You elf, are you legal?

Chapter 410 Hua Yuxi: By the way, learn how to bark like a dog (please subscribe)

Chapter 410 Hua Yuxi: By the way, let’s learn how to bark like a dog... (Please subscribe)

What you eat no longer matters.

Chu Xiaoxiao’s fourth and last elf was released.

Not surprisingly, it was a large wolfdog.

A pure evil elf appeared in the Chu family's most serious family examination hall.

But such a scene was seen by all the Chu family members, and it was one thing to know it, but it was another shock to see Chu Xiaoxiao take out a big wolf dog in person.

At this moment, everyone couldn't hold back any longer.

"No, is Chu Xiaoxiao serious?"

"He really plans to use this big wolf dog to challenge the rules of the Chu family."

"Be serious and think about it carefully. Didn't Chu Xiaoxiao already bring out two elves that are difficult to guide spiritual power? This big wolf dog might also be able to be guided by Chu Xiaoxiao... Pff, no. , Brother, I can’t make it up anymore, this Chu Xiaoxiao is really too brave.”

"Is it really okay for the master to continue like this? Just let this woman run wild and spend a lot of resources to cultivate such a thing?"

It is too common for the Chu family to have prejudice against the evil lineage.

Especially at this stage below the trump card.

Most of the super elves, most of the tribesmen, have absolutely no way to deal with the evil elves.

After encountering it, you can only use other attack methods to fight.

The big wolfdog yawned big, bowed on the ground, and stretched.

Then he looked at Chu Xiaoxiao.

The dog, who had been sleeping just now, seemed to have not figured out the situation yet, so he subconsciously scratched his ears with his back paws.

Just, be as casual as you want.

Coupled with the fact that Gouzi no longer has sparse black hair because he has awakened the steel and fairy bloodlines.

It makes this dog look like a poorly bred, malnourished, and even more obscene and obscene pug.

The color of the hair is probably not as good as that of those excellent large wolfdogs.

what happened.

After this Chu Xiaoxiao adopted an elf, would he continue to abuse her?

"Be serious."

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at Gouzi, a little helpless.

When the big wolf dog heard this, he immediately sat upright.

He glanced at the top trainers watching over there, um...

Gouzi suddenly became excited.

Now Gouzi has seriously awakened the spirit spirit.

At this glance, I saw the eyes of those guys over there, which was called penetrating.

It was simply disgust engraved in her bones, just like the look in Chu Xiaoxiao's head when she looked at an insect.

It's like... it's like he wants to make him into a dog meat hot pot.



Gouzi subconsciously moved towards Chu Xiaoxiao.

Those guys are not easy to mess with.

This cowardly look of the big wolf dog was directly broadcast live.

Suddenly, the Chu family members outside were talking about it.

At this time, the examiner said: "Okay, let's start the test."

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded calmly.

Pat the dog on the head, and then point to the target over there.

"Destroy it."


Gouzi's eyes suddenly became fierce.

The ace's peak aura suddenly came out.

Staring at the telepathy target thirty meters away.

At this time, he seemed to have turned back into the wolf king of the big wolfdog group.

He opened his mouth, and an evil wave immediately spurted out.


[Roaring loudly]

The loud roar full of evil energy turned into a huge energy bomb, which hit the target thirty meters away.

That evil energy is so out of place in this hall of superpowers.

It's like a piece of stinky tofu suddenly fell into a field of fragrant flowers.

This loud roar is decent, and it is a proficient skill.

After changing its form, it looks almost exactly like an ordinary telekinesis bomb.

Damn it, if you make the same dumplings, can they be disguised as telekinetic bombs?

The energy bomb roared loudly and hit the target accurately.

The ace's peak proficiency skill in this system just smashed the target into pieces.

The power is getting stronger.

But this time.

Whether it is the top trainers of the Chu family in this hall or the people of the Chu family watching the live broadcast outside.

