quan.

Although Zhang Jiayi is older, he has sharp eyes, "Hey, what did Director Quan give you?"

Former Military Art School Cao Shayi said excitedly, "Damn it, that can't be a script!"

Li Chen said sourly, "It seems to be true. Looking at Chao'er's expression, I'm very happy."

Tong Dawei drank in silence, "It's normal. Director Wang Quan said that his new film is a comedy, and Chao'er is very suitable for comedy."

They were just watching from a distance, but Lu Yu, the host who had always wanted to ask Wang Quan for an interview, had already walked over, and then heard Wang Quan say, "Put it away first, and we will talk tomorrow when you are done."

"Yeah, okay!" Deng Chao suppressed his curiosity and did not read the next script for the time being.

Wang Quan didn't take up too much of the groom's time, and he and Mimi were about to sit down. Lu Yu, who was near the water, said, "Director Quan, please sit here."

Wang Quan nodded, and after taking his seat, there were several other musicians and hosts from the Magic City sitting at the table, such as Cao Kefan, Li Jing, Hai Quan from the Yuquan group, and Da Han Hong, the eldest sister in the music industry, etc.

On the table next to him were actors such as Li Chen, Tong Dawei, and He Rundong. Li Chen turned around and chatted with Wang Quan and the others, hoping to gain some impression points with Wang Quan.

Lu Yu drank tea reservedly and didn't talk much. Most of the time, Mimi acted as her spokesperson.

Lu Yu smiled and talked about Yang Mi and Liu Yifei's participation in her show two months ago, and then asked Wang Quan, "Ghost Blowing the Lantern is about to be released. Will the director come and have an appointment with Lu Yu?"

Another interview host, Li Jing, immediately said, "Actually, we are very quiet and the distance is pretty good. Mimi has also been there, right."

Lu Yu's expression is subtle and very quiet. This show is too vulgar, how can it be compared to his own Lu Yu has a date.

The chubby Cao Ke said hurriedly, "Actually, I am also a talk show host. My show is called "Ke Fan Listens"..."

Three talk show hosts are fighting over each other, and the king's power is being frightened. Don't come over here!

Wang Quan had no choice but to recommend it to his agent, "The show will definitely be on. I will listen to my agent when the time comes. With the intensity of the publicity, it may be necessary to appear on all domestic talk shows."

Just mess around for now, who knows what will happen in the future.

At this time, the wedding process also started. Everyone turned their attention to the stage. Yang Mi held her chin, so envious, envious that others could get married and wear beautiful wedding dresses. Then she glanced at Wang Quan and sighed.

During the wedding, Sun Li announced the news of her pregnancy. In fact, they got the certificate at the beginning of last year, so the pregnancy was normal, but it had only been two or three months and she hadn't shown her pregnancy yet.

Originally, Deng Chao thought that he would not take any more roles in the next period of time and concentrate on accompanying the arrival of this little life. However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. King Quan invited him. Who can refuse this temptation? It is simply impossible. Fortunately, the filming period is only a short period of time. For more than a month, Sun Li supported him very much. She knew that her husband had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

So when Deng Chao thanked his relatives and friends for coming, he especially thanked Wang Quan and the wedding gift he gave her. With this smile, Sun Li couldn't help but pinch him. Hum, it was sweeter than the first time she slept with her!

Moreover, during the toasting session, other tables used water instead of wine, but when he arrived at Wang Quan's place, Deng Chao specially replaced it with real wine. Although everyone didn't know it, he strongly requested this and drank for no other reason. Director Quan was able to attend the wedding of a small actor of his during his busy schedule.

The wedding was very lively. Several singers came on stage to sing and express their blessings to the newlyweds. Of course, Yang Mi was also indispensable. Although she collaborated with Deng Chao on "The Temptation of Going Home", it was difficult to sing "Unable" in this kind of occasion. "Forgive" was not suitable, so she chose her most popular song "Provide of Love", which directly pushed the popularity of the wedding to the top and surpassed many professional singers.

Next, Deng and Sun Li had to send their friends away and settle their parents and relatives. Wang Quan and Yang Mi were also preparing to leave at this time.

Deng Chao was very sorry, "Oh, I've already reserved a room for you in the hotel."

Wang Quan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, my home in Magic City is nearby."

Deng Chao glanced at the Huangpu River not far away and said, "Director Quan is indeed a super rich man. The housing prices here are not cheap."

"As expected of a rich man, do you have a home in every city?" When they got home, Yang Mi looked at the place.

"It's not enough to have a family in every city, but I hope to have a mother-in-law in every province." Wang Quan said and hugged Mimi. Mimi immediately gave Wang Quan an elbow, and then the two of them entered together. Toilet.

