You elf, are you legal?

Chapter 589 Fantasy



A small piece of fish food went into Miaobu's mouth.

Chew, chew, chew, chew.

Miaobu also threw a small coin to the ugly fish beside him.

"Porro porro~"

The ugly fish squealed and ate the new little fish food that Miaobu threw over.

There are energy changes in her body, part of which is the energy of this elemental valley, nourishing her body.

There is also energy from cubes of small fish food incorporated into it.

More importantly, there are some physical changes that cannot be described.

The ugly fish came out of the water and lay on the shore. Looking down, it was its own reflection in the water.

It’s still pretty~

Can I look a little better...

Miaobu enjoys the nourishment of the energy pool here.

The energy pool here is very different from the one outside.

Completely, it is all transformed by the water energy in this valley.

It cannot be taken away, it can only be gathered here.

Deeper, there is a whirlpool with tidal whirlpools inside.

Pipi Whale has been thrown down by Miaobu.

That tidal whirlpool has a big secret. I hope Pipi Whale understands something and learns it.

And she.

Just soak in the energy pool peacefully and feel the nourishment of your body.

Sure enough, there are benefits to reaching transcendence.

Normally, it can only be opened if I and the others come.

But now, on my side, I can drive however I want.

And yeah.

When I came here before, I felt that this energy liquid was unusual.

My understanding is even deeper now.

Here, it's very good...

Hey, wait.

Miaobu patted his tail, seeming to think that there was a similar energy pool in the dragon system.

It's the one that the Latias sisters often go to, and only extraordinary people can enter it.


Among them are not only dragon-type energy, but also water-type energy.

Miaobu became a little curious.

Waiting to take Chen Xiaoyuan over tomorrow to have a look.

Miaobu suddenly frowned.

Something feels wrong.

Why are there so few of these newly opened snacks?

Miaobu felt something was wrong.

Then, I dug around in the backpack again, and five minutes later, it was all numb.

Her snacks were stolen again! !

I originally thought that since she was not on the main peak, she could save herself with this little snack.

Who would have thought that as Yan Bu came back here, the fruit meal thief from the main peak also came out!

Miaobu was speechless.

Who is it? ——

Yan Bu looked in front of him in disbelief, where Chen Yuan held the snake-printed bear high.

Light colored snake print bear.

That form and aura are exactly the same as Xiaoli.

See ghost stone.

If not, Yanbu would have been there with Xiaoli just now.

I believe this little raccoon is evil!

Fake, absolutely fake!


Chen Yuan didn't hesitate at all.

The little snake-printed bear seemed to want to argue, but looking at Chen Yuan's expression, he seemed to know that there was no way to muddle through.

Simply, he shook his body.

There is a change of light on its body.

When the light faded, the elf held high by Chen Yuan no longer looked like a little raccoon.

But a little guy with a pink body.

It looks like a pink kitten, with a long tail with an olive-shaped tip, and bright blue eyes.


Chen Yuan's eyes widened.

This elf looks so unrecognizable!

Neverland, is there really a dream? !


Those dreams looked at Chen Yuan curiously, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

It seems that he is very curious about this big brother who makes delicious fruit meals.


However, just when Chen Yuan was about to speak, a exclamation suddenly came from beside him.

It's Yanbu.

When Meng Meng heard this voice, his expression suddenly changed.

The cute and curious baby turned into a guilty baby who did something wrong in an instant.

The little expressions switch vividly.

The light comes on.

The dream in Chen Yuan's hand became transparent and could no longer be seen.

Then Chen Yuan made a light move of his hand, and the little dream fled away before Yan Bu pounced on it.


Yan Bu: "Bu Yi Bu Yi~"

That guy just now...

Why does it look familiar?

Yanbu looked over there.

Chen Yuan: "Is that little guy just now the elf from Tianwang Mountain?"

Yan Bu shook his head, but hesitated and nodded again.

"Buy bu y~"

Follow me.

Yan Bu took Chen Yuan to the deeper parts of this dream island.

Here, there are several senior Variety Monsters at the Heavenly King level guarding them.

However, when he saw that the person coming was Venerable Yanbu, he immediately let him go.

Chen Yuan also entered the deepest part of this dream island.

