You elf, are you legal?

Chapter 147 You are pressed by me and can’t breathe?

What happened at three in the morning? Isn’t this the time when your mind is bursting with ideas?

Jiang Xiaoning didn't give Chen Yuan any chance to resist, and directly used a trick shared by her roommate that she had never used before - clip sound.

"Senior Chen Yuan~~ Just tell me how you can agree to my request~~~"

Jiang Xiaoning used a clamp to attack, and Chen Yuan was defeated.

He was excited and said quickly: "Go, go, I'll go, don't get me, senior sister, I'll give you goosebumps!"

Jiang Xiaoning chuckled: "Come on, the benefits will be yours."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yuan immediately changed his clothes, picked up the sleeping little fox and walked out.

Passing by the Elf Center, the lights inside were still on, and Chen Yuan, who was mentally alert, could vaguely hear it. The people upstairs were drinking among each other, and it was obvious that Chu Xianshen and Qi Yanya were still drinking there.

Coincidentally, Qi Yanya opened the window to get some air and happened to see Chen Yuan.

"Brother, sister is going back to the imperial capital tomorrow, come up and have a drink!"

Chen Yuan refused directly, saying it was two drinks, who knows how long they would drink.

Moreover, he will fly to the Imperial Capital with them tomorrow, and it’s not like we part ways. He will definitely have to go to the Imperial Capital to find them then...

Hey, wait a minute, Chen Yuan walked far away and suddenly touched his chin.

Has he not told Sister Yaya that he wants to return to the imperial capital together? ——

At three o'clock in the morning, the door of Beiyu was closed tightly. If Jiang Xiaoning had not come out to pick him up, the security guard would not have let Chen Yuan in.

The campus was very quiet in the early morning, and only Jiang Xiaoning's footsteps could be heard.

"Let me tell you about "Xiong Erte". "Speaking of professional knowledge, Jiang Xiaoning immediately turned into a chatterbox and began to chatter endlessly.

When it comes to the key point of the "Xiong Erte" thesis, the name "Ali" cannot be avoided.

Listening to Jiang Xiaoning's praise, Chen Yuan really didn't know what to say.

I can only nod in agreement.

"Ahri is indeed a genius."

“This is a really good idea”

"I really don't know how this person's brain grew. It's like he traveled through time."

The atmosphere had reached this point, and Chen Yuan could only join in the praise.

What else could he say.

Jiang Xiaoning took Chen Yuan and Xiaoli directly to the back mountain. After twists and turns, they came to a restricted area in the back mountain that was forbidden to students.

Snake Bear Breeding Base.

As soon as Xiaoli came in, his eyes widened.

The little nose sniffed fiercely.

This is the smell of snake bear!


So many snake-print bears!

The little raccoon sneaked into the grass. After a while, he heard from the grass:


"Yaba ba ba~"

Suddenly the grass shook, and a dozen snake bears followed the light-colored snake bear cubs out of the grass and started playing.

It was the first time for Xiaoli to see so many friends of the same kind, and she was very happy.

There was a faint light on the path, and there were a few two-story buildings at the end.

"Most of Xiong Erte's data was collected here. We have the most advanced detection equipment for Snake Bear here. Let's do the detection first."

Chen Yuan called Xiao Li back, and Jiang Xiaoning took them into the testing center of the breeding base.

Inside the glass door, there is also a special treadmill for snake-printed bears. Several data collectors are aimed at the snake-printed bears running wildly on the treadmill to eat.

There is also a snake-print bear, lying on a small bed, with a dedicated lady rubbing the little guy's belly.

Seeing Chen Yuan's interested look, Jiang Xiaoning explained: "This snake bear went out to eat some fruit. As a result, he ate too much, so he came to Xiao Ai on duty to give him a massage."

Chen Yuan: "..."

It's so hard for the lady on duty in the middle of the night.

Underground testing center.

Jiang Xiaoning lit up the instrument and let Xiaoli enter the detector.

"Relax, there may be a weak electric current for a while, don't be nervous, we will be done in a while."

When Jiang Xiaoning said this to Xiaoli, she was like the nurse who comforted the child before getting an injection. She was very good at those lines.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak~" Xiaoli nodded and looked curiously at the instrument outside the glass cover. It felt like he had entered another world.

