You For Eternity

Chapter 1090: One twin for a lifetime (69)

But when a man and a man compete, no one will easily admit defeat.

Before the other party said to stop, for the sake of one's own dignity, he had to fight to the end.

Bai Yujing's performance was not so obvious, but he was obviously a little unbearable because of being dizzy. He frowned, ha ha Lan Ye said, "Does it make sense for you to continue like this?"

"Who said I supported it? I'm fine!" Lan Ye is the kind that is easier to see, "I can still sit again--"

At this point, the words stopped suddenly.

People can't set up a flag easily. What if the little girl has to play for a few more rounds once this is said? !

Then he really can't hold it!

Seeing Bai Yujing seemed to be able to hold it...

Damn, how could he do this?

"I think Erye Bai should give up as soon as possible! You are a busy person, and you, a person who has nothing to do with me, win or lose here?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not busy today," Bai Yujing said, "What's more, I'm not competing with you to win or lose. Wei Young wants to play, I just play with her, you think too much. But you, it seems from the beginning It's very uncomfortable. At the end of this lap, let's go and rest."

"You read it wrong! I'm very comfortable!"

Sister-in-law, can you stop playing?


"What lap is this?" Nianxin yawned while propping his head on the periphery.

After staring for too long, she was almost hypnotized after turning around.

Zhan Yan shook his head, rubbed his eyes, and whispered: "I don't know, I'm a little dizzy..."

"Right?" Nian Xin asked back.

They were dizzy when they looked outside, but the three inside haven't played enough?

"Gang Zhen, Zhanyan Oppa," Nianxin called to him, "Shall we go back with the team? Let the three of them play until the wasteland is old, I'm almost dizzy..."

Fortunately, it is a working day. Both adults and children spend half less time than on holidays. There are not so many people who come to play with coffee cups. There are so many coffee cups in each circle, so the three of them don’t have to line up. , Played round after round.

"..." Zhan Yan frowned, as if he was also considering Nianxin's suggestion, "Er Ye will go crazy, right?"

Hmm...that's true.

Nianxin's head casually leaned against Zhan Yan, and said, "No... I'm so dizzy... Let me lean on it for a while."

"Yes." Zhan Yan immediately straightened his body more, standing like loose, letting Nianxin lean safely without falling.


Bai Yujing's gaze accidentally saw Nianxin standing outside the circle.

Nianxin leaned on Zhan Yan's arm, closed his eyes, and the surrounding crowd looked like decorations, only the two of them, and the years were peaceful.

In fact, Zhan Yan's appearance is not low, and it is a very seductive male **** to pull it out, but usually under the aura of Bai Yujing, it does not appear so prominent.

Just a single person caught up and stood with Nianxin, and there was no sense of disharmony. I didn't know it, and thought they were young lovers.

Unfortunately, Lan Ye's sight was also thrown away, seeing this scene as well, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Stop playing after this lap, agree?" Lan Ye squinted at Bai Yujing.

Hilarious! What are they winning or losing here?

Now Bai Yujing's cronies have come to get in too, so courageous!


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