You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 573: Wang Quan, are you usually so fast?

Wang Quan stood up and asked, "What's wrong?"

Seeing how serious he was, several police officers around him touched their waists. Although he did not carry a gun, he still wore several pairs of handcuffs.

Xiaotian looked around and apologized: "I was exposed. There are so many paparazzi in the lobby. They are targeting me!"

After working as an assistant for so long, Xiaotian can tell at a glance who is a paparazzi.

Hearing this, Wang Quan sat down again. Xiao Tian was originally a TOP-level internet celebrity. Later, he joined Wang Dao with a high profile and worked as an assistant next to Yu Feihong and Wang Quan. If he found her, he would basically find Wang Quan.

"Did they attack you personally?"


"Did they restrict your personal freedom?"

"Yeah, no."

"That's okay. You haven't eaten yet. We've finished talking. Come back."

Xiaotian: "...Oh~"

As soon as Xiaotian left, the paparazzi Yi Longhan in the lobby looked at his colleagues around him. Damn it, it's not easy to get the exclusive inside information this time. There are so many people here, and they all found it so fast!

Wang Quan continued to discuss the case with the police. They just talked about DNA comparison. Because Wang Quan has also written suspense and mystery scripts, the police officers also wanted to hear Wang Quan's opinion.

Wang Quan proposed: "Captain Zhang, I wonder if you have heard of the Y-STR testing method."

Captain Zhang shook his head, and then Wang Quan explained in a layman's terms: "Actually, this is also a DNA testing method. Generally, only male individuals have Y chromosomes. The Y-STR locus is a human polymorphism located on the male Y chromosome. STR locus, with male inheritance.”

At this time, Xiaotian and the female police officer came back, and Wang Quan continued: "For example, if DNA samples are extracted from the murderer's paternal relatives for comparison, then Y-STR technology can be used to detect that he and the murderer have the same characteristics. Paternal kinship, thus narrowing the scope of investigation. This detection method can not only be used to track down the murderer, but also to find abducted children. "

In fact, this is how Gao Chengyong was targeted. One of his distant cousins ​​was arrested for bribery. After DNA extraction, it was found that the Y-STR gene was extremely similar to the Y-STR gene of the DNA sample left at the scene of the Baiyin serial murder case more than ten years ago. High similarity.

So the police collected samples and evidence from the cousin's paternal clan, and finally determined that Gao Chengyong was the murderer.

Team Zhang sighed: "If we have this kind of technology, we really have hope of catching that person out!"

Lao Zhou sighed: "When will we have this kind of technology? My master and my master's masters all hope to see the murderer commit suicide in his lifetime. My master is already over seventy."

Wang Quan said seriously: "As you may know, my father-in-law is a policeman. Although he is not a criminal policeman, he is in the capital and is well-informed. If nothing happens, this technology will be widely used in the police force next year."

Within one year after the application of this technology, the silver case was solved. Four years later, Ma Jigang, the murderer of the female student at Jinling Medical College, was arrested for the same reason. There are many similar examples.

Hearing what Wang Quan said, the faces of several police officers who had drunk a little wine turned red with excitement.

After eating, Wang Quan agreed with them to visit several crime scenes tomorrow, and Lao Zhou would accompany him.

When he walked out of the hotel, Dayao noticed several people who looked like paparazzi peeking over.

Wang Quan didn't care. He walked out without even wearing a mask, and was accompanied by the slim Xiaotian.

If they came up to him at this time and asked if he was here to make a new movie, Wang Quan would definitely answer truthfully. After all, they were lured here on purpose.

But they didn't do that, because they positioned themselves as paparazzi, not reporters, so they were very excited after seeing the royal power, but they just secretly took photos, recorded videos, and conceived an eye-catching title in their minds.

But he didn’t dare to take a title that was too sensational, and he didn’t even dare to make it up randomly. After all, Wang Quan’s social status and political status were too high, and he was not one of those ordinary little stars who could be manipulated casually.

So even though the beautiful assistants around Wang Quan keep changing, no paparazzi dares to work on this aspect.

Yi Longhan will always remember his master Zhuo Wei, the once glorious king of paparazzi. Even Lao Wang's adopted son Wen Zhang was blown away by him, but because Zhuo Wei always wanted to seize the royal power and Xianmi's monogamous two-wife life evidence, but as a result, he was banned from the entire Internet without finding anything, and he "died" without any news.

Moreover, Zhuo Wei didn't dare to publicize this matter, which means Yi Longhan, his disciple, knew something inside.