"Let's begin." Jiang Xiaoning pressed the button, and suddenly an electric current hit Xiaoli.

"Squeak~" The baby snake bear suddenly froze, and all the hair on its body stood up. However, it didn't hurt very much, and it was very comfortable to pinch.

"The reactance data is pretty good, and then there's the thermal resistance..."

Jiang Xiaoning took Xiaoli through the laboratory tester, and it was not over until the sky turned white.

Looking at the summary data, Jiang Xiaoning had a complex expression.

"Any questions?"

Chen Yuan couldn't help but ask.

"Xiaoli's data is really outstanding, especially in terms of details. It's hard to imagine that at his age, he has such strong physical fitness."

The previous physical examination can only be regarded as an expectation.

When more detailed data was detected, Jiang Xiaoning was still shocked.

The foundation in all aspects is quite solid.

The overall quality has reached the pinnacle of excellence! Almost reached the elite level!

She sighed.

Chen Yuan has trained Xiaoli very well, but because he is so good, the association may not agree to publish these data directly in the "Elf Illustrated Book".

The world is not peaceful, and some geniuses need to grow and be protected.

Jiang Xiaoning gave a copy of the data to Chen Yuan, "Such outrageous data will not be made public. If you want to see Xiaoli's data in the version of the "Xiong Erte" paper in the "Elf Illustrated Book", don't even think about it. "

"However, the alliance's internal reference documents may use Xiaoli's data, but it still depends on the feedback from the alliance."

"Of course, if you mind..."

"You can also choose to destroy these experimental data. I will pretend that what happened today never happened."

"But I suggest you take this opportunity to report Xiaoli's data to the alliance."

Jiang Xiaoning looked at Chen Yuan.

Along with "Xiong Erte"'s paper, posting the data of Snake Bear Xiaoli is a perfect opportunity for the league's top management to pay attention to Chen Yuan.

An opportunity to truly join the alliance and become the core trainer of the alliance.

Of course, this depends on Chen Yuan's wishes. Jiang Xiaoning doesn't force it. She is just a matchmaker.

Decline in a low-key manner or join the alliance?

If it were a month ago, Chen Yuan would probably choose the former.

He is just a little orphan, living a low-key life honestly, not getting too involved with any trainer organization, and developing in a low-key manner until he has some ability to protect himself, and then make a choice.

At that time, I will consider whether to live happily as a liberal with Xiaoli, or join the alliance, join some secret organizations, and concentrate on studying tree fruits.

But now.

One month's experience as a newcomer made him completely give up the idea of ​​"keeping a low profile".

He has already entered the main round of the Rookie Cup, and will be auditioning for the National League in five months!

After Miss Chu's plan to "Dominate the National League Auditions" came out, she said goodbye to Chen Yuan for being low-key and forbearing.

God damn, a high school freshman can still keep a low profile during auditions!

Moreover, there are too many trainers from the alliance gathered around him.

Jiang Xiaoning, Yan Wanzhi, Xiang Yuxiao, Nangong Pengfei, and Di Yan, these ace trainers of the Huaxia University Alliance, are also the core aces of the alliance.

Up there, the three sisters, Qiao Beiyi, Jun Yusha, and Chu Xianshen, are all in the alliance and have considerable speaking power.

Qi Yanya is a member of the alliance's special operations team.

And Chen Yuan himself has awakened the superpower of the Chu family because of Chu Xiaoxiao.

Unknowingly, he was tied to everyone in the Elf Alliance.

Logically speaking, his and Hua Yuxi's performance in the Rookie League should have come to the attention of the league's senior management, but so far, the association has not sent anyone to contact them.

In fact, this is Chu Xianshen and the others, waiting for him to make his own choice.

Chen Yuan took a deep breath.

There was nothing to hesitate about. She chose to follow Qiao Beiyi to the imperial capital and take the Qiao family's recommendation to take the exam as a trainer. In fact, she had already made a choice in disguise!

"Very good." Jiang Xiaoning also smiled: "Trainers are very competitive. As long as you have enough potential, the alliance has resources you can't imagine."

"I remember you said that you went to the Imperial Capital this time to take the training test, right? This is a good opportunity to show off your muscles. Coupled with Xiaoli's potential, the alliance will definitely pay great attention to it. I believe there will be policy subsidies soon. .”

"Waiting for the day when you soar into the sky and stand in the National League."

