You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 585 The premiere of Sister Xu Qing is just for fun

Chapter 585 ① Premiere ② Sister Xu Qing ③ Just for fun

Little K immediately joined in after hearing the call. Taozi told her to work hard to give Alex a little brother or sister. He was so lonely alone.

After Wang Quan settled them, his son Alex Teng Wang also came back from walking his dog. In fact, he had a dog to accompany him and sister Alice, so he was not lonely at all.

At three years old, he is not as big as his golden retriever, but with a strong Filipino nanny taking care of him, he doesn't have to worry about being kited by the dog.

Since Dorothy enjoyed the good experience of Filipino maids in Xiangjiang, she opened up her family's maids and introduced some directly from Xiangjiang.

Alex sat on the sofa, with the dog lying at his feet. He and Wang Quan had a friendly and cordial conversation face to face.

During the conversation, Alex talked about his novel feelings when he first entered kindergarten and how he missed his old father.

Wang Quan was also deeply moved and kissed his forehead.

Wang Quan spent the next day with his son, and only went to Gadot's place to spend time with his daughter in the evening.

The next day, Wang Quan took his siblings and Gouzi out to play Frisbee.

Nowadays, we still throw Frisbees for dogs to pick up. In the future, this sport may be played by people, and they will all be beautiful women.

King Quan's reputation is still great. Although he chose to leave Hollywood and his popularity declined, he returned to the top with "The Force Awakens" and even set a new high. So soon, the news of him playing with a pair of children became public. news.

It has become popular both at home and abroad, and domestic netizens have also expressed their anticipation for the day when the three brothers and sisters will be reunited.

Really, Alex hasn’t met his sister Xiaoxianmi yet.

It was also because of this news that Kendou learned that Wang Quan was in the United States and immediately invited him warmly.

They haven't seen each other for four months.

Wang Quan thought that everyone just indulged in one night, but he didn't expect that she would become addicted. It seemed that he left her with a very good user experience that night.

Wang Quan is going back to Venice tomorrow morning, so he still has some time tonight.

To be on the safe side, we might as well arrange to meet on our private plane.


On September 7, Wang Quan rushed back to Venice on time. On the way back, Xiao Meng once again dominated Quan's director, including her small toys.

Back in Venice, all the cast members of "Who Is He" attended the premiere. Unlike the hurried opening ceremony, today's red carpet belonged to "Who Is He"? Even though there were other celebrities who came to support it, the core was still "Who Is He?" The actors of "Who Is He?", under the spotlight, they walked on the red carpet one after another, with confident smiles on their faces and plenty of time to express themselves.

In addition, all the judges, not just the judges of the main competition unit, Liu Yifei, the chairman of the jury of the horizon unit, are also here.

There were also quite a few international colleagues who came to support me, but basically they knew me, and I didn't know them. After all, European literary films are a niche, and only a few Hollywood filmmakers Wang Quan are familiar with them.

In addition, what is more eye-catching is that the crew of "Lao Pao Er" appeared on the red carpet of the premiere of "Who Is He?"

This crew is making a closing film and did not participate in the competition. As they are both Chinese-speaking filmmakers, they naturally have to help each other.

Originally, they would have arrived in Venice before the closing ceremony, but after finding out the premiere time of "Who Is He?" they rushed to Venice in advance.

Wang Quan said hello to Director Guan Rui, shook hands with Director Feng Xiaogang, and finally hugged Teacher Xu Qing warmly.

Xu Qing is the Nortel goddess of the same era as Wang Quan's sister Fei Hong, but she is two years older and one level higher.

The same thing is that they all become more attractive at this age.

The difference is that Sister Fei Hong met a good man like herself, while Sister Xu Qing was not kind to others. At such a young age, she had to take on dramas and even variety shows to make a living, and contributed many famous scenes in variety shows.

After a while of pleasantries, the movie officially started, and "Who is He" started with a movie promotion.

"This film is the new film "Silver Murder" by the famous director Zhang Xiaokai, telling the true story of serial murders..."

Seeing this, Feng Xiaogang smiled knowingly. Zhang Xiaokai's "Xiao" should be his own Feng Xiaogang's "Xiao". It seems that Wang Quan also thinks that his strength is superior to Kai. Mr. Kai, you are too inferior.

However, the trailer was very clumsy, and it looked like it was obviously a gimmick and a bad movie. Many Hollywood filmmakers at the scene felt it was especially obvious that the trailer was edited very Hollywoodly.