All of them looked extremely bad.

What the hell!

Isn't this a test to detect superpowers? If you directly prevent bad habits from epidemics and add evil skills, what's the point?

Chu Xiaoxiao, can you be more outrageous?

Several examiners looked at each other.

Will this pass?


Definitely not!

But this big wolfdog has used a few superpowers.

Even if it is used in a specious way.

This test has passed.

This damn thing directly uses evil skills, which makes them unable to hide their dark secrets!

One of the highly respected examiners shook his head and stood up.

Sometimes bad guys have to do it.

"Chu Xiaoxiao, your big wolf dog doesn't..."

"Great Wolfhound."

Chu Xiaoxiao shook her head helplessly and patted the dog's big head.

"Try it again, don't use evil skills, just use super powers."

Chu Xiaoxiao said.

The big wolfhound nodded and said that he understood.

I thought I wanted him to practice his voice.

After all, there is a super power aura above that target, so naturally evil skills are the easiest to use.

But since it’s a test of superpowers, it makes sense.

Listening to Chu Xiaoxiao's words, he looked at the big wolf dog's serious expression once again.

The highly respected examiner immediately swallowed the words in his mouth.

Then he looked at the big wolf dog with burning eyes.

Did Chu Xiaoxiao just say that she wanted to use super skills?

Does a giant wolfhound need to use super powers?

At this time, the big wolf dog's eyes became sharp again.

The momentum is rising steadily.

Then a faint super light formed on his body surface.

The big wolfdog opened his mouth.

The starting position was exactly the same as the loud roar just now.

But this time, the energy used in his mouth was indeed super energy.

And at this moment, everyone in the hall can clearly feel it.

At this time, the big wolf dog's mental energy was extremely active.

That's how it feels.

The big wolf dog's serious eyes reminded him of boss Chen Yuan's special training this morning.

So, is now the time to test the results of special training?

This blow from the big wolfdog.

Use it directly, telekinesis]

It is a proficient level of [Psychic Power]

That superpower condensed a mental bullet at an extremely fast speed and blasted it out.

That speed, that energy.

It’s a superpower skill!

It is undoubtedly an ace-level mastery of telekinesis!

boom! ! !

A terrifying bombardment that was no less loud than the roar just now.

Just like that, the target was smashed to pieces. The stones and wood were hanging on the ground, making a clanking sound, and there was no other sound in the entire hall.

Everyone was staring at the big wolfhound scratching its ears with its hind legs, their eyes full of disbelief.

how come!

How does this giant wolfdog use super powers? !

How did this Chu Xiaoxiao do it!

At this moment, everyone's breathing became much heavier.

In the hall and on the square.

There were many Chu family members who had not come to the scene, all looking at the big wolf dog in the hall.

Silent for a long time.

There was no more disgust in his eyes.

It’s more of a complexity, a kind of incredulity as to how the shit you pull out can smell like flowers.

There is also this kind of... envy.

This super family understands the pain of civil war among super trainers best.

If they had an evil elf who could learn super powers... it wouldn't just be a super power civil war.

That ghost-type weapon would be quite easy to fight with, right? !

The examiners looked at each other.

This time he was still speechless.

But everyone's mentality has changed 180 degrees.

My mouth was dry and I couldn't understand what was happening now.

But it’s true.

This big wolf dog has really used telekinesis at a proficient level.

Not only that, this big wolfdog also has quite active mental power.

That is to say.

Chu Xiaoxiao really led out a big wolf dog.

This large wolfdog has passed their test perfectly.

From now on, you can enter Chu Xiaoxiao’s elf position with peace of mind.

The kind that will enter the ancestral temple in the future...

rely on 1

This is simply unimaginable!

"Chu Xiaoxiao, this big wolf dog has passed..."

At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao still did not answer the examiner's words.

Instead, he shook his head slightly and looked at the big wolfdog again.

"Do it again with all your strength."