However, Yi Longhan came to seek wealth in danger. After all, as long as there is no scandal between a man and a woman, Wang Quan has always been very generous to the paparazzi and will not make entertainment reports like some celebrities.

After returning to the hotel, Wang Quan took a shower and went to bed under Xiaotian's service. Xiaotian was scared and Wang Quan was angry, so both of them needed to vent, and they both tried their best.

After the two of them finished their work, Wang Quan looked at his phone. Teacher Xie Fei sent him a message, which was an obituary.

The famous Chinese director Xie Tieli passed away today at the age of 90.

"Xie Jin, Xie Tian, ​​Xie Tieli" are the representatives of the third generation of directors in my country, and are collectively known as the "Three Thanks".

The first two have passed away, and Xie Tieli, who directed "Bao and Sons" and the film version of "A Dream of Red Mansions", is the last one.

Actor Sha Yi's first film "Liao Zhai·Xi Fangping" was also his later work.

The death of director Xie Tieli means that the third generation of Chinese film directors has completely withdrawn from the stage of history. Not only are there no new works produced, there are also no people left.

This generation of directors are artists who entered the film industry after the founding of the People's Republic of China. They were active from the 1950s to the 1980s. Naturally, their highest achievements were with a series of god-level works such as "The Wrangler", "Wreaths Under the Mountain", and "Hibiscus Town". Director Xie Jin.

In addition, this generation of directors also gave birth to "Bao and Son" (I only use Si Dankang for hair oil), "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", "The Eternal Wave", "Border Town", "Feathered Letter", and "White-Haired Girl" , "Southern and Northern War", "Sino-Japanese War" and other masterpieces.

Calculated by age, director Chen Kaige's father Chen Huai'ai is considered a third-generation director, but he cannot be considered a representative of the third generation. His main achievement is making drama films. He once collaborated with Cui Wei, the director of "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" in the drama film "Yang". Gatekeeper".

The fourth generation of directors is Mr. Xie Fei’s generation. There are also Wu Tianming, Wu Yigong, Teng Wenji, Huang Shuqin, etc. who were active in the 1970s and 1980s.

The achievements and fame of this generation of directors are not as good as those of the third generation in front of them and the fifth generation of directors who are going global.

This generation basically no longer makes movies. Even though Teng Wenji is still making movies, they are no longer mainstream. His last influential work was the TV series "Rouge Snow" starring Fan Bingbing.

Director Wu Tianming, who is the most representative of the fourth generation directors and has trained a large number of fifth generation directors, has passed away. His posthumous work "A Hundred Birds Pay Attendance to the Phoenix" has not been released yet.

Behind them are the fifth generation led by Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige, and the sixth generation led by Jia Zhangke and Lou Ye.

The older and stronger fifth generation has embraced the market, but the sixth generation is still insisting on artistic creation and moving towards niche alleys.

As for the generation of Ning Hao and Wang Quan, no one is talking about generation anymore. They are all directors of the new era.

After briefly recalling the history of Chinese films, Wang Quan asked his teacher to send him a wreath and an elegiac couplet.

Because I really don’t know them, there is no need to force them to do it, but Wang Quan respects those predecessors who are included in the history of Chinese films.

So Wang Quan had a phone call with his cousin Zhou Peng and asked Maoyan to help distribute Wu Tianming's posthumous work "A Hundred Birds Pay Attendance to the Phoenix" that had been neglected, and gave him the best distribution discount without making any money.

This movie was completed in 2013. After the death of director Wu Tianming in 2014, the movie has been shelved and failed to hit the market, probably because it had no commercial selling point.

There are not many veteran directors like Director Dongmu from the United States or Director Yimou from China who can still be sensitive to the market even in their seventies.

Even though they have experienced failures, they have never been abandoned by the times and can continue to engage in the film career they love. Wang Quan is also envious and hopes that he can do the same.

While having breakfast the next day, Xiaotian received a call and communicated with the other party in English.

Then she told Wang Quan: "It is the deputy of Mr. Dieter Koslick, the chairman of the Berlin Film Festival. He learned that you are preparing a new film, Qiguaibaguai. He asked for my contact information. He was very excited and hoped that you could bring it." He said that the time was right for him to return to next year’s Berlin International Film Festival with his work, and it was a perfect match.”

Sure enough, the news that King Quan was launching a new film spread throughout Europe within one day. In view of the excellent performance of "Parasite", major film festivals paid great attention to King Quan's new film.

