You elf, are you legal?

Chapter 327 Juice Succubus ShowTime (please subscribe)

They didn't understand the meaning of stupid Bobo's tweets.

But the elite-level aura exuded by this Bibi bird can still be felt.

what happened?

What did this Bibi bird just experience? Why did he suddenly break through to the elite level? The elites from various schools at the children's table had questions on their heads.

Even though they didn't understand it, they still had some impression when they saw Chen Yuan.

In the first stage of the exchange competition a week ago, they had already pushed Beiyu University to the bottom of the overall points. However, it was this boy, and the long, straight black girl behind him, who turned the tide and won every battle. , abruptly pushed the points to sixth place.

To be able to show such powerful elf strength at such a young age can only be said to be a true genius.

I originally wanted to compete in the second stage of the battle royale to test the real merits.

However, what they didn't expect was that these two people did not participate in this battle royale exchange.

It's actually surprising.

But today the two people suddenly appeared in the canyon of the final winner, and the stone house that Chen Yuan just came out of was forbidden to anyone before.

This is somewhat intriguing.

At this time, the smart man's eyes looking at Chen Yuan were already flickering.

Everyone clearly remembered that the delicious fruit meal they had just arrived in the canyon seemed to have been brought from the stone house. At this time, only Chen Yuan and a few people walked out of the stone house...

Could it be that the delicious fruit meal and drink just now was made by this boy?

However, in just a moment, this idea was thrown out of the minds of several people. How is it possible? Even if you think about it with your buttocks, it is impossible.

At such a young age, how could it be possible to make an energy fruit meal that was even more delicious than the master’s?

But he might be a disciple of a certain master, maybe.

The master prepared the energy fruit meal in advance, and then the young man processed it to make afternoon tea for everyone. Well, this speculation may be closer to reality.

Not everyone here thinks so.

The girl who was ranked sixth in Xijiang stared at Chen Yuan with burning eyes, her eyes switching back and forth between stupid Bobo and Chen Yuan.

It seems like he has some enlightenment.

There's something about this boy.

The top 10 winners of this battle royale have two opportunities to challenge the seniors in the canyon. It is said to be a challenge, but in fact it is more like a guidance battle.

Now she has another chance, how about...

At this time Qin Se had already ran over.

She hugged her own Qin Bobo and stroked the bird's feathers. Finally, her Bobo reached the elite level.

It can be considered that she has officially entered her main team.

When she turned to look at Chen Yuan, Qin Se bowed deeply.

"Junior Chen Yuan, in every sense of the word, I really appreciate you taking care of this child Qin Bobo."

At this point, if Qin Se doesn't know what Bobo went through at the Weibai Lake camp, then Qin Se really doesn't deserve to be a trainer anymore.

Since playing in Naweibai Lake, the potential of his Bobo seems to have been tapped, whether it is the efficiency of absorbing resources, the fighting consciousness, or the fighting will to face high-level elves.

All have undergone earth-shaking changes.

This is of course thanks to Chen Yuan's training during that time.

And just today, when Chen Yuan came out of the stone house, Qin Se had already noticed it.

Especially Chen Yuan's behavior of secretly stuffing small snacks, just like stuffing pocket money to children behind a parent's back, made Qin Se smile knowingly. Originally, he thought it was some leftovers from making fruit meals, preserved fruits and other snacks. It's a toy, but I didn't expect that my Qin Bobo would break through to the elite level after taking one bite.

This frightened Qin Se.

I originally felt that I owed Chen Yuan a favor, but now I owe it even more deeply.

"Oh, Senior Sister Qinse, what are you doing? I just gave Bobo some gadgets and snacks. They are all for the children. You don't want to be like this."

Qin Se: "..."

Look, it’s the same thing even with pocket money.

Now I don’t know how to repay this favor. It seems that I can only return to Yuda later and think of a way.

On the other side, the fat man Lai Minglue and a few people from the imperial capital immediately became agitated when they saw Chen Yuan coming out. When they saw the irrepressible corners of the mouth of the emperor of the imperial family, they waved to let them move freely.

How could he hold it back? The fat man was the first one to rush over, and the speed of running 100 meters directly fell within 10 seconds. It was completely different from the level that a normal human fat man should have.