Having said this, Chu Xiaoxiao pointed at the last target.

The target over there was specially prepared for the 20th generation test.

It's enough to withstand the attack of the ace's peak.

At this time, the big wolf dog's eyes became serious.

Since the trainer said it was all-out.


Just hit him with all his strength.

Take a deep breath.

At this time, the big wolf dog's eyes began to deepen.

At this moment, the big wolf dog's momentum increased again.

The aura of the wolf king, which belongs to the peak of the ace, was finally released without any reservation.

Evil elements and superpowers are flowing in his body.

There is also an imperceptible aura, hidden between the two evil super energies, gushing out together.

"Spiritual Strong Thought"

[Roaring loudly] and the fairy energy burst out together at this moment.

Then it turned into a "three-color" energy light ball.

This is a ball of energy formed by overlapping the three skills of Mental Power, Loud Roar, and Charming Voice, and it condenses in front of the big wolf dog.

This is the skill that I finally trained with Boss Chen Yuan.

The three systems of energy are not completely integrated, but under the control of the energy vortex in the body, they have complemented and cooperated with each other.

In this way, a relatively stable three-color energy ball was formed in front of the big wolf dog.

Then, the big wolf dog roared and blasted away the three-color energy ball.

boom! ! ! !

The whole hall rumbled and shook.

The target, which was enough to withstand the peak ace, shattered without any resistance.

It just shattered into pieces.


At this time, the eyes of all the top trainers were frozen.

This is "mental strong thoughts"

"This big wolf dog not only learned to master telekinesis, but also completely mastered mental telekinesis?"

There was a top trainer, whispering softly.

"Not only that,"

Chu Zongze took a deep breath and looked at the smashed target: "This is a skill released together with evil skills. This power is comparable to that of the top elves."

The other top trainers all nodded slowly.

When their eyes fell on the big wolf dog in that scene again.

It has a slightly different taste.

This is a big wolf dog that can release strong mental thoughts!

It’s also unique and absolutely rare in Blue Star!

Chu Xiaoxiao, how did you do it?


At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao finally looked at the examiner of this test. She asked calmly: "Did all the elves I brought pass the test?"

Several examiners looked at each other.

Such an elf.

How could they have any more reason to refuse!

Whether it is a giant wolf dog or a green caterpillar, since it can master the power of mind, it is qualified to enter the team of the sequence!

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded with satisfaction.

Then he patted the big wolfdog, and rarely scratched the fur on the big wolfdog's chin.

Gouzi enjoyed Chu Xiaoxiao's massage with peace of mind. He was so happy that his tail almost started to fly.

I heard that there will be a practical test later, let's see him tear the opponent apart...

"Okay, come back, big wolfdog."

Chu Xiaoxiao raised the elf ball, and the red light enveloped the big wolf dog.

Big Wolf Dog: "??"

What the hell, why didn't you let him hit it?

He has just warmed up.

He still has one move he can use, why not give him a chance to actually fight.

Chu Xiaoxiao picked up little Eevee, and Lalulas flew towards sister Xiaoxiao's shoulders with a smile.

Next, it's time for them to fight.

I heard that in this big test, two senior ace elves were used on the opposite side.

In this case, the feel of beating it should be good.

outside the square.

Chu Mengmeng and others were all dumbfounded.

It turns out that it was not Chu Xiaoxiao who was deviant but their worldview.

Or rather, she is indeed Chu Xiaoxiao, their future eldest sister.

Eevee, Green Sheep Bird and the most incredible Great Wolf Dog.

Three elves that are not on the list at all.

Chu Xiaoxiao is so courageous to adopt.

More importantly.

After only raising it for a few months, he was able to channel his mental power and master the mental strength.

Such an elf.

Such a trainer.

Such a direct line sequence.

This is the sequence of their Chu family!

"Look, Chu Xiaoxiao went in and took the S-level test just like Hua Yuxi!"