At the same time, I also came into contact with the real secret of Tianwang Mountain.

A small valley, full of greenery and grass, and beside the lake.

There are several small sculptures.

Looks like stone but not stone, looks like wood but not wood.

Can't see the material clearly.

The type of stone elf...

Yes, it is a dream.

A dreamy stone statue.

Different shapes and different expressions.

"Buy bu y~"

There are 18 stone statues here, Dream Stone Statue, Dream Island, which is actually named after this place.


Chen Yuan looked at the little Dreams of different shapes, each of which was so cute, just as cute as the one just now.


The little Eevee substitute ran over and counted with his tail up.

One or two.

However, after she counted once, she found something wrong.

Did she count wrong?

Then, she counted again.

This number was still wrong.


The little Eevee ran away in a daze.

Chen Yuan Chen Yuan~ It's bad, I can't count~

Chen Yuan smiled and rubbed the little Eevee's head.

This little substitute is still small, just the same size as the little Eevee who was just born one or two months ago. Little guys of this age are the cutest.

"It's okay, it's okay, maybe just one of them is left behind,"

Chen Yuan hugged the little Eevee and counted again.

Then, he was also a little dumbfounded.

He searched all around, but there were only 17 stone statues.

Yanbu sighed.

His expression was a little complicated, as if it was as expected.


It seems that one of the stone statues is alive.

Yanbu said.

One of the stone statues is missing, this matter is big or small.

If it were normally in Tianwang Mountain, for such a thing, the top elves at the top level would have to go out together and wait for a week.

But now...

They are out for fun.

Well, let's go back and discuss it with Miaobu in the evening.

Oh, yes, there is also Xiaoshan.

Now there are only three of them in Tianwang Mountain, and the others are out for fun...

But speaking of it.

The lost stone statue...

Yanbu seemed to have thought of something.

Is it related to the previous lost fruit meal?

After a day of practice.

Xiaoli finally adapted to the opponent's fighting rhythm. They were all the same body, and Xiaoli thought he was no worse than the opponent.

It was just a first kill.

Once you get used to the rhythm, the fight will be about the same.

"Squeak, squeak~"

Xiaoli waved his little paws and lay on Chen Yuan's shoulder with great interest.

"Squeak, squeak~" Waiting for tonight, I want to integrate the tail wagging well, so that I feel that my combat power can still be improved.

But now there is a small problem. After opening so many peak skills, his peak "smell detection" can't be peak.

Or in other words, his brain is not enough and a lot of information can't be processed.

Peak "smell detection" is the peak, but the effect is a little worse.

Xiaoli is trying to solve it.

This skill didn't solve anything when the wind speed dog teacher taught it.

I thought it was an ordinary reconnaissance skill.

Now that he has become a king, he slowly understands why the wind speed dog teacher classified the three skills of "iron tail", "smell detection" and "staring" as the three basic skills.

It's really useful.

If it weren't for the addition of this odor detection, Xiaoli might not have figured out the trick until the afternoon.

Fight, perception, and deterrence.

Xiaoli has already planned a new direction for his future skills.

When the three skills of Iron Tail are perfectly integrated, he will start practicing his perception and deterrence skills.

By the way, the intimidation characteristics of the wind speed dog can also be further integrated with the glare.

Listening to Xiaoli's beeping on his shoulder.

Chen Yuan laughed. This is his Xiaoli.

When he saw the ugly fish, Chen Yuan was also very strange.

I can't say.

It feels like the little guy, the ugly fish, is much prettier, but it's still the same when you look closely.

But at first glance, it's different.

Become more elegant?

Chen Yuan touched his chin.

Could it be that the second-generation and a half water energy block made these two days still has this effect?

Jiang Xiaoning also seemed to have discovered the difference of the ugly fish.

As a researcher, she immediately came over.

An intuition.

This state of the Chou Chou Fish is a big issue.

Chen Yuan obviously knows something, but he won't tell you no matter how you ask. This guy is holding back something bad.

Sometimes I really don't know what's going on in Chen Yuan's head. He can talk about a lot of knowledge casually, just like that senior Ahri.

Jiang Xiaoning: "..."

Jiang Xiaoning always feels that something is wrong.

But he can't tell.

