You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 444 The final global box office of

Chapter 444 The final global box office of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is...

The number of nominations for the Golden Rooster Awards is not fixed at four or five, maybe.

There were five nominations for Best Actor just now, and Sun Chun, the second male lead in "Autumn Joy", finally won.

There are six nominations for Best Actress. In addition to Xu Fan in "Tangshan Earthquake", there are also Qin Hailu in "The Piano", Yan Bingyan in "Guarding Childhood", Lu Liping in "Playing Cool Youth", and Na in "Eji" Renhua, and "To Our Fading Youth" Yang Mi.

What is surprising is that Arya, the heroine of "The Invisible Guest" who won the Golden Horse Best Actress and the Best Actress Award from the Directors Association, was not nominated.

Maybe it’s because she has already won the Golden Rooster Best Actress award, maybe it’s because there’s already another ethnic minority nominee, or maybe it’s because the Golden Rooster Awards doesn’t like this kind of film that’s creative purpose is too commercial. Of course, Wang Quan doesn’t like “Invisible” "Guest" was not happy to be left out in the Golden Rooster.

Compared with the other five actresses, Yang Mi seemed very abrupt. Fortunately, the uneven number of nominations is a characteristic of the Golden Rooster Awards. Otherwise, she would have thought that Yang Mi was deliberately given an extra spot.

However, Wang Quan still doesn't want her to win the award. At this age and in this role, it is definitely not a good thing to win the award surrounded by these competitors.

At this moment, Xu Fan's husband Feng Xiaogang and Lu Liping's old man Sun Haiying were all staring at the stage. They all felt that their wives could win the prize, and they could accept the double-yolked egg.

After all, double yolk eggs are also an old tradition of the Golden Rooster Awards. The best actress in the previous award was a double yolk egg.

But unfortunately, this time it was a normal egg, and neither of their wives won the award. The winner was the Menggu actress Na Renhua for "Eji".

Na Renhua is a senior sister from Nortel Grade 82. She is a classmate with Lin Fangbing and Zang Jinsheng. She was famous for her starring role in "Xiang Girl Xiaoxiao" directed by Wang Quan's mentor Xie Fei. Later she became a director, and this movie The director is his husband Ning Cai.

There is definitely no problem with the actor's ability, but the popularity of the work is too low, and it has not been released on a large scale. The influence is far different from the other films. When she saw the award-winning works and actors, Liu Yifei went to the Internet to check them. For a moment.

"Eji" tells the story of 6,000 magic city orphans who entered Mongolia during the difficult period of the 1960s. This theme was later filmed by Hong Kong director Er Dongsheng, called "The End of the Sea is the Grassland".

However, Wang Quan prefers the storytelling method of "Eji". The filming is indeed good, but the current predicament of art films makes it impossible for this film to be promoted in theaters.

Yang Mi didn't have any disappointed expression. For people of her age, just getting nominated is an affirmation of herself. Next, she hopes to get the favor of the Golden Horse Awards. Nomination is victory!

The next award is for Best Screenplay. There are also six works nominated, three of which are familiar: "Tangshan Earthquake", "Fireworks on Earth" and "The Piano of Steel". The other three are not well-known. At first glance, they are the kind of state-run movies. Studio Productions.

The final winner was the little-known Cheng Xiaoling's "Qingming Festival". When the award was presented, Wang Quan had already left the seat.

Next is the Best Director Award, and Wang Quan is the presenter. Even if Wang Quan is so famous and prestigious, the biggest award and best picture must be awarded by the leader. This is very characteristic of the Golden Rooster Award, even if Cameron is here. You have to stand up and toast.

The six nominees for Best Director are Huo Jianqi's "Human Fireworks", Yu Feihong's "To Our Fading Youth", Feng Xiaogang's "Tangshan Earthquake", Zhang Meng's "The Piano of Steel", Ning Cai's "Eji" and Chen "Love on the Covered Bridge".

The final winner was Chen Li of "Love in the Covered Bridge". She is a female director from the Bayi Film Studio and is good at shooting revolutionary themes. "Love in the Covered Bridge" is an intangible cultural heritage theme. Wang Quan liked the topic very much and she was serious about the filming. But the effect is too old-fashioned, just like the kind that I often watched on the movie channel when I was a kid, with voiceover throughout the entire film.