At this time someone shouted.

Think about it too.

There is such a powerful Lalulas and Ibrahimovic who can easily display his ace power skills.

Even if you go directly to the S level, there is still a way to win.

Now only one question remains.

How long will it take for Chu Xiaoxiao to pass this test?

"Chu Mengmeng persisted for five minutes, Hua Yuxi lasted five minutes, so what Chu Xiaoxiao said..."

At this time, a fat boy pinched his chin and muttered to himself.

Chu Mengmeng on the side raised her eyebrows when she heard this, "Well, Chu Chaochao, you dare to mock me now, right..."

"Ah? No, right? The lights are out? What's going on? Have you been in here for three minutes?"

Suddenly someone shouted in shock.

At this time, more and more people discovered that the light to challenge the trial suddenly went out.

"Less than three minutes, only 2 minutes and 39 seconds, I timed it." Someone said with certainty.

Less than three minutes, just two and a half and a little more.

Such speed...

It can’t be that he passed the S-level assessment, right?

With such strength, doesn't it mean that Chu Xiaoxiao is likely to have the combat power of an ace?

Only fifteen years old!

She's not a silver trainer.

how could it be possible!

"Maybe the car rolled over."

someone said.

But no one responded.

Everyone looked at their own app mini-programs.

I hope to find something on that points list.

"Refreshed, refreshed!"

someone shouted.

"Fuck, I really just passed the level. It's simply outrageous."

At this time, the newcomer group was on the standings in the Chu family's year-end exam.

The first one is Chu Xiaoxiao.

Next to that calm and beautiful headshot, there is a shiny golden S badge.

On the side, the elf team Chu Xiaoxiao used this time was displayed.

Lalulasi, blue cotton bird.

The avatars of Little Ibrahimovic and Big Wolfhound are gray, which means they are not playing.

This time, Chu Xiaoxiao only used two elves, which took 2 minutes and 36 seconds.

In actual time, the two senior aces on the opposite side were eliminated in just a few seconds.

If it were anyone else, it would be... I wouldn't even dare to think about it.

But Chu Xiaoxiao did it so easily.

Whether it is the matching of elves, the selection and training of elves, or the combat strength.

Chu Xiaoxiao is the well-deserved leader of the younger generation of the Chu family.


The square suddenly fell silent.

Their moods have really been ups and downs these past few days.

I originally thought that I could watch the tall fairy fall into the dirt, but I never expected that it would break through the sky.

It's the same Chu family, the same La Lulasi starting, the same elves cultivated in the second half of the year.

What kind of strength do they have? What a rotten fish and shrimp they are.

That's it, why are you still mocking people for using elves?

What's wrong with the big wolfdog? Even if the big wolfdog really has no mental power and no superpowers, does it have anything to do with them?

These newcomers are quite powerless.

Some of them were even laid out and sat on the ground.


There is really no one who can cure such a genius, or even get close to it.

"By the way, where's Mr. Chen Yuan?"

"Yes, I, the Origin God, have not taken part in the assessment yet."

"Maybe Chen Yuan can suppress this woman Chu Xiaoxiao?"

"Don't even think about it. This time, the Origin God didn't come at all. Instead, a green caterpillar came. Maybe it was just for a while, and it was over with a telekinesis test."

"Think about it, a trainer who has reached Silver level at the age of fifteen, how can he use this small annual test to prove his strength."


"Chu Xiaoxiao, it's really over."

In that hall, several quasi-kings looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, never expected, I originally thought that this was the last chance to fight for rights and stop Chu Xiaoxiao, but I never thought that Chu Xiaoxiao’s Lalu Lasi could win so quickly.

What's going on with that near-peak telekinesis, the near-peak meditation, and the mastery-level mental strength?

Is this something a new trainer can cultivate?

Coupled with the hypnotic electromagnetic wave, there is also mastery level teleportation.

This is simply an invincible position!