As soon as Xiaotian finished speaking, the phone rang again. This time it was Barbera, the film selection director of the Venice Film Festival.

It’s just that the Venice Film Festival seems to be a bit lacking in confidence. After all, there are only a little more than two months left before the opening of the film festival. King Quan’s new film has just begun preparations, and I am afraid it will be too late.

Wang Quan did not think about taking this work to the film festival at first, but if he completes the film production before September, Venice is really a good choice, and he happened to have promised Marco Muller before.

But since you are participating in the competition, you have to aim to win awards, so you have to work hard on this film.

I originally planned to write the script, shoot the movie, and complete post-production in one month, but I'm afraid it's a bit unrealistic.

After breakfast, Lao Zhou from the criminal police team also came, and then Wang Quan and his team began to visit the crime scene starting from the first case that occurred in Yongfeng Street, Baiyin District in 1988.

But just to look at it, after all, it has been almost thirty years, and this community has long been demolished and replaced with high-rise buildings.

Wang Quan, who was familiar with the case, knew that Gao Chengyong was in confinement because his wife was pregnant. He held it in for a year, so he ran from his hometown in Yuzhong to Baiyin.

At first, he just wanted to make some money by burglarizing houses. After being discovered, he killed people and molested their bodies.

It was this accidental murder that activated the devil deep in his heart.

However, it took six years before he committed murder for the second time, and this time it was not just for money.

They then went to the scene of the second case.

When Lao Zhou took them shopping around Baiyin, they were followed by a group of tailmen. Because Wang Quan was riding in Lao Zhou's police car, the paparazzi were even more determined that the subject of Wang Quan's new film was that crazy murder case.

As a result, various press releases began to appear on the Internet, attracting more reporters to Baiyin.

Tencent Entertainment: "King Quan's new work focuses on the silver serial murder case!" 》

NetEase Entertainment: "Director Wang Quan revisits the crime scene of a serial murder case!" 》

Today's headlines: "Police cars clear the way, Baiyin police fully cooperate with Director Wang Quan to collect materials!" 》

Weibo Entertainment:…

Watching the endless news about his new film on the Internet, Wang Quan was satisfied. In the afternoon, he came to the most important place of the trip, the cotton spinning factory family home.

A tragic murder occurred here 15 years ago.

Wang Quan stayed here for a relatively long time and chatted with the old residents here about the past.

The incident happened in the morning. The victim Luo and her two-year-old child were at home...

In fact, most of these cases occurred in broad daylight, and the latest was at 6 p.m., which shows how rampant the criminals are.

"That family has moved away a long time ago. They have probably left the city."

In front of Wang Quan was an older man in his sixties. He didn't know Wang Quan. After hearing that he had inquired so much, he asked him, "Are you the police?"

Wang Quan shook his head: "I am a movie maker and I plan to make this story."

The old man sighed: "If you have taken it, I can't guarantee that it will be taken elsewhere. People in Baiyin will definitely go and see it. This incident frightened us people in Baiyin at the time, especially in 1998, when it happened several times in a row. "At that time, girls were afraid to wear bright skirts and go out, let alone walk alone at night. I remember very clearly that when my daughter was in high school, my wife and I had to pick her up every day."

Wang Quan was chatting with the old man, and more and more people were watching around him, including a few young people muttering.

"Does this person look familiar? What is he doing?"

"You said you were making movies, director?"

"Holy crap, this isn't Director Wang Quan!"

"What, Wang Quan! Does he look like this?"

"Wait a minute, let me search... Damn it, yes, it's him! It's been said on the news that he is currently collecting materials in Silver!"

In the hearts of young people, royal power is as important as popular superstars, and most of them also regard royal power as a star.

"Director Wang Quan, can you sign your name for us?"

"Director Quan, I am a fan of You, a hardcore one!"

"Director Quan..."

There are more and more people. Although there are not many residents in this old community anymore, because Wang Quan stayed too long, the news quickly spread in various WeChat groups in Baiyin, and many people from other communities came to watch.

Zhang Qingfeng's family opened a canteen at Baiyin Industrial College. Today, she went home to cook as usual, and then took it to her husband who was looking after the shop.

When I returned to the community, I saw Wuyang Wuyang. She was from a rural area and had little education. She was usually carefree and easy to watch. She thought something big had happened, so she squeezed past and asked the neighbors next to her.

The neighbor, who is also a middle-aged woman, said, "I don't know either. I guess it's the egg maker, so I came over to take a look."