After the trailer, the four lines began to run in parallel.

Zhang Songwen connected his route of action through the surveillance camera, and he walked to the cinema.

Wang Jingchun arrived at the cinema by bus. From the bus surveillance camera, he was seen sneaking around, not like a good person.

But in the end, he stopped a pickpocket and defused a theft. However, he did not embarrass the pickpocket and let him go at a certain stop.

Wang Yanhui drove to the cinema by himself, and the driving recorder recorded his expression and demeanor in the car.

Finally, there is Tao Zeru, who is talking to people on video calls and walking at the same time.

This is a clip of over 10 minutes, but no cameras were used. It was all done using street surveillance, driving recorders, and mobile phone cameras.

After watching this set of shots, what the foreigners at the scene were thinking was, why are there so many surveillance systems? It feels like everyone is presupposed to be a potential criminal. China really has no human rights.

What the Chinese people in the venue thought was that this was too safe. It was much better than before. As for being monitored, if you don't commit a crime, what are you afraid of being monitored?

Some people also think that the director should want to express: In the 21st century, with the rapid development of science and technology, all crimes are invisible, so don't commit crimes, don't commit crimes, don't commit crimes!

When the two directors Guan Fu and Feng Xiaogang saw it, they felt like, Damn it, how brave are the talented people to make the movie like this? The key is that I still watched it with gusto!

They could see that Wang Quan was just playing with the movie this time, without considering the box office at all. However, the investment in this movie should not be too much. With his box office appeal, there is really no need to worry too much. Of course, it depends on how you want to play. Just play it.

At this moment, Feng Xiaogang couldn't help but feel sour. He still had to consider the stock price of Huayi. At most, he would be willful for a while, and then he would return to reality and shoot something that he was tired of shooting.

The last surveillance shot is from the screening room of a movie theater.

First, there was an upright woman in red sitting in the empty movie theater.

Jiang Peiyao was very happy to see her on the stage, and she also specially wore the red dress from the movie today, so many people at the scene were looking in her direction at this moment.

Then four middle-aged men entered the venue one after another and took their seats.

The prelude to the movie ended and the camera returned to its normal perspective. Other spectators entered the theater one after another, almost filling the theater.

Although there are almost no lines in the first ten minutes, the four middle-aged actors are very effective.

Zhang Songwen, who was under surveillance on the roadside, greeted and chatted with neighbors as he walked.

Wang Jingchun was timid but caught a thief on the bus.

Wang Yanhui opened and lowered the car window for a while, looking out the window as if he had something on his mind.

Tao Zeru was very young during the video call with his wife, and he seemed to have some ulterior secrets.

In addition, King Power's editing skills are superb and the soundtrack has cost a lot of money, so it's not boring to watch.

This is a master!

Even if it is a mime, it can still be interesting to watch.

Then the play within the play begins.

First of all, there is a very interesting shot. The perspective is from the operation room at the back and follows the projector window to the screen. The dragon logo and fake film company title animation begin to appear on the screen.

Some of the actresses at the scene had already guessed that the film would have such a structure, but they thought that their part would be next.

Unexpectedly, the 90-minute film did not reveal much of the footage, not even one-third.

The main perspective of the movie is aimed at the audience in front of the screen, mainly the five protagonists, and other extras will also glance over.

Some of the performances are natural, and the extras sitting next to the protagonist could have had a few more shots.

Although they are silent most of the time, you can hear the voices and dialogue on the screen, coupled with the subtle expressions of the five actors, and the pictures on the screen that flash from time to time, this constitutes the movie "Who is He" of the backbone.

This is a very bold attempt by Wang Quan, which challenges the audience's viewing habits because most of the images and sounds are out of sync.

When the crime film on the screen appears in the sound, but the picture is the audience, this time we have to rely on imagination.

Imagine the brutality of the murderer and the pain of the victim.

Fortunately, domestic audiences can immediately generate images in their minds based on the dialogue, but foreign audiences can only rely on subtitles, which makes the process a beat slower and the viewing experience is naturally greatly compromised.

Many foreign viewers feel that this film should be watched slowly in front of the TV with a remote control.

For example, there is a line where the policeman Ding Yongdai is entangled by a director. He hopes to get the inside story of the case from Ding Yongdai and then make it into a movie.

Ding Yongdai asked him impatiently: "Why make it into a movie?"

Director: “Maybe the murderer will come to see my movie.

Ding Yongdai: "Then yes."

Director: "His conscience will be condemned!"

