You elf, are you legal?

Chapter 72 Chongbao: Let’s come out

Chapter 72 Chongbao: Let’s come out~

Zhong Bao sheds his first insect, which is a big deal!

Chen Yuan quickly put his breakfast into his belly.

According to the instructions of Senior Alidos, apply the fruit pulp and the most essence of the royal jelly of the giant needle bee on the cocoon.

"Bee Chi Bei Chi~" uses mental power to nourish the cocoon.

Chen Yuan was slightly startled. Mental power?

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't know when she appeared behind Chen Yuan and gave him a gentle push: "Go if you are told."

Hua Yuxi and Xiao Caocao also came over, and Teacher Huo Yibu and Feng Sugou also came over and sat next to Xiao Li, forming a circle behind Chen Yuan.

Good guys, they are all here to watch.

Chen Yuan still felt warm in his heart. It seemed that everyone was very concerned about Chong Bao.


Chen Yuan grinned. Although it was a little out of character, he still had to say it. He leaned into Chu Xiaoxiao's ear and whispered: "How to nourish with spiritual power, I really don't know..."

Chu Xiaoxiao was stunned, her ears turned red, and she kicked Chen Yuan: "Stay away from me."

She pushed Chen Yuan again: "Put your hand up and I will help you."


The moment you touch the cocoon, an electric current seems to flow through it, it is cool and soft.

Inside, there seemed to be a heartbeat.

Chen Yuan is like an old father, stroking the gestating life.

Chu Xiaoxiao put her hand on Chen Yuan's shoulder, and red telepathy lit up and poured into Chen Yuan's body.

At this moment, Chen Yuan seemed to have established a spiritual connection with Chu Xiaoxiao.

Could this be a connection of minds?

"The fart's mind is connected. Close your eyes and concentrate. Treat it as a meditation training. I will guide you in how to use basic mental power. This is the second lesson of the inheritance. Keep up with my rhythm."

Under the guidance of Chu Xiaoxiao, Chen Yuan's mental power poured into the cocoon - at this moment, Chen Yuan seemed to "see" the insect treasure, which was a curled-up golden mass that was stretching soothingly.

He seemed to "hear" Chong Bao's voice.

At this time, the green caterpillar also felt the mental fluctuations and familiar aura that made her feel at ease.

"Chen, Chen Yuan, is that you?" It was a clear girl's voice.

Chen Yuan blinked: "Insect treasure?"

"Well, before, Sister Alidos taught me a lot of knowledge about insect slough. I will work hard, just like Brother Li."

Chong Bao's voice was intermittent, and he seemed to have a lot to say to Chen Yuan, but it was obvious that Chong Bao was still adapting to this method of communication.

"Relax, we are all here..." Chen Yuan responded softly. He used his mental power to comfort Chong Bao while also nourishing the little guy.

The cocoon absorbs fruit pulp and royal jelly faster and faster.

In less than ten minutes, Senior Alidos stood up: "It's time to begin."

Chong Bao didn't respond, but a golden light lit up inside the cocoon. Chen Yuan stopped his hand and pulled up Chu Xiaoxiao, whose legs and feet were numb.

"here we go."

White light poured out of the cocoon, like a Tyndall beam, one beam, two beams... Finally, the cocoon turned into a ball of light, covering the entire cocoon.

"It seems like the light of evolution." Hua Yuxi whispered.

Everyone did not blink, for fear of missing any details.

The process of breaking out of the cocoon is very fast.

In about ten seconds, the white light turned golden again, gradually converged, and finally revealed the shape of the baby green caterpillar.

He still looked the same, but he was a little bigger than before, a little thinner, and seemed to be hungry. His big eyes looked at Chen Yuan, no longer ignorant, but a little more agile.

"Insect treasure."

Chen Yuan smiled.

"咛咛~" Chen Yuan, insect slough, success, da~

Zhong Bao bowed his body and pounced on Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan held Chong Bao in his arms and rubbed it affectionately.

The little raccoon jumped up, slipped into Chen Yuan's arms, squeezed into a position, turned around and stuck out his tongue to lick Chong Bao.

"咛咛~" It's so itchy, so itchy~

Senior Alidos, Mr. Wind Speed ​​Dog and Little Bubu looked at this heartwarming scene and nodded at the same time.

Chu Xiaoxiao leaned against the tree, folded her arms, and raised the corners of her mouth unconsciously.

Hua Yuxi picked up her little grass and looked at Chong Bao with envy on her face.

"Sure enough, I still feel that the insect elves are so magical!"

After sloughing off, the baby green caterpillar can truly unlock its "spiritual intelligence" and have its own clear thinking.

No longer just making expressions, he soon became one with the other three little ones.

After not eating for two or three days, Chong Bao was a little hungry because Chong Slough had exhausted his energy, so Chen Yuan immediately made a good meal for the little guy.

As soon as it was served, Xiaoli, the little glutton, squeaked to show that he was also greedy.

After a while, La Lulas and Feng Su Gou also sat behind Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan sighed, he had just eaten breakfast.

It's not even dinner time yet.


Bobo woke up, but felt like he was dreaming.

It, Qin Bobo, was caught by a group of high school students on the first day it entered the secret realm.

After being caught, he was thrown into a human tent. He was not trapped in silk, which meant he could leave at any time, which was good news.

Bobo moved his body and combed his feathers.

It was the bad guys who caught it again - it saw that damn annoying light-colored snake-print bear cub again.

That was it last time! Provoke it! He seems to want to eat it!

It’s really abominable!

But this time, the opponent didn't seem to have any intention of eating it, and the opponent's trainer also gave it considerable freedom, so it wasn't life-threatening.