Zhang Qingfeng squeezed even harder when she heard the egg distribution, but halfway through, she heard another neighbor say, "A director came to the community and said he wanted to make a movie about the serial murder case. This is coming to our community." When it came to collecting materials, several old men and women who lived here at the time were chatting with the director. "

Zhang Qingfeng felt bored when she heard this. Her family hadn't moved here yet, so she retreated. As a result, more and more people were behind her, and she couldn't squeeze out.

In the process of struggling to leave the crowd, she heard from different neighbors.

"This director is King Quan!"

"Good guy, our silver is going to be popular!"

"Who has the royal power?"

"You don't even know Wang Quan. You don't usually watch movies. He is the most powerful director in China!"

"He was the one who filmed "Leng Feng", it's so beautiful!"

"You don't know yet? Liu Yifei must know, right? Yang Mi has heard of it, right? One is his ex-girlfriend, and the other is his wife!"

Although he has royal power, he still cannot stop Zhang Qingfeng from going home and cooking for her husband.

However, because Wang Quan revealed his identity, there were too many people watching, so Lao Zhou called the police from the nearby police station to evacuate the crowd, and then rescued Wang Quan who was signing autographs.

In order to express his apology, Wang Quan invited all the police officers at the police station to have a meal and ordered the meals directly to be delivered to the station.

Wang Quanze and Xiaotian went back to the hotel and started having sex.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, Zhang Qingfeng brought a lunch box to the school canteen. Her husband Gao Chengyong complained: "There is no need to go home to cook. The school cafeteria is so convenient."

Zhang Qingfeng grinned and said: "The food in the cafeteria is not as delicious as mine, so I made braised pork for you."

While her husband was eating, Zhang Qingfeng dealt with the students who came in to buy things.

Those old students who got to know each other were called "Uncle Gao" and "Aunt Feng" directly. The couple had a good reputation in this school, and everyone smiled when they met.

When there was no one around, Zhang Qingfeng told Gao Chengyong about interesting things in the community.

"That director Wang Quan you like very much has come to our community!"

Lao Gao was taking inventory and asked casually, "What is he doing here?"

"Of course he is making a movie. I heard someone said that he plans to make a movie about the serial murder case more than ten years ago."

Upon hearing this, my husband paused for a moment, and something strange flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.


"Our community is not one of the places where the crime occurred. He said he came here to collect information." Zhang Qingfeng added.

Gao Chengyong quickly returned to normal and asked with a smile: "Then who will play the murderer?"

"I don't know about that, but it must be a big star, Chen Daoming? Zhang Guoli? I like them all very much. If they come to film, I will find an opportunity to get an autograph."


Coincidentally, Zhang Guoli is having dinner with Lao Wang at the moment. If something like that happens to his son, he will basically be disabled in the future, so he wants to make more money recently, not only for himself and Deng Jie's pension money , but also to earn his son’s share.

Lao Wang can provide him with many opportunities and invite him to participate in variety shows and so on, so the two have become closer recently.

But today he heard that Wang Quan was going to film the Baiyin Murder Case, and he confirmed it with Lao Wang at the wine table.

Lao Wang didn't hide anything, "Didn't you see that there is no big kiln beside me? He was sent to protect my son. Who knows if this pervert will attack my son?"

"Is the male protagonist a policeman or a murderer? If it's the latter, I'd like to challenge him." Zhang Guoli strongly recommended himself. He had acted in King Power's movies, but unfortunately he was not the male protagonist, and he felt that he was very good at playing the bad guy. Have potential.

Lao Wang waved his hand, "No chance. He said that the cost will be minimized this time and all the actors will be unknown."

"My salary can also be discounted, even 10% off."

Lao Wang still shook his head: "It still doesn't work. He said he wanted to use some new faces this time. Ge You also asked me before, but I rejected it."

It seems that the entertainment industry is eyeing the leading male role in Wang Quan's new film.

However, Lao Wang is not pretending to shirk, Wang Quan really thinks so, this time he will not use big stars, it is best to use fresh faces with good acting skills.

Of course, the prerequisite for determining the actors is to first write out the script.

After a day of visiting, Wang Quan's thinking has become very clear, and he is ready to start writing scripts in retreat tomorrow.

Before going into seclusion, I did some exercise with Xiaotian. The two of them had just finished eating the rice dumplings, and their mouths were still a little sticky.

Today is the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday.