Director Huo Jianqi used to have that style before, but "Human Fireworks" made him completely reborn and swept all kinds of domestic and foreign awards besides the Golden Rooster Awards. However, the aesthetics of the Golden Rooster Awards are still the same. This time he lost. Maybe the judges also have the same style as Huo Jianqi. I've already taken it once, it's time for others to gild the idea.

In short, this award is not what Wang Quan has in mind. He would have accepted it if it had been for "Human Fireworks", "Gang's Piano" and "Eji".

However, Wang Quan still expressed congratulations to director Chen Li, and then stood aside with a smile to listen to her acceptance speech.

The final grand prize, best feature film, was announced by the leaders on stage.

The six nominated films are "Flying Sky", "Tangshan Earthquake", "Human Fireworks", "Steel Piano", "Qingming Festival" and "Love on the Covered Bridge".

The other five films have appeared before, and "Flying" is a film produced by Bayi Film Studio. It stars Wang Quan's friend Yu Bo as well as Li Youbin, Niu Li, Yue Hong and others. It is also considered by Wang Quan to be the worst of the six films, along with Not even a tenth of the genre "Surprise".

The result was the same as The Original Spacetime. This movie with the main theme about the space dream won the Golden Rooster Award, and it didn't even have a double-yolked egg.

Looking at the entire awards ceremony, Wang Quan was still disappointed. Although some minor awards were given to films that had box office success, such as "To Youth", "Tangshan Earthquake", and "Human Fireworks", the major awards were all for films that no one knew about.

The viewers watching the live broadcast were all confused and wondering what this was all about. Can these movies really be better than "Fireworks on Earth" and "The Great Tangshan Earthquake"?

The ownership of the Golden Rooster trophy does not help the promotion of the award-winning films. Some of them have already been released and have a box office of 1.8 million. Some of them have no intention of going to theaters at all, and they dare not accept theaters after winning the award. The audience's judgment is directly sold to the movie channel.

The winning film and the filmmaker were unable to arouse the audience's desire to discuss and watch.

Looking at those award-winning films, and then thinking about the winning works of the Directors Association Awards at the beginning of the year, they are really two completely different styles.

After all, mud can't hold up the wall. Wang Quan sighed. Yang Mi thought her brother was regretting that she didn't win the prize, so she hurriedly comforted him.

Wang Quan smiled and said, "It's really too much. I didn't even give you the best actress. Your role has huge contrast between before and after, and it requires very high acting skills."

"That's right, but there will be the Golden Horse Award and the Hundred Flowers Award next year. I'm not afraid~"

Then the next day, the nominees for the Golden Horse Awards were announced. Among the Best Actress nominees were Qin Hailu, "Sister Tao", Shu Qi, and "Those Years," which was called the Bayan version of "To Youth." The heroine of "The Girl We Chased Together" is also Chen Yanxi, Liu Yifei's best friend.

After seeing the list of Golden Horse nominations from the Internet, Yang Mi was very angry. The other three's acting skills were indeed good, and she was convinced, but Chen Yanxi was nothing.

Although this movie has not yet been released in the Mainland, she has already watched it in Xiangjiang. The movie was released in Xiangjiang a while ago and became a huge hit. It almost broke the box office record for Chinese films that "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" just won.

One thing to say is that the movie was very good, but Yang Mi felt that Chen Yanxi's performance was not as good as hers, and not even a little bit worse. It might be Liu Yifei's "Ruan Wan" level performance.

"Zheng Wei" played by Yang Mi was innocent and sincere in love in the first half, but in the second half when she entered society, she transformed into a cold social person. The contrast between before and after is huge, and the performance is very difficult. That's it, She, Chen Yanxi, was not shortlisted but was actually shortlisted. Is there still Wang Fa? There is no justice!

So she decided not to participate in the Golden Horse Awards, but to wait for next year's Hundred Flowers Awards. The audience's eyes were sharp.

In order to comfort Mimi, Wang Quan stayed with her all day long, working non-stop without getting tired. The next day, Yang Mi returned to the crew, and her role in the film was running out.

Wang Quan also wanted to return to Qian Qian's house. When he entered the community, he met a national teacher who was walking with his wife.

When I got home, I found Sissi doing leg press exercises in the fitness room. She was about to shoot an action scene again. She was preparing in advance to adjust to the best condition.

Looking at her wearing tight clothes, Wang Quan smiled and leaned over, hugging her waist from behind.

"Is the director sure?" Sissi stopped and asked.