Mimi said she wanted convenience, and Wang Quan said he could help so that she could solve the problem without squatting on the toilet.

Yang Mi, "You are so evil!"


When Deng Chao and Sun Li returned home, news that Wang Quan attended their wedding and gave Deng Chao a wedding gift at the scene, suspected to be a script, had already spread on the Internet. Although entertainment reporters were not invited to the wedding, There are many people with mixed opinions, and it is normal for major news like this to break out.

But Chen Kun felt it was abnormal, something was wrong, and he couldn't believe it. He clearly agreed that I would be the one to act, so why did he copy the script to Deng, and Quan was directing him? Is he treading on both sides of the aisle? !

Because of this incident, Chen Kun didn't sleep well all night. It wasn't until dawn that he reached a reconciliation with himself.

"There are only two possibilities for this kind of thing to happen. First, it is a movie with two male protagonists. Director Wang Quan invited me and Deng to copy it. Second, the script was not copied for Deng, but for Sun Li. It turns out that Sun Li is the heroine chosen by Director Quan!"

Thinking of this, Chen Kun finally fell asleep, and then soon heard his agent knocking on the door, "Brother Kun, work has started."

Chen Kun: "..."

When Chen Kun was woken up, Deng Chao had just fallen asleep in his new house. He had just finished reading the two scripts. He was very excited after reading these two scripts. One of them was a comedy script directed by Wang Quan. It was really amazing. Unexpectedly, he is indeed a talented screenwriter who wrote "The Hangover". This script is even more creative and funny than "The Hangover".

Another script surprised Deng Chao even more. It was not a project directed by Wang Quan, but a script for a new film directed by Cao Baoping. Wang Quan passed it over to Director Cao, hoping to invite Deng Chao to be the male lead. It was a crime movie. It's called "The Burning Sun".

Originally, Deng Chao had already decided that Sun Li would not take any roles during her pregnancy and focus on taking care of pregnant women. However, with King Power first and Cao Baoping next, it was too difficult for people to refuse. He felt that one of these two movies would make him happy. A huge success at the box office, one that would win itself a film award.

Forget it, let's discuss it with the bride after she wakes up. The bride is sleeping next door now. She is less than three months pregnant. The two of them are very careful and don't touch each other if they can.

The next day, after receiving encouragement from Sun Li, Deng Chao met with Wang Quan. This time they were actually photographed by the paparazzi, which further confirmed that Deng Chao was the male lead in Wang Quan's new film.

Deng Chao first gave Wang Quan a hard slap on the rainbow, saying that his script was too awesome, and then expressed his worries about "Heart of the Burning Sun".

"Are you worried that the scale is too big?"

"Oh, no, no, no, I'm an actor. I don't think kissing a man is a problem at all." Deng Chao said seriously. He was very envious of Liu Ye's works like "Lan Yu". It's so good at such a young age. Golden Horse Best Actor.

I heard him say that he didn't want to miss the pregnancy of his son and wanted to be with Sun Li and his mother.

Wang Quan asked, "In what month is your wife's due date?"

Deng replied: "November."

Wang Quan asked him, "In May next year, when the child is half a year old, will you be able to come out for filming? Think carefully before answering. You should have read this script. If you want to act well, you must be able to get into the role. By then, you will be the best in the entire filming cycle." It’s better not to see your family, it’s good for you both, and the filming period will be at least three months.”

After hesitating for a moment, Deng Chao said, "It's okay next May."

In fact, before going out, Sun Li said not to worry about them. Both dramas were worth accepting, but he didn't want to be absent when the child was born.

Wang Quan nodded, "I'm going to send this film to the Berlin International Film Festival. May is the deadline to start shooting. If it's later than that, I'm afraid it will be delayed from participating in the Berlin International Film Festival. Since you agreed, the male lead of this film is also yours." "

Deng Chao's face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

Although participating in international film festivals is full of unknowns, Wang Quan has said so, and he has served as a judge at the Berlin Film Festival. Deng Chao believes that this film will definitely be shortlisted.

He is envious of Xu Zheng and Huang Bo, the two Venice International Best Actors. This title makes them like ducks in water in the film industry.

Going overseas, whether in North America or Europe, is a very precious opportunity for actors of this era to expand their influence.


From the crew of "Painted Skin 2", Chen Kun has already seen the news that Wang Quan and Deng Chao were photographed by the paparazzi.

Therefore, "possibility 2" has been ruled out. The royal power was transferred to Deng and had nothing to do with Sun Li.

Then it should be a two-hero drama, but why hasn't he found me yet? What the hell is going on!