After Yang Mi finished eating the rice dumplings, she took a look at today's box office and was very angry.

When Liu Yifei saw it, she asked, "What's wrong?"

She asked Liu Yifei to take a look at Maoyan's box office data for the day.

There are two new films released today. One is "Flower of the Hidden Sea" adapted from the novel of the Southern Three Uncles invested by LeTV, Huayi and others. The male protagonists are Lu Han and Jing Boran.

The other is "I Am a Witness" produced by Mishi and distributed by Maoyan, starring Liu Shishi and Lu Han.

Lu Han, who is also one of the four returning children, starred in the film, and the box office on the first day was 130 million!

And "I Am a Witness" only has 40 million!

"Today is a holiday, and Shishi's box office appeal is too poor. I'm really disappointed." Yang Mi couldn't help but shake her head.

Liu Yifei opened it and took a look and said, "You can't blame Master Liu for this. You have to find the reason within yourself."

"What happened to me?"

"Look, the first chapter of "The Flower of the Hidden Sea" is played by Lu Han, and the first chapter of "I Am a Witness" is played by Liu Shishi. Lu Han's fans are indeed very crazy, but the two movies were released at the same time. , part one and two, which one do you think they will support given their limited abilities?”

Yang Mi suddenly realized something.

Liu Yifei added: "But this plot must be about the heroine. At this time, we should adjust the schedule and not divert the power of celebrity fans."

"Hey, I didn't realize it, but you know a lot." Yang Mi looked at Liu Yifei in surprise.

Liu Yifei touched Yang Mi's head and said, "How simple this is. There is something wrong with your distribution strategy."

Yang Mi sighed: "Actually, it wasn't like this at the beginning. Originally, Jing Boran was cast in "The Flower of the Hidden Sea". He is a senior after all. Unexpectedly, LeTV did not respect martial ethics and temporarily adjusted the rankings and began to instigate Lu. Fans, this is what makes "I Am a Witness" passive, damn, I don't even want to give them "Prince Concubine's Promotion"."

Of course, she was just talking about it, the price offered by the other party was very high, and Mishi enjoyed the advertising share. The more popular the show was, the more they made.

Wu Yifan's two previous movies were worth RMB 200 to RMB 300 million, but Lu Han's first shot immediately stunned the film and television industry.

130 million on the first day, 115 million on the second day, and 105 million on the third day. Despite the poor reputation, it exceeded 100 million for three consecutive days, and the box office went straight to 1 billion.

What I saw most on the Internet was the news that Lu Han's fans supported the box office of idol movies through various means such as raising funds. For a time, the word traffic star became a hot topic, attracting major film and television companies to make moves.

But on the fourth day, when the holiday was over, the movie's box office immediately dropped to just over 30 million, accompanied by overwhelming negative reviews and even abuse.

Jing Boran was very angry at first. He said he was the male lead of Ichiban, but later he said he was the male lead of Ichiban. Well, he recognized it, but when it was finally released, Lu Han's name was placed in front of his!

Did you know that I have been the leading actor in Yang Mi’s movies? It has been ten years since my debut, so he deserves it!

But later, when he saw that the movie was scolded so harshly, Jing Boran finally felt a lot better. No matter how harshly he was scolded, Lu Han was the one who stood up to him.

Also because of the poor reputation of "The Flower of the Hidden Sea", which is a tomb robbing adventure theme, more and more viewers online are looking forward to "Ghost Blowing the Lantern 3" on July 3rd.

In a hotel in Baiyin, Wang Quan has been in retreat for seven days to write the script.

Xiaotian is wearing headphones and watching a cartoon on the computer. The name is "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker". It is a domestic animation series that has just been released. It is quite interesting.

As soon as I clicked on the second episode, Wang Quan suddenly let out an "ouch", and Xiaotian, who was wearing headphones, heard it.

She quickly ran to Wang Quan's room and was knocked down by Wang Quan.

The script has been completed. I didn’t work on it yesterday, so I will make up for it today.

"Ah, you've finished writing now?" Xiaotian was surprised, "Boss, are you usually so fast?"

"That's not true. I wrote the script for "Happy Journey" for more than half a year, but this time I am very inspired, so it will be faster."

Xiaotian: "Ah, slow down~"

Kingship is sometimes fast and sometimes slow.


At this time, Gao Chengyong was searching for news on the Internet. Ever since he learned that Wang Quan came to Baiyin to film a movie, he would search for relevant news every day. There were a lot of them in the first few days, but then he could hardly see them at all, as if he had never been to Baiyin.

