You For Eternity

Chapter 1031: One twin for a lifetime (10)

To be reasonable, Chu Chu's behavior was a bit unusual. He glanced out calmly, and did not see any acquaintances.

But at the entrance, a car drove out of his sight.

The car quickly drove out of his field of vision, and just for an instant, only the black rear of the car and a few numbers on the license plate were seen.

It flashed by, and soon disappeared.

His instinct tells him that it should be that car, and there is someone in that car.

This can also explain why she wants to leave in a hurry, but she doesn't have to go to the appointment. She wants him to avoid who is in the car.

But he didn't continue discussing the matter. Since she didn't want him to see it, it was as she wished.


Bai Yujing clearly breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Nianxin getting in the car, she had no time to hide.

He is also a thoughtful person, and he sees all the abnormal behaviors of Nianxin.

Sure enough, there is something, this will find a way to hold him.

But he didn't intend to ask more, he couldn't see most of the people she didn't want to see.

"Didn't you go to the hospital?" Nianxin saw that the route was wrong. This is not the way to the hospital, it's the opposite direction.

He should go back to the hospital for a review.

"It's too late, go to the airport." Bai Yujing said.

"Airport?" Nianxin blinked, "What are you going to do at the airport? Will you pick up friends?"

"Your father."

"Cough...cough cough cough!" Bai Yujing said these three words in a very flat tone, but Nianxin was choked by her saliva to the point where she couldn't speak.

She patted her chest, and finally eased: "You said...who?"

"Your father, my eldest brother."

Clearly organized, nothing wrong!

Nianxin waited for a pair of big round eyes: "Shall we... pick him up? Why did he come here?"

Especially this time!

She and Xiaobai only had a showdown, and thought that at least they would be able to get away for a while without worrying about others. Why did that person come over at this time...

Are they...

Nianxin looked at Bai Yujing on the side, his expression didn't even change, just as usual, Taishan collapsed in front of her eyes.

How could he be so calm...

Now she is not alone in giving affection, so is he. Will he be okay when he sees his father?

"He came to see me."


Xiao Bai was injured. His father should have come to see him the first time, but because of the busy affairs of the Bai family, he could not get away.

Now I finally have time to come, but it just happens to be now...

"Then we..."

"You know, at least in front of Big Brother, you should pay attention," Bai Yujing looked forward with plain eyes, "Otherwise, no one can help us."

Nianxin couldn't tell, his heart was not at all peaceful.

Guilt, contradictions, and all kinds of complicated emotions fought in my heart, and it took a long time to calm down.

The eldest brother suddenly came over, and he was also surprised. He only heard from him when he had just eaten. At that time, Kan Nixin was eating and didn't want to disturb her mood.


Nianxin noticed that he used "we", not "you" anymore.

Are they already a community?

"Don't worry, no one knows for so many years."

She likes him, and only he knows it all the time, so she won't show her feet.

Bai Yujing didn't say anything.

His eyes settled, his thoughts were confused, and his brows were tightly frowned.

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