The blue cotton bird was right behind, singing and calling twice, and the challenge was over.

Moreover, Chu Xiaoxiao's pull-up style still looks like it's easy to do with ease, and it seems that she still has some strength left.

Could it be stronger?

No matter how strong you are, how can you be stronger?

Is it possible that at this grade level, one can directly master peak telekinesis and peak meditation?

This is simply more ridiculous than a big wolf dog having telekinesis!

"what to do?"

The quasi-celestial king with a side line asked quietly.

After Chu Xiaoxiao passed the assessment, they would have no bargaining chips to negotiate with the King. From now on, the resource quota...especially those top-quality intermediate fruit meals, if Chu Xiaoxiao takes most of them...

It doesn't matter if Chu Xiaoxiao reaches a higher level, but his brats are useless!

"What else can I do!"

Chu Chui glared at the Quasi-Heaven King who spoke.

This is their bad idea.

If you said it properly at that time, everything would be fine.

I just hope that the Heavenly King and her elders will not hold grudges and leave more fruit meals and resources for them.


A sudden voice broke the noise in the hall.

A golden green caterpillar jumped from Hua Yuxi's arms to the ground and crawled towards the examiner.

At this time, La Lulasi politely held Chong Chong’s commemorative ball No. 002 and showed it to the examiner.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

Examiner, sister, this is Chongchong’s elf ball.

The examiner nodded, took Chongchong's elf ball and passed it through the machine before returning it to La Lulas.

The data has been entered into Chen Yuan's little green caterpillar, and it can start to show off its super powers.


The examiner was a little strange and really couldn't figure it out.

Why didn't Chen Yuan come? Where did he go? ——


Chen Yuan shouted and pulled the four cakes to his table, covering two of them and exposing the other two.

And his right hand unswervingly touched the last card.

At this time, Mother Chu, the Heavenly King of the Di Family, and Mother Jun Gusha all looked at Chen Yuan's right hand.

Last time, it was this move that reversed the situation and reversed everything.

Now, it is still the fourth game in the South, with a point difference of 8,000. If it is...

Got it!

Chen Yuan slapped 40,000 yuan on the table.

"There is still Libao on Lizhi Zimo Ridge!"


Reverse one!


Praise the God on the mountain!

"Ah, we lost again. Xiaoyuan was so fierce today. He was completely different from Gu Gu."

"Yes, I really miss the days when Qiaoqiao was here."


Chen Yuan smiled and pulled up the stick on the table.

This is a great point, and it is also a quota for high-level tree fruits.

When Chen Yuan is short of high-level tree fruits, how can he not be serious about this?

"By the way, now, your Xiaoxiao's family exam is almost over."

At this time, Jungusha’s mother suddenly asked.

Chu's mother glanced at Chen Yuan: "I'm talking about you."


Chen Yuan rearranged the mahjong, and the second half of the game began.

“Xiaoxiao’s words must be fine.”

"I heard from Chu Chu that Xiaoxiao brought a big wolf dog back, which is interesting. But from what you said, are you sure about it?"

The Emperor of the Imperial Family also joined the conversation.

After all, if this happened, it would be equivalent to stuffing an evil elf directly into the Chu family's sequence palace.

It's really an interesting thing.

At this time, Chu's mother also looked at Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan quietly touched Hong Zhong, "Yes, Xiaoxiao's big wolf dog has already channeled out his spiritual power. But I have to say that the talent of the big wolf dog is indeed good. It was channeled out on the first day. , I directly mastered the mastery of telekinesis, and it didn’t take long to become familiar with the use of mental power and superpowers, and I directly used the mental power.”

"Oh?" At this time, Chu's mother finally became interested and looked at Chen Yuan.

"How did you do it?"

The emperor of the Di family, who had a direct personality, asked directly.

Chen Yuan did not hesitate and said directly: "This is a secret, we can't tell it yet."