He hugged Chen Yuan and laughed.

Everyone who had just eaten the fruit meal and the afternoon tea could immediately tell that it must be Chen Yuan’s handiwork, and...

"Your skills have improved again, my Master Chen!"

You Changshan stood next to Chen Yuan, smiling and joking over his shoulder, especially emphasizing the word "master".

Chen Yuan smiled slightly and did not deny it.

At this time Liang Siqiu also came over.

"Junior Chen Yuan, I heard that the King said that the rewards for the top three this time are fruit meal products made by a certain master?"

Chen Yuan wiped his nose and smiled: "Tell me, senior sister, I will give you whatever you want. I'm sure to come up with something better than that high-end fruit meal."

Liang Siqiu's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard this, and You Changshan, who won third place, even laughed and rubbed his hands.

Even Zuo Tianxing couldn't help but laugh when he heard this and looked forward to it.

Something better than a high-end fruit meal?

Hey hey hey.

They still remember the battle that Chen Yuan created in the Imperial University's deployment room.

When they left the Imperial University, they were given a jar of fruit pulp that was comparable to a high-end fruit meal, but it directly allowed Zuo Tianxing and You Changshan's main elves to break through the elite-level bottleneck and reach ace-level combat power.

And now Chen Yuan said that there is something better than that high-end fruit meal.

This is much better than those top resources.

Since the four heavenly kings have said that Chen Yuan will be responsible for the top three prizes, Chen Yuan cannot be stingy.

He directly invited the three of them into the stone house. The specific elves and specific combinations would have the best effect if they were eaten on the spot.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that energy jelly cannot be shown.

Chu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at Chen Yuan.

This guy.

If you have some good things at home, don't forget your brothers.

They all said that before getting the researcher, try not to show the energy jelly to the outside world.

There are only a few days until the researcher exam, so why can't I keep calm?

Of course that's what he thought, but the corners of Chu Xiaoxiao's mouth couldn't help but turn up. She quite recognized Chen Yuan's emphasis on love and justice.


Anyway, it's all Chen Yuan's invention, so she can't control it too strictly.

Of course, now that Chen Yuan has tinkered with the Balance Jelly, Jelly Pro and Pro max versions, the value of ordinary energy jelly has dropped significantly.

It doesn't hurt to do some favors that need to be done.

Anyway, the smelly brother's face looks like hers, Chu Xiaoxiao's, and those of the three heavenly kings.

The three of them are not stingy people.

The three of them brought out elves who were at the peak of elites. Without exception, they were the absolute main force who were preparing to cultivate the next ace.

It's been quite a while since I've been stuck at the elite peak.

When I got the top resources provided by several other quasi-kings, I was still thinking about whether they could be used on these elves.

But there are still some troubles.

Either the attributes are not very suitable, or it requires assistance, and it is difficult to get a fruit meal, but Chen Yuan is different here, it is a tailor-made fruit meal.

Just eat and that's it.

The elf that You Changshan wanted Chen Yuan to customize the fruit meal for was a Fire Eevee. He was also very covetous of the little Bubu that Qi Yanya consulted, so he said that he had cultivated a Fire Eevee.

In fact, in his senior year of high school, this Fire Eevee had already reached the elite peak, and there is still no sign of a breakthrough until now.

The energy and personal quality have reached the bottleneck, but they just can't find an opportunity to break through.

You Changshan was a little anxious.

"Ah, this is the simplest." Chen Yuan has raised two Fire Eevee's, and he is extremely familiar with the Fire Eevee's taste.

The red lotus fruit meal plus a piece of red lotus jelly is arranged directly, and there is no problem with the seven-day treatment.

What Liang Siqiu took out was her initial elf Lei Yibu.

This is actually very simple. They all have ready-made ingredients. When I usually give Chong Bao a supplement, I have to fill it with some thunder and lightning energy jelly, so I always have it in stock.

There wasn't much fruit meal left, so I rummaged through the boxes and found a few plates of high-end fruit meal. They packed them all and gave them to Liang Siqiu, but the quality was a little worse than those from You Changshan.

