You For Eternity

Chapter 1015: Xiaobai, just follow me (9)

Is he hopeless?

The waiter walked over to close the order and asked politely: "Do you need anything more, sir?"

"No need." Bai Yujing looked at the time, it was almost time. You can leave after finishing.

The waiter looked at Sunflower Mind on the side and smiled and said, "Sir, our shop is doing an event recently. You only need to order another pastry and you can send a couple mugs with your photos printed on them."

Couple cups?

Bai Yujing raised his eyes slightly when he heard these three words. He actually cares about the two words, lovers.

He and Nianxin?

Thinking of this, the brows are always frowning.

Nianxin's eyes lit up all at once, lovers cup!

This thing is good! The focus is on couples!

"I want I want it!" Nianxin raised her hand.

"If you want pastries, go pick it, and forget the cup."

"Why don't you give away a cup for nothing?" Of course, the point is not free at all. How could she care about this little money.

Couple cups with photos!

"Well, let me take a picture of you first."

"Okay, okay! I'm just like this," Nianxin was still doing the gesture of lifting her cheeks, facing Bai Yujing on her side, "Xiaobai, you just drink coffee, I am idiot, how are you?"

Nianxin is very happy because they have never taken a photo together. Since there is this opportunity today by coincidence, why not take it?

Nianxin’s heart is also clear that their future path is difficult to follow. Maybe someday they will walk and they will be helpless and separate. Then, after doing all that she wants to do, she will not be so. Great regret.


Bai Yujing has never taken a pose before, and actually doesn't want to take any photos, but Nianxin has already posed, so he can only cooperate once.

The waiter clicked and caught the scene. Before the picture came out, he admired and said: "It must be beautiful! I just looked at the camera and thought it was so good!!"

Nianxin was sitting inside. Looking at it this way, she ran out eagerly. Seeing the photos gradually appeared, a smile slowly appeared on Nianxin's face, "It's so beautiful..."

The focus is not on her, but Xiaobai.

The sunlight was clearly behind her, but Xiaobai was so beautiful against the background, he was too stealthy!

Bai Yujing, who couldn't see the results, was actually a little curious, but he was nervous and pretended not to care. He could only listen to the two of them sighing.

"Your boyfriend is so handsome, like an ancient Greek god, handsome, and you can see his good figure through his clothes."

It's so beautiful in my heart, boyfriend!

"It's not the same as those idols, Xiao Xiaobai is—"

Xiao Xiaobai is very majestic!

However, this sentence was interrupted.

"Cough—" Bai Yujing pulled on his tie, coughing clear.

Nianxin smiled and took the waiter away: "Let's make cups!"

After the doctor came back, he found that there was no one in the seat, and asked, "Mr. Bai, where is your girlfriend?"

Actually, I haven't introduced Nianxin's identity along the way, but most people feel that way.

Bai Yujing drank a sip of white water without explaining: "I'm going to play."

The doctor smiled and said nothing. It does look very small, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a little girl being spoiled.

At the counter, Nianxin chose a pastry and stood there waiting for her cup.

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