You elf, are you legal?

Chapter 197 New Elf, Huhu

A kettle or a kettle?

Chen Yuan touched his chin.

It will indeed be easier to choose a relatively mature Huchu. As long as you adopt it home and cooperate with it a little, you can make juice and help him complete many experiments.

However, this kind of pot also has a disadvantage, and the upper limit is there.

There will be a bottleneck in both Huchu's own strength and his understanding and knowledge of the fruit.

The former will affect the fermentation of the pot, while the latter will directly affect the quality after fermentation.

Both are very important, which is also an important reason why major families choose to cultivate their own Huhu.

Of course, it is enough for ordinary junior or even some intermediate breeders to use these pots raised by the Breeders Association.

But for Chen Yuan, after all, it was still a little bit behind.

But if you want to choose to start cultivating it from an elf egg.

It will take some time to slowly teach Huchu about tree fruits. This is a step-by-step process, one month, two months, or even longer.

Not only that, Huhu also needs some professional cultivation plans, which are also quite particular.

Chen Yuan also needs to take this aspect into consideration.

Then here comes the problem.

After all, it’s better to choose one and make the transition temporarily.

It’s better to choose one and cultivate it slowly.

Qiao Beiyi: "Do you feel that each has its own advantages and disadvantages?"

Seeing Chen Yuan nodding slowly, Qiao Beiyi smiled slightly.

"follow me."

Qiao Beiyi took Chen Yuan into the Huhu breeding base.

Along the way, Chen Yuan saw many pots and pots crawling slowly there.

There are breeders who give specific tree fruits to Huchu, and they themselves put these fruits into their own carapace.

"These breeders are cultivating these pots and carefully distinguishing the sand scale fruits."

"Those breeders over there are training the fermentation abilities of those pots."

"Part of the fermentation ability of each pot is an innate talent, but many times, some pots with not so outstanding talents can catch up with those with inherent talents by cultivating skills such as "gastric juice". A more outstanding kettle. "

While Qiao Beiyi was leading the way, he also did not forget to explain some basics of cultivating pots to Chen Yuan.

After the rock wall passage, Chen Yuan and the others arrived at Hu Hu's incubation house.

Qiao Xiangyi entered the fingerprint lock, and the huge glass door slowly opened. The three of them stepped inside. Chen Yuan saw the elf egg placed in the nutrient solution at a glance.

Dozens or hundreds of them are all pots.

At this time, the staff inside saw the person coming and were a little surprised.

"Xiao Xiangyi, King of Beiyi, why are you here?"

The person who spoke was a young woman about 20 years old wearing a white coat. She wore thick black-rimmed glasses and short hair. She was about forty years old. From her tone, she seemed to be related to Qiao Beiyi and Qiao Xiangyi. Relatively familiar.

"Ah, Sister Ping, we are here to choose elf eggs."

"Oh, are there new people?" Tang Ping glanced at Chen Yuan behind the two of them: "Hey, he's still a handsome boy. Is he still young?"

"I'm only 15. What are you thinking, Sister Ping? If you go on a blind date at this age, you might get caught."

"She's so young, forget it." Tang Ping pushed up her glasses: "Now that you're here, do you want me to introduce you? Or should you choose by yourself?"

"We'll do it ourselves, oh, by the way. Where's the elf egg that Qiao's family sent two days ago?"

"The elf egg...ah, I remembered it. It seems to be the penultimate hatching house. The password was set by someone from the Qiao family."

"Thank you, Sister Ping. I'll treat you to a fruit drink another day." Qiao Xiangyi said hello and led the way inside, seemingly looking forward to the elf egg.

Tang Ping looked at the backs of the three people, especially Chen Yuan, and paused for a while.

He smacked his lips and couldn't figure out what the relationship between this young man and the Qiao family was.

When the Qiao family brought the Huhu egg before, they quite mobilized people, saying that it was reserved for a genius and would not be given to anyone.

Because these days are the peak period for trainers to announce and get small books.

Therefore, there are quite a few new trainers who come to select Huhu in the past few days.