"Senior Sister Siqiu, this is the electric fruit meal I have on hand. I will get some for you after I return to Beiyu. Remember to come find me."

As for Zuo Tianxing, the elf he wanted Chen Yuan to take a look at was an existence that was even rarer than the Wind Speed ​​Dog, even comparable to a mini dragon.

That's a metal monster.

That's right, it's the quasi-god that can evolve into Metagross, the super-powerful Steel Elf.

Looking at this metal monster floating in mid-air, Chen Yuan was also stunned for a moment.

He looked at Zuo Tianxing, then at the metal monster, then turned his attention to Zuo Tianxing, looking at him carefully up and down.

"Okay, Lao Zuo, I have this thing!"

Zuo Tianxing smiled bitterly. He really was in trouble and couldn't express it.

In fact, he got a lot of resources from home, but most of the resources were put into the body of this gold-eating beast, which was completely unable to feed him.

If he had his way, he wouldn't take out the metal monster at this time.

But he really had no choice at this time.

It is difficult to make it break through to the ace level with ordinary feeding, so now we can only place our hope on Chen Yuan!

Chen Yuan could actually understand. After all, he himself also raised a mini dragon, and he also understood the energy required by such a quasi-god-level elf.

It's not necessarily possible that he can eat it, but the energy nourishment required to grow to such a small amount of strength is several times that of other elves.

Genes give their cells greater potential, but the price is more energy.

Chen Yuan took out a small cup of steel-type energy jelly, which was used for the little ones to practice Iron Tail. The energy contained in it was equivalent to one or two high-end fruit meals, and was fed directly to the metal Strange.

Chewing carefully, the metal monster's eyes lit up.

"Ugh cool! Ugh cool!"

Start spinning around Chen Yuan!

This tastes great!

This tastes great!

This is much better than the fruit meals and drinks made for him by the so-called high-level breeders before!

The gadget he just ate was made specifically for steel elves, and his body became hard after eating it.

So cool, so cool.

Chen Yuan pinched his chin and nodded slightly. It seemed that this metal monster seemed to like the energy jelly very much, and the metal body could completely absorb it. Yes, at least it didn't need to be applied externally, so the energy absorption efficiency would be faster.

But... I always feel like something is wrong.

Look again.

Then Chen Yuan took out another energy jelly, which was Lalu Lasi's previous snack, a small cup of super energy jelly the size of a fingernail.

It was also stuffed into the metal monster's mouth.

This time the metal monster's eyes shone even brighter.

The moment the super energy energy entered his body, it directly nourished his mental power.

It made him squint his eyes comfortably, and the change in emotion seemed to be even more pleasurable than the steel energy jelly he had just eaten.

"How long has this metal monster been stuck at the elite peak?"

"It didn't take long."

Zuo Tianxing gently stroked the metal monster's cold body, and he could feel the metal monster's pleasure at this time.

"This metal monster was adopted by me in my senior year of high school. It was still growing rapidly in the early stages, but somehow, when it entered, it was when it was about to take the college entrance examination, its growth stalled."

"Preparing for the Elf Battle for the college entrance examination?"

Chen Yuan immediately grasped the key point.

"At that time, did you invest a lot of resources into this metal monster?"

"Of course!"

Zuo Tianxing nodded. After all, this metal monster was his absolute main force at that time.

The combination of super power type and steel type, resistance and strike surface, plus excellent racial performance are almost invincible at the same level.

"But since then, and until recently, there doesn't seem to be much growth. Apart from practicing the metal claws to proficiency, there is basically no obvious growth in combat power. Even now, my giant claw mantis has become an ace. Level, but this kid..."

Zuo Tianxing couldn't speak any more.

The suspended body of the metal monster also lowered slightly, its two giant blue metal claws hung down, and its eyes looked at the ground with a sense of sadness.

In fact, the child is also feeling a little guilty now.

Over the past year and more, especially in the past six months, his trainer has invested more resources in him than the other brothers combined. However, his own strength has grown and changed the most in the team.

Especially when I saw that the last little dragon to join the team, Kokodola, ate little but grew rapidly.