Before leaving, Jiang Xiaoning pulled out a USB flash drive for Chen Yuan.

"Inside is the Serpentine Bear's learning plan for mastering "Shadow Clone". "

Chen Yuan blinked: "Well...Senior, it's not good. Xiaoli and I didn't do much, and I also got such detailed test data. I earned it. How can I have the nerve to take it from Senior?" What’s the plan..."

He refused and stretched out his hand...

Received the USB disk.

Jiang Xiaoning: "..."

Chen Yuan chuckled, said goodbye and left.

This night at the Beiyu Snake Bear Breeding Base was really fruitful.


Chen Yuan hummed a tune and ran back to the shop, shook Chong Bao who was still confused, and the three of them ran towards Chu Xiaoxiao's villa.

Unexpectedly, Chu Xiaoxiao was already waiting downstairs in the villa, along with Hua Yuxi.

Classmate Xiaohua was extremely excited. She was dragged back to the villa by Chu Xiaoxiao without drinking last night, and she was still a little resentful. But when she thought about getting on a plane soon, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep. She pulled Chu Xiaoxiao to ask questions. !

First time in life·Flying on a plane!


so excited!

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the girl beside him with a sad expression.

We talked until three o'clock in the morning before going to bed, and then got up at six o'clock.

Even a superpower with awakened spiritual power cannot withstand such a torment!

Chen Yuan directly stuffed a cup of No. 14 over.

"Run! Run!"

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at him for a while: "Are you up to something good?"

"What good thing?" Chen Yuan blinked. There were too many good things this night!


He finally made his choice.

"Well, the results came out today, and I feel very happy when I think of being able to continue to pressure you." Chen Yuan smiled lightly, quite confident.

That day, he saw Little Phoenix King, which was a symbol of good luck. Chu Xiaoxiao wanted to stand up, haha.

"Hehe, hehehe." Chu Xiaoxiao flipped up her long hair and started running: "This time! I will definitely be on top of you!"

The flight was at ten o'clock in the morning and we were in a hurry, but Chen Yuan and the other three still found time to go back to Beiyu Affiliated High School.

Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao walked in a hurry, and they had the illusion that whoever fell behind would be second.

Xiaohua, carrying a small bag, was wandering behind the two of them with the six little ones.

Watching the two people competing in front made me very happy.

At half past eight, the list will be announced on time.

The corridor on the first floor was crowded with students looking at their results.

Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao walked side by side.

Chu Xiaoxiao was expressionless and walked forward with arms folded.

Chen Yuan had a light smile on his face, but at first glance, he had a tight business smile that reminded him not to approach strangers.

These two were big celebrities, so the students moved out of the way.

Under the list, the two stood still, raised their heads, and went straight to the topic - look at the total score ranking!

Look directly from above.

First, Chen Yuan, 297 points

Second, Chu Xiaoxiao, 296 points,

Press a little, tulle.

Chen Yuan lowered his head and squinted, "Oh, you still want to be on top of me."

"Hehehe." Chu Xiaoxiao flipped up her long hair, turned around and left.

"Speak! Chu Xiaoxiao, are you pressed by me and can't breathe?" Chen Yuan followed and continued to attack.

"Hehehe." Chu Xiaoxiao quickened his pace without looking back.

"Excuse me, Miss, how do you feel about being down here for two months... Oh, I'll go!" Chen Yuan looked at the shoe marks on the ground and grinned. If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, he would have stomped on his foot. The instep is broken!

"Tsk." Chu Xiaoxiao made an unhappy sound and urged: "Hurry back and get your luggage. We will be at the airport at half past nine. We still have less than an hour."

At this time, classmate Xiaohua was already waiting at the school gate.

"Xiaohua didn't look at the list?"

"Already know, Fei Xue took the picture for me." She shook her phone: "I am third this time, with 271 points. I have improved a lot!"

"Congratulations." Chen Yuan smiled.

Now, the plan to achieve dual hegemony in both civil and military fields was completed!

Hua Yuxi chuckled: "It's nothing. I want to congratulate you both. One is first and the other is second. Both are close to perfect scores."

She opened the photo album on her phone, pointed to the latest photo and said, "It's really amazing!"

Chu Xiaoxiao was suddenly startled and looked at Hua Yuxi: "Delete! This is the president's order. We don't need to keep this garbage list as a souvenir! It must be deleted!"