Among them, some of the young people who chose Huhu eggs seemed to have taken a fancy to the Huhu eggs reserved by the Qiao family.

There is also one of them, a newcomer who has a high-level trainer in his family.

That boy's father is also a senior ace trainer.

He came with a high-level trainer and asked for this elf egg during roll call. Hearing that it was reserved by the Qiao family, he made a call to the Qiao family.

It seems that there is a relationship with Master Qiao.

As a result, he was scolded before he even said a few words.

Basically, if you dare to covet King Qiao's things, it's because you are impatient, or because you feel that the Qiao family has given you too many conveniences over the years.

Then another scolding.

The high-level cultivator hung up the phone angrily, turned around and left with the others.

At that time, Tang Ping was wondering which genius from the Qiao family would leave this elf egg.

But Tang Ping went through the names of the geniuses in the Qiao family in her mind, but she couldn't figure out who they were reserved for.

Now the answer is finally revealed.

I just don’t know which family this boy is from.

Is the Jun family or the Chu family in the imperial capital...or the branches of the Qiao family in other parts of China...

"What's the password for the third door? I seem to have forgotten it."

Qiao Xiangyi scratched her cheek and looked back at Qiao Beiyi.

Qiao Beiyi thought for a while: "How about you try to celebrate my birthday?"

Qiao Xiangyi: "Ah, then I'll try again,'s done."

With this last glass door, it slowly opened.

The three finally entered the innermost hatching room.

The house is not big, only about 10 square meters.

There is only one incubation device placed in the house.

It was filled with light yellow nutrient solution, and a white dot with a faint red pattern of an elf egg was just suspended in the nutrient solution.

There seemed to be gas that was pumped into the nutrient solution.

The gurgling bubbles shook the elf egg.

"How about this kettle egg?" Qiao Beiyi looked at Chen Yuan with a smile on his lips: "Aren't you confused whether you should choose a finished kettle or a kettle egg?"

"Actually, there is a third option, choose this kettle egg from my Qiao family."

"The bloodline is all king-level, and there is absolutely nothing to say about talent. Moreover, the Qiao family has a supporting training strategy. As long as you train step by step, it will not exceed a month at most, and you can keep up with your rhythm of fruit deployment. …”

Qiao Beiyi introduced him loudly, and Chen Yuan's eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened.

Sister Bei Yi is really attentive!

"I chose it!"

"And, when you are incubating, you only need to use the pulp for external application... Hey, can't you let me finish reading the lines I have prepared!"

"We'll talk about that later. Sister Xiangyi, please help me get this pot egg out."

Chen Yuan chuckled and rubbed his hands at the same time. He couldn't wait.

Xiang Yi walked to the console and patted it casually.

The light yellow nutrient solution immediately leaked out.

Qiao Xiangyi's little hand quickly turned into light and shadow on the console. The button was clicked again. The glass door slowly opened. Qiao Beiyi reached out and took out the pot of eggs.

Submit it to Chen Yuan.

"Now I hand it to you, Xiao Yuan." At this moment, Qiao Beiyi still had a smile on his face, but Chen Yuan saw in his eyes a trace of seriousness that he had never seen before.

"Take care of it."

Haha "Don't worry, Sister Bei Yi." Chen Yuan nodded solemnly.

Although elves like Huchu are currently classified as tool elves to assist humans, Chen Yuan has always been very clear in his heart that Huchu is not just a tool.

If cultivated properly, Huhu actually has a lot of room for development.

After seeing those Huhus at Jun's Huhu Manor, Chen Yuan had been thinking about how to cultivate a Huhu.

Some ideas really need to be cultivated from an early age.

It can be said that the pot that Sister Beiyi chose for him is simply perfect.

The elf egg was warm in the hand, and it was moist and still stained with nutrient solution.

But within a short while, the nutrient solution was completely absorbed by the eggshell.

"I have sent the guide to the small group, and you will receive it later." Qiao Beiyi shook his phone, "When I get back, follow this guide to make a fruit pulp nutrient solution."

