You For Eternity

Chapter 1140: One double for a lifetime (119)

Although Nianxin felt a little strange, because the person was Xiao Bai, she didn't worry too much.

Even if people all over the world are going to harm her, Xiao Bai will not do anything to harm her.

She believed that as always.

Along the way, Nianxin carefully observed the surrounding situation. If she read it right, there were really only the two of them.

If it’s an office, would you just take her alone?

But if it's a private matter...

Nianxin secretly glanced at the man next to her, as if there was a deer colliding in her heart, it hit her heart pounding and pounding.

This strange experience made her feel as if Xiao Bai wanted to elope her.


Nianxin shook his head immediately after thinking about it.

It's impossible, Xiaobai is so serious about love and righteousness, how could she give up her responsibilities for her?

The city where the Isle of Man is located is a bit far from Haicheng. A few hours later, the plane arrived at the destination.

It is an independent island with a sea area in between. If you want to go past, you have to take a boat or take a private helicopter. The price is relatively more expensive.

Of course, Bai Yujing is not bad for this amount of money. As long as he is willing, it is not a problem to buy one directly, but Nianxin said that he has taken enough planes and didn't want to fly in the sky anymore, so he boarded the ferry with others.

Even though they look like an ordinary couple, their dazzling looks and unique temperament still attract a lot of attention.

Nianxin took his arm and accepted everyone's gaze very naturally.

When Bai Yujing went to the bathroom, a little girl came up to talk to Nianxin: "Is that your boyfriend?"

"Yes." Nianxin admitted with a smile.

There seemed to be a gleam in her eyes.

That's great...

This situation is like the dream she has had countless times?

In a place where no one knew them, no one would doubt their relationship.

"So handsome... how did you meet?"

"Go right."


"He is my uncle."

"Huh?" The little girl was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed, "If you don't want to tell me, don't tell me, I will just ask."

Nianxin just smiles, without explaining anything.

When Bai Yujing came back, the little girl had already left, leaving her alone with a smile.

He looked into the distance and found nothing wrong. "What's so funny?"

"It's nothing." Nianxin replied, and put his arm around him.

All the white royal sceneries of the Isle of Man have been prepared in advance. The island of Man has beautiful scenery and prosperous economy. It is one of the tourist attractions with a high return rate.

The decision was made at the moment when Nian Xin was down, and I must come back again in the future.

She turned to look at Bai Yujing, and was silent.

Only next time, the person standing next to her is no longer him, right?

At night, Nian Xin, who woke up after a long sleep, didn't see Bai Yujing, so she got down from the second floor of the holiday house.

There is no one in the huge villa. She has to wonder if she is still dreaming. In fact, she has never been to the Isle of Man?

"Uncle?" She tried to shout a few times.

Fortunately, within a few seconds, a voice replied: "In the kitchen."

Hearing that familiar voice, Nianxin's complexion suddenly improved.

Not a dream! She is really on the Isle of Man with Xiaobai!

From departure to now, she really hasn't seen the third person who is familiar.

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