Wang Quan went into seclusion to write the script. The dogs couldn't take pictures of Wang Quan, so they naturally dispersed. The low-key town of Baiyin returned to peace.

However, Gao Chengyong discovered the hotel where Wang Quan might stay from clues on the Internet, so he ran here for a stroll when he had nothing to do at night. This was already the third day.

He didn't think about what to do with Wang Quan. He was already in his fifties, his physical fitness had declined, and Wang Quan had bodyguards around him. The most important thing was that he had no interest in killing men.

I was just curious about how this director would film this story. Even though I couldn't possibly know how he filmed it by walking around his hotel, I just couldn't help it.

However, he disguised himself very well. Even if he appeared near the hotel for three consecutive days, Dayao, who was hiding in the dark, did not take this ordinary-looking middle-aged man to heart.

After Wang Quan finished writing the script, he was going back to the capital to make preparations. He needed to gather a crew and find actors.

But before that, he has to accept an interview from the movie channel.

The reporters from the movie channel moved much slower than the paparazzi. They came after everyone else had left.

I arrived yesterday. I heard that Wang Quan was in seclusion. I didn’t know when he would be released from seclusion. Everyone was preparing to leave. But Wang Quan was released from seclusion, so he happened to be interviewed. Wang Quan wanted to expand his reputation. He was afraid that the murderer would not know about him at all. coming.

"Hello Director Quan, I am Lan Yu. I am very happy that you can accept our interview..."

In this interview, Wang Quan officially admitted for the first time that what he wanted to film was the Baiyin serial murder case.

Lan Yu: "What prompted you to choose this theme."

"A friend of mine is a family member of a victim and I wanted to do something for those who are grieving the loss."

"I heard that your film will be an experimental film? Can you explain it?"

"Yes, I used to follow the logic of commercial films when making movies. Even "Parasite" is a highly entertaining film. It is both an artistic film and a commercial film. But this time I am going to be willful. Some of them may not look that good, so I’d like to say hello to the audience in advance.”

Lan Yu smiled: "This is the first time I've seen a director who tells the audience not to watch his own movies."

"It's not that I won't let the audience watch it, it's just that many viewers will be confused when they hear my name. I have to kindly remind you that this movie may be dull and depressing, so I hereby announce that when the movie is released, It will be released naked.”

After that, Wang Quan explained what a naked publicity release is, which means that the film studio will not take the initiative to promote it, and will directly release it when the date comes. As for the pace that the media will set, they have no control over it.

"This may be the last promotion for "Who Is He"." Wang Quan said seriously.

In fact, later generations of movies have done this. Hayao Miyazaki's "What Kind of Life Do You Want to Live" was released directly on Neon without any promotion.

Hayao Miyazaki has similar ideas to Wang Quan. That movie was made by him at will, and there are many things about his private inner world. Some people will definitely not understand, so there will be no promotion. If you like it, go see it. If you don't like it, go and see it. do not bother.

Unexpectedly, this movie did well at the Neon box office and became a hit around the world.

Lan Yu was very surprised by Wang Quan's behavior, and at the same time he felt deep admiration for him. He really thought about the audience!

The lack of publicity means that only those serious movie lovers will see the promotion of this movie in the end, and it is estimated that this kind of movie will be their cup of tea.

Finally, Lan Yu asked, "Have you considered taking the film festival route for this film?"

Wang Quan smiled and said: "If the production can be completed before September, the film will appear at the Venice Film Festival. If it cannot be made in time, forget it. As for the release date, it is not certain yet, but it will definitely be included this year."

The interview was quickly aired and quickly sparked heated discussions among fans.

The first is the surprise.

"I originally thought I wouldn't be able to see director Quan's movies this year, but I didn't expect there would be an unexpected bonus!"

"It's great, I can watch Director Quan's movie again!"

"But it seems that Director Quan has completely given up on box office?"

"The box office is like "Xiaoyaoyou". This kind of movie is mainly for awards and word-of-mouth."

"Director Quan: Being rich means being willful!"

"No matter what, I will definitely watch it, Director Quan's first art film!"

"I hope the box office won't even reach 100 million by then~"

In the movie box office, the box office prediction of "Who is He" has become a hot topic again.

However, in the past, King Power’s movie predictions started from 1 billion, but this time it started from 5,000, 100 million, 200 million, 300 million, and more than 500 million...

As for one billion, stop making trouble, there is no publicity~

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