Hua Yuxi was startled, then scratched her head: "But, I have already sent this photo to the small group."

Chu Xiaoxiao was startled and suddenly looked at Chen Yuan.

I saw Chen Yuan quickly operating his mobile phone, downloading, and saving, all in one go.

He chuckled and put the phone away.

"Miss Chu, we have to go back and get our luggage. We'll get to the airport at half past nine. We still have it. There's only three-quarters of an hour left."

"Chen! Yuan!"

Chu Xiaoxiao is really angry!

She felt like she was being tricked by Chen Yuan!

She is only one point lower than Chen Yuan, but having a 2-point multiple choice is a low-level mistake.

If you check it again, you will definitely be able to check it out!

However, it was because of Chen Yuan's little actions that he deceived her.

How hateful!

On the way to the airport, Chu Xiaoxiao looked at Chen Yuan’s back and gritted his teeth!

She must take revenge! ——

Di Da is leaving.

There were more than a dozen people when they came, and in the past half month, they have basically returned to the imperial capital one after another.

Now only the Weibai squad is left.

The senior officials sent several people into the waiting hall, waved goodbye outside the glass, and Di Yan's figure disappeared around the corner.

Finally, a female classmate cried out.

There was a ruckus.

I will never see Sister Di Yan again!

In the waiting hall, Fatty hugged You Changshan and Zuo Tianxing and howled wildly.

Lai Minglue also hit You Changshan on the shoulder, speechless. When he came, he was a competitor and only had hostility.

When I left, I was a close friend of life and death.

Chu Yansu shook his head and couldn't bear to disturb a few people.

Next month, Beiyu will play against the Imperial Capital away from home. Aren’t we going to meet again?

As for that?

Look at how harmonious the girls are there. They are all discussing where to go shopping next time they go to the imperial capital.

"When I go back this time, which secret place are I planning to visit?"

Chu Yansu asked casually and waited for a long time without hearing Qi Yanya's answer.

Looking back, he saw Qi Yanya constantly glancing towards the exit of the departure hall, muttering: "You unloyal guy...I raised you little bastard for nothing..."

"What are you looking at?"

"I'm not looking at anything!" Qi Yanya snorted coldly, sitting there with her arms folded and feeling depressed!

Jun Yusha! Qiao Beiyi!

You two are really good at it!

No one came, and no news was sent! He didn’t even answer the phone, so he just disappeared, right?

That's good, sisters!

And that little brat Chen Yuan! It's really useless to hurt him if his wings are hard, right?

He ran away early from dinner last night and went out for a walk in the middle of the night without even having a drink with her!

Not a single message this morning!


She hasn't left yet!

Just forget about her, right?


"Passengers on Bobo flight 9c9, start checking in and boarding."

"Passengers on Bobo flight 9c9, start checking in and boarding."

The radio sounded a reminder that the flight was about to take off in half an hour.

No more waiting! snort!

Qi Yanya was the first to check in. Chu Xianshen waved goodbye helplessly: "In a few days, I will go to the Imperial Capital to do some work. Remember to send me my schedule!"

"I know." Qi Yanya boarded the plane with her luggage.

Chu Jiexuan shook his head helplessly. This old teammate was good at everything, but he was too childish.

Is it true that people’s temperaments follow their appearance?

So should I be more active?

"Passengers on Bobo flight 9c9, please check in and board the plane as soon as possible."

There are still fifteen minutes left before takeoff.

You Changshan patted the fat man.

It's time for them to go.

Di Yan stood up, Xiang Yuxiao sat there and waved.

Di Yan glanced at her and nodded, "See you in the Imperial Capital."

She turned around and walked towards the ticket gate.

His eyes finally glanced at the entrance to the departure hall, and the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up.

Xiang Yuxiao stared at Di Yan's expression, stunned.

"You smiled?"

Ti Yan tilted his head: "Really?"

You Changshan and Zuo Tianxing had both checked their tickets when they suddenly felt something was wrong. They turned around suddenly and saw Chen Yuan running towards the terminal, dragging two luggages.

"Hey! Changshan, Tianxing! Wait for me!"

Behind him, Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi were taking their time carrying small bags.

You Changshan was immediately happy, and so was Fatty!

He just said it!