"Of course you can also learn the ideas and make your own arrangements."

"The general principle is to have as many types as possible and the energy should be balanced. But don't be too full, otherwise it will irritate the little pots inside."

"As for the incubation time, well, it will probably take about a week."

It only takes a week, hey, it only takes a week.

Chen Yuan looked at the kettle egg in his hand and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

That's how he got his third oh, maybe fourth elf.

And it's the kind that doesn't occupy the elf position.

Hey hey hey! ——

When I left the elf center,

It was already noon, and it was lunch time. Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao met up with Xiaohua and the others.

Looking at the elf egg held in Chen Yuan's arms, Xiaohua was a little bit straight-eyed.

"Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan, what's going on with you? How come you disappeared all morning and came back with an extra elf egg?" Hua Yuxi ran over with a whoosh, leaned down and stared at the elf egg. .

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't know when she came to Chen Yuan's side.

He also stared at the elf egg without blinking, observing carefully.

"Is this a kettle?"

"I didn't expect Miss Chu to also do research on elf eggs."

Chen Yuan smiled and joked, watching Xiaohua's classmate next to him almost putting his face on the elf egg. Looking at it from his point of view...

Chen Yuan couldn't stand it anymore.

"Okay, okay, please hold this elf egg for a while."

When classmate Xiaohua heard this, she couldn't bear it anymore. She just picked up the elf egg and loved it.

"Chen Yuan, do you think this elf is Huhu? Did you just leave just to get Huhu with Sister Beiyi?

And when will the elf be born this time? What are you going to name this pot..."

Classmate Xiaohua asked a lot of questions, and Chen Yuan didn't know where to start.

"Come on, let's talk about it later."

Chen Yuan patted Hua Yuxi's head and said, "I will talk to you in detail during dinner later."

In order to celebrate Hu Hu (Egg) joining the team, we actually found the best elf buffet nearby.

There were six people in total, and naturally it was Chen Yuan who invited them to eat.

The elf eggs were placed there during the meal, and the little ones were quite curious about this new companion (egg).

La Lulas, in particular, would always come close to her from time to time and put her cute little head on the elf egg, seeming to be listening to the sounds in the elf egg.

I wonder what the good baby can hear.

Even Sister Yanbu came over, swiping her tail, as if she was exploring the situation inside the elf egg.

After a few breaths, Yan Bu nodded with satisfaction.

"Bu Yi Bu Yi"

He's a nice kid.

Chen Yuan scratched his head, could he really feel what was going on inside the elf egg with just a few sweeps of his tail?


Because Xiaoli was happy today, she ate dozens more plates of meat. As a result, when Chen Yuan and others arrived at Imperial University, the competition had already started for some time.

Emperor University vs. Beijiang, the big brother in the national league standings beat the fifth brother. It looks like there is not much difference, but it is not the same in the fight.

When Chen Yuan and others took their seats in the best VIP viewing area, the schedule was already halfway through.

Even the doubles are almost coming to an end.

Beijiang has no worries about relegation and seems to be training new players.

As a result, the newcomer was directly crushed by Yuan Shushu's elite peak flame horse.

Then the people in Northern Xinjiang were dumbfounded.

Isn't it said that among the three newcomers in the Imperial University, Yuan Shushu is the best?

But look at this, the flaming horse that charges thirteen flame wheels in a row, can it be called garbage?

Sure enough, this girl lost to Yu Da's Xuan La in the first game.

It’s not Yuan Shushu who pulls, but the big chrysanthemum!

Northern Xinjiang has learned the hard way and learned lessons.

Most likely, the opponent wants to train new players, and it might be You Changshan who comes on board again.

No, it was also possible to go directly to Yu Daoxin, the vice-captain, and win a six-bar zero.

The more the captain from Northern Xinjiang thought about it, the more it seemed possible.

The result of the discussion was to directly send his vice-captain.

If you have a steady hand and go directly to the ace elf, there will be no problem.


What I’m reading is Yu Daoxin’s Zinbi Dou Li Mushroom.