An abrupt sense of disharmony.

"Bu Yi Bu Yi~"

The three little sages Yan Bu, Miao Bu, and Xiao Shan came back together.

Looking at Chen Yuan, hooking his claws, signaling Chen Yuan to come over for a meeting.

After the three little ones discussed, the matter of Menghuan still had to be resolved.

Find it for Menghuan.

It would be best if you can find it before Yan Di and the others come back.

Ask the little guy carefully what happened to waking up this time. After all, the last time he woke up was when the Fengyuan secret realm descended.

Why did the little guy wake up this time? Is it because a new secret realm is about to descend?

Or is it something else?


Actually, Yan Bu has never figured it out. Little Fantasy also had energy liquid when she woke up before.

She woke up after absorbing the energy liquid.

But this time, the energy liquid was not enough for Tianwangshan.

The energy liquid in the Fantasy Pool of Fantasy Island has been diluted many times...

It is no different from an ordinary energy pool.

It is okay to plant top-level tree fruits, but it should not be enough to activate Little Dream.

Could it be that the previous method was wrong?

In fact, energy liquid is not necessary?

"No matter what, this little guy must be found."

Miaobu emphasized.

At this point, Miaobu can basically confirm it.

During this period of time, the fruit meal thief has basically been this little Dream.

If it is this little guy, everything makes sense.

Even the Yan Emperor can't catch it, it is in Tianwang Mountain.

After thinking about it, it can only be this.


Chen Yuan looked at Yanbu Miaobu and Xiaoshan.

All three little guys looked at him.

He also pointed at himself.

You don't want me to seduce that little guy out, do you...

Seeing that Chen Yuan understood their meaning very well, the three little guys nodded in unison.

Xiaoshan even turned a circle in the air.

That's right, I'll leave it to Chen Yuan~

I'm still looking forward to catching the fruit meal thief.

Will this work...

Chen Yuan still feels that it's a bit unreliable to use fruit meals to seduce Mew.


After all, it's an extraordinary Pokémon.

Even if it's a substitute, it's extraordinary.

It's unlikely that a fruit meal can seduce it.


"Ah, ah~"

On Mount Tianwang, a third-level straight bear hugged his belly and looked down the mountain with some worry.

Beside him, there was also a Snorlax.

However, it was a first-level one, and it was also a bit worried, but this worry was accompanied by some regret.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come here if I couldn't even get enough food on Mount Tianwang.

It's still more comfortable to live in the Red Lotus Volcano.

Or go back to Beiyu and find my own trainer. I heard there are many delicious foods there.

Maybe the quality is not as good as the masters here, but it is said that the quantity is large and it is enough to fill you up.

As for saying that it is better than the masters and that it is enough, Snorlax is not stupid. Huhu that guy just lied to him.

"Ah, ah, ah~"

I am so hungry~

Zhi Chongxiong shook his big head.

It is the first time that Tianwang Mountain has suffered from famine in so many years.

Tianwang Mountain.

Houchu Peak.

Of course, it is just jokingly called Houchu Peak.

In fact, this mountain originally had other names, but here, the masters who make fruit meals like to live and work here, so this place is also jokingly called the Houchu Land by the elves of Tianwang Mountain.

There were originally a large number of masters here.

They are all big guys.

Each of them has achievements no less than Yu Zhengmo, and they are all well-known figures in the entire Huaxia region.

However, with the opening of the world-class secret realm of Supernormal III.

Anyone who has a little ability and has a peak Tianwang combat power elf, all went to follow the Yandi boss to the secret realm.

As for Tianwang Mountain, as long as they are not starving to death, they can leave a few elves here to fool around.

After all, those elves at the peak of Tianwang also need fruit meals for battle supplies.


A famine that rarely occurs in ten years has appeared.

The elves in Tianwang Mountain suddenly found that their fruit meal requests have been scheduled for three days later, and some elves even said that they have been scheduled for seven days later.

Waiting for those masters to come back.

The elves are about to riot.

And the masters who stayed behind are not having a good time either.

"Zhengmo, why don't you come over for two days? What? I miss you, let's eat together, what's the matter, what can happen in Tianwang Mountain, hey, but there are good things, I can't say the details, just come."

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