It has grown rapidly from the Excellent level a few months ago to the strength of an elite in just four or five months. Even after evolving into a Kodora, the attacks it makes can vaguely reach the threshold of a senior elite. This requires It won't take a few months to catch up with him.

How could he not be anxious!

But he just couldn't grow, couldn't break through to the ace level, and no matter how many steel-type energy fruit meals he ate, he couldn't make any progress.

The metal monster's mentality was really unbearable.

Chen Yuan nodded. In fact, he had already made a guess at this time.

"La Lulas."

Call your sweet baby's name softly and get an immediate response.


The air beside Chen Yuan was distorted, and Lalu Lasi suddenly appeared there.

It turns out that the good baby has been using phantom light to hide his figure, and has been staying by Chen Yuan's side.

Always await His call.

It is indeed my caring little cotton-padded jacket.

Chen Yuan held Lalu Lasi in his arms, and just patted Lalu Lasi and understood immediately.

There was a superpower light flowing in her eyes, and her perception was synchronized, immediately connecting the spiritual power of one person and one elf. At this moment, Chen Yuan could clearly feel the changes in the surrounding energy, and he gently pressed his hand on the metal monster.

The energy changes in the metal monster's body were immediately visible.

The metal monster only swayed slightly, feeling a little strange, but he still had a good impression of the human trainer who fed him two delicious jelly balls.

And he also knew that this was a friend of his trainer and had no ill intentions, so he released the blockade of his superpower so that Chen Yuan could truly feel the changes in the energy in his own body.

The energy jelly he had just eaten still remained in his body. The steel energy flowed into his body smoothly, but it only flowed into his body. It was not completely absorbed and utilized, but most of it was absorbed by his two sides. Only the arm was stored.

Could it be that you want to use this part of energy at any time when using the metal claw? That’s not right either!


But the superpower jelly he just ate was indeed well integrated into his mental power, as if the dry earth was nourished and absorbed quickly.

It was basically the same as he had guessed.

The balance is too poor.

Originally, it was quite easy for a metal monster to achieve superpowers and steel-type dual-sword style with its qualifications. Zuo Tianxing was also trained in this direction at first.

However, when he was preparing for the college entrance examination, he focused on the steel major.

Later, Zuo Tianxing obtained a large amount of steel resources from home, resulting in the metal monster eating too many steel resources in the past few months.

How can we not have enough to eat?

This is too much.


Chen Yuan raised his head at this time and looked at the frowning Lao Zuo, and was speechless.

Lao Zuo is quite capable of feeding a quasi-god like this.

However, the problem of metal monsters must be solved as soon as possible.

At this time, it has a bit of a lingering taste, and it is difficult to eliminate this energy tilt with just an ordinary mid-level fruit meal.

High-end fruit meals are not very effective.

But Chen Yuan is confident that he can solve even the problem of children like Xiao Yuyu. The metal monster is still very easy to deal with.

First try a medium cup of jelly.

At the entrance, the super-type energy suddenly surged, and the steel-type energy contained in the two claws instantly flowed back, nourishing the body in the same way.

It works, but it's not enough.

Strong medicine is needed to adjust the balance.

Chen Yuan immediately started making "special medicine"

If you want to completely cure this energy tilt, you must balance the jelly.

This time the amount required was not much, Chen Yuan just used simple instruments and small pots.

With the double fermentation process, as long as the proportion of tree and fruit is properly prepared, it is simple and easy to make even with a simple instrument.

Soon, the regular version of Balance Jelly will be freshly baked.

There are three in total, which might be a bit too much if you eat them all, but in this case, you have to take strong medicine.

All three jelly balls were stuffed into the metal monster's mouth.

Explosive energy surged wildly directly inside the metal monster's body, and energy swept up wherever it went.

The steel energy completely exploded at this moment, and the metal monster opened its arms uncontrollably.

Strong magnetic force surged out, and all the equipment in the room made a sizzling sound.

"Damn it, this magnetism! Don't do it! My equipment! My experimental data! This medicine is so powerful!"

Chen Yuan jumped up without having time to think about it. It was important to keep the data!

As soon as this guy raised his hand, he threw Lalu Lasi in his arms.


Keep going! ! ! Bang bang bang! !

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