There was a long sofa in this room. Wang Quan picked her up and placed her on it. He rubbed his hands together and massaged her. "We selected five directors and planned to let them test shoot a section first and then decide on a director."

After Wang Dao released the news a few days ago, there were many directors who wanted to take over the project. After all, it was Wang Quan's book. In the end, the company selected five candidates, three from Xiangjiang and two from the mainland.

In Hong Kong, respectively, there are Cheng Baorui, who made "Army" and "Dog Eat Dog", Wilson Yip, who made "The Wolf", and Chen Musheng, who made "A Better Tomorrow".

The two mainland directors are Ding Sheng and Lu Yang, who just won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Debut.

Wang Quan's hands gradually became more and more unrestrained, and Liu Yifei pursed her lips and asked, "Do you need me to appear in the trial filming?"

Wang Quan said, "Of course not. If you are asked to film it five times, how busy will it be? Let them find actors themselves. It only lasts for a short period of more than a minute. The results will probably be available next month."

Speaking of this, Wang Quan asked, "Auntie isn't at home, right?"

"Well, I went shopping."

So Wang Quan stepped forward and said to Liu Yifei: "I'm going back to Los Angeles next month. Do you want to go with me? Even if "The Witch" starts shooting, it will have to wait until December."

Liu Yifei was a little hesitant, and Wang Quan added, "I'm going to fly to the island to have a look first."

Liu Yifei said "Ah" and then she felt a little moved, "Then I'll ask mommy."

"Why, you won't go if Auntie doesn't go?"

"If she goes, I will go too. If she doesn't go, I will go too. But I guess she will definitely go. Be gentle..."

Wang Quan came back to see Sissi, but he didn't stay long. Before his aunt came back, he went to work on the post-production work of "Rich Second Generation". Before leaving, he had to at least complete the editing work.

At the same time, he arranged a job for Jiang Shuying and helped him apply to join the Chinese Screenwriters Association.

"If you don't know how to apply, just ask. Several contracted directors in the company are members of the Screenwriters Guild."

"Good director."

Jiang Shuying quickly took care of the matter. She asked a director who joined the Screenwriters Guild for advice. According to him, this process would take at least a month. "I'm talking about the fastest situation."

Then Jiang Shuying received a call the next day and asked Director Wang Quan to go through the registration procedures. The other person said very politely, "If Director Wang Quan is not available, you can take a copy of his ID card to do it for you."

At this time, Wang Quan was in Yu Feihong's office. He didn't do anything bad, he was talking about business matters.

"Good sister, have you joined any actors' association in China?"

"Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Wang Quan asked her, "Didn't we just attend the Golden Rooster Awards two days ago? Honestly, what do you think of the results of the awards?"

Yu Feihong thought for a while, "It's normal that "To Youth" didn't win any awards, but I feel sorry for "Human Fireworks". This movie is an indisputably good movie both from an artistic level and from a public level. It has left a mark in the history of Chinese-language films, and the Golden Rooster Awards obviously cannot keep up with the times."

Wang Quan nodded, "I think the evaluation of the Directors Association Award is much more reliable than the Golden Rooster Award."

"so what……"

"So I hope that both the Actors Guild and the Screenwriters Guild will select their own Guild Awards to see if there is a chance to kill the Golden Rooster Award in the future. The Directors Guild has Mr. Huang here, so we are basically under control. In addition, I have asked my assistant to apply for it for me. I’ve joined the Screenwriters Guild. Directors and screenwriters are the three most important positions in a movie. Unfortunately, I’m not an actor, so I’m asking you.”

Yu Feihong is not optimistic about Wang Quan's idea of ​​killing the Golden Rooster Award. The Golden Rooster Award is an award jointly sponsored by the Filmmakers Association and the Federation of Literary and Art Circles. It has a long history and has been awarded for decades.

But she felt that it was possible for Wang Quan to win another award. At this time, he seemed to be almost a god in the Chinese film industry. It was no exaggeration to say that everything responded to his call.

Yu Feihong told him, "Our country does not have a strong labor union like the United States. Several associations are overstaffed and can actually play a very limited role. Among them, the Directors Association is undoubtedly the best, and the influence of the Directors Association Award is also increasing. When you talk about the Actors Guild, I think you mean the China Film and Performing Arts Society, which is affiliated with the General Administration, and yes, I am a member of this society."

