You For Eternity

Chapter 1171: One double for a lifetime (150)

Bai Yujing seemed to have not heard it, and still said to himself: "BYJ, it's not my name either."

"Of course it's not your name!" Nian Xin answered anxiously, "This is what I gave to Brother Zhan Yan, how come there is your name."

"Xiao Bai," he still couldn't hear her, and raised his eyes instead, "how do I think it's this?"


"Help me put it on." He interrupted her.

Nianxin: "..."

"Put it on."

Nianxin deceived, took it, and put the hand rope into his left hand.

At first glance, he laughed.

When she made this red hand rope for him, she didn’t think so much, nor did she consider the suitability or inappropriateness, but now she really sees him as a big man, or a man with an unusual identity like him, with red in her hands. Hand strap, how funny it looks.

"Do you really want to wear it? You said that your second master, you will pick up your gun in the future, and people will not laugh when they see the red hand rope in your hand?"

"Don't worry, I'm not a left-handed, holding a gun in my right hand."

"..." This is not the point, okay.

Bai Yujing looked at his hand, although there was no expression on his face, there were ripples in his heart.

"I wear it, and there is your memory in my body. In my next life, I can rely on it to find you."

Nian Xin, who was originally smiling, froze after hearing this sentence.

She lowered her head slightly, in a bad mood.

How can there be any next life...

Human beings live in this life, and when they die, there is nothing, turned into ashes, and become dust in this world.

It is a ridiculous child's idea to pin his hopes on the next life, and he can't help but understand.

"X.B, it's Xiao Bai, and it's also'heart' and'white', right? You and me."

Nianxin raised her eyelids and was dazed.

It turns out that he knew...

He grabbed Nianxin's hand, and his voice was low and deep: "I'm a little sleepy, take a nap."

Before Nianxin could react, he closed his eyes after saying that.

Time was passing, Nianxin always felt wrong, and shook his hand gently: "Xiao Bai?"

He did not respond.


Only a few seconds later, it was impossible for him to sleep so deeply.

She felt the high temperature of his body when she remembered, and shouted a few more times. After she still didn't respond, she turned and ran out: "Zhan Yan! Xiao Bai is not right!"

Zhan Yan in Wangfeng heard that he hurried back to the house and took a sniff: "It's not good...Second Master's breath is very weak."

Nianxin was shocked: "What do you mean..."

"Miss Nianxin, help!"

Nianxin helped Bai Yujing onto Zhan Yan's back.

"I'll take the second master to the hospital now! And, Master Bai will know right away, Miss Nianxin, you can't go out, go back to the room quickly, and I will notify you of any news."


The new week is here again.

Nianxin didn't sleep last night, and sat alone in the room until dawn.

Bai Yujing was sent to the hospital, but she was still in confinement and was not allowed to go out. She wanted to go to the hospital to see him, but she knew that her father would not allow it.

He might...

They are not even allowed to see one more time.

Zhan Yan didn't come back all night, so she probably could guess the seriousness of the situation.

In the middle of the night, Zhan Yan sent back specially.

My father also went to the hospital, and the guards at home were not so strict. Everyone was worried about Xiaobai, and they didn't want to control whether anyone would inform Nianxin.

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