You For Eternity

Chapter 1111: One twin for a lifetime (90)

Although Qianyi always ridiculed her as a road idiot, she was not a purebred road idiot in the sense of a **** level, but she had a poor sense of direction.

She is not so stupid that she can't see things in two completely opposite directions!

The X factory is east of Haicheng, and he is almost driving to the western suburbs!

Realizing something was wrong, Chu Chu immediately called the police.

However, the driver seemed to see Chu Chu’s small movements through the rearview mirror, a drift, and directly threw Chu Chu from the left to the right. The phone did not know where it fell under the seat. She went to find it as quickly as possible. It was also because the car was too dark to see anything, so it was not found.

After waiting for the object that was suspected to be a mobile phone to be easily touched, another drifting in the opposite direction to the previous one slammed Chu Chu back, and his body slammed into the car door.

Just as Chu Chu was thinking about whether to do anything to the driver, and what the consequences would be after doing it, the car suddenly stopped.

Chu Chu sat up with one of his arms. As soon as he was about to start, the door of the car was opened from the outside.

She turned her head and saw that it was a man she didn't know at all. He had a neat suit, but he looked like he was a layman, not a character with a master's formula.

The man bent over respectfully: "Miss Qian, please get off the car."

"Who is your master?"

"Master Moni."

Unexpectedly, that person would answer so honestly, and Chu Chu was taken aback.

Chu Chu was observing the place where she was now, and the surrounding area was pitch black. Except for the large European-style villa in front of her, there seemed to be no other people around.

She seemed to know here that Li Hengzhi passed by when she was driving her for a drive. At that time, she saw that it was very beautiful. He told her that the owner hardly lived in Haicheng, so if it was vacant, she would rent it from elsewhere. The rich people in Haicheng.

Because it is grand enough and luxurious enough to support the vanity of those rich people, there are quite a few renters, and some people can rent it for half a year and a year, so it's really impossible not to make an appointment in advance.

Li Hengzhi agreed to her. If she likes it, she can take her to live here for a while when she is free.

She said at the time that she didn't need to waste money, but she still wanted to go in and have a look. Unexpectedly, Moni would get her first...

Chu Chu hesitated, thinking in her heart, if she didn't get out of the car, would they use compulsory methods?

She said why Moni let her go so simply, it turned out that she had already thought about the next move.

She really didn't expect him to arrange his own staff directly in the clubhouse.

It seems that this person... really came prepared.

"Miss Qian, please get off," the man repeated, "Master Moni is waiting for you inside."

"What if I say no?"

The man replied in no hurry: "Master Moni only asked me to take Miss Qian, and he didn't say how to take it."


Is he threatening her?

Chu Chu took the mobile phone out of the car and carried him, but he couldn't escape his eyes: "Miss Qian, I will keep the mobile phone for you."

Looking at the stretched hand, Chu Chu was very reluctant but reluctantly placed it on his hand.

Forget it, she won't give her time for help anyway.

Chu Chu got out of the car and scanned the surroundings to confirm his situation.

First of all, here are all Moni's people.

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