This is good news.

After waking up, Bobo got out of the tent, fluttered his wings and started to wander around Weibai Lake. The other party had no intention of confining it, and Qin Bobo didn't leave stupidly.

This is a secret realm, an A-level secret realm.

Danger can be seen everywhere. In the dense forest, any Rattata is as good as it, or even stronger.

Especially after seeing yesterday's overlord of the sky, the terrifying Senior BiDiao, little Bobo decided in his heart that he would make waves in this secret realm in a low-key manner - at least until it evolved into a BiDiao before it started attacking.

Bobo knows the current affairs.

The wandering Bobo is spinning at low altitude in Weibai Lake.

A few humans seemed to completely ignore its meaning.

The male human was playing with the fruit. Bobo took a closer look and suddenly saw a black line on his forehead.

Ahhhhhh, what a waste, why do you have to break the sand scale fruit? Is it so unpalatable? ?

Why do we need to include tree fruits such as rome fruit that are not painful or itchy, as well as phlox fruit and phlox fruit? Eating these two fruits together will not kill the bird?

Bobo quickly turned his head, he no longer wanted to look at this wasteful human being.

Under the tree by the lake, the stunted woman and La Lulas were sitting in weird postures, holding a large backpack in their arms. Their legs were folded together. Oh, it hurt just to look at them!

Is it true that she won't break if her legs are folded together?

And what kind of ghost is that well-developed human woman holding a golden green caterpillar and having a fierce kiss there...ah!

Golden green caterpillar!

Qin Bobo seemed to think of the scene when he was tied up tightly by a golden green caterpillar that day, and he immediately had the urge to take away the insect with a "peck" attack.

Considering that this was the opponent's base camp, Qin Bobo decided to endure it.

It flapped its wings, flew over the lakeside, and flew into the reflection in the lake.

Then, Bobo saw two huge figures standing motionless under the trees on the other side of the lake.

A very large bird.

And one...


Comparing carvings?

Bobo swayed and almost fell down!

How come there is a big boss like Bi Diao in this small camp?

Bobo felt that he should get closer and take a closer look.

Suddenly, the bird under the tree raised its head and glanced at Bobo, an interesting little guy hovering in the air.

This glance restrained the pressure, but Bobo still saw the majesty of the king from the eagle eyes.

It's the ace-level Bi Diao, the senior Bi Diao from yesterday! ! !

Bobo's wings stiffened and he almost fell.

what's the situation?

It, Qin Bobo, entered the secret realm on the second day and discovered a big secret that might be silenced.


When he was looking for Senior Alidos with his well-fed insect treasure, Chen Yuan suddenly discovered that there seemed to be another elf under the tree beside Bi Diao and his son.


Bobo blinked and heard the human male voice, but he did not dare to move. He straightened his chest and clamped his wings in a standard "military posture".

Chen Yuan: "..."

What the hell is this Bobo doing?

Chen Yuan had a question mark on his forehead.

"Beer, beer, beer~" Come on, come on.

Senior Alidos was summoning the Insect Treasure, and Chen Yuan felt that now was not the time to answer this question.

"Senior Alidos."

Chen Yuan was very respectful.

"Hey." Chong Bao blinked his big eyes on the ground and looked at the big spider in front of him.

She is sister Alidos...

"Beer, beer, beer~" Hey, little guy, you are in good spirits!

It's actually a different color, which is good.

"Beer, beer, beer~" Come, come, today I will teach the basic skill of the insect system, "Spinning Silk"

"Hey?!" Teach me how to spin silk? Zhong Bao’s eyes lit up.

She had long envied Brother Xiao Li for having Teacher Feng Su Gou. In the past two days after entering the secret realm, there was actually another Teacher Huo Yibu.

But the green caterpillar baby is so envious.

She also wants a teacher, but she can't learn to tail-flick from Teacher Fengsugou.

"Hey~" Hello, Teacher Alidos.

Chong Bao is very well-behaved and respectful.

Alidos swung his front leg.

"Bei Chi Bei Chi~" Don't be fooled by these nonsense. Come and follow me in making worm silk. Today I will learn the proficiency level worm silk first.

"Bei kei bei kei~" Ah, when it comes to making worm silk, I am a professional. In the whole Beiyu, even in the whole of China, there are not many people who dare to say that worm silk is better than mine.

"Beer, beer, beer~" After you finish spinning silk, I will teach you how to make a net, and then turn on the electricity. By then, you will be the kind of bobbly bird beside the tree. Come and catch one...

Senior Alidos opened his chatterbox and started explaining to the baby green caterpillar.

"It seems that Senior Alidos really likes Zhongbao." Chen Yuan on the side was very happy.

His son had a new strong teacher, which made him feel a big stone fall.

"Spinning silk" is the core of all skills of the green caterpillar. In his plan for the green caterpillar to take off, the proficient level "spinning silk" is indispensable.

In addition, Senior Alidos said that Zhong Bao is very talented.

In the past few days, Chen Yuan was afraid that if he taught Chong Bao, her talent would be wasted.

Highlight a concern about gains and losses.

Now that Senior Alidos is helping him, it would be great to teach Zhong Bao directly.

The recipe for Lalu's silk seems to be almost complete.

The blending principles are all covered.

After it is perfected, you can make a copy for Senior Alidos and Zhong Bao to try.

Well, that’s it.

Chen Yuan groped his chin as he walked, passing by the "Three Birds" tree. After walking a few steps, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why is there an extra Bobo?

Three thousand here~ You guys watch first, I’ll go downstairs to get a courier~

In addition, test the waters and recommend it, and I am resurrected~

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