Wang Quan didn't look for Chen Kun, and Chen Kun was afraid that the duck he got would fly away. After all, it wasn't cooked yet, and they didn't even sign a contract.

So after finishing filming a large part of his scene, Chen Kun took a week off and planned to return to the capital to meet with director Wang Quan in person to talk about this movie that was suspected to be a two-hero drama.

At this time, Wang Quan had already returned to the capital and was receiving an important guest at the company. He also called Guo Fan, another contracted director of the company, over.

Filming will start in January and wrap up in March. Guo Fan has already finished filming "Thunderbolt Beibei". Since it will be released at the end of September, the time is tight and the tasks are heavy. He has been living in the company and busy with post-production. He is envious of the crew of "Twelve Citizens" , it was only launched in March, and now it has received the dragon mark, which is the fastest batch.

"Thunderbolt Beibei" has just completed the initial version and arranged a test screening.

Director Quan came to see him today. He thought he was not satisfied with the results of the test screenings, but it turned out that there was a guest in Director Quan's office, and it was director Zhang Yimou!

Zhang Yimou has completely finished "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", and has received the Dragon Ball, and is just waiting for its release at the end of the year.

He and Zhang Wei had had enough of making excuses and were too lazy to stay in the new scene. They went directly to Wangdao to ask about the status of the "Qian Xuesen" project. He was sure to take over the film.

Wang Quan introduced to Zhang Yimou, "This is Guo Fan, the young director of our company's Stars and Sea Project. He is not a major, but he has loved science fiction and science fiction movies since he was a child. He has just made a remake of an old classic film "Thunderbolt Beibei" for the company. "

Zhang Yimou shook hands with Guo Fan and said politely, "You are young and have a lot of promise."

Wang Quan said to Zhang Yimou again, "Most of the directors in our circle are emotional. They are basically educated in literature. It is difficult for them to calm down and study how missiles are made. But Director Guo studied law and is led by rational thinking. The director is very rigorous and calculating, and I think he and you can complement each other very well."

Zhang Yimou looked at the tall and handsome Guo Fan and smiled, "It depends on what Director Guo wants."

Wang Quan said to Guo Fan, "It's like this. Our company and Director Zhang are collaborating on a project, "Qian Xuesen". The script hasn't been written yet, but my plan is to only film the first half of his life and talk about him studying abroad. At the same time, There was war in the country until he decided to return to the country and returned to the motherland regardless of resistance.

"Most of the film will be shot in the United States, and there are a large number of Hollywood personnel in the cast and behind-the-scenes team. Long Toutou is responsible for the production in the United States. This is a good opportunity to go deep into Hollywood and learn about it. Director Zhang wants to What kind of Hollywood actor, let me help you get it done, and Director Guo, you need to be Director Zhang’s deputy to assist him in completing this biopic, are you willing?"

Guo Fan has always wanted to make a science fiction film, but he never expected that director Wang Quan would let him film the story of a scientist. Although these are two different things, he felt that this was a good opportunity, an opportunity to get in touch with Hollywood and learn from its advanced management experience. !

"Director, I do!" After thinking for a moment, Guo Fan agreed. Although he was working as an assistant director for Zhang Yimou, he was Zhang Yimou, and the person he was filming was Mr. Qian, so there was no shame at all.

Wang Quan said seriously to Guo Fan: "Then you have to start working on the script. If you two communicate more, if you have any disagreements, you can come to me. I am the producer of this film and will work with you to create this film." The movie, this is a movie dedicated to Mr. Qian, there is no room for failure.”

As a result, the two people soon had different opinions. Regarding the choice of screenwriter, Zhang Yimou preferred to use his old partner Lu Wei. He had just finished writing "White Deer Plain" and was currently idle.

Guo Fan hoped to use screenwriters who really studied science. He always felt that Teacher Lu Wei might not understand the working principle of missiles.

Seeing the two people arguing and going back and forth, Guo Fan, as a new director, did not give in to Lao Mouzi at all. Wang Quan nodded with satisfaction, hoping that this would be a good show.

They were arguing when Chen Kun came uninvited.

So Wang Quan opened a reception room to receive him and his agent.

"I also said that we will discuss the script after you finish filming."

How can Chen Kun wait? "Actually, I don't have too many roles, mainly the roles of the two heroines, so I recently had a week's vacation, so I took the liberty to visit you, director Quan."

Wang Quan waved his hand, "I'm not presumptuous, I'm not presumptuous, you are from Shancheng, right."

"Yes, yes." Chen Kun's answer was in dialect.

Wang Quan said, "Then come with me to a mountain city. This script is a story that takes place in a mountain city~"

(In terms of image, do you think who is more suitable for Mr. and Mrs. Qian?)


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