You For Eternity

Chapter 1115: One twin for a lifetime (94)

Monica was stunned for a moment, and immediately judged that she was also involved twice, and immediately shot again without hesitation.

Just now Chu Chu thought that Monica was just accidental, but her next move made her sure, and she had also learned it.

It seems that Monica who stayed with Moni is not just his woman.

Is this the legendary "bodyguard"?'s quite appropriate.

In reality, there is not much time left for her to think about other things, because the woman immediately attacked and looked like she would not spare Chu Chu.

Chu Chu didn't have time to think about her purpose, and while dodge, she waited for an opportunity to counter her.

It's hard to say who is strong and who is weak. Of course, a few seconds of contest will not tell the difference between winners and losers, because soon someone will stop.

Moni's voice came from a little bit inside.

She didn't understand what she said, but Monica understood it anyway, and her expression didn't look good when she stopped.

Seems to stare at her?

Her step aside, Chu Chu also put away her posture.

You can't go out anymore. Now the only way is to go in and explain to Moni, maybe you can go out completely today.

However, the more he walked, the more confused he heard, Chu Chu vaguely understood something, but when he walked over and saw the scene in front of him, his eyes widened in surprise.

She only dared to watch the scene once.

The lighting was very ambiguous, and there were all kinds of *** props in the room, all kinds of items, she was dumbfounded, you can say...

She hadn't even read many of them, and she didn't know what it was!

A woman was tied to a prop. She didn't dare to watch that scene any more, and she turned her head immediately.

The moment she turned her head, the look of Kong Weiwei flashed in her mind.

Could it be that……

She also experienced this?

Chu Chu wanted to scold dirty now.

"Here?" Moni's light voice floated from the front, "Don't want to watch?"

"I don't want to..."

Even though she is no longer a yellow girl, but let her look at the bodies of other men, I'm sorry, she doesn't have such a heavy hobby!

She doesn't even have that interest. Would you like to "appreciate" any live broadcast?

"It's boring." After Moni said that, he just went to play with him.

Chu Chu was fortunate that Moni didn't seem to want her to join, as if she was deliberately letting her come in to "watch" purely to see her funny expression.

Chu Chu turned her back, covering her ears, trying to escape the disaster.

Moni was in the mood, and seemed to be ignorant of her, so he played happily, playing very high.

Although Chu Chu was covering her ears, it still didn't work, and she could still hear those voices.

No stranger to her, but...

It's really disgusting to hear it another way!

She stood there for seconds.

In front of Chu Chu, standing Monica, she walked towards her, glanced at her disdainfully, and then joined.

Chu Chu suddenly felt his hairs stand up, and his whole body trembled three times, feeling that the overnight meal he ate last night was about to be vomited out by them!

How can you be so faceless and skinless?

Moni was very satisfied with this, as if he had felt greater fun, ups and downs.

I don't know how long it has passed before the cloud and rain that overturned Chu Chu's three views stopped. The space where she was standing was filled with a blushing smell.

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