"Hey, you kept it a secret from us, right? Chen Yuan, are you secretly working on a big name again? How come you got famous and got rich at the same time?"

"Hey, Aunt Jun, I still have two whiteboards in my hand. You have to be careful."

Chen Yuan chuckled.

Another touch of ten thousand.

Now the whole card game became tense.

Anyone who can make a bet will follow suit, for fear that he will directly hit a big one with one hand.

Chen Yuan also had no chance to honor Hu, so he could only quietly draw the cards.

Maybe the three gods of the big and small went out today, which didn't make Chen Yuan happy.

Flow situation.

What a shame.

"By the way, Xiaoyuan, I think Xiaoxiao's Eevee is a stand-in, right?"

"As expected of the king, that's right. Xiaoxiao's little Eevee is just a special substitute."

"A special substitute?"

A special stand-in?

Mother Chu was silent for a moment, picked a red five, and played it directly.

"What special method?"

"Ah, it's just that the body has evolved..."

Chen Yuan said casually.

Mother Chu's hand paused when touching the cards.

Jun Gusha's mother almost knocked down the mountain.


Is this kind of operation possible?

The three kings looked at each other.

Mother Chu looked at Chen Yuan: "Is it a special method used by some special elves?"

Chen Yuan nodded.

"That's it."

The three heavenly kings all nodded slightly and asked no more questions.

Then Chu's mother asked directly: "So what kind of spirit has Xiaoxiao's little Eevee evolved?"

In fact, someone had already asked Chu Xiaoxiao this question at the conference, but Chu Xiaoxiao did not give a specific answer.

But now, Chu's mother asked again.

In fact, the seemingly carefree helmsman of the Chu family has actually noticed some details.

"It's a new form."

Chen Yuan said directly: "But the specifics will have to be kept secret for a few days, because this part of the paper has been submitted and will be published in a few days."

Mother Chu has already received a satisfactory answer.

It is indeed a completely new form.

This is interesting.

Now that I think about it, is the matter of channeling the mental power of the big wolf dog also related to this matter?

Is it a new form of Eevee?

Looking forward to it.



In Chongchong's eyes, a strong light burst out, and the mental power burst out directly.

"Spiritual Strong Thought"

Impartially, it hit the target directly.

The target, which could withstand ordinary ace-level attacks, was teetering on the edge and eventually fell down.

Didn't hold on.

It worked.


Chongchong swayed happily in the air.

She passed the test~

The examiner looked at Chong Chong with a complex expression, he really didn't expect it.

This Chen Yuan is really outrageous.

So many elves were not cultivated, but one green caterpillar was cultivated.

Just raise it, it's not evolved yet.

That's interesting.

What's even more interesting is that this green caterpillar seems to have shed six times.

Whether it is physical fitness, energy and mental strength, he has reached the level of an ace, and is even comparable to a senior ace.

Such a green caterpillar.

He has been a trainer for decades and has never seen one.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being a silver man.

"Okay." The examiner knelt down and looked at the green caterpillar at eye level.

Smiling amiably.

He pointed to the gate over there.

"There are excellent-level opponents and elite-level opponents. Just pick any one and beat them easily."

In fact, at the beginning of Chen Yuan's big exam, he wanted to be a little stricter. After all, it was Chu Xiaoxiao who initiated him, and he was still a silver boss. It would not be good if it was too watery.

But somehow, several quasi-kings above have already stated that they will take care of Chen Yuan's elves.

The callers were also several quasi-kings who were responsible for setting up the venue and presiding over the exam.

It was obvious that they wanted to make things more difficult for Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao.

But now we have to lower the difficulty and take care of it. It is really unimaginable what happened within two hours after Chen Yuan came to this manor.

But it doesn't matter now, as long as Chongchong can pass any test, he will have a chance to operate it.

Although the ranking is not high, it is not too ugly either.

No, it won't be ranked at all.

What, you still want a Silver trainer to be ranked with you little bastards?