Of course, she is just an ordinary member. She told Wang Quan, "This society was established in the 1980s. It is now the sixth leadership team. The president is Teacher Tang Guoqiang. There are many vice presidents, including Teacher Zhang Guoli, Pu Teacher Cunxin, Teacher Xi Meichan, and Wang Jinsong from the Acting Academy, etc.”

Wang Quan listened very seriously, but that didn't stop him from moving his hand on Yu Feihong's leg.

Yu Feihong rolled her eyes at him and continued, "The Acting Society also has its own award, called the Golden Phoenix Award, but it is not very well-known. It is held every two years, but it has won more awards. The 13th Golden Phoenix Award was just awarded this year. The awards gave out 19 Acting Society Awards, by the way, Sissy also won them, there were also 9 Newcomer Awards, a special award for actors from Hong Kong and Taiwan who had not joined, and 6 special honorary awards for those seniors, oh , there are also Lifetime Achievement Awards, four were given out last year, but there are no vacancies this year.”

After hearing about the presentation style of the Golden Phoenix Award, Wang Quan said, "It's quite exaggerated."

"Some actors are destined to miss Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers in their lives, but with so many actors across the country, we have to give them some opportunities to gain honors so that they can get more titles when they go out." Yu Feihong said with a wry smile.

Wang Quan asked again, "When will the performance society change its leadership?"

Yu Feihong, “One term is every four years, and the next time it will be 13 years.”

Wang Quan, "Sister Fei Hong, I support you in choosing the leader!"

Yu Feihong's face turned red, "Long Tou, you are a ghost. You want me to help you charge into battle, right?"

"I can also help you charge into battle later."

Brat, Yu Feihong bit her lip, "Originally, I wanted to run for the Directors Guild Board of Directors."

"Don't I belong to the Guidance Association? There is also Mr. Huang."

Yu Feihong thought for a while, "Okay, but I can only choose the vice president and secretary general at the beginning. There is no need to count on the president. If my guess is right, the next candidate for the president will be either Teacher Guoli or Teacher Ge You. .”

Wang Quan chuckled, "That's good, we're all our own people."

After asking what he wanted, Wang Quan was about to do bad things, but Yu Feihong stopped him.

"Oh, by the way, the Chinese Film and Television Actors Association was established a few years ago. It seems to be modeled after the American Actors Guild. There are many people participating, especially TV actors. I was also dragged to join, but the influence of the Actors Guild is It’s incomparable to the Acting Society.”

Wang Quan said, "In this case, sister, you can also work hard to become a president or something."

Yu Feihong snorted, "You really think I'm your coolie, I don't want to do it."

She doesn't do royal power.

As Wang Quan became more assertive, Yu Feihong softened her attitude, and then suggested to him, "You might as well let Mimi work more deeply in the Actors Association. I think she quite likes to be a leader."

Wang Quan thought about it, Mimi was making the best use of her resources by doing this, and she herself would be happy.

"Okay, I'll tell her later, but let's talk about our business first."

While the two were busy, the phone in Yu Feihong's office rang and kept ringing. They had no choice but to move over and answer the phone.

And the call came from the Royal Office.

Jiang Shuying, "Sorry, Teacher Yu, I would like to ask if Director Wang Quan is at your place?"

"Not here." Yu Feihong replied and hung up the phone directly.

Wang Quan laughed and said, "I want you to chat a little more."

Yu Feihong responded with two words, "Boring."

She was bored with Wang Quan's chat, so she took the time to call Yang Mi and told her about the Actors Association.

Not to mention that Yang Mi is really in this association, and all the artists from her company have also participated. However, she has always felt that this association is too young, just a bunch of rabble, with little influence, and Yang Mi has not joined an association like this. few.

But since his brother said this was very important to him, Yang Mi said, "I'll make sure that within a few years this association will have the surname Yang."

"Okay, be ambitious!"

Jiang Shuying first called Wang Quan, but no one answered, and then called Chen Chuling. There was no Wang Quan there. Chen Chuling told her to ask Teacher Yu Feihong, but the result was still no, and Teacher Yu's attitude was not very good.

Jiang Shuying had no choice but to wander around the company to see if he could meet Wang Quan. In the end, he wandered around for more than half an hour and watched Wang Quan come out of Yu Feihong's office.

Jiang Shuying, "..."

After returning to the office, Jiang Shuying asked, "Director, where were you just now? I couldn't find you..."

Wang Quan taught her a lesson, "Don't worry about where I am. The most important thing about being an assistant is to talk less and do more. Come on, do you have anything to do with me?"