How could Chen Yuan not come at this time?

"You're here." The fat man punched Chen Yuan.

You Changshan also ran out here: "Is something delayed?"

"There are still some things." Chen Yuan glanced around: "Where is Sister Yaya?"

"She seemed to be the first to board the plane."

Yuan Shushu also came over at this time, holding Hua Yuxi's hand with great reluctance.

Hua Yuxi blinked, feeling something was wrong in the atmosphere.

Aren't they going to the imperial capital together?

Why do you feel so different from life and death?

At this time the radio made its final announcement.

"Passengers on Bobo flight 9c9, please check in and board the plane as soon as possible."

Ten more points left!

The boarding gate is closing immediately!


Chu Xiaoxiao signaled Hua Yuxi to go to the ticket gate first.

Yuan Shushu was stunned, as were Qin Se and Liang Siqiu.

I saw the eldest lady taking out a ticket from her bag.


Passed the ticket.

Then Hua Yuxi also took out a ticket from her pocket.


Before entering the boarding channel, she looked back at Yuan Shushu, who was stunned on the spot: "What are you waiting for, Shushu, let's go!"

After saying that, he ran over, took Yuan Shushu's hand, and walked towards the boarding aisle.

"Speaking of which, this is my first time flying..."

You Changshan watched several girls boarding the plane and suddenly realized something. He looked at the suitcase in Chen Yuan's hand and blinked.

At this time, the fat man also reacted.

"Are you going to the imperial capital?"


At this time, Di Yan came over and glanced at Chen Yuan: "Are you going to take the exam to become a trainer?"

Chen Yuan nodded: "It should be the assessment tomorrow."

Di Yan nodded and got on the plane directly.

You Changshan listened to the conversation between the two, first stunned, and then laughed.

Chen Yuan from Beiyu High School went to the imperial capital to take the exam to be a trainer.

In every sense, it is a very exciting thing! ——

First class.

Chen Yuan saw Qiao Beiyi and Jun Yusha at a glance, and they were going to the imperial capital together.

And next to the two of them was Qi Yanya!

She was looking at Chen Yuan with a depressed look!

Never expected that!

These three guys actually teamed up to deceive her!

You didn’t even tell her that you were going to the imperial capital, right?

Especially these two guys, Qiao Beiyi and Jun Yusha, deliberately walked through the VIP channel.

Call it a nice surprise, give her a surprise!


Chen Yuan took the ticket and found his seat, which was also first class.

The ticket was booked by the Jun family. He was invited to go there for exchanges. The Jun family did not send a private plane, which was already the result of Chen Yuan's polite refusal.

It was the first time in my two lives to fly first class, and I was a little excited.

The place is particularly spacious, with wide side windows and an unobstructed view.

Chen Yuan immediately released Xiaoli and Chongbao to enjoy the luxury together.

Not only did the flight attendant not stop me, but she also thoughtfully gave me fruit drinks, meals and snacks.

The two little ones ate fruit meal, watched the Charizards coming and going outside, and ate a small snack, which was very satisfying.

Chen Yuan took a sip of the fruit drink. It tasted good, much better than Xingke.

In business class, Hua Yuxi looked out the window excitedly.

"Hey Xiaoxiao, look over there, there's an elf-only landing pad!"

"There are many more than eagles! There are also many fire-breathing dragons!"

"I heard that you need a pilot's license to fly between cities, right?"

"When are we going to take the exam?"

"Ah, I don't have a flying elf yet, hehe."

Hua Yuxi chattered endlessly, climbing up the window with her four little ones to look at the scenery.

Chu Xiaoxiao sat quietly in her seat, closing her eyes and meditating.

I booked a few days late, but there were no first-class tickets!

Damn it!

There was a strong pushing feeling on my back, a sudden weightlessness, and the plane took off.

Xiaoli and Chongbao opened the window, wagging their tails excitedly.

Chu Xiaoxiao, who was in closing meditation, suddenly opened her eyes and looked out the window.

Not far away, there are two eagles flying with them.

"Strange, is it an illusion?" She looked at it for a while and then closed her eyes.

At the same time, Chen Yuan, who was opening his mouth to adjust the ear pressure, suddenly felt something in his heart and looked out the window suddenly.

The red and white elves were flying in the sky not far away.

Chen Yuan blinked.

This time, he was absolutely right!


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