Isn’t it too beautiful to think about?

But at this time, Xiao Chongchong's eyes fell on the last door over there.


Human uncle, I want to take part in that assessment.

Look along the tip of her tail.

All the examiners' faces turned green.

This is……

S-level assessment?

You're a little green caterpillar, and you want to play the senior ace?

Or doubles...


Wait, it seems that according to the rules, if you only use one elf, it is a solo fight.

"Are you sure?"

Look at Chongchong nodding seriously.

The examiner shut his mouth.


If you fail the exam, it will not be included in the internal list.

To avoid any jokes.

Chong Chong arched and arched.

Entered the battle room.

There are two opponents in total, fighting in singles.

In this first scene, there is a water-flying elf, a big-billed gull.

Chongchong smiled slightly.

Her challenge begins.

The crowd in the square began to commotion.

It is unimaginable that Chen Yuan's green caterpillar not only passed the mental strength test, but also went directly to challenge the S-level assessment.

Is this... possible?

I'm really worried about Chen Yuan.

Once this challenge fails...

The live broadcast has ended.

People outside have no idea of ​​the specifics of the challenges inside.

Only from the challenging light can we know that the green caterpillar is still persisting.

"Sister Mengmeng, is the green caterpillar of the Origin God really possible?"

"If it's the green caterpillar you raised, it definitely won't work, but the green caterpillar from the Origin God will definitely work."

Chu Mengmeng's eyes were firm.

She is a firm supporter of the Chen Yuan Single Party.

Chen Yuan is the strongest and does not accept any doubts.

Five minutes passed and it still didn't go out. This has exceeded Chu Mengmeng's record.

However, Chu Mengmeng was not unhappy at all, but was quite happy.

Because Chen Yuan held her down.

In this case, as long as he persists for one more minute, Chen Yuan's points ranking will surpass Hua Yuxi...

After all, the point weights for two singles and two doubles are different.

Just when Chu Mengmeng was thinking this, the challenging light went out.

Chu Mengmeng's heart skipped a beat. Boss Chen Yuan's green caterpillar had failed, right?

At this time, Chu Mengmeng immediately opened the app and checked the standings.

Sure enough, there was no update.

At this moment, Chu Mengmeng's heart sank to the bottom.

Chen Yuan’s challenge, right?

Failed at under six minutes?

Not even in the top ten?

No, it didn’t even make it into this standings. It’s really, really pitiful! ——

"Is this passed?"

Several examiners looked at this little green caterpillar in disbelief.

You must know that the two elves inside are both capable of restraining little insects.

How come you passed the level so easily?

"Well, teacher, should we update the points list?"

The highly respected examiner nodded and said, "Go up in line."

Finally the annual exam has come to an end.

After five months.

Chu Xiaoxiao finally got his wish and got the first place in the points ranking. He pinned down Chen Yuan firmly.

This made Chu Xiaoxiao hold his head up the entire way back.

Chen Yuan also said goodbye to his three wives.

Join Chu Xiaoxiao and go back to the secret realm of the Jun family.

As for Chu's mother, she still had some finishing matters to deal with. She said that she would move to the Jun family's secret realm to recuperate for a while when Chu Xianshen came back.

I thought it was a joke, but I didn't expect Chu's mother to be serious.

Going back together, there was also a huge box.

This is comparable to a small container.

Inside are a large number of tree fruits that Chen Yuan won this time. The worst ones are intermediate fruits, and there are also many high-level ones, which are enough for Chen Yuan to use for a while.


At this time, on Uncle Bi Diao's back, Chu Xiaoxiao held her head high, unable to suppress the corners of her mouth.

"Okay, okay, I know you are great."

"Come on, the loser will bark like a dog."

"Ah? If you want to hear a dog bark, let the dog bark at the moon at night. What does that have to do with me?"

Chu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at him and was about to say something. Suddenly Hua Yuxi on the side shouted: "Ah, I remembered."