Jiang Shuying felt aggrieved and quickly told him the response from the Screenwriters Association.

"Okay, I'll go there in person tomorrow."

The Screenwriters Association is located at the Beijing Film Studio and next door to the Beijing Film Community. Ever since Nazha moved to a new home, the Beijing Film Community has not been here for a long time.

This is the third floor of a three-story building with no elevator. Wang Xingdong, the president of the association, personally greeted Wang Quan downstairs, surrounded by a circle of vice presidents and directors.

WANG "The Day I Left" (starring Peggy Liu) was something that Wang Quan and others of his age almost watched when they were young. If you don't watch it, you have to write down your thoughts after watching it.

Moreover, Chairman Wang has a long sleeve and is very good at handling interpersonal relationships. Recently, he got involved with Wang Qiankun. Lao Wang gave him a lot of money and he was happy. Unfortunately, "Revolution of 1911" was a mess. Now he really wants to repair the relationship with Qiankun.

President Wang first introduced Wang Quan to the vice presidents and directors, as well as their masterpieces. To be honest, he had heard of them all. Many were even national first-level screenwriters, but in Wang Quan’s mind, the top domestic screenwriters were all No job title.

This is normal. First-line screenwriters always make a lot of money to write a script. The Screenwriters Association is also organized in a moderate way. Who has time to talk nonsense with them?

In addition to introducing several vice presidents and directors, President Wang also introduced to Wang Quan the organizational structure of the association, the activities held, etc.

The Writers Guild also has its own awards, selecting the "Top Ten Film Screenwriters of the Year" and the "Top Ten TV Series Writers of the Year" every year.

At the end of the conversation, President Wang clapped his hands and insisted on giving Wang Quan the position of vice president.

"Isn't this appropriate? I just joined our association and am now the vice president?" Wang Quan said with a smile.

"Why is it inappropriate? Director Wang, you just joined the association today, but we have heard of your name since five years ago. Good guy, you were shortlisted for the Oscar screenwriting award in your early 20s, and later won two Oscar screenwriting awards." Man, this is something none of us can match, so we have long wanted to recruit you into the association, but unfortunately we couldn’t find a way."

"Yes, yes, strength is the key!"

"You have ambitions but not years. You deserve to be Director Wang!"

"I also want Director Wang to guide my work. I don't want an Oscar, I just want a Golden Rooster..."

They are all wordsmiths, and they may no longer be able to write excellent scripts, but they are really good at flattering others, and their royal power is so high.

Before finally leaving, Wang Quan held President Wang's hand and said cordially, "The office conditions here are too bad. You are all too old. It's not safe to always climb the stairs. It's better to do this. We still have some empty rooms in Wangdao Building." Office, since I am the vice president, I have to do something for the association, so how about I provide a venue for our association."

"Ah, this, this is so inappropriate!" President Wang couldn't help but be happy.

In fact, this association does not need a large space. After all, these presidents do not need to work here every day. Just leave some space for the clerks who actually work.

Wang Quan smiled and finalized the matter with them, and agreed to move there after the year.

After turning around and leaving, Wang Quan's smile immediately disappeared. In fact, he looked down on these people, but he could also understand that the status of domestic screenwriters was too low!

The office space of the Directors Guild is as good as heaven and earth. Wang Quan has never been to the Acting Society and the Actors Guild, but actors are the least expensive and enjoy the most. They are definitely more luxurious than the Directors Guild. Only the Screenwriters Guild is really top-notch. Poverty and helplessness are revealed from top to bottom.

But Wang Quan attaches great importance to the Screenwriters Association. Although as a director, he believes that the director is more important than the screenwriter, but it is second only to the director. In China, the status of screenwriters has been very low, and anyone can step on it.

After all, this association is the only backing organization that domestic film and television screenwriters can find. Although the original organization has done nothing, if he comes to power and puts the association under his nose, the situation will be completely different.

Another week later, Yang Mi completed the filming of "Crazy Nian Beast" and successfully became a director of the Actors Guild. She will seek greater power when the leadership changes.

It has now entered November. After nearly four months of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", the movie has been completely canceled. Wang Quan called Han Sanping and said with a smile, "The box office accounts of various countries have been received one after another. It’s time to start dividing the money.”

Han Sanping said excitedly, "Haha, I have been waiting for this day for a long time. When the time comes, I will call people from several companies to get together. By the way, what is the final box office?"

"547 million." Of course it's a beautiful knife~






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