You For Eternity

Chapter 1041: One twin for a lifetime (20)

In fact, there is a word in Nianxin's heart that didn't say, although you don't have a daughter, you have Lan Fei...

But she didn't let herself continue to think about these things.

Two people come out well, don't think about those who are irrelevant.

He didn't understand women's clothes, so the task of picking clothes for Nianxin was handed over to the clerk, asking her to choose a good-looking one for her.

The clerk was very talkative and said with a smile: "The young lady is so beautiful, she must look good in everything! But rest assured, I will pick the best looking one for her!"


Her enthusiasm didn't get Bai Yujing's extra response, it was still cold.

In the clothing room, the clerk was helping Nianxin dress while saying, "Is that your boyfriend or your husband outside?"


When Nianxin heard these two words, her cheeks flushed slightly.

But this kind of relationship, she couldn't even think of it.

Even if she thought, Xiao Bai didn't dare to take that step.

She looked in the mirror and said, "Why do you feel that? Someone just thought I was wrapped up by him."

"How can it be?" she said with a smile, "girl, your temperament is not right at first sight, and I have been working here for so many years, come in pairs, the kind of delicate relationship between them, I can I can feel that it’s covered, not to mention that it’s 100% correct, but at least 90% of it won’t be wrong."

In fact, being recognized as that kind of relationship, Nianxin herself finds it absurd.

What does she look like?

This can only show that what a person has in his heart depends on what others are. Different eyes see different things.

Bai Yujing sat on the sofa outside and waited. As soon as the door of the clothing room opened, the clerk stood at the door and leaned over slightly: "Sir, please see how this body is?"

He raised his head and was stunned for a moment when he saw the person in front of him.

It was a short and mid-length pleated skirt. The lavender color made her skin like snow. The skirt was just knee-length, sleeveless, tube top style, faintly, crisp|breast half exposed...

It was one thing that he saw, and even had a blind date with her, but now it is another thing to look at it like this.

The little girl who was once has been transformed into a female big eighteen, and has become like this little woman now.

She rarely wears this kind of semi-formal skirt, and now she put it on, giving him a bright feeling.

The clerk stepped on the floor with bare feet before matching her shoes.

Nianxin was a little embarrassed by his scorching gaze. She moved her feet and asked awkwardly, "No... isn't it good?"

Seeing Bai Yujing's incomprehensible eyes, the clerk was also stunned. This skirt can be worn to make her figure more perfect. It stands to reason that such a dress must be able to attract the attention of men, is it yourself? guessed wrong?

"It's okay..." She smiled, "If your husband doesn't like this dress, I will choose another one!"

Bai Yujing was silent, stood up, walked over to Nianxin, and said calmly, "Replace it."

"Oh..." Nianxin bit her lip before turning around and entering the clothing room.

In my heart... is an indescribable feeling.

He may not have found the source yet, but the biggest obsession is that, in any case, he can't let the second man see her like this, especially Lan Ye.

He grabbed the clerk's hand and said, "She's still a child, don't match it."

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