However, who would have thought that a new player would be sent to the team, Zuo Tianxing, who almost missed a three-pointer in the last imperial competition.

As soon as the giant pincer mantis appeared on the scene, people in Northern Xinjiang felt itchy all over.

Evil ice fighting against insects and steel, it’s not fun no matter how you look at it.

But the ace plays the elite peak.

Xuan La can also dance with a sword, no matter how you think about it, it's not a loss.

Who would have thought that the giant clawed mantis on the opposite side could play better than the monster on our side.

Iron Wall Sword Dance moves the shadow clone at high speed to gather energy.

Moreover, my mother's strengthening speed is faster than the last game where she was almost a string of three.

Damn it, it’s only been a few days!

How come there is such a level of progress!

The strengthened Giant Claw Mantis is no worse than the ace's Huala. Coupled with the crushing attributes, Emperor Da's victory is only a matter of time.

As for doubles, my brother from Northern Xinjiang has learned a painful lesson again.

Decided to come up with my own classic system.

The Thorny Shell and the Ice Ghost Protector form a double ace lineup, focusing on a snowy day.

No matter how you think about it, there is a great possibility that Yu Daoxin and Di Yan will be favored in this match.

The double-grass combination was one of the doubles tactics commonly used by Imperial University in the past.

No matter how you think about it, the winning rate in this doubles match is 80%.

However, the players on the Imperial University side once again exceeded the expectations of the Northern Xinjiang side.

The most amazing ones are Liu Pengfei’s electric beast and You Changshan’s water arrow turtle.

I don't know where the water arrow turtle got such abundant energy.

With a clap of his hands, the rocket launcher shot directly into the sky with two blasts, praying for rain.

At that moment, the weather in the Ice Ghost Guard here changed directly.

All of a sudden, the weather control in the field was taken away.

If you didn't read the information, you would have thought that this was an ace-level water arrow turtle, and it was also a proficient rain-praying type.

Yuan Shushu's flaming horse, Zuo Tianxing's giant pincer mantis, and this water arrow turtle.

It's like having sex, it's outrageous.

Following the electric shock beast, two final thunder strikes fell.

The spiny shell here could no longer bear it and fell to the ground with a thud.

Beijiang lost the third game and is now trailing 0-4.

If, if, I lose the arena battle again...

At this moment, all the Beijiang players shuddered.

This arena battle must not be lost.

"Pang Ding TV, Pang Ding TV, this is Dongfafa."

"This is Xiahou Aiyun."

"Welcome everyone to come back from the break, the last show is about to begin."

"I have already got the list of players for the first game of the arena match between the two sides. I can only say that the next game will be quite exciting."

"Oh, since Fafa has said so, I am also looking forward to it."

"How about you take a guess?"

"I guess Di Yan will definitely be the first starter in this game."

"It seems that classmate Aiyun understands Imperial University very well."

"Okay, the chat is over. We have just received the news. The players on both sides are ready and the game will start soon."

Xiahou Aiyun: "Well, the latest player on Beijiang's side is indeed Beijiang captain Ji Linzhen."

Dong Fafa: "Well, here at Emperor University, the first person to start the ring battle is... it is indeed Di Yan... Oh my god!!"

Professional commentator Dong Fafa couldn't help but exclaimed at this moment.

Xiahou Aiyun couldn't help but look sideways. Dong Fafa's professionalism has always been very good, and it shouldn't be.

Then he followed Dong Fafa's gaze and glanced at the field: "Fuck..."

Although Xiahou Aiyun subconsciously covered his mouth, his exclamation was already transmitted through the microphone.

But at this time, no one at the scene cared about Xiahou Aiyun's exclamation.

There was a lot of chatter on the field, and everyone seemed to be whispering to each other.

Photographer Fu knows how to use chicken legs, and he directly grasped the key points, and the lens was shocking.

The director over there gave a close-up directly.

The fiery red figure was projected onto the big screen at the edge of the arena.

At this moment, the entire stadium was boiling.


Damn it!

