You For Eternity

Chapter 1058: One twin for a lifetime (37)

Most people don't believe that Qian Churui will commit suicide.

Because she has a criminal record.

Since pregnancy can pretend, why can't suicide?

Therefore, Xiao Wanfeng and Su Yue, who received the news, disagreed, and called Xiao Yuanhang to let him look carefully and don't be deceived again.

"I know, I'll go there first." Xiao Yuanhang didn't say anything, and hung up the phone in a hurry.

No matter if she is deceiving or not, since such a thing has happened, she should go and take a look anyway.

In fact, let alone the Xiao family, even Qian Churui's biological mother Liu Hui, when she heard the news, she thought her daughter must have done the trick again.

who is she? She is her mother, can she not understand her?

But she was wrong. When she went to the hospital, she was sure that it was true. When the doctor said that she had eaten a lot, she almost didn't get it back!

The doctor said it several times, but fortunately it was found early, otherwise Hua Tuo would have no choice in the reborn!

When Liu Hui heard it, her legs softened and almost fainted.

Fortunately, it was rescued and there was nothing serious about it.

However, the rescue was saved, and when Chu Chu and Xiao Yuanhang passed, Qian Churui still hadn't woken up.

Stomach lavage is a very painful thing. Qian Churui was lying on the hospital bed after washing her stomach, her face looked exceptionally pale and there was no blood to speak of. It was nothing like the domineering Qian Churui before. .

Chu Chu looked at Qian Churui like this, feeling a little strange in her heart for a moment.

Human nature is good, but she took a detour halfway.

Otherwise, it would not end up in the land as it is today.

Liu Hui saw Xiao Yuanhang coming, and then saw Chu Chu beside him, her eyes suddenly became a little complicated.

Now that so many people are present, it is really difficult for her to hold Chu Chu accountable, although from the bottom of her heart she always feels that her daughter has become like this because of her!

So she could only ignore Chu Chu's existence, rushed towards Xiao Yuanhang, grabbed his hand, and begged him with tears and nose: " can save our family Churui... I'm just a daughter like her, you can't die without saving..."

Xiao Yuanhang raised his eyes and looked at her. This time, she was real.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he still couldn't believe it, and it was a bit different from the Churui he knew.

"Auntie, instead of begging me, you might as well wait for Chu Rui to wake up, enlighten her and accompany her more these days, don't let her think about it anymore."

"You need to tie the bell..." Liu Hui wiped her tears, crying and knelt down on the spot, "Even if I beg you, at least you can accompany her more during this period and let her Cheer up...I can't lose this daughter..."

"Hey..." Qian Chenghai sighed, not knowing what to say.

He also didn't expect Chu Rui to come to this point.

Worry is long gone, and all that is left is sigh.

"Auntie..." Xiao Yuanhang was shocked and leaned over to help her up, "Don't be like this..."

Even if the mother and daughter had done too many bad things before, he still couldn't bear this kneel.

Chu Chu stood aside, did not participate in the incident, and went around to comfort his father.

She didn't want to comment on anything, but she guessed that Xiao Yuanhang must have no way to refuse, there is no suspense.

This kind of soft-hearted pleading posture can't be rejected by anyone with flesh and blood.

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