You For Eternity

Chapter 1094: One twin for a lifetime (73)

Gu Tong was speechless all the way, mainly because he was depressed and didn't want to say anything.

She turned to look at the backward scenery outside the window, leaned on the seat, and sighed unconsciously.

Chu Chu originally wanted to talk to her, but in the end he gave it up. Tong Tong is cheerful and talkative, and now she has become taciturn due to personal matters, and she can't change it with a few words.

When approaching Uncle Li's house, Chu Chu tried to warm up the atmosphere: "Dame Gu, this is almost here. Where do you want to do this work? Where can I park?"

However, Gu Tong seemed to hear nothing, and did not answer.

Chu Chu looked back, Gu Tong looked out the window blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Qianyi and Chu Chu looked at each other, shrugged, and said they didn't know.

Chu Chu turned back and looked at Li Hengzhi again. The two looked at each other, Li Hengzhi shook his head and asked her to forget.

So the car stopped directly downstairs in Uncle Li's residential quarter, and a few people got out of the car. Gu Tong also got out of the car, without mentioning that he was going to work.

So Chu Chu didn't mention it any more, she was not so ignorant.


"I thought you weren't coming." Aunt Li came to open the door for them, very enthusiastic, and then saw Gu Tong on the side, "Ah, Tongtong, you are here too? Fortunately, I have done a few more people, and God bless you too. Really... I didn't tell me in advance."

"Auntie, I was abrupt... Actually no one called me."

"What a surprise!" Aunt Li saw Gu Tong, not to mention being happier, "It would be great for you to come! Come in, don't stand at the door."

Qianyi went in and called people one by one.

Aunt Li hugged Qianyi and spoke loudly to a certain room: "God, why are you hiding in the room like a girl with a yellow flower? Tongtong is here—"

Gu Tong looked over, and there was no response in that room. He didn't know, and thought there was no one in it.

Aunt Li didn't know that the two of them had a conflict, so she muttered, "What's the matter, this kid...what's going on by hiding in the room alone?"

Li Hengzhi said: "Forget about it, aunt, pack up and eat, let you wait for us, you are all hungry."

As soon as Aunt Li thought it was reasonable, everyone just got off work. They must have starved to death at the moment, so they stopped talking, and called Uncle Li to go and set the table together.

Chu Chu looked at the frowning Tong Tong and slapped her lightly, "Don't worry, it's okay, he can still eat because of you if he doesn't come out? I don't believe he can starve himself."

Chu Chu didn't expect that she would become proverbial, and everyone was sitting in their seats, and Li Tianyou did not come out of the room.

Aunt Li looked back and looked strange, "What is this brat doing today? Why haven't you come out to eat?"

"I'll go and see," Li Hengzhi put down his bowl and chopsticks, stood up, and knocked on the door. "Li Tianyou, after eating, what are you doing inside?"

He also tried to open the door.


It was locked.

This stinky boy, really intends to be stubborn to the end, not going out for dinner?

Uncle Li didn't know what had happened, but he still said, "Forget it, leave him alone, come over to eat, and starve him without eating."

Seeing that Gu Tong's expression was not good, Chu Chu hurriedly said: "It's alright, come over for dinner, he'll starve to death."

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