Fuck fuck fuck!

Who is this beauty?

This is so beautiful!

It was a fiery red figure.

The light-colored chest-high inner layer highlights that proud figure.

The fiery red dress is cinched at the waist, exquisite and graceful, making her look even taller.

Wearing a large white cloak, it is dotted with several fiery red wind speed dogs.

The wind blew, and Di Yan strode forward, her long black hair shawl and her white cloak rustling in the wind.

Let this beautiful picture add a touch of heroism.

This is Ti Yan!

This is wearing women's clothing! Di Yan in a long skirt!

From the day when Di Yan played in the game, whenever he went to public places, he always wore a more neutral outfit and a coat.

In addition, her commanding ability is excellent, and the winning rate of the elves is extremely high.

Therefore, in everyone's impression, Di Yan is very sassy! Very handsome! Very strong!

But no one has ever connected Di Yan with beauty.

No one has ever seen this woman wearing women's clothing, let alone wearing such a stunning long skirt.

Unexpectedly, today this woman actually showed her charm as a woman, shocking everyone.

It wasn't until this moment that almost everyone realized that Di Yan's figure, Di Yan's appearance, Di Yan...fuck!

She is simply a perfect goddess!

The male compatriots now feel that the outcome of this game is irrelevant. As long as Ti Yan is here, it's worth it to come and watch the game!

The girls, on the other hand, had stars in their eyes.

Looking at Di Yan, I admired her even more!

This is so good! It is indeed Sister Di Yan!

She is strong, beautiful, stylish and good at dressing up. She is indeed the best goddess in their eyes.

Some girls looked at a few boys who were about to lose their temper, with some disdain in their eyes.

Smelly boys, stay away from my sister!

My sister is sacred and cannot be profaned!

Sister Di Yan is dressed like this today, which must be a benefit to the girls in our support club!

And the boys, looking at the girls who committed nymphomaniacs, also felt contempt in their hearts.

What do a group of girls know about the beauty of women!

This beautiful and charming long dress is definitely a benefit for us boys!

I didn’t see my goddess Di Yan! Do you have to take a look at our viewing seats every few steps?

In the VIP viewing area, Chen Yuan, whose left hand was Xiaoli and whose right hand was Yanbu, saw the gaze directed by Di Yan.

There was still no expression on that iceberg-like face.

But Chen Yuan could see a hint of...exploration in her eyes.

It seems to be saying, how did I complete your task?

Chen Yuan smiled slightly and whispered: "Sister Di Yan, you are dressed so beautifully today, you must wear one and three!"

As if hearing Chen Yuan's low murmur, Di Yan nodded slowly and suddenly turned his head to look at Ji Linzhen opposite.

The expression is serious.

Even if we ignore Chen Yuan's factors outside the court, the purpose of Ti Yan's first appearance in this group match is to wear one through three.

Ti Yan stepped into the fighting position.

The referee raised his right hand and said: "Both players are already in place."

"Ti Yan!"

"Ti Yan!"

"Ti Yan!"

Crazy shouts erupted from the sidelines.

Drum break.

The whole place fell into silence.

"Game start!"

"Go! Lapras!" Ji Linzhen threw his elf ball and put an ace-level Lapras into the field.

Almost at the same time, Di Yan pressed the elf ball in his hand, and a red light flashed immediately, and Di Yan was released.

At this time, Digou had long lost the playful smile on his face when playing with Xiaoli.

His expression was majestic and focused, and he stared unblinkingly at the other party, the Lapras lying on the ground.

His eyes widened, and at the same time, a strong sense of majesty emanated from his body, attacking the other side.

"Stare" + "Intimidation"

As soon as he appeared on the stage, two negative effects immediately occurred.

At the same time, Di Yan calmly commanded: "Dog, move at high speed!"

On the other side, Trainer Lapras directly commanded: "Lapras uses white mist."

Suddenly there was white mist rising from the place.

Lower my defense? no way!

Di Yan seemed to have expected it. He raised his finger and chose to attack: "Speed!"

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