Ding Yongdai was stunned for a moment: "Go, go, go."

After this paragraph, the Chinese audience at the scene suddenly woke up. Damn it, one of these four people could not be the murderer!

Foreign audiences have to read the subtitles and react before they think of this possibility.

At this time, the camera happened to pass over Wang Yanhui's fleshy face.

Fans who are familiar with Mr. Wang immediately thought, could it be him!

After all, Teacher Wang played a similar murderous maniac in "Scorching Sun".

At this time, Wang Yanhui slightly adjusted his sitting posture, and the audience immediately wondered if he was feeling guilty!

This is the suspense line that Wang Quan has laid for the movie. Who are the people with the most five shots?

As the plot progressed, Tao Zeru's suspicion was first eliminated, because when Sun Xian's character was killed and his hands were taken away by the murderer, he burst into tears. He first covered his eyes with his hands and couldn't bear to watch. After that, I went out to relax for a while.

So his identity can basically be determined, the victim's family.

Zhang Songwen, who was closest to the door, hurriedly went out to comfort him and handed him a tissue.

However, his eagerness made the audience wonder, if you are so kind, could you be the murderer?

However, when he returned to his seat and played Huang Yangtiantian's character was killed, he also took out a tissue and wiped his tears.

Isn't it him?

Looking at it this way, Wang Jingchun's role is actually very suspicious. He stared at the neck of the young woman diagonally in front of him several times.

Coupled with his small eyes, in some interpretations, it can be seen as vulgar.

The movie set lasts 120 minutes, including the first 15 minutes, the last 15 minutes, and the middle 90 minutes of the movie.

In the 90-minute film-within-a-film, although the murderer did not show his face, Ning Li performed the madness of a perverted murderer under limited conditions. Those back figures and those eyes in the dark gave people a chilling feeling.

I believe that after this movie, he will really discuss it with people like Hannibal and Jack the Ripper.

When the movie within the movie ended, the murderer still could not be found, leaving only Ding Yongdai melancholy smoking a cigarette on the empty road.

When the movie ended, the four middle-aged male protagonists left among the crowd. Only the woman in red was still in the center of the cinema.

To be honest, Jiang Peiyao didn't know what she was playing. She actually had many scenes with expressions during the filming, but the ones left by Director Quan were expressionless, which made her look stupid.

Could it be that he was really playing a ghost?

I'm afraid many people have this idea, but Wang Quan did not give an answer, and the perspective returned to the four middle-aged men.

Tao Zeru went to a cemetery. Sure enough, he was a family member of the victim. He didn't cry happily in the movie theater, but he cried heartily this time.

Wang Jingchun actually went to the Public Security Bureau. Is he a policeman?

After entering, he said: "I want to surrender."

Could he be the murderer?

It turns out not that he was here to provide evidence on a serial murder case.

"I used to work in the door lock picking business. About twenty years ago, I sneaked into a house and saw a man..."

The camera turned to Wang Yanhui. He received a call. The person on the phone called him "Wang Ju" and said excitedly: "There are new clues..."

Finally, the scene came to Zhang Songwen. He returned to his small shop and was still very polite to people and seemed very approachable.

At the same time, the camera showed Wang Yanhui and Wang Jingchun facing each other.

Wang Yanhui handed over a cigarette with some disappointment: "If you think about it again, is there anything else?" They had already mastered the ones just mentioned.

After Wang Jingchun took the cigarette, he suddenly said: "By the way, he was lighting the cigarette at the time, and he was smoking it backwards."

"Smoke it backwards?"

"Yes, smoke backwards and light the butt of the cigarette!"

The picture showed Zhang Songwen again. He closed the store door and took out cigarettes and lighters from the drawer.

He held a cigarette in his mouth, paused for a moment, then turned the cigarette around and lit the butt...

The movie is over~

There was an "ah" sound at the scene!

It turned out to be him, indeed it was him!

In fact, this method of revealing the secret is not very clever, but the audience did not accept it. What they worried about was that King Quan did not give any clues about the murderer until the end of the movie.

Now I am amazed and relieved. Finally, this is still a movie that has a beginning and an end.

As for the murderer not being caught in the movie, it doesn't matter, because Director Quan had already caught the person when he made the movie, and this movie completed an unimaginable historical mission.

Like the domestically released version, there is a sentence at the end of the film about the murderer being caught, and Wang Quan also cut out a short clip of the murderer's footage from the audition surveillance.

The whole place was excited again!

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