The sound was so loud that it frightened the two of them and they looked over together.

Hua Yuxi also looked at the two of them.

"I remembered it. When we were in the mobile classroom before, did we make an agreement and make a bet? It was a newcomer training match, a bet between Chen Yuan and Xiaoxiao. Whoever loses the newcomer match will learn how to bark like a dog. He also said he wanted me to take a video to prove it..."

Chu Xiaoxiao opened her mouth.

I originally thought that Hua Yuxi had forgotten this matter.

Originally, she herself had forced herself to forget that night of dark history, but unexpectedly, Hua Yuxi would bring it up again.

This is simply...

Damn it!

"actually, I……"

"Ah, that's right."

Chen Yuan gave Hua Yuxi a thumbs up.

"Xiaoxiao really didn't bark like a dog before. Let's make up for it when we go back tonight."

"Nonsense, even though I was shouting..."

"Oh, what are you shouting about?"

Chen Yuan squinted.

Chu Xiaoxiao stopped talking and stretched out her little hand, pinching and twisting Chen Yuan's soft flesh with great skill.

Chen Yuan: "..."

Chu Xiaoxiao, I can’t rely on you tonight.


I finally returned to the secret realm of the Jun family and put the container down at the manor. Beautiful flowers immediately came over to help transport the goods.

"There are so many tree fruits, where do they come from?"

Qi Yanya had just woken up from her nap, but as soon as she came out, she saw Chen Yuan directing the transportation of fruits.

When I saw the amount, I was immediately shocked.

That's a lot.

Especially the number of high-level tree fruits, it was simply more than she had been to the deep secret realm ten times.

"Ah, some of them were won back, but most of the mid-level tree fruits were traded with the three kings using Fruit Food and Drink."

Chen Yuan looked at these intermediate fruits and high-level fruits.

Eyes brighten.

Waiting for tomorrow, after Xiao Huhu completes the pre-selection, let's start trying to make energy cubes.

Chu family manor.

Some rest room.

"Dad, Dad, when do we leave tomorrow?"

Chu Mengmeng held Chu Zongze's arm and acted coquettishly, almost shaking Chu Zongze's waist to pieces.

After watching today's exam, Chu Mengmeng became even more determined to raise a small fire horse of different colors.

In the end, Chen Yuan's ranking came out, and he was still second.

As expected of the Source God!

That heterochromatic green caterpillar is so strong, it makes Mengmeng really want a heterochromatic elf.

Now she also understood that no matter how hard she tried, she might not be able to defeat Chu Xiaoxiao.

However, she didn't want to lose when it came to the heterochromatic elves, so she had to at least get close to the boss Chen Yuan.

"As I said, it's difficult for a little fire horse to channel mental power."

"I don't care, Chu Xiaoxiao's big wolf dog can channel spiritual power, and a small fire horse can definitely do it too." Chu Mengmeng put her hands on her hips, "As long as I put my heart into it, I won't believe it in ten or twenty years. "

Chu Zongze was helpless.

Looking at Chu Mengmeng's determined eyes.

He will definitely not give up until he sees the last time.

Chu Zongze sighed.

After Mengmeng left, Chu Zongze took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Nannan, it's me, Zongze. Yes, yes, that thing that happened back then was my fault. Let's put it aside for now. This time I'm going to talk about cuteness. What I said last time is that little fire horse from your Jun family. I I want to make an appointment, I know, I know, just to meet..."


"Finally done..."

Chen Yuan wiped his sweat and felt very satisfied when he saw the fruits filling a warehouse.

Suddenly, the air around him twisted.

An elf suddenly appeared next to Chen Yuan.

The small green figure is Lalu Lasi.

"Hiss, hiss!"

La Lulas seemed to be very anxious and directly put the voice into Chen Yuan's mind.

"Brother, something is very bad, the elf egg has cracked."

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