You For Eternity

Chapter 1043: One twin for a lifetime (22)

Bai Yuming is the patriarch. Although he is Bai Yujing's eldest brother, he is several rounds older than him. He could even hold down Bai Yujing, and Lan Ye, the yellow-haired boy, was naturally not a problem.

In front of Bai Yuming, Lan Ye was obviously more serious than in front of Bai Yujing, and he didn't mess around. He smiled and said, "Master Bai has misunderstood, there is nothing wrong."

"En." Bai Yujing responded in the same way and sat down.

He generally doesn't do anything inappropriate in front of his eldest brother.

Nianxin sat between Bai Yujing and Lan Ye.

Since both of them said so, even if Bai Yuming knew that something must be happening, he still didn't say anything. He just nodded and said, "It's okay. The Lan family and the Bai family are married. Now, Xiaojing is older than you, and he will be your brother-in-law in the future. You should get along well with these two points, and nothing will happen."

"That's the natural Lord Bai," Lan Ye looked at Bai Yujing who was aside after talking to Bai Yuming, "You think so, brother-in-law?"

The words "Brother-in-law" were spoken loudly and slowly, as if to emphasize.

"Furthermore," Lan Ye said, with a hand on Nianxin's shoulder, clasping her and said, "I can do it with Nianxin, thanks to my future brother-in-law's help. I thank him for not having time."

Bai Yujing raised his eyes.

Nianxin glared at him: "Who is going to be with you——"

"I know you are thin-skinned and dare not admit it in front of Lord Bai, but since that night we already..."

Nianxin wanted to take his hand away from him, but failed. He pressed it tightly.

"What's the matter?" Bai Yuming asked suspiciously.


Lan Ye buckled her shoulders and pulled them into his arms, and buckled them to prevent her from breaking free: "Master Bai, I didn’t take care of Mind. For this, I must apologize to you, Bai I've recognized it no matter how he punishes him. But Nianxin's innocence cannot be destroyed, so taking advantage of the presence of Lord Bai and Erye today, Lan Ye bravely proposed marriage to the second master, hoping to marry Nianxin into my Lan family."

Rao was always calm Bai Yujing. After hearing this, his hand on the table moved slightly, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Nianxin was shocked and looked at him with wide eyes.

Originally thought that Lan Ye was going to do something demon tonight, who knew that he actually proposed to his father directly? ?

Even though he knew that Lan Ye had no score, he didn't expect him to say that.

I always thought that Lan Ye was just talking for fun. He looked down on her so much and definitely wouldn't really let her be the hostess of the Lan family. As a result, now...

"Master Bai, I know that I was a little a little agitated today. I really didn't know that Master Bai would come over these few days. I didn't prepare anything. I originally wanted to make plans after He Nianxin returned to Jiangchuan. I choose now. In other words, I am afraid that if it is delayed, you will misunderstand your thoughts and cause discord between your father and daughter."

If Nianxin and Bai Yujing hadn't already known his true face, I'm afraid they would have been deceived by his present appearance, right?

The first time I met, it would really be because of what kind of gentleman he is.

Bai Yujing previously thought that he would change his evil and return to righteousness when he grew up, and was no longer the one who used to bully Nianxin with Bai Xi. Lan Ye even pretended to pretend to be in front of him at first. Since being dismantled, he has revealed his nature. Now he is pretending to be garlic in front of his eldest brother.

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